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1、outgoingstraight hairfunny五:课堂精讲释疑1. You used to be short, didnt you? 你以前很矮,对吗?(反义疑问句)used to do sth.表示,过去常常做某事,只表示过去和现在对比,暗示现在不做了。to为动词不定式符号,后接动词原形。2. Dont you remember me? 难道你不记得我了吗?(此句为表示惊讶)Dont(Doesnt)开头的否定疑问句表达说话人惊讶,怀疑,责备,赞叹等感情。Didnt the child feel happy? 那小孩儿觉得不高兴吗?(表示怀疑)Didnt you do it yester

2、day? 这件事你昨天没做?(表示责备)Isnt that house beautiful? 那座房子多漂亮啊!(表示赞叹)3. Wait a minute! 等一会儿!4. But now Im more interested in不过现在,我更对、感兴趣。be interested in sth. / doing sth.对(做)某事感兴趣。I am interested in sports/ playing sports.5. I play soccer and Im on swim team.我踢足球,而且我还是游泳队的一员。on swim team是游泳队的一员,on是介词,意为是、

3、的中的一员。相当于a member of.六:当堂验收( )1.My uncle a coach , but now he has retired .A. used to be B. use to be C. is D. used to have ( )2.The comics are . Im very in them .A. interesting , interesting B. interested , interested C. interesting , interested D. interested , interesting ( )3.- - Did your brother

4、 use to play computer games ? - .A. Yes , he used B. No , he usednt C. Yes , he did D. He used to七:拓展提升总结更多的形容词描述人的外貌,描述你喜欢的动物,电影等。例如:thin , fat, medium build, medium height, cut , interesting, curly hair ,blond hair八:课堂总结used to do sth.表示,过去常常做某事 Wait a minute! 等一会儿!be interested in sth. / doing st

5、h.对(做)某事感兴趣。on swim team是游泳队的一员,on是介词,意为是、的中的一员。相当于a member of九:课后巩固一、补全对话A: Hello, Bob! Here! Dont you remember ma?B: Oh, sorry, youre Bill, 1_ 2_?A: Thats 3_.B: You 4_ 5_ 6_ quiet. But now you look 7_A: Yes, Im very outgoing now.B: By the 8_, did you 9_ 10_ 11_ the piano?A: Yes, I did. But now Im

6、more interested 12_ playing 13_ . And Im 14_ the basketball team in our school.B: Wow! People _ 15_ change.二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空:1. When I was a child, I was _ (interest) in music. 2. We are learning English, so we are English _ (learn)3. Im afraid of _(speak) in front of the class.4. The girl was _(exci

7、te)about the result of the test. 5. To my _(surprise),he failed the exam.6. I used to_ (have) a good time at shool.7. The little boy is shy. He is (terrify) of speaking in public. 8. She spends lots of time_(do) homework.9. Tom made a good (decide) at last. 10. It is bad for you (eat ) too much.Unit

8、 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.(第三课时)(sectionA3a-4)学科:English 年级:初三 主备人:王娟 组别组号 一:学习目标1. Master the key words. Such as: airplane, terrify, be terrify of , go to sleep , on2. How to describe “I / My parents used to be afraid of”二:重点难点1. The key words. Such as: airplane, terrify, be terrify of , g

9、o to sleep , on2. I / My parents used to be afraid of三:自主学习验收1.飞机 2.非常害怕的 3.入睡 4.独处 5.坐飞机 6.在一组人面前讲话 四:合作探究 Look at 3a, talk about “I / My parents used to be afraid of”五:课堂精讲释疑1. I used to be afraid of being alone. 我过去常常害怕独处。be afraid of相当于be terrified of非常害怕的,但后者的语气更强。alone与lonely的区别。alone adj.独自的,

10、孤独的,不带感情色彩。adv. 独自,单独,相当于by oneself在句中作状语修饰动词。lonely指人,表示孤独的,寂寞的,指地方表示荒无人烟,有浓厚的伤感色彩,可作定语或表语。Though he is alone, he never feels lonely.2. Im terrified of the dark.我非常怕黑。(解释看第一点)3. I go to sleep with my bedroom light on.我开着卧室的灯睡觉。with my bedroom light on意为“开着灯”。这种“with+名词+副词”的结构在句中通常作状语,表示伴随谓语动词动作发生或进

11、行的另一情况或状态。go to bed就寝,床上睡觉。强调上床睡觉的这一动作,但不一定会睡着。go to sleep 指睡着,入睡。强调进入睡眠的动作。fall/ be asleep意为“睡着”,强调睡眠状态。六:当堂验收 ( )1. My grandfather us stories when I was young.A. was used to tell B. is used to telling C. used to tell D. used to telling( )2. My teacher often tells us not to be afraid of_ mistakes.A

12、. do B. doing C. make D .making( )3. You used to play the piano very well,_?A. used you B. didnt you C. wasnt you D. did you( )4.When I walked past his office at 11 oclock last night ,I saw the lights in it still _ .A. in B. on C. at D .off ( )5. Many students in our class are _ of the dark ,but I a

13、m _ in it .A. terrified ; interested B. interested; terrifiedC. terrifying ;interesting D. interesting ;terrifying ( )6 .I dont 1ike to go to sleep_the 1ight on.A. in B. to C with D .and七:拓展提升I used to be afraid of being alone. 我过去常常害怕独处。alone与lonely的区别。alone adj.独自的,孤独的,不带感情色彩。adv. 独自,单独,相当于by ones

14、elf在句中作状语修饰动词。lonely指人,表示孤独的,寂寞的,指地方表示荒无人烟,有浓厚的伤感色彩,可作定语或表语。Though he is alone, he never feels lonely.八:课堂总结be afraid of相当于be terrified of非常害怕的,但后者的语气更强。with my bedroom light on go to bed就寝,床上睡觉。强调上床睡觉的这一动作,但不一定会睡着。go to sleep 指睡着,入睡。强调进入睡眠的动作。fall/ be asleep意为“睡着”,强调睡眠状态。九:课后巩固My grandfather is eig

15、hty years old. He often 1 how thing have changed. He says that life 2 be better.Families arent the same as 3 used to be. Lots of people have divorced(离婚). 4 a husband and a wife are having problems with their marriage, they wont stay together 5 . And mothers used to stay at home and 6 their children

16、, but no more now. Everyones working, so they dont have 7 for children.And the cars! No one 8 anymore, everybody drives. But people used to walk to school every day, even in winter.And people dont talk to 9 anymore. They are too busy to talk, too busy to eat, too busy to think Life used to be simple, 10 it isnt anymore.( )1Acomplains aboutBis angry with Ctries his be

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