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1、pong羽毛球 badminton网球 tennis棒球 baseball垒球 softball手球 handball曲棍球 hockey; field hockey5. Match the words in the box with their meanings.1) Athletes run along this.2) You hit a golf ball with this.3) Boxers fight inside this.4) sports shoes5) a field where football and rugby are played6) you use this to

2、 hit the ball and table tennis7) casual clothes you can wear at home or to do sport6. DiscussionTalk about our favorite sport with your partner.What? Where? How often? How good? Who . with?Example: What is your favorite sport?Now tell the class about your partners favorite sport.Homework Writing: wr

3、ite a short passage discussing who is your favorite gymnastic playerDo exxLearn & do exxLearn & do exx441板书 Module 5 The great sports personality The 2nd Period Reading体操 gymnastics自由体操 floor/free exercises单杠 horizontal bar双杠 parallel bars高低杠 uneven bars; high-low bars吊环 rings跳马 vaulting horse鞍马 pom

4、mel horse平衡木 balance beam足球 football; soccer足球场 field; pitch篮球 basketball篮球场 basketball court排球 volleyball乒乓球 table tennis; ping pong教学后记The Ss still dont know the names of all kinds of sports.2008年10月23日课时计划课时3课题Module 5 The great sports personality Listening & cultural corner课型New教学目标1. Enable the

5、 students to describe the most beautiful places.2. Enable the students to talk about advantages and disadvantages of traveling transportation.3. Enable the students to write a short description of a region.重点1. Enable the students to describe the most beautiful places.2. Enable the students to talk

6、about advantages and disadvantages of traveling transportation.难点Enable the students to write a short description of a region.学情分析The Ss can finish the task. 教具课件1. A recorder 2. A projector 3. A computer教法Reading-getting information-speaking教学程序教学内容(引入、例题、练习题、检测题等)师生活动时间分配Step 1Step 2Step 3Step 4St

7、ep 5Step 6RevisionLook at the following pictures to learn more about the following topic体操 gymnastics 自由体操 floor/free exercises单杠 horizontal bar 双杠 parallel bars高低杠 uneven bars; high-low bars 吊环 rings跳马 vaulting horse 鞍马 pommel horse平衡木 balance beamBrainstorm: About Li NingWhat do you think of when

8、you hear “Li Ning”?Work in groups. Make a list.Li Ning is not only _, but also _.As a person, Li Ning is_ (people call him the prince of gymnasts) as well as_.Lead-in Reading1. Match the main ideas of each paragraph._A. Several elements guaranteed Li Nings success._B. Li Nings sports life was very s

9、uccessful._C. Li Ning decided to continue his work for sport._ D. Li Ning products are very successful now._ E. Li Ning launched a new brand of sportswear after he retired.2. Read the passage again and check the true statements.1) Li Ning won six medals at the Los Angeles Olympics.2) He was not happ

10、y with his results at the Seoul Olympics.3) He got a new job working for Nike sportswear.4) He chose the name of his sportswear company carefully.5) Six Li Ning products are sold every minute.6) Li Ning clothes are worn by the national teams of France and Italy.7) In 1991 he opened a school with Pel

11、e and Muhammad Ali.8) He wants to help children become good at sport.3. Detail reading1) Paragraph 1Why did people call Li Ning the prince of gymnasts?He had won 106 gold medals in major competitions across the world. They included six out of seven gold medals What did the sports journalists meet to

12、 do in 1999?Sports journalists met to make a list of the greatest sportsmen and sportswomen of the twentieth century and Li Nings name was on it.Why did Li Ning retire with the feeling that he had failed?He was disappointed because he had not performed well in the 1988 Seoul Olympics.2) Paragraph 2W

13、hat made him determined to succeed in his new life?The sense of failure made him determined to succeed in his new life.What did he decide to launch?He decided to launch a new brand of sportswear, competing with global giants.What do you know about his logo?The bright red logo is made up of the first

14、 two pinyin letters of his name.3) Paragraph 3Why did Li Nings success come quickly?The number of young people with money to spend was on the increase. His designs were attractive. They had a major advantage over their betterknown rivals-they were cheaper. So success was guaranteed4) Paragraph 4How

15、successful are Li Ning products?At home: Li Ning won _ of the national market. A Li Ning Product is _ every 10s. _ are you will see students in Li Ning tracksuits with the familiar logo. Chinese athletes _ Li Ning tracksuits whenever they _ onto the track during the 2008 Olympics.Abroad: The company

16、 has grown _. Li Ning is worn by _ gymnastics teams and employs _ designers to create new style.5) Paragraph 5What has Li Ning continued to do since he opened a school for gymnasts?He has continued to help young people to achieve their sporting ambitions.4. Post-readinggymnasts popularity retirement

17、 achieve market aiming making attractive anything listedFilling in the blanks with the words given below.As one of the greatest athletes, Li Ning had won lots of honours for China, for which his name even _ as the greatest sportsman of the 20th century. But that is not all of his sports life even af

