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1、ay 10 am-2 pm, Weekends 10 am-4 pm Tel: 01882-7092, Fax: 01882-7093 英语试卷 第 6 页 (共 10 页)51. What can children do in the Class for children ? A. Play some hands-on games. B. Enjoy different food and drinks. C. Go on a tour of the machine room. D. Get some tips to protect their home. 52. Where can you

2、see the view of Carlstown? A. Outside the restaurant. B. On the wind turbine tower.C. Near the picnic area. D. In the organic gardens. 53. At what time does the centre close on Monday in April? A. 2 pm. B. 4 pm. C. 6 pm. D. 7 pm. 54. Who is the Ecoworld Discovery Centre mainly designed for? A. Eco e

3、xperts. B. Special helpers. C. Children and their parents. D. Gift shop-keepers. B Many people say dolphins are very intelligent . They seem to be able to think, understand, and learn things quickly. But are they smart like humans or more than cats or dogs? Dolphins use their brains differently from

4、 people. But scientists say dolphin intelligence and human intelligence are similar in some ways. How? Fact 1: Talk to me Like humans, every dolphin has its own “ name” . The name is a special whistle . Each dolphin chooses a specific whistle for itself, usually by its first birthday. Actually , sci

5、entists think dolphins, like p eople, “ talk ” to each other about a lot of things, such as their age, their feelings, or finding food. And, like humans, dolphins use a system of sounds and body language to communicate. But understanding their conversations is not easy for humans. No one speaks “ do

6、lphin ” yet, but some scientists are trying to learn. Fact 2: Let s play Dolphins are also social animals. They live in groups, and they often join others from different groups to play games and have fun just like people. In fact, playing together is something only intelligent animals do. Fact 3: Fi

7、shermen s helper Dolphins and humans are similar in another way: both make plans to get something they want. In the dolphin 英语试卷 第 7 页 (共 10 页)seas of southern Brazil, for example, dolphins use an interesting strategy to get food. When fish are near a boat, dolphins show signs to the fishermen to pu

8、t their nets in the water. Using this method, the men can catch a lot of fish. What is the advantage for the dolphins in doing so? They get to eat some of the fish. 55. What does a dolphin often use as its “ name” ?A. A body language. B. A special whistle . C. Its feeling. D. Its age. 56. Why do dol

9、phins join others from different groups? A. To learn to “ talk” . B. To meet their families. C. To play games. D. To find food. 57. How do dolphins help fishermen catch fish? A. By playing with other fish. B. By following fishing boats. C. By leading the fish into the net. D. By showing signs to the

10、 fishermen.58. What is the passage mainly about? A. Dolphins are smarter than humans. B. Dolphins make friends with humans. C. Dolphins teach humans to speak “ dolphin ” . D. Dolphins and humans are similar in some ways.C Well-known companies are powered by their names and reputations. When people w

11、alk into a Pizza Hut in Tokyo, Rome, or Miami, they know exactly what they re getting. Through franchising , an investor (投资者 ) can make use of this brand power by opening a Pizza Hut of his or her own. The risk is low, and the rewards can be big. No wonder franchising is such a successful business

12、model. Franchising had been around for more than 100 years, but its popularity took off in the 1950s. Leading the trend were fast food restaurants like McDonald s. These days, there are franchises in more than eighty-five industries, including dry cleaning, hotels and supermarkets. It s a very big b

13、usiness. In the US, there are some 760,000 franchises, totaling more than $1.5 trillion in yearly revenues (income). There are two sides in a franchise: the franchisor the owner of the business system and the franchisee the person who licenses the system. After signing a “ franchise agreement ” , th

14、e franchisee pays a fee. He or she also pays for equipment, supplies, and, if necessary, building costs搁D(瀀砀讀缁缀頀螏頀h椀!嬁褃褗褗鴗琀潏聠颋瀀搀昀瀀椀挀最椀昀琀潏聠颋瀀搀昀尀尀愀攀戀搀昀戀搀挀昀愀昀攀攀刀氀爀焀欀唀瘀最焀栀伀伀焀爀搀倀猀氀娀洀椀甀爀娀儀堀椀爀樀伀堀眀琀潏聠颋戀搀攀挀攀愀搀搀戀搀灓琀潏聠颋唰颐鞋荎蒁屒救葧扎鞋葧抁菿堰搰蒖鞏豻癒低屝泿藿塑罎倀唀酥葐豬衲衙職啻葓予虓虞N咔萠慶潏睝敞葧扏翿凿鞋青湏葿衣顨葶湏蝢喃葎素衣靔顨葶湏蝢喃葎樠素偵葟眀攀戀洀愀猀琀攀爀礀愀栀漀漀挀漀洀挀渀


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