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呼吸道感染病原菌分布及耐药性分析 (5).doc

1、Unit six What are you doing for vacation ? (SectionB3a-shelf check) 王青(一)教材分析本单元的话题是谈论未来的计划:第一课时是单纯的谈论假期活动,第二课时是谈论假期的活动、时间、伙伴。本节课的教学内容是SectionB3a-shelf check 部分,是 一节阅读课,教学内容是把假期的活动时间、地点、人物、经过,结合在一起,形成一个完整的活动计划,谈论话题所涉及的范围逐渐从单一到综合。活动任务从简单到复杂,形成一个阶梯,构成一个任务链从而使学生在听说的基础上逐步提高读写的能力。(二)学情分析初二学生的英语成绩容易产生两极分化

2、,而提高学生的英语成绩,树立学生学习英语的信心,很大程度上取决于学生的阅读能力。所以阅读课应立足本单元的基本单词和语法,在提高学生学习兴趣的同时,开阔学生的视野,提高学生的阅读能力,进一步提高学生的写作能力。(三)教学目标1.掌握以下单词:famous. Greece. Spain. Europe. lake. the Great Lake. countryside. nature. tourist.2. 熟练运用What are you doing for vacation? When / where /who/ why等疑问句来将来的句型3. 学会继续使用现在进行时态表示未来计划。 4.

3、学会合理有条理地安排假期计划并学会怎样为别人制定旅游计划。(四)教学重难点掌握本课新单词和句型和学会科学安排自己的假期活动并能灵活运用于生活中。提高阅读能力。(五)教学准备1.教师准备多媒体课件、磁带和录音机。2.学生准备纸张和笔(六)教学过程Step1.Warming-up.1.Free talkT: Do you like travelling ?S1:Yes, I do .T:Why ?S1:Because it is relaxing ( exciting , forget all my problems,enjoy the beautiful countryside .).Ask s

4、tudents try to say more and more words and phrases to desctibe the vacation .T:This summer vacation is coming ? What are you doing for it ?Well, please make a dialogue to tell us your summer vacation dream,you may begin like this :What are you doing for vacation?Who are you going there?When are you

5、going?What are you doing there ?How long are you staying?(此部分复习上三节课的重点句型,通过复习既锻炼了学生的口语表达能力,又巩固了前面所学的内容,也为下面阅读的顺利进行作准备,起到承上启下的作用)2. PresentationReview the new words (Using the pictures ) famous . Greece . Spain . Europe . lake. the Great Lakes. Countryside nature (此环节主要是检查学生上节课所布置的预习内容,了解学生对本节课单词的掌握情

6、况,通过图片让学生在领略西方国家美丽风景的同时,又在愉悦放松的情境中巩固了所要掌握的单词,为下一步学习新课文作铺垫。)Step2 Pre-reading 1. Discussion :T: Are they beautiful ?Do you want to go to thease places to take a vacation ? I want ,too.If you want to take a acation ,What should you take with you ?Please discuss in groups,then give out the answers :(此环

7、节通过讨论度假过程中所需要携带得东西,目的是使学生在安排假期计划时更加合理,更具有条理性,考虑问题更全面,从而 使学生养成良好的日常生活习惯)Then collect the answers,the answers may be: map,money ,camera, sunglasses,drinks and water,bags,umbrellaand so on T:Well done!And Ben Lambert , a famous French singer ,also wants to these places for vacation , now look at thefiv

8、e pictures,try to say the names of the things that Ben Lambert should take (The teacher may help them ,translating if necessary )The pictures are : a VCR, a pillow, fishing tackle , a bike and hiking boots .(让学生初步了解Ben Lambert的旅行计划中所需物品,为下步了解Ben Lambert的度假计划中的具体活动做了铺垫)Step3. While-readingTask1.Fast-

9、reading1.T:Now listen to the tape about Ben Lamberts vacation plan and write the number of each picture next to the correct activity (目的是培养学生有目的听的习惯,使学生在听中思,听中做,听做相结合,同时培养学生从听力材料中快速获取信息和处理信息的能力)Then check the answers .(show the ppt) Task 2 careful-reading1.First , read the passage again and fill in

10、the chart . Discuss what kind of words should be filled in the blanks in groups. Eg, places, activities, or time etc.2.After finishing it, ask some students to read out their own answersBen Lamberts vacation plansWhere to goWhyHow long to stayActivitiesthought about_decided on_1._2._3_leaving_and st

11、aying_1._2._3_4_5._(通过表格的形式让学生带着问题精读课文有助于学生对文章细节的把握,在完成表格的同时,不知不觉地理解了课文的内容。通过快速阅读,大多数学生都能找到答案,这样的问题设置能激发学生的阅读兴趣.通过有目的地阅读材料,提高了学生在单位时间内自主学习独立完成任务的能力)3.Read and circle (在阅读中寻找疑难问题) 1)Ask students to read 3 a to find out some difficult points,or sentences ,then discuss in groups ,the teacher can give t

