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1、ance of face, whether it is for ourselves or for others. Therefore, face theory is an important theory in interpersonal pragmatics. The concept of face was first introduced to Western countries by Chinese anthropologist Hu Xianjin. Afterwards, American scholar Erving Goffman discussed interpersonal

2、relationships in more detail on the basis of this concept, and provided a lot of data for the relevant research of sociolinguistics. In 1987, face theory was proposed by Brown and Levinson in the book Politeness: Some Universals in Language Usage Brown, P. and Levinson, S.C. (1987) Politeness: Some

3、Universals in Language Usage. Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge, Cambridge., and proposed the theory of positive face and negative face. Politeness and face are two basic theories in interpersonal pragmatics, and many people regard them as the basis and universal principles for harmonio

4、us dialogue.2.2 Other Factors Related to the Interpersonal Pragmatic StudyHe Ziran (2018) proposed that interpersonal pragmatics is to study how to reflect the relationship, attitude and situation between people through the use of language instead of studying the language itself. This is a question

5、about language life. He Ziran believes that politeness and face in language are not necessary conditions for ensuring harmonious communication. Every country, region, or even ethnic group has its own customs and habits, and different performances in different pragmatic environments. All scenarios in

6、 interpersonal pragmatics cannot be covered by politeness principles and face theory. The purpose of politeness is to ensure harmony in the process of communication. However, hidden behind politeness is a complicated interpersonal relationship, which is a series of pragmatic methods and pragmatic st

7、rategies under the premise of maintaining interpersonal relationships. In the process of maintaining interpersonal relationships, there are often blind spots in the language life of society. For example, although interpersonal communication is extensive, it often lacks deep communication; emphasizin

8、g self, friendship is weak, and the talk is frivolous and perfunctory; But less than contact, old death does not associate; lack of mutual assistance and love on the grounds of not interfering with others. At the theoretical level, interpersonal pragmatics gradually gets rid of the constraints of po

9、liteness principles and face theory, and on this basis, it continues to expand and deepen. Linguists like He Ziran began to realize that they cannot simply look at language applications in interpersonal communication with politeness and face. The essence of interpersonal pragmatics is to theoretical

10、ly study the nature of interpersonal communication. In complex and changeable social situations, the two sides of the dialogue cannot be formulated, but will be different due to the influence of personality, nationality, country, attitu本科毕业设计(论文)本科毕业设计(论文) 闲淘网上购物商城系统的设计与实现闲淘网上购物商城系统的设计与实现 Design and

11、 Implementation of Online Shopping System 院院 (系)(系)计算机科学与技术系 专专 业业软件工程 班班 级级2016 级软件工程 4 班 学学 号号16210120423 学生姓名学生姓名冯贤斌 指导教师指导教师张薇 提交日期提交日期年 月 日 毕业设计(论文)原创性声明毕业设计(论文)原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业设计(论文) ,是本人在指导老师的指导下, 独立进行的设计(研究)工作及取得的成果,论文中引用他人的文献、数据、 图件、资料均已明确标注出,论文中的结论和结果为本人独立完成,不包含他 人已经发表或撰写的作品及成果。对本文的研究作出

12、贡献的个人和集体,均已 在论文中作了明确的说明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 毕业论文作者(签字): 签字日期: 年 月 日 成绩评定成绩评定 成绩项成绩项 论文成绩(百分论文成绩(百分 制)制) 折合比例折合比例 实得成绩(折合实得成绩(折合 分)分) 指导教师成绩30% 评阅教师成绩20% 答辩成绩50% 总评成绩总评成绩 注:毕业设计(论文)成绩按百分制评定。答辩成绩不及格的(评分低于注:毕业设计(论文)成绩按百分制评定。答辩成绩不及格的(评分低于 6060 分的)分的) , 则该毕业设计(论文)总评成绩为答辩成绩。则该毕业设计(论文)总评成绩为答辩成绩。 内容摘要内容摘要

