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1、.XX高速公路XX项目部XXXX年工作总结和XXXX年经营计划一、工程简述 xX高速公路XX标段,起讫桩号为:K00+000K50+110。起于XX市XX县XX镇庙头村,接XX高速,主线全长50.11Km主线双向四车道,路基宽度为26m,设互通3处,五通、2处服务区,匝道收费站3处;隧道4.14km /4,桥梁全长5.31km/50,线路基土石方,挖土方513万m3、挖石方379万m3、路基填筑853万m3,防护排水工程浆砌片石41.3万m3,主线桥隧比31%。1、工期目标:工程总工期42个月(含路面工程)。2、质量目标:交工验收合格率100%,优良率95%以上,缺陷责任期2年,保修期5年。3

2、、安全目标:贯彻“安全第一、预防为主”的方针, 杜绝重大安全事故发生,一般安全事故发生率小于总人数的千分之三。4、廉政建设:廉洁而正直、不贪污、不受贿、不枉法。二、2014年度工作总结本年度在公司领导、指挥部的正确指引、指挥和关心下,项目部遵从“科学管理,精心施工,注重环保,控制污染,关爱员工,安全保障,重约守信,顾客至上,优质高效,持续发展”的方针。严格执行工程施工相关技术规范、标准和设计图纸,积极推进交通部、自治区标准化施工。按征地拆迁进度,有序展开各分项工程施工。临桂项目部年初开始组建,项目经理以人为本,注重团队建设,立足科学发展观,充分发挥集体战斗力。加强进度、质量、安全、成本的动态管


4、已正常供应。2、便道建设情况1队、2队驻地建设在主线红线边,直接进入主线施工。3队队部进场便道扩建基本完成,长1.35km。4队便道全部完成,长度1.4km,纵向便道已拉通。3、临时用地征用情况目前队部(含隧道队)驻地、搅拌站场地已租用18处,总计257.7亩;施工便道已租用8处,总计95.66亩;弃土(渣)场已租地13处,总计183.9亩。4、供电情况目前有2条10KV高压线线路在建。5、施工班组到位情况桥梁施工班组1 队、2 队、4 队部分挖孔桩班组、冲孔桩班组、通涵作业班组已经到位,隧道施工分包队已进场。6、材料供应情况碎石、块石等材料由物资部统一供应。7、2014年产值完成情况项目部清

5、单总产值(不含路面):28.2亿元。各施工队完成产值情况 万元单位1队2队3队4队合计计划产值完成产值完成计划百分率(%) 8、完成主要工程量1)、路基清表原设计142万m2,完成 54 万 m3,2)、主线路基挖方原设计802万m3,完成 34 万 m3;3)、主线路基填方原设计553万 m3,完成 55 万m3;4)、涵洞/通道887m/132道,已完成377m/9道;5)、桥梁桩基原设计3439m/106根,已完成1197m。6)、边坡防护、路基排水等附属工程同路基施工同步进行。7)、隧道出口完成拱顶截水沟,边仰坡挂网喷浆,明暗交接处完成护拱,洞口正在施工管棚; 9征地拆迁工作征地拆迁工




9、认可后,全标段每个分项工程,按首件制总结报告要求指导进行施工。15、预制场建设情况计划设置6处预制场:16、质量管理强化项目部、队部管理人员的质量意识,牢固树立“百年大计,质量第一” 的方针。严格执行分项工程首件认可制度,并将首件工程的每到工序定为首件工序,上道工序未经检验合格不得进行下道工序施工,严格执行监理程序。以分项工程质量保证分部工程、单位工程和整体工程的工程质量。从控制工程原材料入手,原材料、半成品、成品材料的检测合格后方可使用。认真执行技术交底制度、施工试验检测制度、工程测量质量控制制度、隐蔽工程质量报检制度。建立了以项目经理为组长,总工程师、质检负责人为副组长,施工队队长、施工队




13、过程抓薄弱环节,盯关键部位。安全管理不图形式、不走过场。落实了特种作业人员持证上岗制度和特种设备验收制度。通过培训、讲课、播放事故案例等形式以及安装和悬挂安全标识牌、安全警示灯、安全知识宣传窗、安全知识答题竞赛,营造了浓厚的安全生产氛围。员工的安全意识,文明生产意识明显增强。一年来未发生重大安全伤亡事故。项目部以项目建设为载体,围绕营造企业文化氛围来开展工作。把企业形象和诚信是企业生存的“生命.上海市中等职业学校英语学业水平合格考试模 拟 试 卷 一Part I 听力 (20分)Section A 听句子,选出相应的图片。(5分) A B C D E F1. 2. 3 4. 5. Sectio

