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本文(【最新】-六年级英语上册《Module 2 Unit 5 Where Would They Like to Go on Holiday》课件1 广州版-广州级上册英语课件.ppt)为本站会员(pmdg888)主动上传,文库网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知文库网(发送邮件至13560552955@163.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

【最新】-六年级英语上册《Module 2 Unit 5 Where Would They Like to Go on Holiday》课件1 广州版-广州级上册英语课件.ppt

1、Unit 5 Where Would They Like to Go On Holiday? Lesson 1 -六年级英语上册Module 2 Unit 5 Where Would They Like to Go on Holiday课件1 广州版-广州级 上册英语课件 .Warm up 1. Where are they from? Japan China France Japanese Chinese French Japanese Chinese French -六年级英语上册Module 2 Unit 5 Where Would They Like to Go on Holiday课

2、件1 广州版-广州级 上册英语课件 2. Which city do you like best? why? Exp: I like Paris best. Because Paris is the most romantic city in the world. I like _ best. Because _. -六年级英语上册Module 2 Unit 5 Where Would They Like to Go on Holiday课件1 广州版-广州级 上册英语课件 .Presentation 1.The symbols of cities 2.Country Capital Symb

3、ol 3.China Beijing 天安门 4.America Washington D.C. 白宫 5.France Paris 凯旋门 6.Italy Rome 罗马斗兽场 7.the UK London 大本钟 8.Australia Canberra 悉尼歌剧院 -六年级英语上册Module 2 Unit 5 Where Would They Like to Go on Holiday课件1 广州版-广州级 上册英语课件 2. Listen to the tape and answer (1) Where are Bens going to their holiday? (2)The

4、y are going to Beijing. (3)(2) What are the characteristics of each city? (4)Paris- beautiful, Tokyo- interesting, (5)Rome- warmer, Wellington- boring, cleaner (6)(3) Where does Ben/ Mr. Web/ Mrs. Web/ Janet like to go? (7)Ben-Tokyo, Janet- Paris, Mr. Web- Rome (8)Mrs. Web-Wellington -六年级英语上册Module

5、2 Unit 5 Where Would They Like to Go on Holiday课件1 广州版-广州级 上册英语课件 3. Finish these questions: (1)Where would Ben like to travel? (2) Does Mrs. Web think Paris is more beautiful than Tokyo? (3) Is Paris warmer than Rome? (4) Which is noisier and more crowed, Rome or Tokyo? (5) Does Mrs. Web like to o

6、to Wellington? What about Ben? (6) Are there any mountains in New Zealand? (7) Which place does Ben prefer to go? -六年级英语上册Module 2 Unit 5 Where Would They Like to Go on Holiday课件1 广州版-广州级 上册英语课件 . Practice Exp: Paris is more beautiful than Tokyo , I prefer to go to Paris. 1. Jiamin, Wellington, Rome

7、, noisy 2. Sally, Beijing, New York, crowed 3. Bens , London, Sydney, interesting -六年级英语上册Module 2 Unit 5 Where Would They Like to Go on Holiday课件1 广州版-广州级 上册英语课件 2. 翻译句子: (1)北京是世界上最古老的城市之一。 Beijing is one of the oldest cities in the world. (2)Ben 一家决定去北京旅行。 Bens family decide to go to Beijing on their holiday. (3)法国人讲法语。 French speaks French. -六年级英语上册Module 2 Unit 5 Where Would They Like to Go on Holiday课件1 广州版-广州级 上册英语课件 .Homework 1.背诵课本P21课文,并把unit5 课文全篇朗 读2次,家签。 2.抄写unit 5 单词表中前6个单词到单词抄写 本,标音标,加中文。 -六年级英语上册Module 2 Unit 5 Where Would They Like to Go on Holiday课件1 广州版-广州级 上册英语课件

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