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1、 Talent Management from Employee Attitude to Retention Approach人才管理:员工的态度与留住人才的方式Peter CappelliProfessor and Director 教授及主任Center for Human Resources 人力资源中心The Wharton School 沃顿商学院Is There Something Really Different About Jobs Now?现在的工作真的有所不同吗? Yes. The notion of a secure, long-term career is harder

2、 to imagine. 是的,一份安全、长期的工作的概念职业更加难以想象。 During the economic “boom” 49% still had downsizing 即便在经济繁荣期,依然有49%的企业在缩小规模。 AMA survey 63 percent cutting in one division and expanding in another 美国管理学会调查-63%的企业在边减边扩 Economy turns fast 经济转变迅速 Employers expecting to hire 19% more college grads in Spring 2001

3、than in 2000. 2001年春季,雇主们计划比上年多招19%的大学毕业生。 By Sept 2001, expecting to hire 20% fewer grads. 到2001年秋季,他们却计划减少20%。Its The New Deal at Work工作中的新状况 The End of Lifetime Commitments 停止终生承诺 But Workers are not all Temps, Either! 但员工并不都是临时的 Its an Open-Ended Arrangement, negotiated and based on the outside

4、market这种安排是开放的、可协商的、以外部 的 Why does that matter? ?Is This Really New?真是新 吗? That Depends on How Old You Are The Short History of Lifetime Employment这 的年 有多大 终 雇 Why We Moved Toward Careers Inside Companies 们 业转 到 ? It Wasnt Always So Great. Remember The Organizational Man? 况并不 是 。 人吗?What Caused the

5、Change?变的 Institutional Ownership and Shareholder Value: The Scott Paper Case 所有 度与currency1“:fifl业 Pressures from Markets: Speed and Variety的力:速度与变 The Third Wave of Corporate Restructuring的3 New Management Techniques: Bringing the Market Inside the Firm 新的管理:” 部Effects on Employee Management员工管理的

6、Employee Tenure: 员工任期 Down with employer: Up with occupation雇主变 :职业变长 Dismissals quicker 雇更迅速 Training: Not rising :有长 Wages: Returns to seniority falling 工资:年资上的 The Big Management Challenges 管理大 Retention, Training Investments, Commitment留 、上的资、承诺How About Demographics?人计学的状况 ? Are There Shortages

7、 of Skills? 有 ?Or is the problem more complex? 这 更 ? How About Technical and IT Skills? 与IT The “Cobweb” Model “ 模 What Else? 有 ? Talent Management the best really matter人才管理 的 Jobs offer more scope for contributions 工作 更大的Poor performers are demoralizing员工 不 Performance Management how can you tell who the best are 管理 ?If your best employee had an offer to leave at 2x the pay 的 员工 ,一 的工作 Could you match it?他同样的吗?How do you feel about forced rankings?强 性等级有 法?Why are they popular?流行?

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