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8、本科毕业论文(设计)答辩记录表论文题目作者姓名系(部)、年级、专业 系(部) 年级 专业指导教师姓名、职称答 辩 会 纪 要时间地点答辩小组成员姓 名职称(职务)姓 名职称(职务)姓 名职称(职务)答辩中提出的主要问题及回答的简要情况记录:会议主持人签名:记录人签名:年 月 日 答辩小组意见评语:评定等级: 负责人(签名): 年 月 日系部意见评语:论文系(部)最终评定等级: 负责人(签名): 系(部)(公章) 年 月 日空两个字空两个字黑体二号加粗目 录 摘要 1 宋体小四号 关键词 1 1。一级标题 1 1。1二级标题 2 1。1。1 三级标题 3 5。结束语 8 参考文献 9 附录(没有

9、附录的不标注)10 致谢11 行距请适当设置,目录能单独一页最好,以美观为宜 15湖南警察学院毕业论文页眉小五宋体,居中。副标题四号黑体,居中,单倍行距,段前段后各空0。5行。三号黑体加粗,居中,单倍行距,段前段后各空0。5行。页面设置:上、下2。54cm左、右3。17cm左侧装订线1cm页眉1。5cm页脚1。5cm。论法律强制力的弱化四号楷体加粗,居中,单倍行距,段前段后各空0。5行。以公安行政指导为视角XXXX级专业张摘要和关键词正文:小四号楷体,行距20磅。标题:四号黑体,加粗摘 要:法律强制力是法律得以实施的保障之一。随着社会文明程度的提高,政府职能逐渐从“命令服从”向“服务合作”转变

10、。法律强制力的作用范围越来越小,法律不再单纯以强烈的约束作用为依托,而是页多地体现协调和指引的作用,法律强制力有了相应的弱化。在公安工作中,公安行政指导的广泛运用以及取得的成效便能很好地说明这一点。如何正确认识法律强制力的弱化和运用公安行政指导,以调整社会秩序和维护社会和谐是公安工作的重要任务。关键词:强制力;行政指导;有限性;协调作用;指导前置英文摘要和关键词正文,小四号Times NeW Roman,行距16磅Abstract: Compulsoriness is one of the characteristics of the laW that guarantees its imple

11、mentation。 Improvement of the civilization of the society has seen the government function sWitching from “ordering-obeying” to “service-cooperation”。 With the narroWing of the function scope of compulsoriness, the laW no longer simply relies on strong restraint, but demonstrates more proportion on

12、the roles of coordination and guidance, correspondingly Weakening compulsoriness of the laW。 In public security Work, extensive use of administrative guidance and effect achieved are good illustration of that point。 In order to adjust social order and maintain social harmony, the main mission of pub

13、lic security is to obtain a correct understanding of the Weakening of compulsoriness of the laW and correctly use the administrative guidance of public security。正文内容:四号仿宋体,行距23磅。Key Words: compulsoriness;administrative guidance;limitation;coordination role;in guiding the prearrangement20世纪50年代末,西方法理

14、学各种理论在推进各自观点的同时,不约而同地弱化了法律强制力的概念,他们主张,强制力的运用不是法律存在和法律实施的本质特征。那么,我国是否存在这种法律强制力弱化的现象,这种现象在公安工作中有什么指导意义呢?本文将以公安行政指导在治安方面的具体运用来分析法律强制力的弱化现象。四号黑体,行距20磅,段前空1行,段后空0。5行。1。 法律强制力的发展趋势法律是由立法机关制定或认可的、反映统治阶层意志并由国家强制力保证实施的行为准则。所谓强制,它的词典意是“用政治或经济力量强迫”,也就是说它的主体和客体间的地位是不平等的,强制实施的主体很明显的处于力量的绝对优势,强制的承受客体是迫于这种力量或服从或屈从

15、。法律的强制力是指法律是国家意志的体现,由国家强制力来保障实施。这里的国家强制力,是指国家的军队、警察、法庭、监狱等有组织的国家暴力。从这个层面上看,法律体现着统治阶层的意志,体现着对其成员在政治、经济、社会等各个领域的行为的要求,法律是靠国家强制力保证实施的,约束和制裁是法律强制力集中体现。法律依靠这种“他律”,即外在的强制力来发挥作用,用强制的手段来约束人们的行为,从而达到有效调整社会秩序的目的。1。1 1。1。1 2。 公安行政指导在公安工作中运用的分析行政指导是指国家行政机关及其工作人员根据国家和社会管理的实际需要,在其职权范围内,通过制定诱导性的法律、法规和政策或者通过运用具体的建议

