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1、占用深水岸线却无力开发的问题,可以引入有实力的政府主导企业,借鉴“地主港”的融资模式,推进开发建设,使岸线资源得到有效利用。4、对于云霄、诏安港区等基础设施条件较薄弱的新港区,建议引入大型港口企业,与地方政府形成战略合作机制,以“地主港”的投融资模式,启动港区的开发建设。致谢 在本文写作过程中,本人得到许多人的指导和帮助,没有他们无私的帮助,本文的顺利完成是难以想象的,在此一并表示衷心的感谢。最应该感谢的是我的指导老师陈丽芬老师。在论文写作的全过程,陈老师一直关心论文的进展,帮助解决遇到的问题,从论文的整体结构到各细微之处,无一不凝结着陈老师的心血。在此向陈老师表示由衷的敬意与衷心的感谢。最后

2、也要感谢我的家人,给予我学习和生活全力的支持!参考文献1邹宗余, 张明香.地主港模式在我国适用若干问题的探讨J.中国水运(学术版),2007,(4):29-30.2赵楠, 真虹, 谢文卿.经济新常态下我国探索地主港模式的必要性及路径研究J.经济研究参考,2016,(4):57-61.3徐秦, 方照琪.国内外地主港模式差异化分析及对我国港口发展的思考J.水运工程,2011,(4):88-92.4肖建华.我国港口推行地主港模式的可行性分析J.大科技(科技天地),2010,(11):135-136.5华宜, 徐大振, 黄伟.我国港口发展地主港模式的SWOT分析与建议J.港口科技,2007,(11):

3、10-12,17.6林云光.“地主港”发展模式在厦门港的适应性分析和探讨J.港工技术,2016,(4):79-82.7魏泓, 刘伟.地主港模式在我国港口的应用J.水运管理,2006,(1):19-23.8祝鹤, 丁永健.地主港模式在我国的适用性基于港口准公共物品的视角J.企业导报,2010,(12):23.9魏泓.地主港模式在我国港口应用的研究D.上海海事大学,2005.10张继华.地主港土地租赁融资的合约经济分析D. 山东大学, 201311孙秋高.采用“地主港”模式突破港口基础设施融资瓶颈J水运工程,2007(2):475212邵瑞庆水路交通投融资政策论M.上海:上海三联书店,2004.1




7、势在必行,因此,我国政府应当尽快健全和完善与互联网相关的法律法规,为构建健康的新闻评论环境提供强有力的法律保障。五、结论 近年来,随着互联网的日益普及和网络技术的不断进步,新闻评论也在逐步发展。新闻评论是对传统媒体新闻评论的一个重大突破,它是网民表达观点和意见的重要平台,同时也是网络媒体和政府了解网络受众感受、掌握舆论走向的重要渠道。但是在实际的评论中出现了很多不规范的现象,诸如,网民在评论中不够理性,或者一味地宣泄情感等等,这些问题都需要进一步解决。只有通过不断的规范新闻评论中用语加强自身道德的修养以及政府部门的监管,有望提高新闻用语中不规范的现象,道路任重而道远。駝!艁脃柪汥舴悿膫敧鎇悿!




11、度叙述相关事实,表明女王演讲的可靠性,进而赢得观众的认可和支持。本文探究了英国女王通过语言选择与听众建立有效交流,以及揭示女王对国际热点时事的态度,对历史事件的反思,对国内和国际民众的慰问与鼓励。该研究有助于帮助读者进一步理解女王演讲,也再次证明了韩礼德系统功能语法理论的实用性和适用性。关键词:人际功能,语气,情态,人称AbstractThis thesis adopts quantitative and qualitative research methods to uncover the interpersonal function embodied in Queens Christmas

12、 speech in 2017 via the analysis of its mood, modality and personalpronounundertheframeworkofinterpersonalfunctionofSFGofHalliday.Through analysis, it can be found that: 1) Declarative mood takes up a big percentage in the speech, followed by interrogative mood. This accords with the two basic funct

13、ions of Queens Christmas speech in 2017. Declarative mood is used to provide information, such as the historical origin of Christmas, the past and future activities of the queen and the royal family, and the concern of British royalty to British. The declarative mood is more persuasive and acceptabl

