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1、he years 14. According to the passage, all the following are cause of “incomplete learning” EXCEPT_. A. speed reading B. poor hearingC. bad eyesight D. lack of attention15.What we call mental decay is usually a sign of _.A. old age B. a low-spirited state C .a worsening state of bealthD. nervous ten

2、sion Passage 2First aid is the kind of medical care given to a victim of an accident or a sudden injury before trained medical help can arrive. First aid treatments are generally easy to carry out. They can be taught to people of all ages. Learning them is important. Knowing how to treat someone in

3、an emergency can mean the difference between life and death.Each year, thousands of people die after eating or drinking poisonous substances. Experts say most accidental poisonings take place in or near the home. Most poisonings result from substances commonly used at home. They include medicines, i

4、nsect poisons or cleaning liquids. Signs of poisoning include a sudden feeling of pain or sickness bums in or near the mouth, or an unusual smell coming from the mouth. Health experts generally advise poison victims to drink water or milk. They say, however, to never give liquids to someone who is n

5、ot awake or to those having a violent reaction to the poison. Next, seek help from a medical expert. Save materials discharged from the mouth for doctors to examine. Save the container of the suspected poison to answer questions doctors may ask. The container may also describe the substance that hal

6、ts the effects of the poison. Use this substance without delay 16. What is first aid? A. It means to help others at the first time B. It means to offer someone some help. C. It means how to treat a patient.D. It means how to treat someone in an emergency. 17. Who can offer first aid? A. The patient

7、himself. B. Only trained doctors. C. All the aged.D. Anyone. 18. Why do thousands of people die from poisonous substances at home? A. Because they like eating or drinking too much. B. Because they like to stay home eating or drinking.C. Because the poisonous substances are often used at home.D. Beca

8、use there are too many poisonous substances.19. According to the passage, which of the following poisonous substances is NOT mentioned? A. Something which can treat diseases. B. Something which can kill flies. C. Something which can make dirty things cleanD. Something which can free somebody from th

9、irsty. 20. Which statement is NOT true about treating a poisoned person? A. Seek for doctors help at once. B. Give him/her some water or milk at once.C. Do not throw away the bottle of the suspected poison immediately.D. Do not clean up the patients vomit right away.Passage 3Parents with an adopted

10、(收养的) child wonder whether, when and how to tell their child that he or she is adopted. They also want to know if there are special problems for an adopted child. Child psychiatrists (精冲病学家) recommend that the child be told about the adoption by the adoptive parents. Children should be told about th

11、eir adoption in a way that they can understand. There are two different views on when a child should be told about the adoption. Many experts believe the child should be told at the earliest age as possible. This approach provides the child an early opportunity to accept and integrate the concept of

12、 being “adopted”. Other experts believe that telling a child too early may confuse the young child who cant really understand the matter. These experts advise waiting until the child is older. In either case, children should learn of their adoption from the adoptive parents. This helps give the mess

13、age that adoption is good and that the child can trust the parents. If the child first learns about the adoption intentionally or accidentally from someone other than parents, the child may feel angry and does not trust the parents. and may view the adoption as bad or shameful because it was kept as

14、 a secret. Adopted children will want to take about their adoption and parents should encourage this process. Several excellent childrens story books are available in bookstores which help parents tell the child about being adopted. 2l. Parents who have an adopted child want to know_. A. how to hide

15、 the fact that he or she is adopted B. when the child was born exactly C. whether they should tell the child that he or she is adoptedD. if the child has certain diseases 22. According to experts, the adopted child should_.A. be told the truth once he or she is adopted B. informed of the fact that h

16、e or she is adopted as early as possible C. be told the truth by the adoptive parents themselves D. always be kept in the dark aboLl1 the fact that he or she is adopted 23. What will happen if the adopted children learn the fact through channels other than the adoptive parents? A. They will never tr

