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3、法。2 负责办公区、家属区环保工作,协助公司领导贯彻执行上级有关环保治理指示。3 积极协助公司领导协调处理环保治理方面存在的征询题,保证工作中的各种需要及事故处理中的相关保障措施。4 负责公司领导主持的有关环保会议协调工作,协助公司平安环保治理部门登记、印制有关环保文件。5 负责消费区域环境绿化与环境卫生的规划与垃圾外运。6 参加严峻环保事故的调查处理。 up7100002000006其他文案20210930195804890122SbJI1kFc/KYMUc3hzoHsR5hdyLKwVUisNsuYQ4S5tNzzZY0bwQO4AvnstQHL9CG0行政部部长副部长环保职责 1 认真宣

4、传贯彻环保的方针政策法律法规及工程部环境保护治理方法。2 负责办公区家属区环保工作,协助公司领导贯彻执行上级有关环保治理指示。3 积极协助公司领导协调处理环保治理方面存在的征询题,保证工作中的各种需要及事X0A(琀%礙琀讀缁仌缀椀秀嬂焃伍伍伍眍眍眍眍眍眍眍眍眍眍眍眍眍眍眍眍傋讟倰倀吀絎嵲瑎螋豎瀀瀀琀砀昀挀戀戀搀愀攀戀愀挀昀挀搀搀最椀昀傋讟傌倀吀絎嵲瑎螋豎瀀瀀琀砀尀尀搀昀昀昀戀攀戀戀戀愀戀挀挀愀昀攀搀焀欀氀稀琀瘀挀礀礀焀栀欀栀最椀愀攀渀伀刀最稀攀栀栀愀氀栀漀氀搀儀傋讟傋讟倀倀吀絎崀瑎螋豎桑琀琀瀀猀眀眀眀眀攀渀欀甀渀攀琀挀漀洀椀氀攀刀漀漀琀尀圀攀渀欀甀渀攀琀椀氀攀刀漀漀琀尀搀愀挀愀搀挀戀攀攀昀愀搀

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6、萀窋贀夀馍娀屝洀眀爀儀匀欀礀愀嘀儀栀儀稀吀椀栀漀嘀洀欀礀瘀圀漀稀戀娀匀堀昀爀眀一椀儀戀一瀀焀最樀礀唀栀傋讟噖屎捎捫屎瑷屎靦N艎蒋晶恛卷萀偶譚平硞虒h蒋傁晾恛倀譚葳蛿蒌究entrated on making man-made materials more and more sophisticated. 解决太阳能能源的研究一直专注于制造越来越复杂的人工材料。 It would be a delicious irony if the jigsaw was completed not by one of these snazzy new substances but by one of the ol

7、dest materials around. 如果太阳能行业这个拼图的完美不是来自于这些时尚的新材料,而来源于人 们周围一种最古老的材料,那将会是一个极大的讽刺。 【篇二】 2020年上半年英语四级考试阅读理解 The backlash against running firms like progressive schools has begun 反对公司管理像学校改革的运动已经开始 THE INTERNSHIP, a film about two middle-aged no-hopers who land work experience at Google, is a dire offe

8、ring even by the standards of Hollywood summer comedies. 挨踢实习生 是一部关于两个有工作经验没有希望转正的中年人在谷歌的 故事,即使是按好莱坞夏天喜剧的标准,这也是一部作品。 But it does get one thing right: that it is rather absurd for a technology firm to provide slides for staff to play on, and to let them wear silly propeller-hats. 但有一件事情是对的:一家科技公司为员工提

9、供幻灯片演讲是相当荒谬的, 而且让他们戴上傻螺旋桨一样的帽子。 Google is not alone in its juvenile tastes. 在对青年人的口味上谷歌不是一家。 Box, a Silicon Valley company, has installed swings in its headquarters. 硅谷的 Box 公司在其总部安装秋千。 Red Bull, an energy-drinks firm, has a reception desk in the shape of a giant skateboard in its London office. 能量饮