14、e than the interrogative mood and imperative mood. 2) The modulation takes up the same percentage with the modalization, and the former makes the speech more objective in modality system. The Queens speech is the ingenious combination of these two. Moreover, the median modal verb is the most frequen

15、tly used, followed by the low value modal verb. In the Queens Christmas speech in 2017, the high-value modal verbs were hardly used. The low value modal verbs shorten the distance between the queen and the citizen. The median modal verb makes the Queens speech objectivity and emotion. 3) In personal

16、 system, the first person use ratio is far higher than the two or three person, that is, the queen transmits information to the audience from his own point of view, making the audience further understand and accept the content of the speech.This thesis explores how Queen builds effective communicati

17、on with audience through the choice of language, and uncovers the attitudes to international hot topics, the reflection of historical events, and the condolences and encouragements to her nations and worlds people. This thesis help readers to have better understanding about Queens speeches, and atte

18、st the practicability and applicability of SFG of Halliday.Keywords: interpersonal functional, mood, modality, pronounContents中文摘要 6Abstract 8List of Tables 7Chapter 1 Introduction 101.1 Background of the Research 101.2 Objectives and Significance of the Study 111.3 Layout of the Thesis11Chapter 2 L

19、iterature Review.11.2.1 A Review of Previous Studies Abroad.122.2 A Review of Previous Studies at Home122.3 Space of the Study.14Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework143.1 Systemic Functional Grammar143.1.1 Mood System 163.1.2 Modality System 163.1.3 Personal Pronoun System 173.2 Research Design183.2.1 Re

20、search Questions183.2.2 Subject183.2.3 Methods 18Chapter 4 Analysis of the Interpersonal Function 184.1 Mood features of Queens 2017 Christmas speech 194.1.1Declarative Sentences 204.1.2 Interrogative Sentences 214.2 Modality features of Queens 2017 Christmas speech214.2.1 Low Value Modal Verb 224.2

21、.2 Medium Value Modal Verb234.3 Pronoun features of Queens 2017 Christmas speech.234.3.1 First personal pronoun 244.3.2 Second personal pronoun 254.3.3 Third personal pronoun 25Chapter 5 Conclusion26 5.1Major Findings 265.2 Implications of the study265.3 Limitations of the Study 27 5.4 Suggestions f

22、or Further Studies 27 Reference28 Tables and figuresTable 1 basic speech roles (Thompson 2008:47)16Table 2 Mood in Queens Christmas speech19Table 3 Modal value of Queens Christmas speech in 2017 21Table 4 Personal Pronoun.23Table5 First Personal Pronoun.23Table6 Second Personal Pronoun.24Table 7Thir

23、d Personal Pronoun 24Figure 1 types of modality (Thompson 2008: 67) 17Chapter1 IntroductionIn this chapter, background, objectives and outline of the study will be introduced, and hopefully this part will provide readers with a basic understanding of this study.Background of the StudySpeech is a kin

24、d of public activity which takes an important social function. So is public speech. Since ancient time, political speech has been an important way for governments and government leaders to convey political orders and gain the publics supports. So the study of Queens help us understand British situat

25、ion.With the development of the world, English has become more and more popular in China. English is not only the most common international language in the world today,butalsothemostwidelyusedlanguageintheworld.According to statistics in 1986, nearly 400 million of the native speakers in the world s

26、peak English, and almost one out of ten people speaks English.PeopleintheUnitedKingdom,theUnitedStates,Canada,Australia,NewZealandandothercountriesspeakEnglish,andabout20countriesintheworlduseEnglishasofficialorsecondlanguage.Morethan70%oftheworldsmailiswritteninEnglish.60%oftheworldsradioprogramisc

27、onductedinEnglish.MostoftheinformationintheworldispublishedinEnglish,mostoftheinternationalconferencesare based on English as the first universal language,anditisalsooneoftheofficialworkinglanguagesoftheUnitedNations.Inshort,Englishisanimportant communicationtoolinthefieldsofinternationalpolitics,mi

