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1、2007 版标准施工招标文件合同条件下人工费调整研究摘要工程项目建设周期长、涉及经济关系和法律关系复杂、受自然因素和客观因素的影响大。2007 至 2008 年间,我国建筑市场经历了一次物价大幅上涨的过程,其中人工费的涨幅之大,变化之快已经远远地超出了人们的预期。物价的大幅上涨导致建设工程成本的增加,然而许多当初签订了固定价格合同的承包商却无法因物价上涨而获得发包方的价款补偿,由此承包商将承担巨大的损失。因此,在动态计价管理的过程中如何对人工费进行调整成为重点关注的问题。本文以 2007 版标准施工招标文件为研究基础,以文献研究的方法,分析定额人工单价和市场人工单价的差异,结合人工费实施“政府

2、指导价”的现状,确定出人工费调整需要解决人工费调整依据和调整方法两个关键问题。本文结合现行的建设工程工程量清单计价规范 ,首先从人工费调整的理论基础出发,通过文献研究和调研访谈的方法明确人工费的组成要素和计算标准;其次通过文献研究和调研访谈梳理出人工费调整的原因、条件和依据,在此基础上结合算例分析给出实际施工过程中判定人工费调整依据的实例,确定判断人工费调整的可行性依据。通过文献研究和调研访谈,确定定额人工单价和市场人工单价存在较大差异是影响人工费调整的主要原因。最后分析人工费调整方法的适用范围,总结出价格指数法调整差额不适用于人工费的调整。通过访谈、案例分析重点讨论了实际生产中人工费调整主要

3、运用的调价系数法和绝对值法两种人工费调整方法。通过上述研究,本文给出了人工费调整的具体调整依据和调整方法,施工单位以此为依据来实施人工费调整,使人工费调整有据可循,减少施工过程中业主和施工单位合同双方就人工费调整产生的纠纷。关键词:标准施工招标文件 定额人工单价市场人工单价 人工费调整依据 人工费调整方法Research on Labor Costs Adjustment In the Conditions of 2007 Edition Standard Construction Bidding Documents ContractABSTRACTThe period of a projec

4、t could be quite long and covers the associated areas of economy and law; it also will be influenced by natural and objective elements. From 2007 to 2008, Chinese contracting market had suffered a huge rise of construction price and the price of labor cost, increased so high and fast and exceeded pe

5、oples anticipation. The massive rise of the price leaded to the increase of construction costs; however, those contractors who had signed the contract of fixed price couldnt get their relevant compensation from the owner because of cost surging, so the contractors had to sufer a huge amount of loss

6、in their business. As a result, how to adjust the labor cost during a dynamic pricing management process becomes a vital point.The paper is based on the 2007 Edition Standard Construction Bidding Documents Contract, the methodology of the thesis is based on study of literatures, analyse the substant

7、ial difference between the fixed unit price of labor and market unit price of labor in the current construction market, combine with the situation which labor costs to be implement with the “government guidance price“. Adjust labor cost need to solve two key questions, how to adjust the basis of lab

8、or costs and the way of adjustThe paper is to combine with Code of Valuation with Bill Quantity of Construction works, the study begin with the basic theory of labor cost adjustment, determine the main elements and calculate standard of labor costs through a series of literature reviews and research

9、 interviews. Moreover, indicate the reason, condition and basic for labor cost adjustment. On this basis, combined with a numerical example is given to determine the labor cost adjustment based on the actual construction process instance; list the possible basis for determining labor cost adjustment

10、. The thesis is based on literature reviews and research interviews, summary the main reason which influence the labor cost adjustment is the huge difference between the fixed labor cost and market labor cost. Finally to analysis the suitable range for the labor cost adjustment, conclude the price i

11、ndex to adjust the difference does not apply to the adjustment of labor costs. Review and case studies focused on and discuss two different ways of adjusting labor cost during the actual production, which include price coefficient adjustment method and absolute value method.To conclude, the thesis l

12、ists the concrete adjustment basis and methods for labor cost adjustment; contractor could implement the labor cost adjustment based on the research and make it become more authoritative, and help to reduce the conflicts of labor cost adjustment between the contractor and owner during the constructi

13、on progress.Keywords: Standard construction bidding document contractUnit price of quota labor Unit price of market laborThe basis of labor cost adjustmentThe method of labor cost adjustment目 录第一章 绪论 .11.1 研究背景及问题的提出 .K(挀甀喂挀挀挀讀缁缀鐀瀀螏頀h琀椀夁眃眊眊脊锊鼊鼊鼊愊偒倀吀罪瀀瀀琀瀀椀挀最椀昀愀偒倀吀罪瀀瀀琀尀尀昀挀攀挀愀戀戀戀挀戀搀瀀昀儀爀匀洀挀欀砀戀爀琀稀儀瀀砀漀猀樀砀


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