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1、 江西财经大学试卷 试卷代码: C 课程学时:48 课程名称:统计学 适用对象: 、SINGLE CHOICE (155)1.There are three block products, the percent of wastes just as 1.5% 、2% 、1%,the respective quantities of wastes are 25、30 and 45 pieces. Then what is the average rate of waste.( )A B C D 2. The retail sales of a company has increased 6% c

2、ompared with last year, the average increase in price of each product is 11%, then how much the quantity sold increased or decreased ( )A.3 B.4.5 C.4.7 D.17.73. All the other conditions hold constant. The relation that between desired margin of error (E) and the confidence indicates () is ( )A. the

3、wider range of desired margin of error, the lower confidence indicatesB. the lower probability, the higher credibilityC. the higher probability, the higher precision,D. the lower probability, the lower credibility4. Put the gold reserves of our country in temporal order by the end of each year in th

4、e recent 10 years, the series is ( ). A. dynamic series B. average series C. time series D. point series5.In a series of Class interval classification, if frequency of the former group of mode group is equal to the laters, the mode is ?( )A the inferior limit of the mode group B the inferior limit o

5、f the mode group and one fourth of the width of the classes C the inferior limit of the mode group and three fourths of the width of the classesD the class mid-value of the mode group JUDGE (Write “T” for true and “F” for false. 155)1. The distribution of population by age is a J shaped distribution

6、 ( )2. Sampling with replacement and sampling without replacement of the size of samples may be different, but the sampling error is the same ( )3.From linear function yc= 4502.5x,we can get that the relationship between varies x and y is positive ( )4. In 2005, the same amount of RMB in a city can

7、only buy 94% of goods compared with 2004, then the price increased by 6% ( ) 5. Correlation analysis is a causal relationship analysis ( ) 、SIMPLE ANSWER(52=10)1. Briefly answer the relations among Correlation coefficientcoefficient of regression and discriminate coefficient, formula it2、How to desc

8、ribe the quantitative characteristics of the population? Please give a list of recapitulative indicators which can describe the characteristics of the population. 、CALCULATION(Total:60)1. A MSG(味精)plant that requires each bag of MSG weight no less than 100 grams examine 1% of its products .The resul

9、t is shown as follows: (demanding the results reserved two decimal places)(1)Develop a 95.45% confidence interval estimate of the mean weight of these MSG in the sampling with replacement conditions: And determine whether the weight fit to the specifications weight. (10) (2)Try to infer the range of

10、 rate of qualified products in a 95.45% level of confidence in the condition of sampling with replacement. (8)(3)In the same condition, how many samples are needed if the level of confidence is increases to 99.73%? (7) the weight of a bag(gram)100 and under101-102102-104104-106106 and overtotalquant

11、ity(bag)513621731002. In 1982, the population of China is 10.1 billion, which is amount to 13 billion in 2004. What is the average increase rate of Chinas population in this period? What is the population in 2006 according to the same rate? (10)3 The data of three products produced in Hong Xing Mach

12、inery Plant are given as follows:The name of productUnit cost(¥1000)quantity2004200520042005A(piece)56400500B(case)810500600C(kg)1215150200Requirements are:1. Analyze the change of the gross cost of the three products using index system.2. Known, Hong Xing Machinery Plant has real profit 3600000 Yua

13、n in 2005; try to calculate the profit rate of cost, if the planed profit rate of cost requires to be raised to 40%, how about the completion of the profit rate of cost?、CASE PROBLEM (20)Is the educational achievement level of students related to the spending of per pupil?In many communities this im

14、portant question is being asked by taxpayers who are being asked by their school districts to increase the amount of tax revenue spend on education The problem is whether increasing spend on education would improve the quality of teaching and improve students achievement? The data about the spending

15、 per pupil and students Comprehensive achievement of the countrys 10 regions collected by Federal National Education Assessment Project is shown as follows:stateSpending per pupil(1000s)Composite scoresLuyiannuo 4591Florida 3582Delaware 5580New York 6600Texas 4550North Carolina 4550Washington 5611Rh

16、ode Island 5610Minnesota 4570George 4540Questions are: I Describe the populations characteristics of the students achievement in descriptive statistical data. 2. Use regression analysis to investigate the relationship between the spending per pupil and students comprehensive achievement.3. Do you th

17、ink that the estimated regression equation developed for this data could be used to estimate the composite scores for the states that did not participate in the test?4. Based on your analysis, do you think that the educational achievement level of students is related to how much the state spends on

18、per pupil?不变,则地租就因土地产品价格的上升而产生,且随着产品价格的上涨而不断上涨。因此,即使是劣等土地,也会产生地租。14. 为什么说西方经济学的要素理论是庸俗的分配论?解答:根据西方经济学的要素理论,要素所有者是按照要素的贡献大小得到要素的报酬的。这就从根本上否定了在资本主义社会中存在着剥削。除此之外,西方经济学的要素理论还存在如下一些具体的缺陷。(1)西方经济学的要素理论建立在边际生产力基础之上。然而,在许多情况下,边际生产力却难以成立。例如,资本代表一组形状不同、功能各异的实物,缺乏一个共同的衡量单位,因此,资本的边际生产力无法成立。(2)西方经济学的要素理论不是一个完整的理

19、论,因为它只给出了在一定的社会条件下,各种人群或阶级得到不同收入的理由,而没有说明一定的社会条件得以形成的原因。15.某劳动市场的供求曲线分别为DL4 00050W;SL50W。请问:(1)均衡工资为多少?(2)假如政府对工人提供的每单位劳动征税10美元,则新的均衡工资为多少?(3)实际上对单位劳动征收的10美元税收由谁支付?(4)政府征收到的税收总额为多少?解答:(1)均衡时,DLSL,即4 00050W50W,由此得均衡工资W40。(2)假如政府对工人提供的每单位劳动课以10美元的税收,则劳动供给曲线变为SL50(W10)由SLDL,即50(W10)4 00050W,得W45,此即征税后的

20、均衡工资。(3)征税后,厂商购买每单位劳动要支付的工资变为45美元,而不是征税前的40美元。两者之间的差额5美元即是厂商为每单位劳动支付的税收额。工人提供每单位劳动得到45美元,但有10美元要作为税收交给政府,仅能留下35美元。工人实际得到的单位工资与征税前相比也少了5美元。这5美元就是他们提供单位劳动而实际支付的税款。因此,在此例中,厂商和工人恰好平均承担了政府征收的10美元税款。(4)征税后的均衡劳动雇用量为50(W10)50(4510)1 750政府征收到的税收总额为101 75017 500(美元)16.某消费者的效用函数为UlYl,其中,l为闲暇,Y为收入(他以固定的工资率出售其劳动


22、经济利润。解答:准租金Rq由下式决定RqTRTVCPQAVCQ(PAVC)Q(158)2001 400(元)经济利润由下式决定TRTCTR(TVCTFC)PQ(AVCAFC)Q(PAVCAFC)Q(1585)200400(元).20304.804630.45279.78 第 5页共6页 3、已知下列数据,计算闭合导线各边的坐标方位角(点号按逆时针编排),并写出必要的计算步骤。(11分)点号转角 角度改正数 改正后角度 坐标方位角 160 33 15143 07 15 2156 00 45 388 58 00495 23 30 5139 05 00 1角度闭合差 容许闭合差 角度改正数4、设已测得从经纬仪中心到塔中心的距离为45.20m,塔顶的仰角为2251,塔底中心俯角为130,求塔高H。(6分)H第6页共6页

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