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本文(2004年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语试卷及答案(江苏卷).doc)为本站会员(语文教师)主动上传,文库网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知文库网(发送邮件至13560552955@163.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、质混合,便会自然消失或者可以支持生物的成长。研究人员认为,真正的生物降解物质在需氧条件下可以分解成二氧化碳和水。在厌氧条件下它们则可以分解成甲烷和二氧化碳。然而,经他们试验的每个产品都不能降解,也不能达到上述标准。23.文中“术语生物降解这个词的使用是不规范的“这句话的意思是(2 分)A.“生物降解“不是一个科学的术语 0351-4182126, 4186401第 7 页 共 12 页B.“生物降解“这个说法名不符实C.“生物降解“在现实中根本不存在 D. “生物降解“这个术语的运用有语法错误【 】24.文末说的“试验“所借助的主要方法是(2 分)A.化学的 B.生理的C.生物的 D.物理的

2、【 】25.下列与 K大学研究人员的试验结果有关的说法,哪几项是正确的?(4 分)A.凡是称可以“生物降解“的塑料产品都根本不能降解B.一些塑料生产厂家对产品的功用宣传不实C.在生物降解过程中应出现物质的分解和转化D.塑料产品的废弃物多数不会自溶自消E.这些塑料产品在物理上发生变化之后就可以生物降解F.生物降解在不同条件下都会出现氧化现象【 】阅读下面文字,完成 26-30题。(20 分)青菜 可爱的青菜,土地美丽的女儿,请用你朴素的光辉照耀我。你感人的色彩是生命的象征。生动与纯粹,简洁与丰润,这些高贵品质的融汇,于人何等艰难,于你何等自然。我不知道哪一种绿色能像你一样始终放射着家园的温馨。你

3、紧紧依靠土地,又向天空缓缓伸展自己的身躯,以更好地承接阳光和雨水的恩泽。你的姿态永远是谦卑的,这谦卑决不是出于某种动机的表演,而是与生俱来,并随着成长而逐渐完美的一种精神形态。孩子们任意拔掉狗尾巴草那根高高翘起的尾巴,笑嘻嘻地摘下灯笼草上那自我炫耀的灯笼,又在凌空悬挂的黄瓜上轻率地刻下伙伴的绰号,但所有的孩子在菜畦间割草的时候,却总是那么小心翼翼。 你的根雄健而沉着,土地的血液从四面八方涌入你的根,然后上升到所有粗粗细细的脉管中,在你的全身汩汩流动,向世界显示着你绿色的活力。 0351-4182126, 4186401第 8 页 共 12 页你翩然走过土地的胸膛,顺着阳光的导引来到我的身边。

4、你清澈的目光像泉水洗去我的烦恼和疲倦。我这个自以为高大的人,情不自禁地弯下腰来向你致敬。我的手轻轻抚摸你漾溢青春活力的躯体,渐渐感到自己的灵魂也在长出根来,努力扎入土地内部。我会像你一样既又,既又,既又吗?啊,可爱的青菜,土地忠诚的女儿,请赐给我你蓬勃的生机和一切的美德! 26.文中倒数第二段的空格里应填入什么词语?从文中找出,写在下面的横线上。(3 分)我会像你一样既 又 ,既 又 ,既 又 吗?27.作者为什么写孩子拔狗尾巴草、摘灯笼草、在黄瓜上刻伙伴的绰号?(3 分)28.起始句中,作者称青菜为“土地美丽的女儿“,结尾句中改称“土地忠诚的女儿“,为什么措辞发生了变化?(4 分)29.下面

5、四句名言中。哪两句与青菜的旨趣最为接近?(4 分)A.没有美德就没有幸福可言。-(法)卢梭B.植物的生命要从它的绿叶中显示出来。-(意)但丁C.观察和经验和谐地应用到生活中就是智慧。-(俄)冈察洛夫D. 清水出芙蓉,天然去雕饰。-(中)李白【 】30.这篇短文是用第几人称写青菜的?(1 分)这种写法对内容的表达起什么作用?(2 分)文中哪些语句用这种人称表述取得了比用其它人称表述更好的效果?(举一例简要说明)(3 分)五、写作(60 分)31. 根据下述材料,按要求作文。 0351-4182126, 4186401第 9 页 共 12 页某中学高三(1)班学生小张因病缺课两个月,他担心影响高