28、litary,economy,scienceandtechnology,culture,trade,transportationandsoon.With the expansion of Chinas opening to the outside world,theprogressofscienceandtechnologyandtheimprovementofinternational status, a large number of specialized talents who are proficient in foreign languages are urgentlyneeded

29、toacceleratetheprocessoffourmodernizationsinourcountryandmakeourcountryplayagreaterand more active role in international affairs. Therefore, typical English, especially England loyalty English get more and more popular for people to imitate. English Queen is the representation of England, so her spe

30、ech has representativeness. Analyzing Queens speech become very important for Chinese and foreign scholars. This thesis will study English Queens Christmas speech from one aspectinterpersonal function to help people learn how Queen gives a speech in a certain degree, and to understand English cultur

31、e, custom and so on.The British Royal speech began in 1932, and the idea of Christmas speech was put forward by John Reith, the founder of the British Broadcasting Corporation. In the same year, George V published the first royal Christmas speech by the new media - radio. In December 15, 1952, the B

32、ritish Queen Elizabeth II published her Christmas speech at the hall of Sanderlin, until today. As a head of a state and religious leader, the Queens Christmas speech is not only a celebration of the festival, but also the confidence and the cohesion of British nation. British Royal political speech

33、es represented by the British queen are more elegant, more volatile in the modality system, more diverse in speech, more interesting and more appealing to philosophical prose.The Systemic Functional Grammar created and developed by Halliday. SFG has gone through 4 stages. The beginning of the first

34、stage is marked by Categories of Theory of Grammar (1961), which is mainly a syntactic (grammatical) theory; the beginning of second stage is Some Notes on “deep” Grammar (1966), these paper show that order and category grammar has been developed into systematic grammar . The beginning of the third

35、stage is the publication of Notes on Transitivity and Theme in English during 1967 to 1968, in which he first proposed the concepts of experience function, logical function, and interpersonal function. On this basis, Halliday explicitly proposed three meta-functions of ideational, interpersonal and

36、textual in Language Structure and Language Function which is an important cornerstone of Systemic Functional Linguistics. The beginning of fourth stage is probably from the middle and late 1970s. Halliday gave us a complete view of meta-function through a series of works. During this period, meta-fu

37、nction includes three aspects: ideational function, interpersonal function and textual function.Gregory (1988) proposed that language could have these meta-functions: ideational function, interpersonal function, textual function and polite function. Butler (1996) has made a new interpretation of met

38、a-function, whose core is systemic semantics based on paradigmatic selection and Butler emphasizes the role of environmental factors. Fawcett(1973a,1973b) had two different vies from Halliday that one was the system net only limited in semantics, the other was language had six functions (Experientia

39、l, Logical, Interpersonal, Expressive, Thematic and Informational). Fawcett (1980) improved his functional ideas that the six functions can be further divided into eight functions: Experiential, logical relations, Negativity, Interactional, Affective, Thematic, Informational function.1.2 Objectives

40、of the StudyThis thesis tries to explore some rules of speeches of Queen and the function based on international functional theory. This thesis also tries to make some contributions to other political speeches.Hopefully, it will provide answers to the following questions:1) What are the functions of

41、 the mood, modality and personal pronoun in Queens speech?2) how can these features contribute to the interpersonal function of Queens Christmas speech?1.3 Layout of the ThesisThis thesis is composed of five chapters.Chapter 1 makes a general introduction to the background and aims of the study as w

42、ell as the outline of the study. Chapter 2 provides a brief review of the previous work in relevant field, including a brief introduction of contributions made by numerous researchers, and what are used in this thesis. Chapter 3 introduces the research design of the study, concluding theoretical fra

43、mework, data collection, research methods and research steps. Chapter 4 concludes the study with a discussion on major findings, limitations of this thesis and some suggestions for the further study.Chapter 2 Literature ReviewAs we all know that Systemic-Functional Grammar was proposed by M.A.K. Hal

44、liday. It can be classified into ideational function, interpersonal function, textual functional, and these three are called Meta-Functional theory. This thesis studies the Interpersonal Analysis of British Queens Christmas Speech in 2017.2.1 A Review of Previous Studies AbroadThere is a lot of linguistics who study Functional Grammar, in abroad and China. In abroad,

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