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1、战略管理Strategic Management公共管理学院 城市管理系 第二讲 环境分析 一、环境分析的重要性 信息收集和分析是战略管理的重要因素,而环境分析正好满足要求。 The importance of environmental analysis A key element, the type of environmental information in this phase.1、内外分析 Internal and external forces, positive or negative impact. Examples: Rate of product innovation v

2、s. price discounting by a competitor. 公共机构重组、合并和私有化。Government Reengineering.2、努力和高效 Exhaustive and Productive 战略管理重视外部环境(由内到外)、长期目标和组织的未来。 环境分析的重要性趋势或事件 促进或阻碍 青蛙实验:反应过激或反应不足 变化-目标冲突和多种力量的平衡。奶酪? 观念:管制与控制,或开放与灵活 注意力:内部或外部 一、内部分析 Internal Analysis w (一)要点 The Importancew 自我分析Learn the capabilities or

3、what the organization can do or cannot do by Self-analysis and introspection.w (1) 优势和弱势是什么?What the organizations strengths and weaknesses are;w (2)如何利用优势和避免弱势?what must be done to eliminate the weaknesses and capitalize the strengths.w (二)分析框架:战略制订科层Analytical Perspective: The strategy-making hier

4、archy w 总体层(战略层)Corporate level, 事业层Business level and 职能层(战术层)Functional levelsw (1) 系统性 Systematicin a logical and orderly fashion;w (2) 综合性 Comprehensivea coherent and comprehensive, broad in scope; w (3) 可视性 a full picture of the organization internal dynamics.(三)战略制订科层描述: Strategy-Making Hierar

5、chyw 1. 总体层 The corporate levelw 董事会和高层管理 Total entity, directionw The board of directors+top management (CEO, President, other support offers such as COO, CIO, CFO, CKO and strategic planners)w (1) 长期视点Long-term:Financial and non-financial objectives for the entire organization;w (2) 确定范围The curren

6、t business: Divisions or subsidiaries. Keep+divest or liquidate+new move;w (3) 分配资源 allocate the resources among the businesses;w (4) 建立关系The relationship with the public and image in the community.(三)战略制订科层描述: Strategy-Making Hierarchyw 2. 事业层 The Business level w 事业部(地理、产品或服务、服务对象等)强调竞争能力 SBUs-Str

7、ategic Business Units:Divisions and subsidiaries Competitive capacitiesw 本科生、研究生;高科技、制造业、旅游业。w 3.职能层 The functional levelw 部门(人力、财务、技术、信息、生产、市场等)w Departmentsdevising appropriate strategies to achieve the objectivesI. 总体层 The corporate level w (1) 董事会、理事会、政务会、委员会w The Board of Directors, The Board o

8、f trustees, The board of governors.w 股东和利益代表Stockholders (Taxpayers or members of the associations) + the Media.w (2) 高层管理 团队Top Managementw 决策执行主席和总裁CEO and other supportive officers, directly responsible for fashioning the strategic posture of the organization.w 角色和行为的系统评价A systematic evaluation o

9、f the roles and behavior1.董事会The Board of Directors Why? 政治局,常委会,人民代表大会,国务院务会,政务会,理事会。(1)确定使命 Define the mission;(2)检查和询问有关决策执行Examine and question subsidiaries plan;(3)制订全面规划Form an overall plan;(4)激励高层管理者 Motivate the management to perform;(5)监控偏差Monitor performance and acts where there is failure

10、 to achieve objectives.(6)评判高层管理者的绩效Judge the performance of Top management, reward, punish, or replace the executives.A. 董事会分析要点Focus of the boards analysis w (1) 存在的理由 Why Boards Existw -法律要求A legal mandate: at least three members;w -内在要求Internal complexity and external changes; outsiders advices;

11、w (2) 董事会成员的资格Qualifications of Directorsw -经验 Experience in the industry;w -政治和经济系统 Economical and political system of the country;w -勇气和客观Courage and objectivity in articulating views;w -判断能力强Sound judgment;w -诚信 Integrity;w -时间充足Time availability;w (3) 董事会的责任 Board Responsibilitiesw -保护成员利益 To pr

