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1、 of Directors. 2. Joint Venture shall employ competent treasurers and auditors to keep all books of accounts, which are accessible at any time to each Party hereto. 3. The fiscal year of Joint Venture shall begin on January 1st and end on December 31st. The net profit of Joint Venture shall be distr

2、ibuted between the Parties to Joint Venture in proportion to their respective shares in the registered capital after the deduction therefrom of the reserve funds, the bonus and the expansion funds of Joint Venture. Dividends shall be paid in (currency)。 第十一条 税费 Article 11 Tax 1、 合营企业必须按照中华人民共和国的法律纳税

3、。 2、 合营公司的职员和工人必须按照中华人民共和国个人所得税纳税。 3、 合营企业进出口物资依照中华人民共和国的法律缴纳或减免关税。 1. Joint Venture shall pay taxes in accordance with the relevant laws of the Peoples Republic of China. 2. The staff members and workers employed by Joint Venture shall pay individual income tax according to the Individual Income Ta

4、x Law of the Peoples Republic of China. 3. Joint Venture shall pay or exempt from customs duty and industrial and commercial consolidated tax on goods imported or exported in accordance with the relevant laws of the Peoples Republic of China. 第十二条 合营期限 Article 12 Duration of Joint Venture 1、 合营期限为X年

5、。合营企业的成立日期为合营公司营业执照签发之日。 2、 假设双方同意延期,合营企业必须在期江前6个月向中国政府的主管部门提出延长期限的申请。 1. The duration of Joint Venture is_ years, which begins on the date when Joint Venture is issued the business license. 2. When both Parties to Joint Venture agree to extend the duration, Joint Venture shall file an application f

6、or extending the duration to the relevant authority of the Chinese governmnent 6 months befor its expiration date. 第十三条 解散与清算 Article 13 Dissolution and Liquidation 董事会公布解散合营企业,必须制定清算程序和原那么,并成立清算委会。 合营企业解散和清算的一切事宜均按中华人民共和国法律办理。 Upon announcement of the dissolution of Joint Venture, its Board of Dire

7、ctors shall work out procedures and principles for the liquidation and set up a liquidation committee. All matters concerning the dissolution and liquidation of Joint Venture shall be dealt with in accordance with the relevant laws of the Peoples Republic of China. 第十四条 保险 Article 14 Insurance 合营企业的

8、各项保险均在中保财产保险公司投保。 Insurance against various risks shall be effected by Joint Venture with the Peoples Insurance Company of China. 第十五条 仲裁 Article 15 Arbitration 有关本协议的一切分歧与争议,假设董事会不能通过协商处理,那么提交中国国际贸易促进委员会对国际贸易易仲裁委员会,依照该会仲裁程序暂行规那么进展仲裁。该委员会的裁决是终局的,对双方均具有约束力。 All disputes, controversies or differences

9、which may arise between the Parties hereto, out of or in relation to this Agreement and which the Board of Directors fails to settle through consultation, shall finaly be submitted to arbitration which shall be conducted by the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promot

10、ion of International Trade in accordance with the Provisional Rules of Procedure of愀紀漀漀欀刀攀愀搀愀猀瀀砀椀搀甿驒痒5Smwap前台访问/p-3329157.html116.179.32.770最瀀栀琀洀氀甿驒砲/a前台访问/BookRead.aspx?id=1366951111.206.198.310%最瀀栀琀洀氀甿/e前台访问/tag/xilagudianshenhua.html220.181.108.1070勈匀洀眀愀瀀瀀栀琀洀氀甿驒/Mk前台访问/p-2185281.html220.181.108.1









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