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1、 predicting likely outcomes, or spotting anomalies and outliers. Essentially this approach presents the computer with a set of right answers and asks it to find more of the same. Terminology The range of different statistical techniques referred to here with the general term artificial intelligence

2、have emerged over a long time from many different research fields within statistics, computer science and cognitive psychology. Consequently, authors from different disciplines tend to make different distinctions between terms like machine learning and machine intelligence, using them to refer to re

3、lated but distinct ideas. As these techniques have been applied in different business areas theyve become relevant to other tasks so theyre likely to feature also in discussions about data mining and predictive analytics. While this paper looks ahead to a time when machine learning is more widesprea

4、d than at present, many of the opportunities and challenges it discusses arise in other contexts too. So rather than be distracted with an academic discussion about terminology, weve chosen to use the umbrella term artificial intelligence. 6 1Mitchell, T. (1997), Machine Learning 2http:/ Artificial


6、GRUVWDJHGGHVLJQLQZKLFKRXWSXWVIURPWKHSUHYLRXVODHUDUHXVHGDVLQSXWVIRUWKHQHW manufacturing should derive the greatest benefits, with the greatest gains across all sectors set to come from efficiency savings7. Another report from 2015 predicts major operational savings for European governments by using b

7、ig data, in addition to opportunities to increase tax revenues and reduce fraud and error8. A 2014 study of 500 UK businesses, meanwhile, concluded that those who make better use of customer and consumer data are between 8 and 13 per cent more productive than firms who dont9. More broadly-defined fo

8、recasts for the impact of systems combining robotics, data and artificial intelligence sometimes labelled “Industry 4.0”10 also promise substantial gains. According to McKinsey, companies themselves anticipate Industry 4.0 to increase revenues by 23 per cent and productivity by 26 per cent11. Artifi

9、cial intelligence has a central role in enab万元8479.004总成本万元6418.495利润总额万元2060.516净利润万元1545.387所得税万元1.078增值税万元284.219税金及附加万元142.1610纳税总额万元941.5011利税总额万元2486.8812投资利润率25.13%13投资利税率30.33%14投资回报率18.85%15回收期年6.8116设备数量台(套)13917年用电量千瓦时507154.2818年用水量立方米6991.4019总能耗吨标准煤62.9320节能率21.31%21节能量吨标准煤15.7322员工数量人

10、164What You Need to Know About Blockchain and How to Assess the Opportunity Blockchain: A Fundamental Shift for Financial Services Institutions the way we see it Cards in effect it is a new model for transaction processing. Launched on July 30, 2015 Ethereum is envisioned by its creators as “.a cens

11、orship-proof world computer that anyone can program, paying exclusively for what they use and nothing more.” 5Attempts to create distributed transaction processing systems started in the 1990s but the challenges for distributed databases were too difficult to overcome. As a result centralized proces

12、sing became the norm, enabled by the subsequent growth in processing power. Blockchain technology enables the distributed processing of financial transactions, and Ethereum extends this concept into a generalized programmable model for processing leveraging the concept of smart contracts. A smart co

13、ntract (according to Swanson) is often defined as “computer protocols that facilitate, verify, execute and enforce the terms of a commercial agreement.” Richard Brown has written a newer and clearer definition: “A smart-contract is an event-driven program, with state, which runs on a replicated, sha

14、red ledger and which can take custody over assets on that ledger.” In other words, you can think of a smart contract as a programmable calculator that can (1) receive inputs, (2) execute code, then (3) provide an output. Since it resides on a distributed ledger, it is difficult for any one party to

15、modify (i.e. abuse) the program. Arguably the most ambitious, next-generation cryptographic applications project to date and the third-largest crowdfunded project of all time Ethereum is aiming to create a new universe of programmable contracts, powered and secured by its own proof-of-work blockchai

16、n. 6As of today, Ethereum is still undergoing extensive testing and additional capabilities and tools (e.g. messaging and browser) are being added by its core team of developers. Over time, Ethereum will also make the switch from a proof-of-work algorithm to a proof-of-stake algorithm. Ethereum take

17、s blockchain from an interesting financial payment processing opportunity to a new paradigm for financial transaction processing, totally transforming the IT model currently in use by all financial services companies worldwide and beyond. 5 Tual, Stephan. “Ethereum Launches”. Retr