13、 电子商务在全球都非常流行,尤其是在我国,著名的大型电商 平台有很多,例如京东商城、天猫商城等等。 针对这种现状,本人将模仿网上电商的平台做一个线上购物的 设计与实现,该系统的名称定义为闲淘网上购物商城,以下简称闲 淘。 本论文基于 Bootstrap、JSP、jQuery、MySQL 和 Tomcat 等技术 研究闲淘网上购物系统的设计与实现,设计本系统是为了对电子商务 领域有更深刻的认识,同时也是为了提高自己的编程设计水平,通 过这个系统的设计与实现会使我对软件工程领域有一个更深刻的认 识、把学到的编程技术运用到实际开发中去,从而达到学以致用, 强化巩固技术基础的目的。文中介绍了整个系统从

14、设计到实现的过 程。 从技术选型到系统总体设计、数据库设计再到系统具体设计分 析,设计完成之后到闲淘系统的前后台测试,最后总结。 本系统按角色划分可分为后台管理员和用户两大模块,经过测试,所 有的功能点都能按预期的结果成功执行。 关键词关键词:闲淘购物系统 Java JSP Bootstrap Servlet 数据库 Abstract E-commerce is very popular in the world, especially in China, there are many well-known large-scale e-commerce platforms, such as J

15、ingdong Mall, Tmall Mall and so on. In response to this situation, I will imitate the online e-commerce platform to do an online shopping design and implementation. The name of the system is defined as Xiantao online shopping mall, hereinafter referred to as Xiantao. This paper is based on Bootstrap

16、, JSP, jQuery, MySQL, Tomcat and other technologies to study the design and implementation of Xiantao online shopping system. This system is designed to have a deeper understanding of the field of e-commerce, but also to improve your programming design level Through the design and implementation of

17、this system, I will have a deeper understanding of the field of software engineering and apply the learned programming technology to actual development, so as to achieve the purpose of learning to apply and strengthen and consolidate the technical foundation. The article introduces the entire system

18、 from design to implementation. From technical selection to overall system design, database design to system specific design analysis, after the design is completed, to the front and back office testing of the Xiantao system, and finally summarized. The system can be divided into two modules: backgr

19、ound administrator and user according to roles. After testing, all function points can be successfully executed according to the expected results. Key words: Shopping System; Java; JSP; Bootstrap; Servlet; Database 目录目录 第一章第一章 引言引言.1 1.11.1 网上购物系统的发展.1 1.21.2 网上购物的现状.1 1.31.3 网上购物系统的构建.1 第二章第二章 相关理论

20、基础相关理论基础.2 2.12.1 JSP 技术 .2 2.1.1 JSP 的简介 .2 2.1.2JSP 的优点 .2 2.1.3 JSP 的工作原理 .错误错误! !未定义书签。未定义书签。 2.22.2 数据库及相关技术简介.2 2.2.1 SQL 语言简介.错误错误!未定义书签。未定义书签。 2.2.2 MySQL 简介.2 2.2.3 JAVA 技术简介 .2 2.2.4 TOMCAT 简介 .2 2.32.3 Bootstrap 框架 .2 2.3.1 Bootstrap 简介 .2 2.4 jQuery 技术 .2 2.4.1 jQuery 简介 .2 第三章第三章 系统总体设计

21、系统总体设计.3 3.13.1 系统设计.3 3.1.1 系统功能分析 .3 3.1.2 系统体系结构 .3 3.1.3 系统流程图 .3 3.23.2 数据库设计.5 3.2.1 数据库概念结构设计 .5 3.2.2 数据库的逻辑结构分析 .6 3.2.3 数据库表的设计 .7 3.2.4 数据库的连接 .9 第四章第四章 具体设计分析具体设计分析.10 4.14.1 系统首页.10 4.24.2 具体功能实现.11 4.2.1 通用 servlet 设计.11 4.2.2 用户注册 .12 4.2.3 用户激活 .14 4.2.4 用户登录 .16 4.2.5 用户退出 .17 4.2.6

