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1、目录2011年南京航空航天大学外国语学院246英语考研真题及详解2012年南京航空航天大学外国语学院246英语考研真题及详解2013年南京航空航天大学外国语学院246英语考研真题及详解2014年南京航空航天大学外国语学院246英语考研真题及详解2015年南京航空航天大学外国语学院246英语考研真题及详解2016年南京航空航天大学外国语学院246英语考研真题及详解2017年南京航空航天大学外国语学院246英语考研真题及详解2018年南京航空航天大学外国语学院246英语考研真题及详解2011年南京航空航天大学外国语学院246英语考研真题及详解. Vocabulary and Structure (

2、20 points)Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentencethere are four choices marked A., B., C. and D. Choose the ONE answer thatbest completes the sentence. Then write down your answer on the AnswerSheet.1. The question is _ me and I have no idea of it.A. beyondB. ov

3、erC. besideD. aboveA【答案】句意:我不懂这个题,一点儿也不理解。beyond sb.意为“为某人所不能理解,超出某人的能力范围”。【解析】2. The output of our company this month is _ that of last month.A. twice as much asB. twice as muchC. twice many asD. twice as many asA【答案】句意:本月公司的产量是上月的两倍。比较级形式之一是:倍数+as+形容词或副词+as。又因主语output是不可数名词,所以用much,而不用many。【解析】3.

4、Hardly had I got home _ the telephone rang.A. thenB. whenC. asD. thanB【答案】句意:我刚一到家,电话就响了。hardly.when.刚一就。【解析】4. By the time you get back, I _ all the work.更多考研资料 v/q:344647 公众号/小程序:顺通考试资料A. would finishB. will have finishedC. has finishedD. had finishedB【答案】句意:你回来时,我就完成所有的工作了。by the time到时,表将来。强调将来某

5、个时间已完成,所以用将来完成时will havedone形式。【解析】5. Its required that the students _ the term paper tomorrow.A. finishedB. finishC. will finishD. may finishB【答案】句意:所有学生被要求明天必须完成学期论文。表达“命令、要求、建议”等意义的主语从句需用虚拟语气,形式为should+动词原形,should可省略。所以本题填(should) finish。【解析】6. All students are eager to know _ they will pass the

6、exam or not.A. ifB. thatC. whetherD. whyC【答案】句意:所有学生都想知道他们能不能通过考试。whether.or.是否。【解析】7. When the couple _ here, they _ to the park.A. will come; will goB. come; goC. will come; goD. come; will goD【答案】句意:每当这对夫妻来到这儿时,他们都会去公园。当主句是将来时态或表示将来意义时,从句用一般现在时代替将来时。【解析】8. I cannot find Tom anywhere.He _ have bee

7、n off long. I heard him make a call just now.A. shouldntB. cantC. mustntD. needntB【答案】句意:我刚才还听见他打电话了,因此他一定没走多远。canthave done不可能做了某事。shouldnt have done表示本不应该做某事(实际却做了)。mustnt have done表示禁止做某事。neednt have done指的是本来没必要做某事(实际上却做了)。【解析】9. No matter who he is, young or old, peoples state of mind tends to

8、keep_ with the rapid change of society.A. contactB. progressC. touchD. paceD【答案】句意:无论谁,无论年轻还是年老,心态都会随着社会的快速变化而改变。keep pace with与并驾齐驱,与同步。【解析】10. To tell you the truth, its very hard for us to help them get rid of Internetaddiction. But we _ on this problem trying to improve the situation.A. workedB.

9、 had workedC. are workingD. had been workingC【答案】句意:说实话,帮助他们戒除网瘾很困难,但是我们正在尽力改善这种情况。根据语境意义,我们可知这个动作正在进行中,因此用现在进行时。【解析】11. When Mr. Green retired, his son _ the business from him.A. took offB. took overC. took downD. took afterB【答案】句意:格林先生退休后,他的儿子会继承他的事业。take over接管,接手。take off起飞。take down写下,记录。take a

10、fter与长得像。【解析】12. The population bomb is a _ that has already happened in some partsof the world, with terrible results.A. distressB. miracleC. disasterD. giantC【答案】句意:人口爆炸性增长已经在世界上一些地区发生了,是场灾难,已经造成了严重后果。由terrible results可知前面应填表示否定意义的词。miracle奇迹。B项排除。giant巨人,不符合句意,D项也排除。distress 贫困;悲伤。A项虽表示否定意义,但也不符合