6、考,请同班好友小王帮他补课。后来,小张的学习成绩跟了上来。小张的母亲很感激小王,尽管家里不富裕,但还是托人给小王捎来了二百元作为报酬。小王收到钱后感到很为难,他找班主任谈了自己的看法。班上的同学知道这件事后,产生了各种议论。在班会上,大家围绕这件事以及与此有关的一些问题各抒己见,展开了热烈的讨论。假设你是该班的一名成员,请你在参加了讨伦会并和小王交谈后,给校广播室写一篇全面反映这件事和班上同学各种看法的广播稿。题目自拟,不少于 600字。 0351-4182126, 4186401第 10 页 共 12 页1993年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试语文参考答案一.(30 分)1.(2 分)D 2

7、.(3 分)C 3.(3 分)D 4.(3 分)A 5.(3 分)B6. (3 分)B 7.(3 分)D 8.(3 分)D 9.(3 分)A10.(2 分)C 11.(2 分)C 二.(20 分)12.(2 分)A 13.(2 分)C 14.(3 分)B 15.(3 分)C16.(2 分)B 17.(2 分)B 18.(3 分)B 19.(3 分)D三.(12 分)20.(2 分)壹仟零叁万陆仟柒佰捌拾玖圆贰角肆分评分标准:表述及大写全部正确得 2分;错 1-2处得 1分;错 3处及 3处以上不得分。“万“写成“,“贰“写成“或“贰“不算错;“圆“写成“元“亦可。21.(4 分)可笑不自量不尽

8、长江滚滚来蜡炬成灰泪始干为有源头活水来她在丛中笑评分标准:每对 1句得 1分。句中若出现错别字该句则不得分,入“蜡炬“写成“蜡烛“,不得分。22.(6 分)评分标准:目的(一)3 分。应包括文具盒的质地(材料)、形状、色彩(图案),以及文具盒内的物品。其中前 3项为必须说明的,如缺 1项扣 1分;如缺第 4项,可不扣分。目的(二)3 分。应包括文具盒的质量、用途、m 甲组 步骤 1中反应的离子方程式为 。乙组 步骤 4中,溶液变红的原因 为 ,溶液褪色可能的原因及其验证方法为 。从实验 安全考 虑,题 9图装置可采取的改 进措施是 。9.(15 分)MgO、CO 2 (2)除 CO2 点燃 (

9、3)Fe Fe 3O4+8H+2Fe 3+Fe2+4H2O Fe 2+被氧化为 Fe3+,Fe 3+遇 SCN-显红色;假设 SCN-被 Cl2氧化,向溶液中加入 KSCN溶液,若出现红色,则假设成立(其他合理答案均可得分) 在装置 B C之间添加装置 E防倒吸(其他合理答案均可得分)【解析】 (1)难溶的碳酸盐受热易分解为氧化物和 CO2,因此 MgCO3受热分解得到产物是 MgO与CO2。 (2)结合实验目的可知在装置 B处,CO 2与 Zn作用生成 CO气体,进入后面装置进行实验,故装置 C中 NaOH是用来吸收 CO中混有的 CO2气体;CO 气体不一定完全反应,因此尾气中会有 CO,

10、可利用其可燃性采取点燃法来进行尾气处理。 (3)利用黑色固体可溶于盐酸并产生气体,结合“原子守恒”可知用酒精喷灯的乙组实验得到的固体为 Fe;利用甲组现象可知 Fe2O3与 CO在酒精灯加热的条件下,Fe 2O3被还原得到黑色固体为 Fe3O4,由此可写出反应的离子方程式;因 Fe3+遇 SCN-显红色,所以步骤 4中溶液变红是溶液中 Fe2+被 Cl2氧化为 Fe3+所致、溶液褪色的原因可能是 Cl2将 SCN-氧化,若该假设成立,则溶液中还存在 Fe3+,再继续加入 KSCN溶液则溶液变红;若 B处停止加热后,C 中液体易倒吸入 B中引起玻璃管炸裂,因此可采取的改进措施是在装置 B C之间