22、 分类展示 .17 4.2.7 首页上展示热门商品和最新商品 .18 4.2.8 查询单个商品的详情 .19 4.2.9 按类别分页展示商品 .21 4.2.10 将商品添加到购物车 .22 4.2.11 对购物车进行操作(删除) .24 4.2.11 对购物车进行操作(清空购物车) .25 4.2.12 生成订单 .26 4.2.13 查询我的订单(将所属的订单项也查询出来) .28 4.2.14 查询订单详情 .30 4.2.15 后台管理分类信息 .32 4.2.16 展示所有商品 .37 4.2.17 添加商品 .38 4.2.18 订单管理 .40 第五章 前后台测试.42 5.15

23、.1 前台测试.42 5.1.1 用户注册功能测试 .42 5.1.2 用户激活功能测试.42 5.1.3 用户登录功能测试 .42 5.1.4 用户退出测试 .42 5.1.5 分类展示测试 .43 5.1.6 首页展示最新商品和热门商品测试 .43 5.1.7 查询单个商品的详情测试 .43 5.1.8 按类别分页展示商品测试 .43 5.1.9 将商品添加到购物车测试 .44 5.1.10 删除购物车上的商品测试 .44 5.1.11 清空购物车测试 .44 5.1.12 生成订单测试 .45 5.1.13 查询我的订单测试 .45 5.1.14 查询订单详情测试 .45 5.25.2

24、后台测试.45 5.2.1 添加分类信息测试 .45 5.2.2 删除分类信息测试 .46 5.2.3 修改分类北京理工大学珠海学院2011届本科生毕业论文How the Palace Museums Cultural and Creative Products Carry on the New Round of Network Marketing with the Help of the Vlog学 院: 外国语学院专 业:姓 名:指导老师:商 务 英 语黄 茜学 号:职 称:161002105103张 陈 元讲 师中国珠海二二 年 五 月北京理工大学珠海学院2020届本科生毕业论文毕业论文

25、诚信承诺书本人郑重承诺:我所呈交的毕业论文 How the Palace Museums Cultural and Creative Products Carry on the New Round of Network Marketing with the Help of the Vlog是在指导教师的指导下,独立开展研究或调查所取得的成果,文中引用他人的观点和材料,均在文后按顺序列出其参考文献,文中所使用的数据真实可靠。承诺人签名: 日期: 年 月 日How the Palace Museums Cultural and Creative Products Carry on the New

26、Round of Network Marketing with the Help of the VlogAbstractThe purpose of this paper is to analyze the current status of local cultural and creative industries in China at the present stage, and to obtain a marketing plan for the combination of the cultural and creative arts of the Forbidden City a

27、nd VLOG, one of the current trend cultures through investigation and research. use. Using a variety of scientific research methods, finally came to a set of methodologies that can help it launch a new round of online marketing.This paper will use the current network environment as the background, th

28、e latest marketing actions of the two brands combined with a series of other scientific research methods to help carry out analytical research, and finally objectively conclude the feasibility and necessity of a new round of marketing combined with the Palace Museum and VLOG.Keywords: new net promot

29、ing way, Vlog, Palace Museum故宫文创如何借助Vlog展开新一轮的网络营销摘 要该篇论文的目的在于分析现阶段国内地方文创的现状,通过调查研究得出针对故宫文创和当前潮流文化之一VLOG相结合的营销方案,同时也可以供其他同类型的地方文创复制使用。采用多种科学研究方法,最后得出一套可以帮助其展开新一轮网络营销的方法论。这篇论文将以当前网络环境为背景,两大品牌的最新营销动作结合一系列等科学研究方法来帮助展开分析研究,最后客观得出故宫文创和VLOG结合展开新一轮营销的可行性以及必要性。 关键词: 新的网络营销方式;故宫文创;短视频IIContentsAbstract摘 要Int

30、roduction11 The Rise of The VLOG in China21.1 The Introduction of VLOG21.1.1 The Popularity of VLOG in China21.1.2 The Expression of Mainstream Discourse about VLOG31.2 The Use of VLOG in Domestic Marketing Activities31.3 The Forecast and Analysis of the Development of VLOG31.3.1 The Change of Commu

