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1、litical risks facing the world; read the interview on page 6 or watch video content at Although the range and depth of content featured in The Wealth Report clearly highlights that Knight Frank understands not just the property needs of its clients, but also their wider interests and aspirations, p

2、roperty remains the bedrock of the report. The PIRI 100, which really emphasises the extent of our global expertise, tracks the performance of the worlds leading city, sun and ski luxury property markets and it is always fascinating to see which locations are at the top and bottom of the table. I do

3、nt want to spoil the surprise, but Asian cities dominate the top end of the rankings this year. To find out why and see the full results, turn to page 30.THE WEALTH REPORT 6 | KNIGHTFRANK.COM 7 | KNIGHTFRANK.COM F rom this day forward, a new vision will govern this land. From this day forward, its g

4、oing to be only America first.” With these two short, yet immensely symbolic, sentences, spoken as part of his inauguration address in Washington DC on 20 January 2017, Americas 45th President Donald Trump formally called time on seven decades of interventionist US foreign policy. Seven decades that

5、 since the Second World War have seen the worlds most powerful nation attempt to wield its influence to imprint its own values on the rest of the globe. While Mr Trumps supporters welcomed his pledge to make America great again, to rebuild its strength from within and to focus on addressing their ow

6、n domestic woes, many other Americans were more nervous about the future. Across the Atlantic, speaking at The World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Ian Bremmer, founder and President of Eurasia Group reiterated his brief obituary: “Pax Americana is dead.” It comes as little surprise to hear h

7、im say this. A couple of weeks earlier in his office on the 15th floor of a building on Fifth Avenue in Manhattans fashionable Flatiron district, Dr Bremmer had told me why he thinks the death of what he calls “Indispensable America” and the nations rebirth in the shape of “Independent America” is b

8、ad news for the world. So bad, potentially, that it tops Eurasias eagerly awaited annual list of the 10 biggest geopolitical risks currently facing the world. Top Risks 2017 was released a few days before our meeting, and Dr Bremmer had spent most of the week touring New Yorks TV studios explaining

9、that choice and why, when combined with Eurasias other risks, in particular a China liable to overreact (Risk 2) and a weakened Angela Merkel less able to hold Europe together (Risk 3), he thinks we are entering what he describes as a “geopolitical recession”. “I like to think Im a pretty optimistic

10、 guy, but 2017 is the most significant year for political risk since World War Two,” he warns. Risk monitor In our keynote interview, Ian Bremmer, be吐吐.77年,固定资产投资回收期6.77年(含建设期),项目具有较强的盈利能力和抗风险能力。4、中共中央、国务院发布关于深化投融资体制改革的意见,提出建立完善企业自主决策、融资渠道畅通,职能转变到位、政府行为规范,宏观调控有效、法治保障健全的新型投融资体制。改善企业投资管理,充分激发社会投资动力和活力

11、,完善政府投资体制,发挥好政府投资的引导和带动作用,创新融资机制,畅通投资项目融资渠道。泓域咨询MACRO/ 固液分离器投资建设项目建议书第三章 项目建设单位基本情况一、项目承办单位基本情况(一)公司名称xxx集团(二)公司简介公司建立了产品开发控制程序、研发部绩效管理细则等一系列制度,对研发项目立项、评审、研发经费核算、研发人员绩效考核等进行规范化管理,确保了良好的研发工作运行环境。公司坚持诚信为本、铸就品牌,优质服务、赢得市场的经营理念,秉承以人为本,宾客至上服务理念,将一整套针对用户使用过程中完善的服务方案。企业“以客户为中心”的服务理念,基于特征对用户群进行划分,从而有针对性地打造满足

12、不同用户群多样化用能需求的客户服务体系。二、公司经济效益分析上一年度,xxx投资公司实现营业收入5489.18万元,同比增长30.04%(1267.97万元)。其中,主营业业务固液分离器生产及销售收入为5038.12万元,占营业总收入的91.78%。上年度营收情况一览表牁欄艣螓臷脀捫鎂蝄瑉,C鼀趿2鶘2欀渐洐椐渠樐栠椠椠椠栠捫鎇蝄瑉(4鼀趿!鶘欅杣芁螓咇艍怀髙鼐欅杣螁螓咇艍髙鼐欆艥螓啓劇芅敫鎇厇蝕蕒灠牁欄来芪螓镑冇膕敫鎇冇螕镑晫鎂咇螛魔晫鎇咇螛魔橫鱥鎇咇蝵牁欄疋艙螓傇脽鄀譫奵鎇傇蜽裟鎂厇螙镋恠灠鬐牁欄绍芿螓克腑騀鄀 The changing landscape of disruptive te

13、chnologies Global technology innovation hubs The changing landscape of disruptive technologies 2017 I1 Foreword 2 Global growth of a tenacious tech innovation ecosystem 8 Innovation management insights 13 Tech innovation country perspectives 30 Conclusion 32 Survey demographics and methodology 34 Ab

14、out KPMG 14 Australia 15 Canada 16 China 17 Germany 18 India 19 Ireland 20 Israel 21 Japan 22 Korea 23 Russia 24 Singapore 25 South Africa 26 Taiwan 27 United Kingdom 28 United States Contents: 2017 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG netwo

15、rk of independent firms are affiliated with KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services. No member firm has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any other member firm vis-vis third parties, nor does KPMG International have any such authority to obligate or b

16、ind any member firm. All rights reserved.Foreword KPMG member firms recognize the importance of innovation to the technology industry and the global economy as a whole. KPMGs publication series, The changing landscape of disruptive technologies, now in its fifth year, provides perspectives about tec