11、添加装置 E防倒吸。2013高考重庆 卷10(15 分)华法林是一种治疗心脑血管疾病的 药物,可由化合物 E和 M在一定条件下合成得到(部分反应条件略 )。(1) A的名称为 ,AB 的反应类型为 。(2) DE 的反应中,加入的化合物 X与新制 Cu(OH)2反 应产生红色沉淀的化学方程式为 。(3) GJ 为取代反应,其另一产物分子中的官能团是 。(4) L的同分异构体 Q是芳香酸,Q R(C8H7O2Cl) S T,T的核磁共振CH3CCH H2O催化剂 CH3CCH 2 CH3CCH3 化合物 X催化剂OHOH O OCH3COCCH3O O C6H5OH催化剂, C6H5OOCCH3

12、催化剂 C CH 3OC2H5OCOC2H5催化剂 C9H6O3O 华法林A B D EG J L M题 10图Cl2光照NaOH水,K2Cr2O7,H+ 0351-4182126, 4186401第 1 页 共 16 页2004 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(广东卷)英语(2)本试卷包括听力、阅读与写作三部分,共 10 页,满分为 120 分。考试用时 120 分钟。注意事项:l答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名和考生号填写在答题卡上,用 2B 铅笔将试卷类型(A)涂黑。在答题卡右上角的“试室号”栏填写本科目试室号,在“座位号列表”内填写座位号,并用 2B 铅笔将相应

13、的信息点涂黑。2选择题(第 l12 题和第 2650 题)每小题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案;不能答在试卷上。3非选择题(第 1325 题和写作部分)必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内的相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。4考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。SECTION LISTENING(60 points)Part A Listening Comprehension (12 ite

14、ms, 2 points for each item)Directions In this part of the test, you will hear four conversations and talks. After each conversation or talks, you will hear several questions. After you hear a question, read the four possible answers and choose the best one. Then blacken the letter corresponding to y

15、our answer on the Answer Sheet. You have 25 seconds for each question. The conversations, talks and questions will be read only once.Questions 1 through 3 are based on the following 0351-4182126, 4186401第 2 页 共 16 页1. A .Peoples sport. B. Dogs and insects.C. Use of animals for sports D. Fights bet

16、ween people and animals.2. A. Cruel. B. Funny. C. Healthy. D. Interesting.3. A. Fun. B. Sport. C. Show. D. Money.Questions 4 through 6 are based on the following conversation.4. A. Manager and customer. B. Director and secretary.C. Managers. D. Friends.5. A. In the car. B. In the plane. C. In the of

17、fice. D. In the company.6. A. A visitor. B. An assistant. C. Training Manager. D. Production Manager.Questions 7 through 9 are based on the following talk.7. A. His new job. B. His future life.C. His car racing. D. His good luck.8. A. Money. B. Marriage. C. Independence. D. Good relationship.9. A. H

18、e is writing a book. B. He is now still living alone.C. He is a famous racing driver. D. He is working in a restaurant.Questions 10 through 12 are based on the following talk.10. A. His daily meals. B. His cooking art.C. His eating habit. D. His favorite 0351-4182126, 4186401第 3 页 共 16 页11. A. Bec

19、ause his wife is Chinese.B. Because Chinese food is not expensive.C. Because he doesnt tike other sorts of food.D. Because he is not good at cooking Indian food.12. A. Fish. B. Fruit. C. Chicken. D. Cabbage.Part B Listening for Information (10 items, 2points for each item)Directions In this part of

20、the test, you will hear one or two conversations. The conversation will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.Blanks 13 through 22 are based on the following conversa

