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1、Lesson 31 Success Story The Greatest Salesman in the World first published in 1968 and has sold over 13 million copies recounts the legend of Hafid, a camel boy who achieved all of his ambitions in life. 10 scrolls that he found in a trunk: 1.Today I begin a new life. 2.I will greet this day with lo

2、ve in my heart. 3.I will persist until I succeed. 4.I am natures greatest miracle. 5.I will live this day as if it is my last. 6.Today I will be master of my emotions. 7.I will laugh at the world. 8.Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold. 9.I will act now. 10.Today I will pray for guidance. Su

3、ccess story Key words and expressions Frank Hawkins 富兰克 霍金斯 retire 退休 company 公司 save 积蓄 workshop 车间 helper 帮手 employ 雇佣 Q and A 1.Why can Frank be said to be successful in business? 2.What was Franks job in a small shop? 3.What did Frank do in 1958? What did Franks wife want him to do? Language poi

4、nts Yesterday afternoon Frank Hawkins was telling me about his experiences as a young man. tell me about your work. Did I tell you about my trip to Tibet? As a boy he used to work in a small shop. I used to cook my own meals every day but now I often eat out. It was his job to repair bicycles. Its m

5、y wish to become an artist. Its a great pleasure to talk to you. He saved money for years. She is saving up for holidays. Lets take a taxi to save time. Save your breath, he wont listen to you. He bought a small workshop of his own. Finally Ive got a flat of my own. They started a business of their

6、own? In his twenties Frank used to make spare parts for aeroplanes. in his early thirties in his late fifties Frank smiled when he remembered his hard early years and the long road to success. remember:recall This is the road to Summer Palace. Key structures and usage As a boy he used to work in a s

7、mall shop. At that time he used to work fourteen hours a day. In his twenties Frank used to make spare parts for aeroplanes. use to do sth:过去常常做某事 Yesterday afternoon, Frank Hawkins was telling me about his experiences as a young man. He was still smiling when the door opened and his wife came in. R

8、ead and Retell Frank Hawkins wants to write his own story. Write it for him. Be careful with the use of the past tenses or used to do. An Inventor with 1,093 Inventions Thomas Edison was born in Milan, Ohio, 1847. When he was twelve years old. He got his first job selling newspapers and sweets on th

9、e train. At age 15, he saved the life of a young boy. Edison is called the greatest inventor because he has 1,093 inventions. Of all these inventions, some have changed our life a lot. For example, the light bulb. Without Edison, we may still use candles today. It is terrible, isnt it? When people c

10、alled him a genius, he only said that “Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.” Thomas Edison was a famous American _ . During his lifetime he had_ 1,093 inventions. That is amazing, isnt it? Many of his inventions have _ our life. You may ask _ Edison was able to make so many _.That is becau

11、se he was the man who never _ up. He always thought that no matter how _ something seemed, he could find the _ . He believed that_ was difficult if you put your heart into it. That is true. When he was a child, he was always asking _ questions and trying out new _ . Many of his questions made his te

12、acher unhappy or angry, because the strange questions had nothing to do _ his lessons. He could not study at school, so his mother _ him at home. He showed great _ in science and _ very fast. _ he was 22, he moved to New York to be an inventor. He worked very _ trying out new ideas. He never gave up

13、. inventor made changed why inventions gave difficult answer nothing strange ideas with taught interestlearnt When hard 填人一个单词使句子完整 What do you know about Bill Gates? 1955/10/28 出生在西雅图 1973年进入哈佛大学法律系,19岁退学,与同伴 创办电脑公司。后改名微软公司,自任董事长、 总裁兼首席执行官。 1988年1月,将总裁一职让给史蒂夫-鲍尔默。 盖茨被誉为电脑奇才、20世纪最伟大的计算机软 件行业巨人。36岁成为

14、世界最年轻的亿万富翁。 1999年福布斯评选,盖茨居世界亿万富翁首 位,纯资产850亿美元,被时代周刊评为在数 字技术领域影响重大的50人之一。 Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955.He was _ William Henry_his father and grandfather. His favourite subjects at school were_and _.He wanted to be a scientist_ _ _. when he was 13 years old, he was _ in a very old computer,