11、句意。【解析】13. He was _ to be clever but dishonest.A. thought asB. thinkingC. thoughtD. to thinkC【答案】句意:他被认为很聪明但是不诚实。think是及物动词,与he是被动关系,所以用过去分词形式。to be clever作主语he 的补足语。think一般不与as连用。表示“将视作”时,一般用consider/。【解析】14. After the synthetic _, engineers had a better choice for materials forconstructio

12、n.A. had been developedB. had developedC. to be developedD. being developedA【答案】句意:这一合成物发明以后,工程师在建筑材料上有了更好的选择。after表明从句中的动作发生在主句动作之前,而主句中had表明主句动作已发生,所以从句中的动作是“过去的过去”,所以用过去完成时had done形式。而且合成物是被发明,用被动语态。【解析】15. His parents died when he was young, so he _ by his grandma.A. was bredB. was fedC. was bro

13、ught upD. was grown upC【答案】句意:他年轻时父母就去世了,所以他是由他姨母抚养长大的。bring up抚养。breed指饲养,培育(动植物)。feed指喂食。growup长大,是及物的,没有被动语态。【解析】16. I do wish you could _ these sheets of paper together.A. mendB. repairC. pasteD. patchC【答案】句意:我希望你能将这些纸张粘在一起。paste粘贴。mend修理。repair修理。patch缝补。【解析】17. Grading of oral tests is quite _

14、.A. objectiveB. subjectiveC. optimisticD. pessimisticB【答案】句意:口语考试的打分是相当主观的。subjective主观的。objective客观的。optimistic积极的,乐观的。pessimistic消极的,悲观的。【解析】18. It is easier to aim at a _ than at a moving target.A. stationaryB. stationeryC. stableD. reliableA【答案】句意:瞄准静止的物体比移动的物体更容易。stationary静止的,不动的,与moving相对比。st

15、ationery文具。stable稳定的。reliable【解析】可靠的。19. She is now in _ of happiness with her family members.A. closureB. pursuitC. credibilityD. phenomenonB【答案】句意:她们一家人在追求幸福生活。in pursuit of固定搭配,表示追求。【解析】20. In Britain, the Prince of Wales is _ to the throne.A. advisorB. heirC. ownerD. protectorB【答案】句意:威尔士王子是英国王位的

16、继承人。heir继承人。advisor顾【解析】问。owner物主,所有人。protector保护人。. Cloze (20 points)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blankthere are four choices marked A, B,C and D. You should choose the ONEthat best fits into the passage. Then write down your answer on the AnswerSheet.A great d

17、eal of attention is being paid today to the so-called digital dividethe division of the world into the info (information) rich and the info poor.And that (21)_ does exist today. My wife and I lectured about thislooming danger twenty years ago. What was less (22)_ then, however,were the new, positive

18、 (23)_ that work against the digital divide(24)_, there are reasons to be (25)_.There are technological reasons to hope the digital divide will narrow. As theInternet becomes more and more (26)_, it is in the interest of business touniversalize access-after all, the more people online, the more pote

19、ntial(27)_ there are. More and more (28)_, afraid their countries will beleft (29)_, want to spread Internet access. Within the next decade or two,one to two billion people on the planet will be (30)_ together. As aresult, I now believe the digital divide will (31)_ rather than widen in theyears ahe

20、ad. And that is very good news because the Internet may well be themost powerful tool for (32)_ world poverty that weve ever had.Of course, the use of the Internet isnt the only way to (33)_ poverty.And the Internet is not the only tool we have. But it has (34)_ potential.To (35)_ advantage of this

21、tool, some poor countries will have to getover their outdated anti-colonial prejudices (36)_ respect to foreigninvestment. Countries that still think foreign investment is a/an (37)_ oftheir sovereignty might well study the history of (38)_ (the basicstructural foundations of a society) in the Unite

22、d States. When the UnitedStates built its industrial infrastructure, it didnt have the capital to do so. Andthat is (39)_ Americas Second Wave infrastructure (40)_ roads,harbors, highways, ports and so onwere built with foreign investment.21. A. divideB. informationC. worldD. lecture22. A. obscureB.

23、 visibleC. invisibleD. indistinct23. A. forcesB. obstaclesC. eventsD. surprises24. A. SeriouslyB. EntirelyC. ActuallyD. Continuously25. A. negativeB. optimisticC. pleasantD. disappointed26. A. developedB. centralizedC. realizedD. commercialized27. A. usersB. producersC. customersD. citizens28. A. en

24、terprisesB. governmentsC. officialsD. customers29. A. awayB. forC. asideD. behind30. A. nettedB. workedC. putD. organized31. A. decreaseB. narrowC. neglectD. low32. A. containingB. preventingC. keepingD. combating33. A. winB. detailC. defeatD. fear34. A. enormousB. countlessC. numericalD. big35. A.

