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本文(金钱是万恶的根源 英语辩论 正方—辩.doc)为本站会员(顺腾)主动上传,文库网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知文库网(发送邮件至13560552955@163.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

金钱是万恶的根源 英语辩论 正方—辩.doc

1、.Its an honor to begin our debate.Im debate one of positive side 英语辩论 正方陈词:After careful consideration, our group decided to support the viewpoint that money is the root of all evil,This means, the idea that according to how much money to determine the social status and social property possession ar

2、e wrong.For the society,money brings the society fraud, family alienation, social injustice and money worship.For us, money will only bring pain and distress, will only block our progress.We used to be full of love and justice,But money confused us, let us regardless of right and wrong and become th

3、e men of his own hate.So, we support the money is the root of all evil.论点一:People become bosom friends, the first thing is trust.Now we can see there are a lot of MLM organization around us,it makes people lose reason, regardless of the family, and even cheat your friends to achieve their own purpos

4、es.Do you think the money has played a positive role in this field?how can we forgive this kind of behavior!论点二:Similarly, money let family alienation.A lot of people dont know Return grace of parental rearing after rich, but look down upon his poor relatives.No matter how rich a person is, the most

5、 important things are to remember ones roots and be thankful.But Gratitude and greed go not together.Money only makes people measured feelings by the interests and forgets the source of origin.论点三:We cant deny that it makes our life more comfortable,but let a person get drunk in luxury life.To the r

6、ich second generation,Their parents have given them everything they need, without any effort on the kids part, they make no attempt to make progress,only become a little contribution to society.论点四:Finally I want to say Money distort humanity, desperate for a profit.In a persons growth stage it is not good to take money seriously,also,The idea of money as the first priority didnt conducive to the construction of a harmonious society.

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