15、 he and some of his friends _ lots of time _ unusual things with it.In the end ,they _ _a software program. In 1973.Bill went to Harvard _ .In 1975 Bill began his company with his friend. They thought that the computer would be a very important _in a every office and in every home, so they began _so

16、ftware for _computers.They _the software _make it easier for people to _computers. namedafter science in the future maths interested spent doing worked out University tool developing personal improved touse Name: Bill Gates Date of birth: Favorite subjects at school: Hobbies: What Gates did at 17: I

17、n 1973: In 1975: In 1994: In 1999: Additional information: Oct. 28, 1955 science and maths play with computers Work out a software with his friends Went to Harvard University Began his company Married Melinda French Wrote a book Enjoys reading and playing golf and bridge 10 scrolls that he found in

18、a trunk: 1.Today I begin a new life. 2.I will greet this day with love in my heart. 3.I will persist until I succeed. 4.I am natures greatest miracle. 5.I will live this day as if it is my last. 6.Today I will be master of my emotions. 7.I will laugh at the world. 8.Today I will multiply my value a

19、hundredfold. 9.I will act now. 10.Today I will pray for guidance. Additional Listening: so many ways of dancing What is the passage about, and what does she do now? Which ballet company did she join in 1989? What did she win in 1994? What happened to her in 1998? What did her teacher use to say abou

20、t ballet? 行自我性格特质分析和探索。 3、星座性格分析游戏。 4、性格分析沙龙活动。 5、性格色彩分析活动。 二、兴趣探索 (一)教学目标 兴趣是指建立在需要基础上,带有积极情绪色彩的认知和活动倾向,通过引导学生进 行兴趣认知,帮助学生了解自我兴趣特别是职业兴趣,对待工作的态度,对工作的适应能 力,从事相关工作的愿望和兴趣,从而找到和兴趣匹配的职业方向。 (二)教学内容 ?1、我的兴趣探索 2、 Holland的兴趣类型理论 (1)兴趣类型与职业环境类型 (2)六种兴趣类型之间的关系 (3)基于 Holland理论的兴趣测评 3、兴趣与职业生涯规划 (三)教学方法 课堂讲授、使用测评

21、工具(霍兰德兴趣测评、工作动力测评、事业驱策力测评、解决问题 风格测评)、案例分析、游戏等 (4)活动设计 1、霍兰德人职匹配游戏 2、 “兴趣岛 ”探索活动 3、 “周哈里窗 ”同伴互析活动 6 三、能力探索 (一)教学目标 通过引导学生对自我能力和专长的认知,让学生知道“我擅长做什么?” ,帮助学生充 分利用好自身的能力;挖掘学生的深层次的禀赋和潜能,将其变为现实的能力;在兴趣的 基础之上发展相应的能力,最终获得生涯的成功。 (二)教学内容 1、 能力与生涯发展的关系 2、 能力倾向的分类:多元智力论 3、 我的技能与特长 (三)教学方法 1、课堂讲授 2、测评工具(综合素质测评、基本智能

22、测评、人才综合素质测评、领导者能力结构测 评、创新能力测评、行政职业能力测评、管理人员基本素质测评、中文能力水平测试)、测 评结果点评及分享 3、案例分析 4、游戏活动 (四)活动设计 1、STAR法 2、成就事件 3、技能分类卡 4、活动: “撰写成就故事” 。规则:列一张清单,写下至少7 个发生在你生命的不同 阶段的成就事件,标准:1、你喜欢做这件事时体验到的感受;2、你为完成它所带来的结 果感到有成就,很自豪。事情可大可小,不考虑有没有报酬同时获得他人的认可与表扬就 更好,不过这并不重要生活中的任何事件都可以写下生活中令你有成就感的具体事件然后 对其进行分析,看看你在其中使用了哪些技能。

