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绿色施工技术交底 (4).doc

1、.Hester Prymne,Dimmesdale Chilingworth,.characters in The Scarlet Letter.89.the belief that first,nature is ennobling;and second ,.divine describes transcendentalists.90.The horizons edge,the flying sea-crow,.will always go forth every day. The two line are taken from There Was a Child Went Forth by

2、 Walt Whitman.91.Washington Irving was one of the first American. as Father of the American short stories.92.It is on his tales about America that Washington Irvings fame mainly rested.93.Nathaniel Hawthorne is the most ambivalent writer in the American literary history.94.Washington Irvings Rip Van

3、 Wrinkle is famous for Rips 20-year sleep.95.The publication of Nature established Emerson as the most eloquent.Transcendentalism.96.Which of following accounts is NOT true for Ralph Waldo Emerson? Emerson is generally known as dramatist.97.Statement”Hawthorne is a realistic writer” is wrong in desc

4、ribing most is over-reaching intellect.98.Which of .by Herman Melville is NOT true? The Confidence-Man has something to do with the sea and sailors.99.Which not finished by Ralph Waldo Emerson? Of Studies.100.Statement”Washington Irving is regarded as Father of the American long stories.”is NO

5、T true.101.Thoreau was often alone in the woods munication with nature.102.By Brown in Young Goodman Brown, Hawthorne means he is an everyman.103.Which of the following statements about The Scarlet Letter is NOT true? It explores mans never-ending search for.104.”Nothing is at last sacred but the in

6、tegrity of your mind”.from Ralph Waldo Emersons writings.105.The theme of Walt Whitmans Song of Myself may be well started as “It sings of.”106.The American Puritanism as a cultural heritage benefited the Americans in strengthening their moral values.107.”strange names were over the doors.”the above

7、 passage is taken from Irvings Rip Van Wrinkle.108.According to Hawthorne, the scarlet letter”A” which originally stood for Adultery finally obtained .109.The phrase “a transparent eye-ball”.of Emersons.It appears in Nature.110.Irving was best known for his famous short stories such as Rip Van Wrink

8、le and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.111.Emerson,Thoreau and Whitman are considered three great transcendental figures.112.The finest example of Hawthornes symbolism is reflected in his The Scarlet Letter113.In”perched upon a bust of Pallas just above my chamber door.”refers to a raven114.In Walt Whit

9、mans”There was a Child Went Forth.”The child refers to the young America.115.The writer known for his frontier novels was Jame Fenimore Cooper.116.The author of Civil Disobedience is Henry David Thoreau.117.The chief spokesman of New England Transcendentalism is Ralph Waldo Emerson.118.Whitman wrote

10、 the poem “O! Captain!My Captain!”in memory of Abraham Emerson.119.Washington Irving”s contribution to America does NOT included he paved the way towards Realism.120.”Success is counted sweetest/By those who neer succeed.” is written by Dickinson.121.Diaries,histories,journals,letters,commonplace,tr

11、avel books.of the colonial period. .狆狆良好的材料。7)合理配置空调、暖气、风扇等设施,分时分段使用,节约用电。8)临时用电优先选用节能型灯具,临电线路合理设计、布置,临电设备宜采用自动控制装置。9)采用声控、光控等节能照明灯具。10)合理配置采暖、空调、风扇数量,规定使用时间,实行分段分时使用,节约用电。五、节地措施:总平面布置应做到科学合理,充分利用原道路、管线为施工服务。施工现场的加工厂、作业棚、材料堆场应尽量靠近已有临时路线或即将修建的交通路线,缩短运输距离。施工现场的围墙可采用连续封闭的轻钢结构预制装配式活动围挡,减少建筑垃圾,保护土地。审核人交底人受交底人.

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