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1、摘 要随着 Internet 网络技术的快速发展,一种全新的商务运作方式电子商务应运而生了。电子商务可以使商家与客户更紧密的联系起来,更快的满足客户的需求,也可以让客户在全球范围内选择商家,商家可以在全球范围内销售产品。在这些电子商务中,网络书店以其便捷的购物方式深受人们的欢迎。本设计就是尝试使用 ASP.NET 在网络上架构一个网上书店,以使每一位顾客不用出门在家里就能通过上网来轻松购书。论文首先介绍了电子商务以及网上书店的相关知识,以及系统设计所使用到的技术原理和工具。本设计依照软件生命周期法则,在需求分析阶段进行了功能需求分析、非功能性需求分析,其中包括了业务流程分析。系统概要设计中描述

2、系统的主要功能模块,以及模块之间必要的接口,同时还构建关系数据库。在详细设计中具体描述了各个子模块的功能。基本上包含了一个电子商务网站开发制作流程以及应该注意的问题。系统实现的功能可分为客户和管理两部分;客户部分包括网站首页,书籍浏览、书籍搜索、深度搜索、在线订单以及其他服务;管理部分包括书籍管理、订单管理、用户资料管理。论文最后做出了设计的总结,并列出参考资料。关键词:电子商务; 网上书店; ASP.NET; 数据库;AbstractWith the rapid development of Internet technology, a new mode of business operat

3、ion e-commerce business has emerged. E-commerce makes merchants and customers more closely linked to each other, to faster meet customer needs but also allow the customers to choose the businessmen on a global scale, to give the merchants the option of selling their products within the framework of

4、the global. In these e-commerce companies, Internet Bookstore, with its convenient way to shopping is welcomed by people.This procedure tries to build up a bookshop in the network with ASP.NET, so that every customer neednt go out and can do shopping easily through surfing the Net at home. The thesi

5、s introduces the related knowledge about e-commerce and online bookstores at first, and then the principles and tools used by the system design. This website performance defers to the software life cycle principle, carried on the function requirement analysis and the non-function requirement analysi

6、s that includes the business process analysis during the requirement analysis stages. The high level design describes the main module of the system and also builds the relational database; the details design describes the function of each sub system. This paper basically includes development process

7、 flow of an electronic commerce website and the main points which should be valued.The design consists of two parts: customer module and manage module. The customer part, includes the Home page, the book scanning, the book searching, the book deeply searching , the on-line order services and other s

8、ervices. The manage part includes the book management, the order management and the account management. In the end, there is a summary of the design and the list references.Key words: E-commerce; Online Bookstore; ASP.NET; Database;目 录第 1 章 引 言 .11.1 电子商务和电子网站简介 .11.1.1 电子商务简介.11.1.2 电子商务基本流程.21.1.3

9、 我国的电子商务.31.2 网络书店的研究现状 .31.3 网络书店的研究意义 .3第 2 章 项目简介 .52.1 项目应用背景 .52.2 系统配置和采用的技术 .52.2.1 系统配置.52.2.2 .NET 技术框架 .52.2.3 ASP.NET 技术 .62.3 项目需求分析 .72.3.1 功能需求分析.72.3.2 非功能需求分析.11第 3 章 系统总体设计 .113.1 识别参与者 .123.2 识别用例 .133.2.1 经理用例.133.2.2 员工用例.143.2.3 顾客用例.143.3 用例描述 .153.4 系统业务流程描述 .213.5 系统架构分析 .223

10、.6 数据库设计 .233.6.1 数据库表结构.24第 4 章 系统详细设计 .284.1 新用户注册模块 .284.2 用户登录模块 .294.3 书籍搜索模块 .304.4 添加书籍模块 .314.5 购物车管理模块 .324.6 订单提交模块 .334.7 订单处理模块 .334.8 数据库存储过程设计 .344.9 权限设计 .35第 5 章 功能演示 .36第 6 章 总 结 .42致 谢 .43参考文献 .44附 录 .45Contents Chapter 1 Introduction.11.1 E-commerce and E-site Briefing.11.1.1 Intr

11、oduction of E-commerce .11.1.2 The Basic Processes of E-commerce .21.1.3 E-commerce of China .31.2 The Research Status of Internet BookStore.31.3 The Research Singnificance of Internet BookStore .3Chapter 2 Project Profile.52.1 Project Background.52.2 System Configuration and Use of Technology .52.2

12、.1 System Configuration .52.2.2 .NET Technical Framework.52.2.3 ASP.NET Technology .62.3 Project Requirement Analysis .72.3.1 Functional Requirement Analysis.72.3.2 Non-Functional Requirement Analysis.11Chapter 3 Design of System High Level.113.1 Identify Actor .123.2 Identify Use Case.133.2.1 Mange

13、r Use Case .133.2.2 Staff Use Case.143.2.3 Customer Use Case.143.3 Use Case Description.153.4 System Business Process Description.213.5 System Architecture Analysis.223.6 Database Design .233.6.1 Database Tables Structure.24Chapter 4 Design of System Detail Level.284.1 New User Registration Module .

14、284.2 Customer Login Module .294.3 Book Search Module .304.4 Add Books Module .314.5 Cart Management Module .324.6 Order Submit Module.334.7 Order Handle Module.遰透鳤溵0愂*D(蔀漀騀%蔀蔀蔀讀缁缀退谀螏頀h椀茂漃甃甗甗笗輗霗霗霗縗銂鉖呎冀西桛癸瀀搀昀瀀椀挀最椀昀縀銂鉖呎冀西桛癸瀀搀昀尀尀攀攀挀攀戀挀戀昀攀愀昀戀攀愀渀爀漀猀稀匀礀椀栀欀夀眀刀爀伀堀儀甀戀渀夀儀洀栀最刀琀渀渀瘀琀砀欀倀刀鈀呎冀褀桛癸蝔慥挀搀愀搀搀戀搀愀戀昀鉖呎冀西桛癸栀椀渀愀渀琀攀爀渀攀琀匀攀挀甀爀椀琀礀刀攀猀攀愀爀挀栀刀攀瀀漀爀琀藿聼腎扨癸痿織銂葧灢湥腓遒獶鉎呎冀西桛鑑蘀獶腎鞃鑶膗羉灶湥獶网汶Q潏守杓灸湥扨癸鞃罪灶湥靥瀀湥潏氀Q潏琀挀汛Q栀羈湨繣銂炎湥鍣腓遒谀鎃獓匀琀爀愀眀戀攀爀爀礀倀椀攀缀獶灑湥遒縀銂腓扢琀镧腓聓鹾虧戀桔衖虔腗譨眀栀搀椀椀洀攀搀椀愀挀渀癸琀鉖呎冀西桛舀琀鉖呎冀西桛啓琀鉖呎冀西桛譨遒啶鈀呎冀褀桛啓譜琀鈀呎冀西桛艎倀刀吀伀一鈀呎冀西桛澀荳儀罥豶葛豕潏聠獬罞虛潏

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