10、料公司红牛在其伦敦办公室内有一个巨大的滑板样的接待桌。 Businesses of all types have moved towards sitting workers in groups in open-plan rooms, just like at nursery school. 各类企业都在逐渐为员工提供开放式办公室,就像托儿所。 Time was when firms modelled themselves on the armed forces, with officers and chains of command. 企业在模仿军队的指挥官和指挥链。 Now many mod

11、el themselves on learning-through-play Montessori schools. 现在有很多通过在实践中学习蒙台梭利学校的模式。 Montessori management has plenty of supporters in the higher reaches of business. 蒙台梭利的管理拥有很多公司高层的支持。 The bosses of Google, Amazon and Wikipedia were all educated in Montessori schools. 谷歌,亚马逊和维基百科的老板都在蒙特梭利学校接受过教育。 So

12、 was Will Wright, a video-game pioneer. 视频游戏先锋威尔赖特也是这样。 Messrs Page and Brin credit their Montessori education with their enthusiasm for thinking differently. 佩奇和布林把他们对不同思维方式的热情归于他们在蒙台梭利接受的教育。 Mr Bezos thanks it for his enthusiasm for experimentationfor planting seeds and going down blind alleys as

13、he puts it. Bezos先生感谢蒙台梭利是因为他对实验的热情,正如他所说的播种和减少 弯路。 Mr Wright says SimCity comes right out of Montessori. 赖特先生说模拟城市正是出自蒙特梭利。 The nostrums of some management gurus sound remarkably like those of the progressive educationalists of the 1960s. 一些管理大师的秘方听起来非常像那些20 世纪 60 年代的教育改革者。 For example Gary Hamel,

14、of London Business School, and Jeffrey Pfeffer, of Stanford Business School, praise companies that dismantle hierarchies and encourage experimentation. 例如伦敦商学院的加里哈默尔和斯坦福大学商学院的杰弗里普费弗,称 赞公司消除等级和鼓励试验。 It is not just rich-world businesses that are buying into this philosophy: 不只是富有的企业相信这一理念: HCL Technol

15、ogies, an Indian software company, invites workers to write assessments of their bossesand publishes them. 印度软件公司 HCL邀请工人对老板进行评价并进行公开。 But it would be wrong to conclude that the success of Google and Amazon vindicates Montessori management. 但是仅用谷歌和亚马逊的成功就支持蒙特梭利管理的推断或许是错误的。 Both companies have pragma

16、tically mixed progressive ideas with more traditional ones such as encouraging internal competition and measuring performance. 这两家公司都追求实用主义, 混合了务实进取的理念, 如传统的鼓励内部竞 争和绩效量化。 Mr Bezos is also an enthusiastic employer of ex-military personnel. 贝索斯先生也是一位喜欢雇佣前军事人员的雇主。 As in education, where traditionalists

17、 have staged a counter-revolution against the progressives, some academics are now questioning Montessori managements basic assumptions particularly its faith in free-flowing creativity, endless collaboration and all things open-plan. 在教育界,保守者上演了一场反改革的运动,现在一些学者质疑蒙特梭利管 理的基本假设,特别是其对自由流动的创造力,无限的协作和完全开放

18、的信念。 For example, Morten Hansen of the University of California, Berkeley studied 182 teams who were trying to win a contract on behalf of a professional-services firm. 例如, 加州大学伯克利分校的莫滕汉森研究了试图赢得代表一个专业服务 公司的合同的 182 个团队。 He found that the more time they spent consulting others, the less likely they we

19、re to win a deal. 他发现,他们越是花更多的时间咨询别人就越不太可能赢得这笔交易。 This shows, he says, that collaboration has costs as well as benefits. 他说这说明合作有效益也有成本。 These need to be weighed against each other, instead of simply assuming that the more teamwork the better. 这些都需要对各方面进行权衡,而不是简单地假设团队合作越多结果就越 好。 Mark de Rond, a Camb

20、ridge academic who once rowed for the university, argues that the most successful teams are marked by internal competition and clashing egos as well as Kum Bay Yah-style togetherness. 曾为剑桥大学赛艇的学者马克德ROND 认为最成功的球队是存住内部竞 争和冲突以及自我风格的统一性。 A focus on interpersonal harmony can actually hurt team performanc