16、、劝告、鼓励等方式,引导社会公众予以合作以实现一定行政目的的非强制性行政活动。(部分内容省略)3。 公安行政指导是法律强制力弱化的选择插入页码,居中公安行政指导与法律的关系是密切的。首先,行政指导由于其主体适格性和内容的合法性,就必须完善相应的法律法规,做到有法可依。其次,行政指导由于其方式的非强制性、相对人接受指导的自愿性,就要求我们明晰行政指导产生的法律责任。上角 内加上数字。在社会管理中,行政指导行为产生效力是基于相对人的同意和自愿的,接受指导与否由相对人自主决定。就是说,行政指导没有直接的法律强制力,不直接产生法律效力。(部分内容省略)其责任由双方公平分担;在社会公众已识别或判断出某行

17、政指导违法或违反政策或不当,而基于行政机关采取或变相采取了强制措施来迫使自己就范,如果社会公众能提供证据证明,则行政机关承担责任,社会公众可以免责4”。(部分内容省略)5。 结语小四号黑体,加粗,行距16磅,居左。由此可见,法律强制力的弱化,充分体现了当前政府职能从“命令服从”到“服务合作”的转变。对于公安机关来说,如何正确理解法律强制力的弱化,在当前把握好公安行政指导,使之与法律强制力有机结合,同时加强公安行政自身的监督机制,共同实现对社会的有效控制和赢得社会秩序,是公安工作的重大任务。参考文献:五号楷体,行距16磅;按序排列。与正文中序号一致。1刘星。法律“强制力”观念的弱化当代西方法理学

18、的本体论变革J。外国法译评。1995。(3):22-24。2张康之。论强制力的社会秩序功能的有限性J。广东社会科学。2001。(2)。114。3谢天长,邱德民。非强制性行政行为的增长与公安行政执法J 。湖北警官学院学报。 2006-9。(5):72-74。4曹静晖。 论我国社会管理中的行政指导J。内蒙古农业大学学报(社会科学版)。2006。(1):114-115。(其他参考文献略)附录:(如果有,同参考文献的排版格式)致 谢内容四号仿宋,行距23磅;1页为限。内容省略24湖南警察学院优秀毕业论文(设计)申报表系(部)(公章): 年级专业: 年 月 日学生姓名学 号指导教师课题名称内容简介(创造

19、性、先进性、新颖性;应用领域和技术原理,推广应用范围、条件与前景) 申请人:注:1、申报时必须附2位中级职称以上教师的评审意见; 2、此表1式2份;系(部)1份,教务处1份。指导教师意见签名: 年 月 日 系(部)推荐意见评审委员会主任签字(盖章): 年 月 日 学校审定意见评审委员会主任签字(盖章): 年 月 日湖南警察学院优秀毕业论文(设计)专家评审表系(部): 专业年级: 年 月 日学生姓名学 号指导教师课题名称课题来源专家评审意见评审专家姓名职称从事专业(对成果的创造性、先进性、新颖性,应用领域和技术原理,推广应用范围、条件与前景的评价) 签名: 年 月 日 专家评审意见评审专家姓名职

20、称从事专业 本科毕业论文 诚信承诺书 1、学生 在导师 的指导下独立完成本毕业论文。尽本人所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文的研究成果不包含任何他人享有著作权的内容,对本论文所涉及的研究工作做出贡献的其他个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明,保证不抄袭、剽窃他人成果,不请人代做。坚持学术操守、维护学术纯洁、恪守学术道德、遵守学校论文管理条例、维护学校名誉。若在毕业论文的各种审查、评比中被发现有任何学术不端行为,愿按学校有关规定接受处理,并承担相应责任,包括接受相关处分、取消毕业资格、取消学位及至承担相应法律责任。 2、学校有权保留本毕业论文的纸质版和电子版。 学 生(签名): 指导教师(

21、签名): 20 年 月 日 摘 要 嘉莉妹妹是德莱塞的第一部小说,小说以19世纪末20世纪初美国为背景,展示了当时美国社会经历的巨大变革,讲述了贫困的农村少女嘉莉如何从社会底层登上百老汇明星宝座的过程。 本论文主要运用美国著名社会心理学家埃里克森的青春期阶段的认同危机理论分析女主人公嘉莉所经历的认同危机。埃里克森认为,人的自我意识的形成和发展可以划分为八个阶段,期中第五个阶段即青春期阶段,主要表现为自我同一性和角色混乱的冲突。在这一阶段,青少年面临许多新的选择机会和社会要求。如果能顺利完成角色转换,则能建立新的身份认同,相反则会造成角色混乱。 本文分为三章,从自我、他人、社会的角度分析嘉莉妹妹

22、的认同危机,由被动到主动,最后成功解决成为一位独立的人。借此希望通过对小说主人公嘉莉的分析,能够使读者对青春期阶段的认同危机有一个更加清晰、全面的了解,帮助尤其是青少年阶段的读者更顺利完成角色转换,度过危机,实现自我的成长和发展。 关键词:嘉莉妹妹;认同危机;埃里克森;发展 i Abstract Sister Carrie is the first novel by Theodore Dreiser. It shows the great changes of American society at the turn of the 19th and the 20th centuries by