17、hnology innovation trends, top barriers to commercialize innovation, and insight into technology innovation leading practices. As in prior years, we include insights from our annual survey of more than 800 global technology leaders including start-up entrepreneurs and FORTUNE 500 executives. The 201

18、7 publication is issued in two parts, featuring the following topics: Part 1 | Global technology innovation hubs showcases the rise of new ecosystems of incubators, accelerators, and venture capital alongside government incentives across the world. In this section, we unfold the cities and countries

19、 that are making significant strides in innovation development and provide 15 country perspectives. With stakes so high to compete in a global technology industry ecosystem, we also examine the global leadership views on innovation management. Part 2 | Disruptive technology trends and barriers to co

20、mmercialize emerging technologies. In this issue, to be released in April, we examine the emerging technologies with the most potential to disrupt industries and transform business models. We also assess the monetization opportunities of these disruptors and adoption challenges by region and industr

21、y. The spread of tech innovation development is being fueled by growing ecosystems as technology innovation has permeated all industries. Technology continues to enable an unprecedented rise in creativity, across the world, to solve business problems and develop new markets in ways never thought pos

22、sible. At the same time, the success of Silicon Valleys entrepreneurial culture continues to incentivize countries, all over the world, to become leading technology innovation hubs. Some countries are accomplishing their objective to become a leading innovation hub, while others continue to face mac

23、roeconomic and infrastructure challenges. Now more than ever, companies across a broad array of industries are being impacted by the rapid pace of change in digital arenas. Global and cross- industry collaborations and partnerships are key to staying ahead, as is learning how to embrace change in a

24、nimble way to avoid the status quo for fear of failure or uncertainty. We hope you find this publication insightful, and we welcome your suggestions for the next edition. Tim Zanni Global and U.S. Technology Sector Leader Chair of Global and U.S. TMT Line of Business, KPMG, LLP 2017 KPMG Internation

25、al Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services. No member firm has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any other member firm vis-vi

26、s third parties, nor does KPMG International have any such authority to obligate or bind any member firm. All rights reserved. The changing landscape of disruptive technologies 2017 1Global growth of a tenacious tech innovation ecosystem United States and China show most promise for disruptive break

27、throughs Many countries realize innovation investment is critical to increase economic growth. The investment, development, and adoption of new technologies continues to spread out from the Silicon Valley epicenter to tech hubs around the world. As tech innovations unfold, China is stacking up to th

28、e United States as a leading force. Global tech industry leaders indicated, in KPMGs tech innovation survey, the United States and China are the worlds dominant tech epicenterswith the greatest potential to develop disruptive technology breakthroughs that will have a global impact. The strong showin

29、g for these two mega-powers is relatively consistent with earlier KPMG surveys, although this years poll reflects a slight uptick for China25 percent compared with 23 percent the prior year. China continues to make rapid gains as the country moves from manufacturing to an innovation powerhouse led b

30、y its large mobile and digitally advanced consumer and enterprise base. Visionary entrepreneurial leaders such as Jack Ma of Alibaba have become known and respected globally. Chinese tech titans, Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent, and others, are entering overseas markets, and are earmarking leading start-ups

31、 for acquisition and investment. 2 The changing landscape of disruptive technologies 2017 2017 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client se

32、rvices. No member firm has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any other member firm vis-vis third parties, nor does KPMG International have any such authority to obligate or bind any member firm. All rights reserved. 2017 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a

33、Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services. No member firm has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any other member firm vis-vis third parties, nor does KPMG Internatio

34、nal have any such authority to obligate or bind any member firm. All rights reserved.ited ngdo dia2 2 11 10 Partial list of countries shown. Percentages do not sum to 100%. Source: KPMG Technology Innovation Survey, November 2016 Source: KPMG Technology Innovation Survey, November 2016 Nearly half n

35、amed the United States as the innovation center leader. China only drew an 18 percent response from U.S. and Canadian respondents. Among those polled in the U.S., national favoritism is even more pronounced with 49 percent singling out the United States. Those in China rated their own market excepti

36、onally high, at 59 percent, while the United States drew only 9 percent. Respondents from Asia selected China most often (35 percent). The United States drew a mere 13 percent EMEA tech leaders selected the U.K. at 22%, ahead of China (18%), and behind the U.S. (27%). 46% 35% 22% 49% 59% The results

37、 reflect a small decline for the United States26 percent forecast it as having the most potential for leading edge advances, down from 29 percent a year ago. This slip does not reflect a declining status for U.S. tech leadership but rather the expansion of innovation across several geographies in in

38、creasingly developed digitalized markets. Accordingly, India and the United Kingdom are seen by respondents as progressing with innovative tech hubs of their own, showing progress in the development of products and services that can break through in developed and emerging markets. On this scale, Ind

39、ia places third globally for the second year in a row. Indias mobile-first generation and its reliance on local business models are helping India to progress. India is home to nine start-ups valued at more than $1 billion. More and more start- ups are targeting the domestic Indian market as business

40、es shift from serving global markets with outsourcing. The United Kingdom jumped significantly in the global rankings. As many as 10 percent of the survey respondents selected this country for developing potential technology breakthroughs compared with only 4 percent the prior year. Government initi

41、atives such as Innovate U.K. are focused on driving and accelerating innovation by investing in small high- growth companies in key market sectors and providing access to cutting edge technologies. The results skew by regional responses, showing some nationalistic bias. NORTH AMERICA UNITED STATES CHINA ASIA EMEA Which country shows the most promise for disruptive technology breakthroughs that will have a global impact? Responses by region and country:The changing landscape of disruptive technologies 2017 3 2017 KPMG Intern

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