21、e, he suggests. 他说把重点放在人际和谐上会对球队的表现不利。 Jake Breeden, a management thinker at Duke Corporate Education, worries that too much reliance on teamwork can create a culture of learned helplessness in which managers are terrified to take decisions without yet another round of consultations. 杜克大学企业教育管理思想家杰克

22、布里登担心在管理者害怕在征求他人 意见之前做出决定的团队里过于依赖团队合作会创造一种后天性无助的文化。 Excessive collaboration can lead to the very opposite of creativity: 过多的合作可能会走向创造力的反面: groupthink, conformity and mediocrity. 群体思维,整合和平庸。 It is especially damaging at the top of an organisation. BlackBerry, a smartphone-maker, believed that having

23、two CEOs with complementary skills would produce the best of both worlds: 这对组织的顶部害处特别大。 智能手机制造商黑莓相信两位具有互补技能的 CEOs 会有的产出: Jim Balsillie was a professional manager and Mike Lazaridis was a technician. 吉姆贝尔斯利是一名职业经理人,迈克拉扎里迪斯是技术员。 The company soon discovered the truth of Napoleons dictum that one bad ge

24、neral is worth two good ones. 该公司很快就发现了拿破仑的名言:一个不好的将军好于两个好将军的真 理。 According to one survey around 70% of all offices in America have gone open-plan. 据一项调查显示,美国约70% 的办公室已经是开放式的。 Yet evidence is mounting that this is a bad idea. 然而越来越多的证据显示这是一个坏主意。 Over the past five years Gensler, a design firm, has a

25、sked more than 90,000 people in 155 companies in ten industries what they think of this way of working. 设计公司 Gensler ,在过去的五年里调查十大行业155 家公司的 90,000 人 怎么评价这种工作方式。 It has found an astonishing amount of antipathy. 发现绝大多数人对此反感。 Workers say that open-plan offices make it more difficult to concentrate, bec

26、ause the hubbub of human and electronic noise is so distracting. 他们说开放式办公室使他们更难以集中精神,因为其他人的喧闹和电子噪音 是如此令人分心。 What they really value is the ability to focus on their jobs with as few distractions as possible. 他们看重的是尽可能少分心把注意力放在工作上。 Ironically, going open-plan defeats another of Montessori managements

27、main objectives: 具有讽刺意味的是,开放式的方式击败了另一个对蒙特梭利管理的主要目 标: workers say it prevents them from collaborating, because they cannot talk without disturbing others or inviting an audience. 工作人员说这会阻碍他们合作, 因为他们不邀请别人或者想不打扰别人时就 没法进行讨论。 Other studies show that people who work in open-plan offices are more likely to

28、 suffer from high blood pressure, stress and airborne infections such as flu. 其他研究表明, 在开放式办公室工作的人更容易患高血压,压力更大大, 更 易被传染,如流感。 Time for some disciplineand separate offices 是时候进行惩罚了 - 和单独的办公室 It was the unthinking and indiscriminate application of child-centred education techniques, with little attentio

29、n paid to outcomes, that eventually brought about a backlash. 以儿童为中心的教育技术没头没脑的和不分青红皂白的应用,而且很少重视 结果,最终带来了反弹。 The more thoughtful critics did not wish to turn the clock back entirely and return to rote learning and tyrannical teachers; they simply said that structure and order have their place too. 深思

30、熟虑的批评不希望时光完全倒流到死记硬背和教师强横的时代,他们只 是说结构和顺序也有自己的位置。 The same seems to be happening now in business. 现在在商业领域似乎也有同样的情况。 Mr Breeden argues, sensibly, that managers should treat collaboration and creativity as techniques rather than dogmas. 布里登辩解说,很明显管理者应该把协作和创造力当做技巧而非教条。 Diane Hoskins of Gensler speculates

31、 that her companys findings about open-plan offices are so striking that they may mark the beginning of a new era in workplace organisation. 公司 Gensler 的黛安霍斯金斯推测, 她们公司的开放办公室表现是如此引 人注目,标志着办公室组织方式的一个新时代。 When workers start being moved back into separate booths, and the office slide is replaced with a

