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2、几个工作单位。(1)工作区;(2)到达分拣区;(3)自动存储/检索系统(AS / RS);(4)冷藏区;(5)精神药品储存区;(6)拣货区;(7)包装加工区;(8)收集和发布;和(9)服务区。2.4.2 SLP的应用1. 分析物流关系(见图2.1)和非关系的物流(见图2.2)工作单位之间。 2. 测定的物流关系和非物流关系的相对重要性。 Y的医药物流中心,两个关系的权重为1:1。 3. 量化物流强度等级和非物流关系的紧密程度。通常情况下,A = 4,E = 3,I = 2,O = 1,U = 0,X = -1。 4. 当的工作单元的数量是N,可以使用以下等式来计算的总匹配数:P = N(N -

3、 1)/ 2。在这里,N = 9 SOP = 36。5. 计算工作单位之间的复合关系(见表2.4)。 6. 切换复合相关分数(见表2.4)到复合关联密切程度等级(参见表2.5)。然后,绘制复合相关图表(参见图2.3)。 7. 确定所有的工作单位的相对位置。根据图2.3,工作单位的复合物的相关性越高,它们的距离越短(见图2.4)。8. 分析移动线。物流中心的移动线因不同的土地和物流产品而不同。有五种类型,即I, L, U, O,和S。I型是最简单的,它适用于矩形物流中心的入口到出口。S型是最复杂的,很适用于安排一个很长的物流路线。Y医药物流中心是接近长方形。 Y医药物流中心的主要活动是备货,仓储

4、,分拣,包装,配送,信息处理等诸多增值服务。为此,本文拟设计Y医药物流中心L型与U型组合(见图2.5)。9. 最终可行的布局方案。调整后,最终布置图见图2.6。图2.1工作单位之间的物流关系图2.2工作单位之间的非物流关系表2.4复合单位之间的相关性工作单位配对关系密切程度综合物流相关物流关系非物流关系等级分数等级分数分数等级12U0U00U13U0U00U14U0U00U15U0U00U16U0U00U17U0U00U18U0U00U19U0E33O23A4I26E24E3O14I25E3O14I26O1U01U27U0U00U28U0X-1-1X29U0U00U34O1O12U35O1O1




8、可能会导致不同的设计方案。如何使用计算机仿真技术来比较方案得到布局计划和其他计划是我们的一个未来的研究方向。参考文献1. Xue S (2006) Study on medicinal logistic center design and simulation. Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 2. Liu W, Lan P (2006) Improvement of systematic layout planning. Logist Technol 10: 8285 3. Shuqin W, Wei L (2008)

9、 Layout planning with a controlling structure to logistics parks. In: IEEE international conference on automation and logistics. Qingdao, China, 20392043 4. Dong Q (2008) Logistics engineering, vol 41, 2nd edn. China Communications Press, Beijing, p 254, 267 5. Zhang J (2008) Study on logistics cent

10、er facility layout design based on multi-objective programming. Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 6. Yang T, Kuo C (2003) A hierarchical AHP/DEA methodology for the facilities layout design problem. Eur J Oper Res 147:128136 7. Chen J (2009) Steel logistics park layout planning based on SLP. Wu

11、han University of Technology, Wuhan 8. Li J (2009) The application of SLP in logistics center general layout planning. Modern Economics, 8(3):21 学 生: 签字: 年 月 日 指导教师: 签字: 年 月 日英文原文Research on Logistics Center Layout Based on SLPYannan Liu and Qilan ZhaoAbstract Systematic layout planning (SLP) has be

12、en widely applied to the production system, but not to the service system. Combined with the goals, influencing factors, and conditions of logistics center layout, this paper probes into the application of SLP to the layout of the rapidly increasing logistics centers in large- andmedium-sized cities

13、 in recent years. According to the logistics relationship and nonlogistics relationship between work units in the logistics center, the author decidesthe position of work units and maps out the initial position relationship chart.Through further amendments and adjustment based on the move line and o

14、ther factors, the author gets the feasible layout plan. Finally, this paper uses a medicine logistics center in Jiang su Province as an example to design, analyze, and evaluate for the purpose of providing some theoretical basis and method for reference in the service system layout.Keywords; SLP Log

15、istics center Layout Design2.1 IntroductionSince entering the twenty-first century, the logistic industry in China has been rapidly growing up and the number of logistics centers has increased dramatically.Many large- and medium-sized cities across the country are planning to set up logistics center

16、s. Logistics center is a comprehensive, regional concentration of large quantities of materials, and it is an intermediary between production and marketing enterprises, integrating commodity flow, logistics, information flow, and cash flow . The reasonable layout of logistics centers has taken more

17、and more attention, and it is also the research focus of many scholars. At first, people use their experience and feeling to design the logistics centers. In the 1950s, developed from the traditional small systems to big and complex systems,it is difficult to design the logistics centers only with e