18、ter his _-he set up a sports clothes company under his own name, _ to compete with other global giants like Nike and Adidas. Because of the _ designs and the cheaper price coming at the right time, Li Nings products won _ in the national _. But _ money is not his goal of entering the business. In 19

19、91, he opened a school for _ and he helped many young people _ their sporting ambitions -just as what his slogan says, _ is possible.Homework Some exercises about the textDo exxListenDo exxRead & do exx 第三单元 农业地域的形成与发展 单元练习1选择题(共15题)1美国中央大平原和阿根廷潘帕斯草原虽属于不同的农业地域类型,但它们共同的发展条件是: 气候温和 地广人稀 高度发达的工业 便利的交通A

20、 B C D2关于水稻种植业的叙述,正确的是: A是一种技术密集型的农业 B全分布在东亚季风区C比其他农业生产类型生产过程复杂 D单产一般比小麦低3下列国家或地区,农业类型为大牧场放牧业的是: A五大湖流域 B古巴C葡萄牙 D潘帕斯草原4关于美国商品谷物农业生产的叙述,正确的是: A密西西比河下游平原发展商品谷物生产的区位条件最优越B美国是世界上最大的商品谷物生产国C美国人口众多,为商品谷物生产提供了大量劳动力D美国商品谷物生产一般是国营的5水稻喜高温多雨,绝大部分分布在A热带和亚热带季风区 B南美洲热带雨林区C美国东南部和巴西东北沿海 D温带大陆性气候区 6既有大面积商品谷物种植,又有大牧场

21、放牧业分布的国家是A日本B加拿大 C美国D西班牙7水稻种植业和种植园农业的共同特点是A科技水平低B需要丰富的劳动力资源C产量高,商品率高D机械化水平高8影响农业水利化、机械化的自然条件是 A农作物种类 B土壤条件 C地形条件 D国家政策9决定下列农业区位选择的主导因素分别是:华南的双季稻种植 宁夏平原的水稻种植新疆哈密盆地的瓜果生产 上海郊区的乳畜业A热量水源光照市场B水源地形热量市场C地形国家政策土壤科技D土壤热量地形国家政策10商品谷物农业的基本特征是生产规模广机械化程度高劳动力丰富科技发达A B C D11下列关于阿根廷潘帕斯草原大牧场的叙述,正确的是A牧羊业占主要地位 B气候干旱,植被

22、稀疏C大牧场土地租金昂贵 D具有距海港近的区位优势12. 20世纪初,阿根廷的新鲜牛肉可以供应到西欧人的餐桌上,其主要原因是:A大型集装箱的使用 B海上冷冻船的发明C水下隧道的开通 D大型航空运输机的使用13下列关于美国农业的叙述,不正确的是:A粮食总产量居世界首位 B畜牧业产值居世界首位C小麦出口量居世界首位 D农业生产高度专业化14关于乳畜业的叙述,正确的是A乳畜业的产品主要是各种肉类和禽蛋B乳畜业的农场既种植牧草,也种植饲料,故不轮转放牧C乳畜业是密集农业,日常挤奶工作无法使用机械D市场和饲料供应是影响乳畜业生产的两重要因素15下列国家属于世界主要乳畜产品供应国的是A阿根廷和新西兰 B荷

23、兰和丹麦C法国和英国 D蒙古和加拿大参考答案 题号12345678910答案CCDBACBCAA题号1112131415答案DBADB二、读图题(共5题)16图中表示某城区农业布局示意图,读图分析回答: (1)图中农业布局:乳肉家禽饲养带,水果园艺带,粮食产区,林牧业区,这样布局是否合理:_ 。(2)简述乳肉家禽饲养带布局的理由:_ 。(3)由T1到T2由于_ 。原因致使农业经营规模还将扩大,这说明农业生产受_影响很大。(4)但随之农业带来的问题是_ 。采取的解决措施是:_ 。 17读下图,回答问题:(1)写出水稻主要分布区的名称:A、_ B、_ C、_。(2)A、B、C三地均为_气候区,_资

24、源丰富,从地形上看,水稻田多分布在_和_地区。(3)本地区_稠密,_丰富,为发展水稻种植业提供了有利条件。_是本地区人们喜爱的主要食粮。(4)亚洲水稻生产单产量高但商品率低的原因主要是:_;_; _。18读下面两图,回答问题。(1)图甲和图乙中表示的农业地域类型分别是_ 和_ 。(2)两种农业地域类型的共同特点是_ 。(3)两种农业地域类型的农场一般多为_ 经营的,种植的植物中均有_ 。(4)甲图所示的国家有庞大的_ ,免费向所有农场提供最新科技成果_ 。(5)乙图所示的国家,政府不遗余力地_ ,以促进农牧业的发展。19读下图回答下列问题。某农场的土地利用(左图)和年收入构成(右图)(1)判断