23、只要符合以下两条标准,就可以被视为 “成就 ”:( 1)你喜欢做这件事时体验到的感受,并且(2)你为完成它所带来的结果感 到自豪。具体包含以下内容:1、你想到达的目标:即需要完成的事情2、面临的障碍、限 制、困难3、你的具体行动步骤:你是如何一步步克服障碍、达成目标的?运用到哪些技 能? 3、对结果的描述:你取得了什么成就?4、对结果的量化评估:可以证明你成就的任 何衡量方法或数据。 四、价值观探索 (一)教学目标 通过对学生进行价值观的探索和引导,使学生认识到价值观对个人职业选择和发展的 7 影响,知道如何借助价值观分类卡等工具对自己的价值观进行澄清和排序。能够澄清并真 正“ 拥有 ”自己的

24、价值观,认识价值观与个人需要,人生不同阶段目标之间的关系。在进 行职业选择和决策时,能够有意识地考虑价值观因素的影响,正视并合理看待自己的价值 观。 (2)教学内容 1、我的价值观的探索 (1)我的蝴蝶大梦 (2)真实价值观的澄清 2、职业与价值观 (1)工作价值观 (2)价值观可以发生变化 (三)教学方法 课堂讲授、使用测评工具、案例分析 (四)活动设计 1、价值观大拍卖活动 2、 “道德困境 ” 游戏 3、价值观澄清法 专题四生活品质篇 教学目标 教学内容 教学方法 专题五职业认知篇 教学目标 1、认识到探索工作世界的重要性,了解目前工作世界的大趋势 2、以积极的心态面对工作世界,消除对工

25、作世界的刻板印象。 3、开阔思维,多角度,多途径获取工作信息 4、掌握多种获取和研究职业信息的方法 教学内容 教学方法 专题六行动决策篇 教学目标 8 使学生了解职业发展决策类型和决策的影响因素,思考并改进自己的决策模式。引导学生 将决策技能应用于学业规划、职业目标选择及职业发展过程。 认知目标 1、了解到决策是自己的责任 2、了解自我的决策风格 3、明白确立长远目标和近期目标以及制定行动计划的重要性 技能目标 1、掌握计划性的决策方法 2、了解目标设立的基本知识 3、掌握制定切实可行的行动计划的方法 教学内容: 1. 决策类型;职业生涯与发展决策的影响因素(教育程度、工作及家庭对决策的影响,

26、个 人因素及环境因素) ; 2. 决策相关理论;决策模型在职业生涯与发展决策过程中的应用; 3. 做出决策并制定个人行动计划; 4. 识别决策过程中的影响因素,提高问题解决技能; taxi n. 出租汽车(美语中 为cab) taxi driver 出租车司机; taxi stand出租车站; by taxi乘出租车 take a taxi to.打的去 You may take a taxi to the station. 你可以坐出租车去车站。 land v. 1.着陆2.卸货3.落入 The plane will land in five minutes.飞机 将在五分钟后降落。 The

27、 pilot landed the plane safely.飞行 员将飞机安全着陆。 The ship landed the goods at Shanghai. 船在上海卸货。 The ball landed in the lake.球落入湖中 。 plough v. 耕 地,犁地n. 犁 plough a field 耕田 They plough in spring 他们在春耕。 lonely adj. 1.偏僻的,人迹罕见的 2.孤单的,寂寞的 The man wanted to fly to Rockall, a lonely island in the Atlantic Ocean

28、. 这个人要飞往罗卡尔-大西洋上的一个 孤岛。(前置定语) When his wife and two little children left him, he was very lonely.妻子和两个孩子离开他以后,他 很孤独。(表语) 同义词辨析:alone/lonely lonely指“孤单的”,“孤独的” lonely指人孤独,有浓厚的感情色彩! 可作表语,也可做前置定语 alone 指“独自一个人” adj.adv. alone表示单独,独自一个,没有感情色彩 的 He stays home alone on the weekends. She watches TV when sh

29、e is alone . roof n. 1.屋顶2.车篷3.顶部,最高 点 There is a cat on our roof. 在我们的房顶上有一只猫。 the roof of the world世界屋脊 the roof of heaven天空 the roof of the mouth上颚 roof-roofs 固定搭配:no roof over ones head无家可归under ones roof 住在自己家里under sbs roof在 某人家做客;寄人篱下;在某人 照应下 ceiling 天花板 hit the ceiling/roof 美口 勃 然大怒,暴跳如雷 blo

