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1、Accenture Technology Vision 2016 People First: The Primacy of People in a Digital Age Contents Foreword 03 Introduction 04 Executive Summary 06 Trend 1: Intelligent Automation 16 Trend 2: Liquid Workforce 26 Trend 3: Platform Economy 36 Trend 4: Predictable Disruption 48 Trend 5: Digital Trust 57 Co

2、nclusion 66 Research Methodology 67 References 69 Contacts 71 Your digital forecast. #techvision2016 2 Technology Vision 2016 ContentsForeword We are pleased to present the Accenture Technology Vision 2016, our annual view of the technology trends that will have a profound impact on enterprises for

3、the next three to five years. We are in the midst of a major technology revolution specifically a digital revolutionwith digital now dominating every sector of the economy. And we are seeing an important new shift as the technology revolution begins to put people first. To put it simply, as business

4、es become digital, their people and cultures must become digital, too. The theme of our Accenture Technology Vision 2016, “People First: The Primacy of People in a Digital Age,” looks at the competitive advantage that awaits companies that move beyond digital culture shock to create a thriving digit

5、al culture. And we look at the early adopters who are leading the way. High performers of the future wont merely consume more technology. They will enable their people to accomplish more with technology. They will create new corporate cultures that use technology to enable people to constantly adapt

6、 and learn, create new solutions, drive change and disrupt the status quo. The critical message from our Accenture Technology Vision 2016 is counterintuitive. While technology is the driver, its the people, not just technology, that will transform organizations for the future. Indeed, digital cultur

7、e and talent is a clear differentiator in a highly competitive business environment and an increasingly digital world. The Accenture Technology Vision 2016 is a must-read for leaders of organizations across industries and around the world. We hope it provides relevant ideas to help you in your journ

8、ey to become a digital business and guides you as you transform your businessand your people for digital success. Pierre Nanterme, Chairman and CEO Paul Daugherty, Chief Technology Officer 3 Technology Vision 2016 Introduction People First: The Primacy of People in a Digital Age Winners in the digit

9、al age do much more than tick off a checklist of technology capabilities. They know their success hinges on people. The ability to understand changing customer needs and behaviors is, of course, vital. But the real deciding factor in the era of intelligence will be a companys ability to evolve its c

10、orporate culture to not only take advantage of emerging technologies, but also, critically, embrace the new business strategies that those technologies drive. 4 Technology Vision 2016Enterprises must focus on enabling peopleconsumers, workers and ecosystem partnersto accomplish more with technology.

11、 They will have to create a new corporate culture that looks at technology as the way to enable people to constantly adapt and learn, continually create new solutions, drive relentless change, and disrupt the status quo. In an age where the focus is locked on technology, the true leaders will, in fa

12、ct, place people first. Succeeding in todays digital world is a challenge that cant be solved simply by consuming more and more technology, or, as some fear, replacing humans with technology. 5 Technology Vision 2016 Introduction25% of the worlds economy will be digital by 2020.E xecutive Summar y D

13、igital Culture Shock We are in the midst of a major technology revolution, specifically a digital revolution. Our research model and analysis shows that digital is now dominating every sector of the economy. This global digital economy accounted for 22 percent of the worlds economy in 2015. And its

14、rapidly growing, as we forecast those numbers to increase to 25 percent by 2020, up from 15 percent in 2005. 1With digital pervading everything, its bringing with it ubiquitous and unprecedented amounts of change. There are new technologies and solutions, more data than ever before, legacy and new s

15、ystems to tie together, an upsurge in collaboration (inside and outside the enterprise), new alliances, new startupsnew everything. Meanwhile, out in the marketplace, digital customers are also maturing. Their dramatically transformed expectations of service, speed and personalization are just the s

16、tart. The rise of the millennial generation brings with it not just a new type of customer, but also a new kind of employee with very different outlooks and aspirations. This born digital generation demands a world fashioned to its needs and new expectations about how work should be organized. Perva

17、sive collaboration technologies are reconfiguring long-established norms of employment. The push toward freelance and portfolio careers is reshaping the workforcehow, when, and where. These changes are no phase. Change, in fact, has become the new normal. According to our global technology survey of

18、 more than 3,100 IT and business executives, 86 percent of the executives anticipate that the pace of technology change will increase rapidly or at an unprecedented rate in their industry over the next three years. And many companies, already reeling from the impacts of technology and the changes th

19、ey need to make in response, find themselves temporarily overwhelmedsome even paralyzed as they absorb the magnitude of the tasks ahead. Thats understandable. But once theyve paused for breath, theyll need to start changing their products, their business models, and all of the processes that support

20、 them. Theyll need to develop new skills. And theyll have to learn different, more agile ways of working across ecosystems composed of looser, partner-based collaboration. This requires a different way of looking at all the businesss moving partsand particularly its people. New ways of investing in their

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