31、nication Mode in the New Media Era41.3.2 The Evolution of the Short Video Era41.3.3 The Control of the High-quality Content Production52 Missing Marketing of the Palace Museum Products62.1 Examples of the the Palace Cultural Innovation Marketing62.1.1 Weibo Marketing72.1.2 Brand Syndication to Achie

32、ve Leverage Marketing82.3 The Feasibility of Combining with VLOG93 The Creation of Online Marketing with VLOG and Palace Museum113.1 Business Potential of VLOG113.2 The Inspiration of the Marketing from Yun Watched113.3 The Methods of the Creative and VLOG Combine Marketing12Conclusion14References15

33、Acknowledgments16IntroductionIn the Internet era, many brands marketing has chosen to add new trendy cultural elements in order to achieve the goals of high customer living, high retention, and high conversion. Although the Forbidden City Cultural Innovation has sprung up in the first two years of m

34、arketing, and marketing activities such as IP co-branding have not stopped in recent years. Currently, there is no marketing activity combined with Vlog. Therefore, this paper will conduct research on this.By analyzing the brand activities that were successfully marketed with Vlog, and comparing the

35、 marketing cases of the Forbidden City Cultural Innovation with the marketing cases of other close relatives, the possibility of mutual integration was analyzed, and then the combination with Vlog was used as the Forbidden City literature. From multiple perspectives, different marketing strategies h

36、ave different effects on cultural and creative brand promotion. The main research contents of this thesis include the original intention of the creation of the Forbidden City and the brand culture, the analysis of the marketing activities in the later period, the reasons for the Vlog fever and the p

37、ossibility of its application to the Forbidden City, the cultural and creative brand, and a practical solution.The thesis analyzes the factors of the success of Forbidden City Cultural Innovation, which is the manifestation of the results of market surveys. If it is appropriate, it can be appropriat

38、ely adopted. At the same time, in accordance with the original intention of researching a high feasibility plan, it is appropriate to track and research the target consumers psychology in real time.1 The Rise of The VLOG in China1.1 The Introduction of VLOGVLOG is a kind of blog, full name is video

39、blog or video log, which means video blog, video log, a variant derived from blog. VLOG authors use images to replace text or photos, write personal blogs, upload and share with netizens.The definition of VLOG on the YouTube platform is that creators record daily life by shooting videos. Such creato

40、rs are collectively referred to as VLOGGER.In October 2006, a message from Italy said that the innovative mobile video blog service My Video Blog launched by mobile operator Italy 3 and Mobaila has become a successful new application in Italy. At the same time, on the Internet, a new form of bloggin

41、g has gradually begun to replace the traditional text blogs, and has quickly become popular among netizens. It is the video blog-Vlog.1.1.1 The Popularity of VLOG in ChinaThe high-speed transmission of 4G has given the video industry an unprecedented bonus period. Live broadcasts and short videos ha

42、ve become a way for people to obtain information and entertain themselves. However, the various shows brought by the live broadcast platform have gradually been flogged by users, and they have truly become users urgent desire for short video content.As can be seen from the Vlog definition, documenta

43、ry is one of its most important characteristics. Record the daily life of the creator through the lens, share personal insights like writing a diary, and throw away the performance elements to face the user. You can see from the search on Bilibili that many Vlogs are completely a true reflection of

44、the heros daily life. For example, the daily life of a small idol dormitory, a happy trip to Hokkaido, an afternoon in the library, etc.Unique personality charm is also an important reason for the rise of Vlog. The creators took Vlog from the first perspective, shared their personal views or insight

45、s based on their growth experience, and fully displayed their personality charm. For example, Jing Yue, a graduate student in the Department of Philosophy at St Andrews University, as a domestic Vlog, records the process of traveling with his girlfriend around the world, showing the life that the younger generation yearns for, and combines personalities with high-value and calm persona

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