25、bringB. keepC. holdD. take36. A. atB. withC. ofD. for37. A. offenceB. investmentC. invasionD. insult38. A. constructionB. facilityC. infrastructureD. institution39. A. whyB. whereC. whenD. how40. A. concerningB. concludingC. accordingD. including【答案与解析】21. A 由文中第一行的digital divide得出答案。22. B obscure模糊

26、的,不清楚的。visible看得见的,明显的。invisible看不见的。indistinct不清楚的,模糊的。空格前的less已有否定意义。23. A force力量,武力。obstacle障碍。event事件。surprise惊奇,诧异。句意:现在有新的、乐观的力量来对抗数字鸿沟。24. C seriously认真地。entirely完全的。actually实际上。continuously 连续地。25. B 前文说有积极的力量在对抗数字鸿沟的不利因素,因此,实际上我们有理由保持乐观的态度。26. D develop发展。centralize集中。realize认识到。commercial

27、ize使商业化,由下文“网络有利于商业途径的普及”,可知此处表述的意思是网络越来越商业化。in the interest of.为了的利益。27. C user使用者。producer生产者。customer消费者。citizen公民。句意:越多的人上网就有越多的潜在消费者。28. B enterprise企业,事业。government政府。official官员。句意:越来越多的政府害怕他们的国家。29. D leave behind 留下,超过。30. A 网络把人们联系在一起,选netted。31. B decrease减少。narrow变窄。neglect忽视,疏忽。low降低。句意:

28、因此,我现在认为数字鸿沟是在变窄而不是在拓宽。32. D contain包含,容纳。prevent防止,阻止。keep保留,保持。combat战斗,搏斗。33. C win赢得。detail详述,细说。defeat击败,战胜。fear畏惧。34. A enormous巨大的。countless无数的。numerical数字的。potential作名词为不可数,不能用countless修饰,big一般表示尺寸、数字、范围上的大。35. D take advantage of 利用。36. B with respect to 关于,至于with也可换成in。37. C offence冒犯。inve

29、stment投资。invasion入侵。insult侮辱。38. C construction建筑。facility设备。infrastructure基础设施。institution公共机构,制度。从后文中出现的infrastructure可以轻易得到答案。39. A 表语从句,表示原因,“这也就是为什么”。40. D concerning关于。concluding结束的。according根据。including包括。基础设施包括街道、海港、高速公路等,所以用include。. Reading Comprehension (30 points)Directions: There are th

30、ree passages in this part. Each passage is followed bysome questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are fourchoices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice andwrite down your answer on the Answer Sheet.Passage 1Planet Earth was stricken by floods, drought and fir

31、e in 1997, a year whichended with the worlds major polluters quarreling about ways to preventfurther environment disaster.The 160 nations attending a UN conference on global warming billed as oneof the most vital ever held,finally reached a consensus on cuttinggreenhouse gas emissions through the ne

32、xt decade.The climate was dominated in the latter part of the year by El Nino, aswelling of warmer water off the South American coast which affects globalweather patterns. “I think for sure the most dramatic thing has been the ElNino phenomenon that has been experienced throughout the tropics,” said

33、Hefrey Sayer, director-general of the International Centre for ForestryResearch. El Nino is being blamed for widespread floods and drought in thetropics, and has affected other areas as well.El Nino called by Peruvian fisherman after the Christ Child because of itsappearance around Christmas, is bei

34、ng blamed for widespread floods anddrought in the tropics, and has affected other areas as well.A major demonstration of the phenomenon was drought-intensified bush firesin Indonesia that spread smog across large areas of Southern Asia beforebadly-delayed rains started to fall in late November. Floo

35、ds swept aridSomalia in East Africa, while the rain forests of Indonesias Irian Jaya driedout and hundreds of tribes people died from starvation and disease. Apartfrom El Nino, eastern and central Europe suffered the worst floods in livingmemory in early July, with over 100 people killed and many th

36、ousands offamilies displaced through the region and eastern Germany.In the ancient Japanese capital of Kyoto, a UN gathering of 159 countries onglobal warming finally agreed on cutting greenhouse gas emissions throughthe next decade after 11 days of confused and uncontrolled negotiations. Theconfere

37、nce accepted scientific evidence that heating of the Earths surface bygases trapped in the atmosphere causes more and fiercer storms, expandingdeserts, melting polar ice and raising sea levels which threaten to flood low-lying islands.US Vice President Al Gore called the Kyoto agreement “a vital tur

