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中英文:Wrongful detention.doc

1、中英文:Wrongful detention The law protects citizens who are wrongfully deprived of their liberty by another. If you have been the subject of an improper detention by another or an arrest by the police or other state or federal official, and if it took place without probable cause, in bad faith, or if i

2、t illegally deprived you of your liberty, you may be able to file a lawsuit and recover damages. The police have probable cause only when there are enough facts to lead a reasonable person to conclude that you are committing or have committed a crime. This is a considerably higher standard than the

3、mere suspicion“ an officer needs in order to stop you briefly to investigate possible criminal activity. A possible case of wrongful detention might involve store personnel who generally have the right to detain a person they suspect of shoplifting. However, the investigation must take place in a re

4、asonable amount of time, and the store personnel cant look in the persons bag without permission unless they actually saw the person steal an item, or the item is in plain view. If this is not the case, the store would either have to call the police to investigate or let the person go, otherwise it

5、may be considered wrongful detention. For more information on wrongful detention, talk with an attorney. 法律保护市民不被别人错误的剥夺自由。假设你已经被别人、警察、其他州或联邦政府公务员不适当的扣押、或错误逮捕,或者在没有合理理由、违犯规定的情况下违法剥夺了你的自由,你可提起诉讼并要求赔偿损失。警察只有在掌握充足证据的情况下才有恰当的理由下结论说某人正在或已经进展了犯罪。为了迅速将案犯逮捕以便对犯罪活动进展调查,这个结论必须证据充分而非仅仅是疑心。错误扣押还包括如此一种案例,比方商店职员通常来说对被疑心为如店行窃的人有权进展阻止,然而,这种调查必须在合理的时间段里使用,除非店员确实看到别人在行窃或一目了然明白物品被盗,否那么不经同意无权搜寻别人的包裹。假设事实并非如此(店方认为有接着调查的必要),可以叫警察来介入调查或者让此人离开,否那么就会被认定为非法拘留。想理解更多有关非法拘留的信息,可找律师征询。 单词注解: 1、 detention n. 拘留, 禁闭, 阻止, 滞留, 留堂 2、 shoplifting n. 入店行窃 3、 detain vt (1)留住;阻住;扣押 (2)延迟;耽搁

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