30、ck n.1.大楼,大厦2.街区3,障碍物 ,阻塞3.块,片(木,石等) an office block 办公大楼;a block of flats 公寓楼;a block in the pipes管道 阻塞 put up a road block设置路障;a block in traffic交通阻塞;a block of block一块石 头 Turn left after two blocks.走过两个街区 后往左拐。 Its three blocks from my house to school.从我家到学校有三个街区。 flat n.(美) 公寓apartment(英 ) 公寓adj

31、.1.平的,2.扁的,浅的 3. 漏气的(轮胎) a block of apartments I hope to have a flat of my own. 我希望拥有一套属于自己的公寓房。 The earth is round, not flat. 地球是圆的,不是平的。 The car tires are flat. 这辆汽车的轮胎瘪了。 desert v. 废弃,抛弃,遗弃,舍弃 .n. 沙漠 The village had been hurriedly deserted 这个村庄很快被遗弃了. He deserted his wife and children and went ab

32、road. 他抛弃了妻子儿女,出国去了。 同义词辨析:abandon, desert abandon作“丢弃”讲时确切含义是“失去 控制,或丧失了占有的能力”,或“放弃” 某物而不准备再要了。 They abandoned the game because of rain.因为下雨比赛不得不停。 desert的确切含义是“过去占有过或”过 去是伙伴“。狭义地讲,这个词指”抛弃 自己的义务“ a deserted street夜里无人的大街 the deserted wife and children被遗 弃的妻子儿女 Checkpoints 1.Captain Ben Fawcett has

33、bought an unusual taxi and has begun a new service. 本。弗西特机长买了一辆不寻常的出 租车,并开始了一项新的业务。 Captain+人名:某某上尉/机长/队长 begin a new service开始一项新业 务 at a persons service随时为(某人) 服务/the telephone service电话服 务/mail (postal) service邮政服务 2.The taxi is small Swiss aeroplane called a “Pilatus Porter”.这辆“出租车“是 一架小型瑞士飞机,叫”

34、皮勒特斯。波特. 过去分词短语called a “ Pilatus Porter”作 后置定语修饰aeroplane The boy named Bill is from Switzerland.那个叫比尔的男孩是瑞士人。 The story books written by him are popular with everybody.他写的小说受到 大家的欢迎。 be called 被称为 The instrument was called a clavichord. e.g. a ploughed field 被耕过的田 a deserted car park 被废弃的车场 writte

35、n English 书面语 spoken English 口语 3.The most surprising thing about it, however, is that it can land anywhere. 然而,最令人惊奇的是,它能够在任 何地方降落。 句型:系表结构,主语为“the most surprising thing about it 表语是 that引导的从句,称为表语从句。 however 可放在句子前边 that 从句在此处是表语从句 宾语从句中的that省略 定语从句中的关系词在从句 中做宾语时可以省略。 The most exciting thing is th

36、at we can win the football match. The happiest thing is that I can visit mother during the Spring. 4.Since then, Captain Fawcett has flown passengers to many unusual places.从那时 开始,弗西特机长已载送乘客到许多不寻常的 地方。 现在完成时标志性时间状语 since then/so far/up to now since then 强调起点 so far/up to now 强调终点 fly sb to a place开飞

37、机送某人去 drive sb to .开车送某人去 My friend drove me to Tianjin. 5.Once he landed on the roof of a block of flats and on another occasion, he landed in. Once.and on another occasion一次 还有一次 He is a naughty boy, once he broke his neighbours window glass and on another occasion, he played with fire. 他是一个淘气的男孩,一次他打破了邻居的玻璃窗, 还有一次他玩火了。 on several occasion在几次不同的场合 on occasion偶尔 in honor of the occasion为表祝贺 6.Captain Fawcett has just refused a strange request from a businessman.弗西特机长刚刚拒绝了一 位商人的奇怪要求。 = Captain Fawcett has just refused a businessmans strange request. refuse a r

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