38、ningpoint”, but added that more still needed to be done.41. This passage mainly talks about _.A. global weather patternsB. environmental disasters on earthC. the El Nino phenomenonD. a gathering on global warming42. The word “polluters” (Par. 1) refers to those _ which have pollutedthe environment.A

39、. planetsB. countriesC. companiesD. people43. In July, 1997, many families in eastern and central Europe were displacedbecause _.A. there was a war in that regionB. rains were badly delayed thereC. they suffered the worst bush fires in living memoryD. they suffered the worst floods in living memory4

40、4. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the El Nino phenomenon?A. Flood.B. Desert.C. Fire.D. Earthquake.45. According to this passage, El Nino is mainly caused by _.A. the cutting down of treesB. the gas emissionsC. the melting of polar iceD. the swelling of warmer water【答案与解析】41. D 文章最后两段和第一、

41、二段相呼应,讲的都是联合国针对气候变暖召开的会议,而厄尔尼诺现象以及引起的灾害是会议召开的原因。所以主要内容还是这次会议。42. B 第二段段首 “The 160 nations attending a UN conference on globalwarming” 指出160个国家参加联合国气候变化会议,所以第一段中谈到的争论如何防止环境灾害的主体是世界上最主要的几个造成环境污染的国家。所以polluter指的是国家。43. D 倒数第三段最后一句 “Apart from El Nino, eastern and centralEurope suffered the worst floods

42、 in living memory in early July, with over100 people killed and many thousands of families displaced through theregion and eastern Germany.” 指出,中欧、东欧国家在1997年7月初遭遇了记忆中最严重的洪灾,导致了上千家庭流离失所。44. D 文中只提到了厄尔尼诺现象引发的洪灾、旱灾和森林火灾,故A、C项正确。B项desert在倒数第二段最后一句中提到了。全文并没有提到地震。45. B A项在文中根本没有提及,C、D两项与厄尔尼诺现象一样,是温室气体排放造成

43、的结果。因此,B项为正确答案。Passage 2Trees are useful to man in three very important ways: they provide him withwood and other products; they give him shade; and they help to preventdroughts and floods.Unfortunately, man has not realized that the third of these services is the mostimportant. Two thousand years a

44、go a rich and powerful country cut down itstrees to build warships, with which to gain itself an empire. It gained theempire, but, without its trees, its soil became hard and poor. When the empirefell to pieces, the home country found itself faced by flood and starvation.Even though a government rea

45、lizes the importance of a plentiful supply oftrees, it is difficult for it to persuade villagers to see this. The villagers wantwood to cook their food with; and they can earn money by selling wood.They are usually too lazy to plant and look after the trees. So, unless thegovernment has a good syste

46、m of control, or can educate the people, theforests will slowly disappear.This does not only mean that the villagers children and grandchildren willhave fewer trees. The results are even more serious, for where there are treestheir roots break the soil up allowing the rain to sink in and also bind t

47、hesoil, thus preventing its being washed away easily but where there are notrees, the rain falls on hard ground and flows away from the surface, causingflood.46. What is the most important function of trees?A. Providing fuel.B. Offering shade.C. Preventing natural disaster.D. Providing wood.47. What

48、 eventually happened to the empire in the paragraph?A. Its people died of hunger.B. It fell to pieces.C. It became a giant empire.D. It built many ships with wood.48. It is implied in the passage that the villagers _.A. want a plentiful supply of treesB. want firewood badlyC. just want to get moneyD

49、. dont realize the importance of trees49. The role of trees is to _.A. loosen soilB. keep soil in positionC. harden soilD. both A and B50. What is the passage mainly concerned with?A. The benefits of trees.B. Trees and soil protection.C. The various uses of trees.D. Different attitudes toward trees.

50、【答案与解析】46. C 第二段第一句说树木的第三项功能是最重要的,也就是第一段提到的 “they help to prevent droughts and floods” 即树木能帮助预防旱灾和洪灾。所以C项“预防自然灾害”是树木最重要的功能。47. B 第二段说到,曾有一个强国,砍伐大量树木来造战船,用战船得到了一个帝国,但是本国因为没有树木,土质变硬。最终帝国解体时,本国发生了旱灾和饥荒。所以该国所得到的帝国最终解体了。所以B项正确。A项“有很多人饿死”是本国的最终命运,而不是该国建立的帝国的最后命运。48. D 第三段中说到,村民用树木做饭,或是把树木卖掉赚钱。所以可以看出,村民并没有

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