12、hem necessary help.(本环节是阅读课的重心,要求学生认真阅读课文,圈出自己认为是重点或者是不懂得部分,通过小组间的讨论来解决文中自己解决不了的问题,既培养了学生发现问题和解决问题的能力,同时又提高了小组间的自主合作探究解决问题的能力)4. Explain any questions which raised by students.(show the ppt )5.Listen to the tape again and read aloud after it Then let students read it loudly by themselves .(本环节是阅读课必不

13、可少的一个环节,学生只有通过大量地阅读,才能不断地纠正自己的语音语调,逐步形成良好的英语语感)6. Competition True or false T: The Students who can answer the questions quickly and correctly will get one score, the group which gets the most scores will win.1.Ben Lambert is going to Greece and Spain for his vacation . ( ) 2.He always takes vocatio

14、ns in Canada. ( )3. Many people in Canada speak French. ( )4.Ben Lambert is staying in Canada for three months. ( ). 5.Hell return to Paris in October 6.The Great lakes is a lake . ( )(通过竞赛激起学生的学习兴趣,调节学生的课堂气氛,又巩固了课文。)Step 4 Post reading Ask the students to retell Ben Lamberts vacation plans accordin

15、g the chart .Ben Lamberts vacation plansWhere to goWhyHow long to stayActivitiesthought about_decided on_1._2._3_leaving_and staying_1._2._3_4_5._Step5 writing On the way to Canada, Ben Lambert is staying in Beijing for two days (Saturday and Sunday). Suppose you are a tourist guide,please write a s

16、chedule for him.According to the chart .SaturdaySunday Morning :We are going Morning :Afternoon :Afternoon :Evening :Evening :1)Plan schedules in groups of four.(show some places of interest in Beijing )Tianan men Square 天安门广场the Palace Museum 故the Great Wall 长城 the Summer Palace 颐和园History Museum 历

17、史博物馆2) Report the plan.Good morning, Ben Lambert. Im from Travel Agency. Im glad to share the next two days with you.On Saturday morning,we are going ,in the afternoon., in the evening,.3)Correct the report in class.(通过真实的小组活动,让人人参与到该活动中,调动全班学生的学习积极性。又激起了学生更加热爱祖国的美好河山。这样很好地锻炼学生语言组织能力和口头表达能力的方式.此部分可以

18、扩大生生活动的范围,可对句型进行复习,还可以使知识生活化,实用化,又锻炼了学生的书面表达能力。)Step6Exercises1)Ask the students to fill in the blanks with the correct forms: leave ,hear, plan,ask,hope and pay attention to the meanings and usage of them, then check the answers together. 1.I _ that Thailand is a good place to go sightseeing .2.She

19、s _ for Hong Kong on Tuesday.3.Im _ the wather is nice in the mountains .4.I want to _ you about places to visit in China 5.Im_ my vacation to Italy this weekend .6.Im _ my vacation to Italy this weekend2)Let the students make sentences with the five words. (培养学生正确运用词汇的能力)Step 7 Summary1.Ask student

20、s to say out :How to write a schedule for vacation,weekendand so on.2.When a tourist is taking a vacation , what should he/she take with him /her ?Step 8 HomeworkA. Make an interview.Were going to Qingdao on National Day, please make the schedules with your group. Use the following sentences:1)Where

21、 are you going? 2)What are you doing there? 3)What should tourists take with us?4)Where are you leaving from? 5)When are you leaving? 6)What are you eating? B.Review the whoe unit .(七) 板书设计 Unit six What are you doing for vacation ? 一Words and expressions : 1.famous tourist countryside, nature, forg

22、et ,finish 2. decide on. take a vacation leave for plan to finish making the movies , forget all my questions . 二Important sentences 1.He thought about going to 2.Im planning to .for vacation .3.I decide on .4.I can forget all my problems . I cant stand .教学反思:. 本课从课本入手,首先面向全体学生进行简单的复习,目的在于巩固几个基本句型。然后把课本中阅读的短文用听力的方式引入。其主要目的在于营造较轻松的语言环境,缓解部分学生对于读写的畏惧心理。接下来,从听说引入读写,给学生铺垫知识的过程。读写并不脱离听说,因为语言是交流的工具,因此,在读的过程中适当穿插说,既练习口头表达,又巩固了读的成效。最后,本课的中心任务自然引出,要学生为短文的主人公安排到北京旅游的日程。整个课堂设计由浅入深,循序渐进,难度过渡自然,在课堂上体现了任务型教学的主导思想。 餀謀鎂枫恒I谀踀!鎇枫恒N谀踀艁匄韘艩嶫膩鴀

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