18、ieved 31 July 2015. 6 Grace Caffyn, “Ethereum Launches Long-Awaited Decentralized App Network”, http:/ July 30, 2015 5 the way we see it Cards issue dividends; create price feeds, bets and contracts for difference. 7Its current market capitalization is $2.5M. 8FactomA general-purpose, data-layer blo

19、ckchain, Factom enables developers to create digital assets on top of the Bitcoin blockchain, utilizing its functionalities for assets other than currency. It offers a faster, cheaper way to develop blockchain-based financial applications. 9Ripple- Created and maintained by Ripple Labs, Ripple is an

20、 open-source payments protocol for free and instant exchange of any form of money or value. This real-time, gross settlement system (RTGS), currency exchange, and remittance network is built on a distributed open source Internet protocol, consensus ledger, and native currency called XRP (ripples). 1

21、0BitShares- A decentralized financial platform, BitShares features price-stable cryptocurrencies, decentralized asset exchange, industrial performance and scalability, collateralized bond market, and recurring and scheduled payments. Its current market capitalization is $10.8M. 117Bromden, Stanislas

22、 (2014-04-10). “Counterparty to Create First Peer-to-Peer Digital Asset Exchange Platform”. CoinTelegraph. Retrieved 2014-04-27 8http:/ 9Paul Snow, et at., “Business Processes Secured by Immutable Audit Trails on the Blockchain”,, November 17, 2014 10“Two US banks are ready to embrace

23、 the Ripple protocol”, Gigaom. September 24, 2014. Retrieved 2015-06-09 11http:/ Retrieved 10-8-2015 6 Blockchain: A Fundamental Shift for Financial Services Institutions3. The Future Potential of Blockchain Blockchain changes the IT paradigm for processing and has the potential to create a very dif

24、ferent model for managing transaction-processing contracts. It also enables all processing to be done over a distributed systems network or in the Cloud, avoiding the use of costly datacenters or mainframes. The key to the growing interest and investment in blockchain technology is its use of comple

25、x and immutable cryptology that cannot be hacked, which opens up an exciting new vista of possible applications. For example, in Honduras, Factom is working with the government to build a secure land-title registry. Blockchain technology allows a truly tamper-proof database of land titles. The Isle

26、of Man is currently working on government initiatives to store information and make contracts using blockchain applications. 12In the financial services industry, Nasdaq is exploring the potential of blockchain technology for the record-keeping applications that support private-market trades. Nasdaq

27、 feels that blockchain technology will provide extensive integrity, audit ability, governance, and transfer of ownership capabilities. 13Nasdaq has also joined with Visa, Citi and other industry players to invest $30 million in C, a blockchain developer platform that serves the enterprise applicatio

28、ns market. Additional investors include Capital One and Fiserv. American Express recently announced taking an investment in Abra, a mobile-to-mobile payment system that leverages bitcoins blockchain as an underlying payment mechanism. 14 A new report from Santander InnoVentures claims blockchain tec

29、hnologies could reduce banks infrastructural costs by $15-20B a year by 2022. 15Banks can save money by eliminating central authorities and bypassing slow, expensive payment networks. The Euro Banking Association also thinks that blockchain technology has the potential to reduce costs, improve produ

30、ct offerings and increase speed for banks. They suggest blockchain technologies are a key subject for further study for transaction banking and payment professionals, especially against the background of evolving financial infrastructures. 16 The potential inherent in bringing more transparent, more

31、 secure, lower- cost blockchain technology to financial services cannot be ignored. Financial institutions would do best to consider a core tenant of the digital world and start to test and learn. A new report from Santander InnoVentures claims blockchain technologies could reduce banks infrastructu

32、ral costs by $15-20B a year by 2022. 15 12 Sarah Jen , “The Future for Blockchain Technology”, http:/ Posted on May 20, 2015 13 Bradley Cooper, “The blockchains future opportunities”, http:/ Sept. 10, 2015 14 http:/ 15 The Fintech 2.0 Paper: rebooting financial services. Santander InnoVentures, Oliv