12、otect the interests of the stockholders;w -维护资产安全 to safeguard the assets。w (4) 董事会的职能 Board Functions (governance not management) 治理非管理 w -决定执行者 Hiring, evaluating, replacing the executives;w -批准高层人事Ratifying the CEOs selection;w -政策的核准 Approving, modifying or rejecting the policies;w -薪酬水平 Setting

13、 the salary levels;w -通过审计保持连续性 ensuring the integrity of top management through continuous auditing;w -保障长远发展 Assuring the long-run survival and success of the organizationB. 相关委员会 Board committeesw (1) 执行Executive Committees: WTO,人大w (2) 审计Audit committeesw (3) 补偿Compensation committees: recommend

14、ing;w (4) 提名Nominating committees: recommending;w (5) 财政Finance committeesw (6) 战略Strategy committeesw (7) 其它other committeesw -社会责任social responsibility committeew -贡献contribution committeew -合并merge and acquisition committeew -公共政策public policy committeew -股票期权stock option committee C. 董事会的组成 Boar

15、d Composition w (1) 管理董事Management directors: president, finance and manufacturing division;w (2) 附属董事 Affiliated non-management directors: customer, creditor, investment banker.w (3) 独立董事Independent directors: executives of another organizations, a professor, a community leader.w (4) 外部董事Outsiders

16、outnumber insiders:w -advantages and disadvantages of Insiders;w - advantages and disadvantages of outsiders; 知识Knowledgew 沟通Communicationw 时间的许可Availability of timew continuity+creation+objective judgment+experiences.D. 董事会的类型Types of Boards(1)依法型Constitutional boards: “small, new, low technology,

17、closely owned firms”(2)橡皮图章型Rubber stamp boards: a. share the executives views, and b. not known for courage.(3)监控型Oversight boards: play an active role in reviewing, approving, modifying, or rejecting managements decisions concerning the companys missions, objectives, strategies, and policies.(4)刺激

18、型Catalyst boards: an initiator of action, take the leading role in establishing and modifying the mission, objectives, strategy, and policies.2. 高层管理 The Top Managementw A.CEO在管理中的重要性w Why CEOs Analysisw (1)灵魂 The soul of the organization: shaping the strategic direction.w (2)塑造特性 molding the charac

19、ter of the executive team.w (3)乐队指挥、战地指挥官、球队教练、船长like an orchestra conductor, a military field commander, a football coach, a ship captain.B. 如何分析How to analyze CEO? (1) CEO的责任The CEOs responsibilities-清晰内部能力和外部变化 Make sure the capability and changes;-明确事业范围和目标以及实现策略Define the business and objective

20、s and strategies to attain those objectives;-创造氛围 Create the conditions necessary for successful implementation of strategies.-确定控制机制Establish an effective control mechanism;-吸引和留住优秀人才Attract and keep the talent executives;-权力和制度的有效传达Power, institutions for transfer system;-树立良好的组织形象Project a good O

21、rganization image (2) CEO的角色The CEOs Roles -人际角色 Interpersonal roles: a figurehead, a leader, and a liaison;名誉领袖、领导者和联络者。 -信息角色 Informational roles: a monitor (internal and external), a disseminator, and a spokesperson; 监督者、传播者、发言人。 -决策角色 Decisional roles: an entrepreneur, a disturbance handler, a r

22、esource allocate, and a negotiator.创业者、危机处理者、资源分配者和协调者。 D. CEO的管理模式The CEOs Managerial Modes冒险或者保守?Risk averse or risk prone(1) 创业型 The entrepreneurial mode(2) -leaders, 领先者growth. a proactive, risk-prone (3)approach, highly imaginative, energetic individuals, hunt (4)for and exploitation of environ

23、mental opportunities.(5) (2) 适应型The adaptive mode(6) - followers,追随者 controlling the external (7) threats.(8) (3) 混合型The strategic planning mode(9) -flexibility,应变者。E.CEO的决策风格 The CEOs Decision-Making Style(1) 独裁式 Autocratic Style(2) -威权 unilaterally. Authoritarian.(3) -正式 formal authority(4) -优点是快速