23、depiciting the story of how Carrie, a poor country girl, becomes a famous star in Broadway. This thesis attempts to apply American social psychologist Eriksons identity crisis theory to analyze the protagonist Carnes identity crisis. Erikson divides self consciousness into eight stages. the fifth of

24、 which being the adolescence stage. or the stage of ego identity versus identity diffusion. It is a stage. in which the adolescents attempt to explore who they are and who they are going to be. In this stage, the adolescents are faced with many new choices and social requirements. Only through succe

25、ssful transition from childhood to adulthood can they form a new self identity. Otherwise, they will develop some kind of role confusion. This paper is divided into three chapters. From the perspective of self, others and society, Carrie sisters identity crisis is analyzed from passive to initiative

26、, and finally successfully resolved to become an independent person. Hope that through the analysis of the protagonist Carrie, can make readers have a clearer and more comprehensive understanding of the identity crisis in the adolescent stage, especially young readers help stage more smoothly throug

27、h the crisis, role transformation, self growth and development. Key words: Sister Carrie; Identity crisis; Erickson; development ii Contents Abstract in Chinese Abstract in English Introduction1 Chapter One2 Carries Identity Crisis in Ego3 A. Environmental Transition3 B. Conceptional Conflict6 Chapt

28、er Two8 Carries Identity Crisis in Association8 A. Carries Estrangement with Family8 B.Carries Attitude towards Love8 Chapter Three10 Carries Identity Crisis in Society10 A. Degeneration from Toil10 B.Awareness after Depravity10 Conclusion12 Notes13 Bibliography14 Acknowledgments15 Introduction Pers

29、onal identity is the cognition of oneself. It is about the sameness of ones existence. In personality studies. identity means ones essential and continuous self. In philosophy, identity is also called sameness, and it is whatever makes an entity definable and recognizable. In social sciences such as

30、 psychology and sociology. identity is an unbrella teen used to describe individuality, personal identity, social identity. and cultural identity of a given person or character. Identity is an issue developed with modernity. which embodies the resolution of tradition and the drastic change of life.

31、With the development of society, peoples identities that once were constant have become non-stationary. As a result, everyone is faced with the problem of reselecting their identities. Identity is an issue throughout life and quite conspicuous in adolescence. Adolescence is the key stage of identity

32、 in which the adolescents have to assume new roles and responsibilities along with the changes in the body and mind. Only through the itrgration of these new roles with old roles can one form a complete and coordinated identity in order to avoid identity diffusion. Theodore Dreiser is one of the mos

33、t prominent writers of the 20th century American literature. He is regarded as an outstanding figure in a national literary movement, and as a naturalist and a pioneer of American modern novels. His works are close to peoples life. honest, bold and full of passion. As a forerunner of the American mo

34、dern novel. he broke the important role in timid and genteel tradition of the Victorian period and played an introducing a new Realism into American fiction. He suffered numerous condemnations especially for Sister Carrie. He depicts the inner spiritual world of the adolescents and identifies closel

35、y with his characters. In a fairly characteristic language. He portrays the inner struggle of young people and criticizes the corrupting world. Despite their own characteristics. his novels are not moving away from the theme of Sister Carrie: peoples clothes. their speech and physical exercise. The

36、industrial society.the place of women. and the shaping power of ones vision. In Sister Carrie, Dreiser represents the resistance of the protagonist as well as what she suffers in the process of her growth from adolescence to adulthood. In this novel, the ambivalent protagonist endeavors to know hers

37、elf and define her own identity in a world full of danger. By this novel, Dreiser touched upon a wide range of themes and experiences, from grinding poverty to upper-middle class comfort, which challenged the mainstream ideology of the 20th century. This thesis shall investigate into Carnes identity

38、 crisis by trying to approach the novel from Erik Eriksons identity theory which is to be briefly discussed in the first chapter in relation to Sister Carries personality development on the one hand and, on the other, in hope of building up a kind of theoretical foundation for a substantial analysis

39、 of Carnes identity crisis. Chapters two, three and four shall focus on Carnes identity crisis itself, including its causes, its manifestations, and its final outcome, respectively. For its courses, this thesis shall analyze the indifference among people, Carnes spiritual alienation, and Minnies res

40、ponse to Carrie. For manifestation, this thesis shall concentrate on Carnes negative identity, including her use of her body for material interest, and her intended physical and spiritual alienation. Then, in the last chapter, the thesis shall interpret the transition that happens to Carrie, making

41、her aware of real life and epiphany which has finally helped her to find her true identity. This thesis chooses Theodore Dreisers Sister Carrie as the critical object because Dreiser presents his protagonist very realistically. By exploring the protagonists inner world in the process of her searchin

42、g for her true identity, this study intends to help readers, especially those who are in the same situation as the protagonist, to know themselves and the world at large, with the hope that they can develop a positive attitude to face the setback and difficulties in life. Chapter One Carries Identity Crisis in Ego A. Environmental Transition Feminism is a modern

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