17、ust the adoption parents again. B. They will probably think that the adoptive parents keep it as a secret due to some good reasons.C. They will leave the adoptive parents and prefer to be homeless.D. They certainly will be annoyed. 24. After knowing that they are adopted, the children have a desire

18、to_. A. learn more about their adoption from the adoptive parents B. read more childrens story books about adoptionC. stay at home because they think the adoption is shameful or badD. talk about it with other people such as neighbors 25. Which of the following statements is true according to the pas

19、sage? A. Adopted children recommend that they be told about the adoption by adoptive parents. B. Experts all agree that telling the children too early about the adoption may confuse them. C. Some experts hold that the adopted child should be kept in the dark as long as possible.D. Parents should not

20、 discourage the adopted child from talking about the process of adoption. 三、英译汉根据句意从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最准确的译文,并在答题卡上将所选答案的字母涂黑。(本大题共4小题,每小题3分,共12分)26. The best way to get noticed by a record company is by signing up with a good management agency. A. 引起唱片公司注意的最佳方法是和一家好的经营代理机构签约。 B想要得到好的唱片公司关注最好是先找一家代理公

21、司帮忙。 C. 想要得到唱片公司的赏识最好的途径是找到一家好的管理公司。 D. 通往记录公司的最佳之路是找到好的标牌。 27. 1 should explain at the outset that I am from Britain, but my Florida-born wife Lisa is as an apple pie. A. 我们应该在外面解释说我是一个英国人,但在佛罗里达出生的我的妻子丽莎却是一个做苹果馅饼的美国人。B. 我应该一开始就说明我是一个英国人,但在佛罗里达出生的我的妻子丽莎却是一个如苹果馅饼般地道的美国人。C. 我一开始就说过我从英国过来,但我的妻子丽萨是在佛罗里

22、达出生的卖苹果馅饼的美国人。D. 我在最初的时候就说明我是一个英国人,但在佛罗里达出生的我的妻子丽萨却像是个苹果馅饼一样的美国人。28. The increase in international business has created a need for economic specialists with skills in cross-culture communication. A. 国际贸易增加了跨国文化交流的机会,也提高了经济专家的技能。 B. 国际贸易提高了对经济专家掌握跨国文化交流技能的要求。 C. 国际贸易的增加需要具有跨国文化交流技能的经济专家。D. 国际贸易增加了对经济

23、专家文化交际能力的需求。 29. If computer had been invented earlier, much more labor would have been saved. A. 假如计算机发明得更早一些,那么更多的劳动力己经节省下来了。 B. 如果早一点发明计算机,人们就不用干更多的劳动。 C. 一旦计算机更早一点创造出来,就需要更多的劳动力。 D. 假如计算机被发明得更早一点儿的话,那么就会节省更多的劳动力。 四、完型填空认真阅读短文,根据句意及语法要求从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最合适的答案,并在答题卡上将所选答案的字母涂黑。(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10

24、分)Inquiry-based learning takes the students from the audience and places them in a starring role in the science classroom. The best inquiry-based learning guides a students natural _30_through a process of investigation and discovery _31_ making science relevant to students. The power of this kind o

25、f learning was _32_at last years Discovery Young Scientist Challenge. Many of the student finalists in this nationa1middle school_33_talked about how their interest in science grew out of something in their “real lives.” One students love of horses led her to design an experiment to discover a bette

26、r method for _34_her horses weight. Another students _35_hearing loss led her to investigate the structure of the human ear to discover if the _36_ that ossicular bones play in hearing can be _37_by other means. Last year脙(辆匀讀缁H缀窒浿椀輂挃贃攝攝攝攝攝攝攝攝攝攝攝攝攝攝攝攝甝真貚灎晥灛顎恾顎昀搀漀挀愀愀搀戀挀愀搀攀戀愀攀搀昀最椀昀貚灎晥灛顎恾顎暘搀漀挀尀尀挀挀挀搀挀昀愀



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