14、n B 根据所听到的短对话,选出最恰当的答案。(10分)( ) 6. A. Brother and sister. B. Husband and wife C. Friends. D. Parents.( ) 7. A. The school is better than before. B. The school is as good as it used to be. C. The school is not as good as it used to be. D. The school is the best one.( ) 8. A. Patient and doctor. B. Pa

15、tient and nurse C. Customer and assistant D. Doctor and nurse( ) 9. A. In department store B. At the airport C. At the railway station D. At the barbers.( ) 10. A. In the morning. B. At noon. C. At 2: 00 P.m. D. At any time.( ) 11. A. Because she doesnt smoke. B. Because she doesnt want to smoke at

16、the moment. C. Because smoke is bad to health D. Because she is not allowed to smoke now.( ) 12. A. The man is too tired to go to the movies. B. The woman wants to go to the movies. C. The man wants to go out to dinner. D. The woman does not want to go to the movies.( ) 13. A. He doesnt like salad.

17、B. He doesnt want any dinner. C. He will do anything to help. D. He prefers to make anything else.( ) 14. A. She has bought a new house. B. She needs 100 records. C. She likes jazz music. D. Shes going to borrow some records from Lisa.( ) 15. A. He wants to see a film. B. He wants to know the way to

18、 the cinema. C. He has got no idea. D. He wants to know something about the cinema.Section C根据听到的短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容。对的在括号中填T,错的填F。 (5分)( )16. The story happened on the second day of the Spring Festival.( )17. It was raining heavily at that time. ( )18. Without having breakfast, the writer ran out int

19、o the white world.( )19. There were not many children in the snow because it was too cold.( )20. They were playing happily.Part II 语言知识 (30分)Section A 语法:选择最佳答案填空。(16分)AThere are all sorts of cards _21_ different purposes and occasions. There are Christmas cards, birthday cards, Mothers Day cards, a

20、nd so on . A student _22_ have a student card and a library card. In big cities people often pay their bills with their ATM cards and credit cards. In many countries a citizen must have the ID card (identity card) with him when he is out. _23_ is common practice that people exchange name cards when

21、they are introduced to each other. It is also common to leave your card when the person you want to visit is not in his office. Many people like to play cards. One of the most popular card games is _24_. It is thought to be a good game which can improve ones intellect.( )21. A. on B. for C. with D.

22、by( )22. A. may B. needs C. would D. must( )23. A. This B. That C. It D. What( )24. A. bridge B. bridges C. a bridge D. the bridgeBMiss White is a school teacher. She has a brother and two sisters at home. They are going to school and she helps them with their lessons. Miss White likes children very

23、 much. Miss White _25_ get angry easily. If some pupils are slow to learn, she takes great trouble to explain all the lessons slowly _26_ the pupils can understand the lessons well. Sometimes, she brings certain toys into the classroom to explain a lesson. This makes her lessons very _27_.Miss White

24、 sometimes takes her pupils out for a visit to some interesting places. She believes _28_ children can learn a lot by travelling.( )25. A. wont B. dont C. doesnt D. didnt( )26. A. so as to B. so that C. in order to D. in case( )27. A. interesting B. interested C. interest D. interests( )28. A. what

25、B. which C. how D. thatSection B词汇:从下面的方框中选择最恰当的选项补全语篇。 (14分)A. artist B. accepted C. unhappy D. restaurant E. togetherF. meal G. beggar H. pay I. bill J. endedAn _29_ who did not have much money, but was a kind man, was coming home by train one day. He gave his last few coins to a _30_, but then he

26、 saw another one. He forgot that he didnt have any money. He asked the man if he would like to have lunch with him, and the beggar _31_, so they went into a small restaurant and had a good _32_. At the end, the artist could not pay the _33_, of course, so the beggar had to do so. The artist was very

27、 _34_ about this, so he said to the beggar, Come home with me in a taxi, my friend, and Ill give you back the money for lunch. Oh, no! the beggar answered quickly. I had to _35_ for your lunch, but Im not going to pay for your taxi home. 29. _ 30. _ 31. _ 32. _ 33. _ 34. _ 35. _Part III 语言功能:选择适当的问题