18、xperience. And so, with the integration development of the diverse discipline, the system engineering concept and system analysis method have been used in layout planning , and some more advanced design methods have gradually emerged. One of the most representative methods is systematic layout plann

19、ing (SLP) proposed by American R. Muther in 1961. Study on facilities layout problem is developed from qualitative stage to quantitative stage on the basis of SLP . SLP is also widely applied to various production systems and service systems . Finally, it improves to move line SLP.2.2 The Goals, Inf

20、luencing Factors, and Conditions of Logistics Center Layout2.2.1 The Goals of Logistics Center LayoutAfter determining the location of a logistics center, the overall goal of logistics center layout is to make the personnel, equipment, and material space in the logistics activity process be in the m

21、ost appropriate allocation and the most effective combination . The specific goals can be the minimum total cost of material flow, work units1 of high relationship close degree close to each other, simplifying transport routes, shortening.2.2.2 Influencing Factors of Logistics Center Layout Layout d

22、esign has a significant effect on a production performance or service system performance.For a logistics center, its layout has direct influence on logistics, information flow, the logistics operation efficiency, cost, and safety of the whole system. So the influencing factors of logistics center la

23、yout are as follows:1. The nature and function of a logistics center. Because the nature and function of the logistics centers is different, it is different to choose equipment type and quantity. The size and layout of logistics centers are also not the same.According to its core function, the logis

24、tics center has three types: transit logistics center, storage logistics center, and distribution logistics center.2. The basic operation process of a logistics center. The main activities of the logistics center are purchasing, warehousing, distribution, circulation processing, packing, returning,

25、and so on . The operation process has an influence on the move line of personnel, equipment, and material. To realize the efficient logistics, the basic operation process of a logistics center should be in consideration when layout designing.3. Logistics relationship and non-logistics relationship b

26、etween work units. Logistics relationship is that there is logistics contact between work units. And interpersonal contact, administrative affairs, and other activities can be expressed as non-logistics relationship between work units. Work units of high relationship close degree should be close to

27、each other.2.2.3 Application Conditions of SLP in the Layout of Logistics CenterIt is necessary to specify five basic elements, namely P (logistics products), Q (logistics quantity), R (logistics routes), S (service sectors), and T (logistics operation time or technology) before applying SLP to logi

28、stics center layout. The first two basic elements are the most important. Different logistics products have different demands on storage, loading, and other logistics activities. Ultimately, it leads to different logistics routes. What is more, using different logistics equipment and technology dete

29、rmines logistics operation time. The work quantity of the logistics center reflects the logistics intensity of all work units; logistics routes, distance, and logistics intensity have an influence on layout, which is reflected in the logistics cost and efficiency . Therefore, SLP can be used in the

30、layout of a logistics center based on logistics product category, logistics quantity, and other factors.2.3 The Main Steps of Layout Based on SLPUnder the guidance of SLP, the first step is to use quantification method to analyze the logistics relationship and non-logistics relationship between work

31、 units and then to get the composite correlation between work units. The close degree relationship between work units determines the distance between work units. According to that, we can arrange its location. Through further amendments and adjustment based on the move line and other factors, we can

32、 get the feasible layout plan. The specific layout procedure is as follows.2.3.1 Logistics Operation Process and Work Units SettingsThe main activities of the logistics center are purchasing, warehousing, distribution,circulation processing, packing, returning, and so on. It is necessary to make cle

33、ar the main logistics operation process before layout designing. And then, we analyze the corresponding P, Q, R, S, and T elements. Based on the analysis, we can divide the work units.2.3.2 Interrelation Analysis Between Work UnitsIt is reasonable to describe the logistics relationship between work

34、units by logistics intensity. Logistics intensity is divided into five ranks: A, E, I, O, and U, as shown in Table 2.1. We can use relationshi.2012武汉市外国语学校幼升小面试题:1、看图说话2、拼图游戏(时间限制)3、4人一组的袋鼠跳4、东西摆放(按要求摆放东西)5、搭积木(合作完成)6、运球(两人合作运球)7、才艺8、整理书包(时间限制)9、英语(跟读)10、看影片回答问题11、穿衣服12、小马过河13、装洗澡用品14、考记忆(在黑板上写10个数,



37、,哪一队先到终点哪一队取胜。第六关:送小鱼回家水池里漂着一些彩色纸做的小鱼,小朋友拿着一块硬纸扇动水面,借助水的运动把小鱼送到池边小鱼的家。第七关:拼磁铁积木照着一个图案贴,是一个小丑拿着礼品盒的图案。2.体能测试: 地面上放置四个三角形柱子,每个大约10厘米,直线排开,相邻的距离为30厘米。要求每个孩子两腿夹住一个长方形大约100克的沙包,并腿从排好的柱子间成S型蹦着穿越柱子,从一端蹦到另一端后,放下腿间沙包,拿起脚下的儿童用篮球,要求双手交替拍球5下,拍完后放稳篮球后捡起地面的一个毽子(地面上每堆毽子数目为5个),仍旧两腿夹沙包,按原方法从三角柱成S型蹦回另一端,放下毽子。循环往复,看在规