25、该农场的农业地域类型,并说明理由。(2)从区位选择的角度,分析农场在P农田种植花卉的有利条件。20读图17,完成下列问题。(1) 请分析改革开放前,四季青作为北京市蔬菜生产基地的原因。(2) 试从社会经济条件分析,是什么因素的变化促使海南岛成为北京蔬菜生产基地?(3) 海南岛与山东寿光相比,蔬菜生产具有什么自然条件上的优势?三、综合题:粮食生产和粮食贸易是当今世界各国关注的问题,读材料及图回答以下问题表1:部分粮食价格及我国进口数量(2001年)表2:中、美、法、日四国农业资料(1998年)(1)在图上,用字母A填在美国春小麦产区,用字母B填在美国玉米产带。(2)日本与美国相比在农业现代化方面

26、有何不同特点(6分)(3)我国三类粮食(小麦、玉米、大豆)价格为什么高于国际市场价格?(至少答三点)_(4)我国粮食库存已达5000亿斤,出现农民卖粮难的情况,但加入WTO后,国外、特别是美国粮食会大量登陆我国,如何妥善处理我国粮食生产问题?(至少答三点)_参考答案16(1)是(2)城市对乳畜产品需求大,且产品容易变质,而且单位面积产值高,所以要布局在距离城市最近的地区。(3)城市规模扩大 市场 (4)农业用地急剧减少 加大科技投入,提高单位面积的产量和产值17 (1)A、东亚 B、东南亚 C、南亚 (2)季风 水热 平原 三角洲 (3)人口 劳动力 米饭 (4)小农经营 机械化水平低 人口众

27、多18(l)商品谷物农业和混合农业(2)生产规模大,机械化程度高(3)家庭小麦(4)农业科技研究和推广系统(5)修建水利工程19(1)混合农业 同时经营种植业和畜牧业,种植业产品和畜牧业产品在农场收入中各占一定的比重。(2)临近公路,便于运输;有河流穿过,满足用水要求。20(1)靠近市场,便于运输;靠近水源,便于灌溉 (2)交通运输的发展和冷藏保鲜技术的进步 (3)全年高温,热量充足,水源比较充足,可不间断生产三、综合题:(1)填注位置必须正确,春麦区在北部(2)日本人多地少,农场规模小,农民人均产粮量少。日本现代化农业侧重生物技术和水利的发展,推广良种普遍,单产比美国高。日本农业机械发展适于

28、小地块和水田用的小型农机具。(3)耕地少,人口多,农民人均产粮低。农业现代化水平低,农业劳动生产率低,缺乏足够良种,粮食单产较低。耕地退化严重,自然灾害频繁,每年因受灾农业损失大。农民负担仍较重,国内市场经济不成熟,加大粮食的成本。(4)决不放松粮食生产。加快农业现代化,适当集中,建立商品率高的现代化商品粮基地。调整农业产业结构,积极开展多种经营。5高一英语同步练习:必修4 Unit3 A taste of English humor单元综合评估测试 (100分 45分钟)一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1. Do you know the tall man _ to Mr

29、King over there?Sorry, I dont know him. A. to speak B. speaking C. is speaking D. has spoken2. I am referring to anyone who is _ about food, not a _ person. A. particular; particularB. special; special C. special; particular D. particular; special 3. If you dont pay your gas bill , the gas will soon

30、 be _.A. cut down B. cut upC. cut out D. cut off4. Word came that the famous film star Chen Daoming was to _ a new film.A. star in B. star C. be starredD. starring in5. If we are not _ the progress we have made, we will have greater success. A. interested in B. strict inC. popular with D. content wi

31、th6. 2005江苏高考 Everybody in the village likes Jack because he is good at telling and_ jokes.A. turning up B. putting up C. making up D. showing up7. _, Mr. Scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent messages from one garage to the other. A. Recently B. Immediately C. Up to

32、now D. Up to date8. 2007全国高考 At the beginning of class, the noise of desks_ could be heard outside the classroom. A. opened and closed B. to be opened and closed C. being opened and closed D. to open and close9.2005安徽高考 I really cant understand_ her like that. A. you treat B. you to treat C. why tre

33、at D. you treating10. 2005湖北高考 This picture was taken a long time ago. I wonder if you can_ my father. A. find out B. pick out C. look out D. speak out11. Since there is no answer to the front door, why not_ the back door? A. try knocking B. try to knock C. to try knocking D. to try to knock12. Moth

34、ers story_ the little girl with great courage and she returned home alone. A. offered B. persuaded C. encouraged D. inspired13. His father looked_ when he learned that the little girl had such an_ talent for sports. A. astonished; astonishing B. astonishing; astonished C. astonished; astonished D. a

35、stonishing; astonishing14. In those days, large numbers of poor farmers moved to the northeast with their families as they thought they might be a little_ there. A. well off B. better off C. good off D. best off15. My mother looked at me with a_ expression. A. content B. contents C. contented D. contenting16. Unlike watching TV, reading is a highly active process, for it requires attention_ memory and imagination. A. as good as B. as far as C. as well as D. as long as17. 2007福建高考 How about_ Christmas evening party? I should say it was_ success. A. a; a B. the; a C. a; 不填

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