32、noticeboard bearing a list of staff instructions, you will know that the counter-revolution is well under way. 当工人开始被搬回到单独的办公间, 办公室不知不觉替换的一个列着员工说 明的布告板,你就会知道,反改革的工作正在顺利进行。 【篇三】 2020年上半年英语四级考试阅读理解 Nanotechnology 纳米技术 A fab result 生物工厂 A novel way of making computer memories, using bacteria 制造计算机存储器的新

33、奇方法:使用细菌 FOR half a century, the essence of progress in the computer industry has been to do more with less. 半个世纪以来,计算机产业发展的本质就是花钱更少,成事更多。 Moores law famously observes that the number of transistors which can be crammed into a given space doubles every 18 months. 摩尔定律的论断是:能够放入某空间内的晶体管数量每18 个月翻一番。 Th

34、e amount of data that can be stored has grown at a similar rate. 储存的数据也有着类似的增长速率, Yet as components get smaller, making them gets harder and more expensive. 但是随着部件越来越小,它们的制造难度和成本也逐渐增加。 On May 10th Paul Otellini, the boss of Intel, a big American chipmaker, put the price of a new chip factory at arou

35、nd $10 billion. 5 月 10日,美国芯片巨头因特尔总裁兼CEOPaul Otellini宣布将花费上百 亿美元建设新工厂。 Happily for those that lack Intels resources, there may be a cheaper option namely to mimic Mother Nature, who has been building tiny devices, 对于不像因特尔那么有钱的厂家的好消息是,他们或许可以选择更便宜的方 式模拟大自然。 in the form of living cells and their compone

36、nts, for billions of years, and has thus got rather good at it. 对于大自然来说,她建造微小设备已经有数十亿年了, 所以自然是信手拈来, 当然,这些设备都是以活细胞和其组份的形式呈现。 A paper published in Small, a nanotechnology journal, sets out the latest example of the technique. 发表在纳米技术期刊微小的一篇论文描述了这一新技术的示例, In it, a group of researchers led by Sarah Stan

37、iland at the University of Leeds, in Britain, describe using naturally occurring proteins to make arrays of tiny magnets, similar to those employed to store information in disk drives. 该技术团队由英国利兹大学的Sarah Staniland领导,他们用自然生成的蛋 白质让微型磁性材料进行排列, 这与磁盘驱动器上储存信息的磁性材料排序是类 似的。 The researchers took their inspir

38、ation from Magnetospirillum magneticum, a bacterium that is sensitive to the Earths magnetic field thanks to the presence within its cells of flecks of magnetite, a form of iron oxide. 研究人员从趋磁细菌上获得了灵感,由于该细菌内部存在磁性颗粒, 所以对 地球磁场非常敏感。 Previous work has isolated the protein that makes these miniature comp

39、asses. Using genetic engineering, the team managed to persuade a different bacteriumEscherichia coli, a ubiquitous critter that is a workhorse of biotechnologyto manufacture this protein in bulk. 他们先要把制造这种微型罗盘的蛋白质分离出来,并采用基因工程技术设法 让另一种细菌大肠杆菌来批量生产这种蛋白质,而大肠杆菌在生物体内普遍存 在,是生物工程中的常用苦力。 Next, they imprinted

40、 a block of gold with a microscopic chessboard pattern of chemicals. 然后他们用化学方法绘制微小的棋盘图案,并把图案的每一块染成金黄色, Half the squares contained anchoring points for the protein. 每块区域的一半用该蛋白质做固定点, The other half were left untreated as controls. 另一半不做任何处理作为对照, They then dipped the gold into a solution containing th

41、e protein, allowing it to bind to the treated squares, and dunked the whole lot into a heated solution of iron salts. 再把这些金黄色的棋盘浸入含蛋白质的溶液中,并允许溶液中的蛋白质与棋 盘上的固定蛋白质结合,最后把该棋盘全部浸入加热的铁盐溶液中。 After that, they examined the results with an electron microscope. 他们再用电子显微镜观察实验结果, Sure enough, groups of magnetite grains had materialised on the treated squares, shepherded into place by the bacterial protein. 果然,棋盘上的固定蛋白质区域产生了成群的磁铁颗粒,并由细菌蛋白质控 制在相应位置。 In

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