21、tion.From _ to 1987 Study _ in Tokyo UniversityEducationFrom _ to 1992 Learn English and _ in _From _ to 1990 Work as _Work experienceFrom _ till now Work as _ in _Part C Dictation ( 3 items, 16 points )Directions In this part of the test, you are required to write out the missing parts of the passa

22、ge. Youll hear the passage read three times. The first reading is for you to understand the meaning. In the second reading, there will be a pause after the sentence to be dictated. One minute is given for you to write down each sentence. The third reading is for you to check your work. Write your an

23、swer on the Answer S 0351-4182126, 4186401第 4 页 共 16 页The new idea of “turning waste into treasure“ is taking shape at the British Research Center, not far north in London. Within 15 years Britain and other nations should think it important and practical to carry out their recycling plans in a big

24、way. ( 23 )_ .(24) _ .(25) _ .SECTION READING (40 points)Part A Reading Comprehension (15 items, 2 points for each item)Directions In this part of the test, you will read three passages. For each passage there are five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marke

25、d A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage youve just read. Blacken the letter corresponding to your answer on the Answer Sheet.Text AEight hours sleep is traditionally regarded as healthythough many of us need less, and some more. What matters i

26、s how you feel, and what you do with the other sixteen hours of the day.We are all built slightly differently, so there is no reason why our sleep requirements should be the same. If, for example, you are the sort of person who goes running around getting exhausted, then you are going to need more r

27、est, but not necessarily more sleep.Similarly, if you sleep “badly“, wake tense, and worry throughout the dayand theres nothing more tiring than tensionthen further long hours lying awake wont 0351-4182126, 4186401第 5 页 共 16 页Drugged sleep is not the long-term answer either. Sleeping pills merely

28、slow your body down. Usually they let you drop off, though if you take them for more than six weeks, then the actual chemical effect disappears. The only real solution is “turning off“ the internal machinery. Work at creating your own relaxing routine, get hold of the things that annoy you most and

29、try to identify them.What is sleep all about? The simplest way to find out what sleep is for is to do without it for a while and see what happens. The brain starts going gently crazy if deprived of sleep for two or three days. It simply stops working in a sensible fashion.Why does sleep sometimes no

30、t come when it should? Imagine, the days when our ancestors lived in the jungle. Those who fell asleep too easily risked being eaten up. It certainly paid to keep half-awake, ready for action if danger arrived. The trouble is we are still doing it even though there is no longer any danger. We react

31、as if there are threats to our existence, when all we want to do is fall asleep.Anger and other signs of stress clearly interfere with calm sleep, just as they do with calm waking. Before trying to sleep, it is always better to get your angry feelings out into the open, rather than push them to the

32、back of your mind. As you fall asleep, the mind is less lively and allows those feelings to come back again, where they dance around and keep you awake.I recommend trying to get more control of reality. Then your dreams will be sweeter and your sleep more refreshing.26. The time our sleep takes depe

33、nds on our _.A. working 0351-4182126, 4186401第 6 页 共 16 页B. health conditionsC. living surroundingsD. feelings and daily activities27. The best way to get rid of tiredness after exercise is _.A. to rest moreB. to stop runningC. to change our life slightlyD. to sleep further long hours28. According

34、 to the text, how can we understand why we sleep?A. By trying drugged sleep.B. By lying awake in bed for long hours.C. By living without sleep for a few days.D. By stopping working in a sensible fashion.29. Sometimes sleep doesnt come when it should, because we_.A. feel there may be dangers if we fa

35、ll asleepB. are afraid our brain will go crazyC. worry too much about our sleepD. are threatened by being eaten up in the 0351-4182126, 4186401第 7 页 共 16 页30. According to the writer, if you want to have a good sleep when you are in anger, _.A. you need calm waking firstB. youd better tell others your feelingsC. you must keep your mind less livelyD. you should bury your feelings deep in mindText BHow Parents Can HelpUnfortunately, learning does not simply happen. As a mother and ex-teacher, I believe that good education involves not only the pu

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