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XG 4.13 赵晓波 皮带传送装置设计.docx

1、买卖点?一文看懂基金投资最佳持有期限,最佳买卖点?本文来源网络整理,不代表本站观点。分享本文章目的在于学习,如有侵权,请邮件告知删除,本站将在收到删除告知信息的情况下,24小时内删除,并给予道歉,谢谢支持!文库网uot;文库网文库网文库网uot; hasload=1 style=color: var(-weui-LINK);-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);cursor: pointer;max-width: 100%; WKNSJY PR: In your country, is there more need for land to

2、 be left in its natural condition or is there more need for land to be developed for housing and industry? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Even though our population is increasing and land is needed for housing and development. I would hope that our country could save the l

3、and in its natural state for future generations to enjoy. This land would be good for promoting tourism, for preserving the environment, and for remembering our history. Although tourism has many negative side effects, it is an industry that can create enormous revenues. Tourism of course needs some

4、thing to see. They would not come to our country to see rows of apartment buildings or new industrial parks. What is interesting for tourists is the pristine countryside that our country is known for. Preserving the land as it is, would be good for the environment. More factories and other industrie

5、s would further pollute our rivers and air. We need frees and wide open spaces to make us feel like humans, not machines. Untouched land reminds us of our history. When we walk through the countryside, we can imagine our ancestors on the same path. If we cover the earth with asphalt and concrete, we

6、 will loose touch with our past. We will forget our roots. Preserving the land is good not only for the economy and environment, it is good for us as citizens of our soil. We must preserve what little we have left. Can we afford not to? 原文地址:土地用于建房还是工业用地? 本文来源网络整理,不代表本站观点。分享本文章目的在于学习,如有侵权,请邮件告知删除,本站将在收到删除告知信息的情况下,24小时内删除,并给予道歉,谢谢支持! 在看点这里 原文地址:a href=https:/

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