33、er Wyman and Anthemis Group. http:/ The%20Fintech%202%200%20Paper.PDF 16 Cryptotechnologies as major IT innovation and technical change agent. EBA Working Group on Electronic and Alternative Payments May, 2015 7 the way we see it Cards & Payments引领影响力:铸就通往商业价值之路2016-2017年全球CIO调查报告序言引领影响力:铸就通往商业价值之路

34、| 序言现如今,数字化的运用使许多事物变得简捷轻便。随着企业重心向客户倾斜,在数字化时代,商业领袖们对前端数字化即客户体验的关注度不断提高。事实上,正如多数技术专家所认同的那样,前端不过是冰山一角。商业领袖们尤其是CIO们必须继续花时间关注当前及未来对数字化变革的期望,并提升推进数字化项目所必需的能力和技巧。在被强大的数字化力量和超速创新力驱动的商业环境中,每家公司都是技术公司。我们每天都在目睹技术如何推动产品设计,颠覆了古老的商业模式,并改写竞争。毫不夸张地说,数字化“可以驾驭科技颠覆,从而重塑商业价值的创造方式“。企业CIO在这个过程中被赋予了更多的价值,如果说其他高管各自偏重于自己所管辖




38、来对数字化变革的期望,需要将更多的企业核心关注点转移到目前尚不能完全匹配企业需求的IT能力建设上来。这将在可见的未来,成为撬动企业数字化转型的关键支点。我们也希望,本次调查报告能够引导CIO们关注自身的核心能力和企业发展需求,在探索CIO影响力的道路上走得更远。周锦昌 科技、传媒和电信行业主管合伙人德勤中国电子邮箱: 程中 电信行业企业管理咨询服务主管合伙人德勤中国电子邮箱:关于德勤的CIO项目CIO在当今商界扮演着最为复杂同时也最具挑战性的角色之一。那些出色的CIO在最高层级开展工作,为自己所在的组织创造价值。CIO在沿着自己的职业道路前行时,德勤的CIO项目能够支持他们实现价值。我们通过量

39、身定制的实验室体验、领导能力培养和职业衔接机会、有针对性的社交网络以及独到的研究和洞见,为IT领袖提供支持,鼓舞士气,并将他们联合起来,共同应对接下来的挑战。有兴趣了解更多吗?请发送电子邮件至:USCIOP,或者访问: | 目录2引领影响力:铸就通往商业价值之路 | 前言:引领影响力前言:引领影响力在2015年的全球CIO调查报告中,我们向您展示一张打造CIO影响力的线路图。我们这里所说的“影响力”指的是技术领袖给自己所在组织创造的持久价值。一项重要发现表明高效能CIO通常基于企业的需求通过三种独特的模式来增加价值。充当可信任的运营者,确保卓越运营;充当变革驱动者,协助完成重大的业务转型;充当


41、型,契合企业战略。变革驱动者在技术驱动的业务转型和变革项目中一马当先。他们大多都用于支持企业战略和实现新兴技术。业务的共同创建者大多都用于驱动企业战略,在企业内部促成变革,确保战略的高效实施。3引领影响力:铸就通往商业价值之路 | 迈向新世界前行之路 我们2015年的调查旨在帮助CIO们认清这样的事实他们应该不断调整自己,适应自身角色的多变要求,从而为自己所在的组织创造持久的价值。今年,我们计划好了路线图。2016年全球CIO报告的主题影响力引领着眼于CIO应该如何规划自己的职业生涯,游走于不同的模式之间,打造自己的影响力。什么影响着你的道路?先天因素与后天因素的对比 以价值创造为目标的职业道路是否取决于CIO与生俱来的个性特征?在今年的调查当中,我们拓宽了分析范围,以便理解什么因素更有利于高效能的CIO通过持久的价值创造来打造自己的影响力:我们称之为“先天因素”的个性特征;还是他们在自己的职业生涯中建设的IT能力和组建的团队,我们称其为“后天因素”。为了回答这个问题,我们审视了二十种与“先天因素”相关的个人或工作风格属性,还有与“后天因素”相关的十种 IT 能力以及十二种领导能力。我们发现CIO的先天属性同他(或她)依照特定企业需求成功地创造价值之间几乎没有什么关联。但是,后天因素同

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