28、或应答。(20分)Section A 选择恰当问题。(10分)A. Whats your mother?B. Whos your mother?36- _ - Shes an accountant(会计) in a toy company.A. Guess what, Jimmy? I won the first place in the racing game.B. It took me ten years to build up my business, and it almost killed me.37- _. - Well, no pains, no gains.A. How do

29、you like your steak?B. Would you like some steak?38- _ - Well-done, please.A. Can I help you, sir?B. What are you looking for, sir?39- _. - Im looking for a shirt for myself.A. May I ask whos calling?B. Directors Office. Can I help you?40- _. - Yes. Could I speak to Mr. Ross, please?36._ 37._ 38._ 3

30、9. _ 40._Section B 选择恰当回答。(10分)A. Thanks, I will.B. Because I dont like him.41- Why dont you ask Mike to go with us? - _.A. Wish you a pleasant journey.B. Fine. See you later.42- Im flying home on Sunday morning. - _.A. Its my pleasure.B. Please dont say so.43- Its very kind of you to come and see m

31、e off. - _.A. Why not? It was really fun.B. Thats all right. I know you are busy these days.44- Im sorry I didnt make it to your party last night. - _.A. Of course I like it a lot. Its important to every one.B. In fifties and hundreds, please.45- How do you like your money, sir?- _.41._ 42._ 43._ 44

32、. _ 45._Part IV 阅读理解 (30分)A阅读以下信息并选出最恰当的答案:House for Rent 453Contemporary 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 kitchens, central air conditioning, garage, nice garden, pet ok, quiet suburb. $ 1000/month. Call Peter, 555-3356 Furnished(带家具的) Apartment 459Next to park, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, 1 kitchen, completely furn

33、ished, no pets/smokers, parking & all utilities(水、电、煤等设施) provided. $800/mo. 555-4463Unfurnished Apartment 461DOWNTOWN, super clean, 1 garage, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, 1 new kitchen, near hospital. $750/mo. 555-5884( )46.If you are interested in house 453, you can contact at _.A. 555-5633 B. 555-5884 C.

34、555-4463 D. 555-3356( )47. A sick old man should choose _.A. Apartment 459 B. Apartment 461 C. House 453 D. None of the above( )48. Which is true about apartment 461?A. It allows pets. B. It allows smoking. C. It is located in suburbs. D. It is located in downtown.( )49. The rent(租金) for Apartment 4

35、59 is _. A. $800 a month B. $750 a month C. $1,200 a month D. $ 1000/month( )50. _ is allowed in Apartment 459. A. Pet-keeping B. Smoking C. Neither pet-keeping nor smoking D. Either pet-keeping or smokingBManuel, a seventeen-year-old student, sat on his bed. He was trying to understand what had hap

36、pened. Two detectives had come to arrest him and take him to the police station. Five women were there who looked at him and shouted, “Thats the one! We know the face of the man who robbed us.”Manuel cried again and again. “I dont know what you mean. I dont know any of you!” But he went to prison an

37、yway. Manuel knew that lawyers can help people in trouble. They know ways to find out the truth. So when Manuel called his father and told him what happened, his father called a lawyer. The lawyer came to see Manuel, listened carefully, and then promised, “Dont worry, Ill be back soon.” The lawyer s

38、pent many days visiting Manuels school and asking questions about him. He also talked to the five women many times. One day as the lawyer left the person, he noticed a stranger in a long dark coat watching him. He saw how much the stranger looked like Manuel. He went back to get a policeman, and the

39、 man was brought inside for questioning(审问). “I want the five women to see this man,” said the lawyer.“Thats the one!” the women shouted when they saw him. “We know the face of the man who robbed us.”“But its not the same man,” smiled the lawyer. “Now we have the right man. I knew it could not be Ma

40、nuel. The police arrested the wrong man because both men look alike.”( )51. The best title is _. A. A Lawyer Saves Him B. Angry Women C. Clever Detectives D. A Stranger in a Long Dark Coat ( )52. Which of the following statements is true?A. Manuel was taken to the police station because he was the m

41、an who robbed the five women B. Manuel was said to be the person who robbed the five women.C. The five women who knew Manuel said that he robbed them.D. The five women know the man who robbed them.( )53. Manuels father called a lawyer because the lawyer _.A. knew who robbed the five womenB. knew how

42、 to get Manuel out of troubleC. knew the five womenD. knew Manuel well( )54. The lawyer had the stranger arrested because he noticed _.A. the stranger was wearing a long dark coatB. the stranger was watching the police stationC. the stranger and Manuel looked alikeD. the stranger asked many questions about him

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