38、定的1分钟时间内谁拿的毽子最多。 儿子说他是他们那一组4个人中拿的毽子数量最多的,总共拿了3个毽子,其他三个小朋友分别拿了2个和1个。后来儿子出来的时候碰到了一个小朋友交谈发现那个小朋友该项目一个毽子都没拿到。3.即兴记忆测试 进入另一个教室,桌子上有一块桌布,老师掀开并拿走那块桌布,桌子上便显现出8张有不同用品、动物和食品图案的卡片。老师要求小朋友在20秒内记住卡片中的图案,20秒后老师拿走了其中4张卡片,问小朋友拿走的是什么图案的卡片。 儿子回答图案为:竹笋、老虎、电脑、黑熊,老师说:“真聪明!”4.动手拼图形 接下来就是拼方格,老师先给一张纸,纸上有两个正方形,一大一小,每个正方形都是由

39、不同的小正方形拼成的,有的小正方形由蓝白相间的两种颜色组成。同时提供与图形上的小正方形大小、形状以及颜色相同的实物让小朋友从中选择,照着纸上图案拼出和图案组成一模一样的图形来。 这道题儿子有两块小正方形的颜色弄错了。5.笔试题 老师发了一张A4大小的试卷,正反两面都有题目。题目有连线配对题、判断对错题、根据题目中显示的葡萄在提供的数字中选择葡萄的正确数量6.英语测试 在屏幕上有老师念英语单词,小朋友要跟着大声念,儿子说四个单词每个单词都很长,所以有3个都没太记得。7.运球测试 在起点有四张椅子,四个椅子下总共放了8个球,其中有2个稍大些的球和6个小球,要求将提供的一块折叠好的布完全展开,据儿子

40、描述大约50厘米X60厘米见方。游戏规则是四个小朋友一组,要协作分工一同把8个球全部放到布上,然后用布将球运到指定的终点,又一起运回起点,将球放进四张椅子下并将布折叠好。 儿子说同时有四个组进行此项,儿子那一组是三个男孩加一个女孩,他和其中一个男孩将球放置到布上,然后四个小朋友一人执布的一角步调一致的将球运到重点,随即折返至起点,大家一起将球还原至四张椅子下并将布折叠好。儿子这一组是最早完成的。8.生活常识测试 放一段录音,就是轰隆隆的雷雨声,要从雷雨声中辨别出是哪个季节,雷雨声过后录音中有老师说“开始”,然后在播放一段音乐的时间内从指定的物品中拿出合适的防雨器具或衣服,儿子是2号,可供选择的

41、只有雨伞,他很快的拿到雨伞,还是把自动伞,他按了雨伞的按钮就打开雨伞,一直撑着雨伞直至音乐结束。不重知识看思维入学“面试”时,老师看重的是孩子的思维能力,在口头问答中,孩子认了多少字,学了多少算术都派不上用场。例如,老师问孩子“你进校门后看到了些什么”,如果孩子平时没有观察的习惯,就答不上来了。2014年面试内容:(每批每考场都会有所区别,以下是题目总结) 试卷:大概有六题(图形一题,常识一题,自理一题,字母一题,运动一题,品德一题)a、生活常识类(大概就是生活常识、生活自理等) 交通规则:如怎么过马路; 穿鞋: 穿脱自己脚上的鞋子;叠被;脱衣服,穿衣服;地震逃生;游戏运动类传空饮料瓶;折纸;

42、钻呼啦圈;做一个休息表格;做了一个花项链;叠马;运动考得是四个小朋友站在毯子上,脚不能离开毯子,翻面学习知识类猜几何图形的变化;看图说话是排顺序编故事:把6个图编号,连成完整的故事;如父与子漫画排序说出一个数字的前后数字;数字排序:用数字贴纸给六副图贴顺序;点点连线。 考察的方面还有,礼仪,有礼貌,守秩序,轻声说话;站姿,坐姿文艺类:换教室考跳舞下午面试总结:面试内容:1、叠衣服,写爸妈的名字和电话。还有照着面谈证写自己的名字。有的孩子出来说有动笔的内容,有的说没有。进去时家长写的那个标签,老师会让孩子撕下来贴在卷子上。手工做项链;电脑里面人跳舞,然后关掉,跟着音乐自己跳;做卷子,有判断,图片排序(数字用贴纸),语音报题目、时空隧道,用呼拉圈做游戏,翻垫子。2015年面试内容:第一天: 7月10日1,跟着音乐,学跳舞(前两遍跟老师跳,没有视频,第三遍不是跟老师跳 跟音乐自己跳)2、看图,讲故事(每个小朋友图都不一样,有的是老师在教室、有的是妈妈在厨房、有的是野

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