24、反应quickly adapt to changes in the external environments.(5) -缺点是may bring the poor and devastating.(6) (2) 参与式 Participative Style(7) -咨询consult with subordinates. Democratic.(8) -优点在于信息enough information;(9) -缺点是慢而不决 may slow and hard to get agreement.F.CEO的价值观 The CEOs Values(1)价值要素 Components of

25、Values-理论要素Theoretical component: empirical,critical and rational approach.-经济要素 Economical component: profit, the creation of wealth.-美学要素 Aesthetic component: form symmetry, and harmony.-社会要素 Social component: warm human relations, love kindness, sympathy, and unselfishness.-政治要素Political componen

26、t: Power, influence, and recognition.-宗教要素 Religious component:unity and the creation of the universeThe CEOs personally want the organization to do or to beII.事业层The Business Level中层、独立的事业分部 Middle layer, Strategic Business Units, A freestanding business(1)分权运动 SBU: 1920-1960 movement on divisional

27、ization and decentralization.The organization growth,diversity, and overall complexity, semi-autonomous businesses.(2)正式规划1960s formal (traditional) planning: overall purposes, objectives, and environmental assumptions. Overly optimistic or pessimistic, and profitless growth.(3)通用的组合理论 GEs Concept:

28、“portfolio”; unique business mission or purpose; have identifiable competitors, have major functions (production, finance etc.) 1. 战略事业单位策略 SBUs Strategies 竞争策略 competitive strategy: a key advantage(1)成本领先 Cost leadership 先发制人,资本能力强,严格监督,责任分明,详细报告,定量激励。(2)特色优势 Production differentiation 先发制人或后发制人:敏锐

29、的创造鉴别能力,技术领先,传统与独特相结合,密切合作,创新文化。(3)目标集聚 Focus 自我约束,实力不足,追求效率。(1)成本领先战略Cost Leadership 扩张、严格控制、成本最小化 Efficient facilities, tight overhead control, cost minimization. 优点:对竞争对手、购买方、供应方在价格方面具有更高的讨价还价能力。 缺点:技术变化的冲击,竞争对手的模仿,忽视长远利益,局限于现有技术和战略。 应用:-需求弹性大,市场由价格竞争主导; -差别化不能为购买者带来显著利益; -大部分购买者对产品的使用了如指掌; (2) 差

30、别化战略 Product Differentiationw 品牌、技术、特性、客户服务、分销网络Brand image, technology, features, customer services, dealer networkw 优点:品牌忠诚、利润率高、进入障碍w Brand loyalty, profit margin increase, entry barriers, bargaining powerw 缺点:高价格、多余功能和竞争者的模仿Customers loss, competitors imitation.w 应用 applicationw -提供多种差别化方式Many w

31、ays, diverse needs and uses;w -用户需求多样化w -采取差别化的竞争者不多Not many rival firms are following a differentiation strategy. (3) 目标专注策略Focusw 特定顾客、特定区域,特别产品w A special group of customers, a narrow geographic area, a particular use of the product. Specialization leads to proficiencyw 优点:开发特有的竞争对手难以模仿的技巧,新进入者门槛

32、高,客户忠诚度高。w +special skills, entry barriers, strong loyalty;w 缺点:竞争者使用替代品占领分市场,在市场容量小时失去竞争优势。w 应用:-明显需求差别和方式多样化;w -没有竞争者进入 -组织的资源不允许扩展。2、战略组合法 BCG Matrix (1)私人部门-市场份额和市场增长率 Market share and Market Growth (图) 幼童明星金牛瘦狗 Question MarkStarCash CowDog (2)公共部门-利益相关者支持度和可控性 Stakeholders Accountability & Trac

33、tability 黑马坐鸭怒虎睡狗 Dark Horses Sitting DucksAngry Tiger Sleeping Dog请思考几个相对应的案例w 幼童高成长低市场份额w 明星高成长高市场份额需要持续的投资;w 金牛低成长高份额,减少投资;w 瘦狗低成长低份额,撤退。黑马为严重智力残疾提供生活自理技能;坐鸭道路安全计划怒虎关心少数民族教育睡狗爱滋病的投资III. 职能层 The Functional Levelw 1. 市场营销 Marketing (Product and Services) (1) 产品和服务Products: ideas, services, merchand

34、ise. -范围the breadth of production line;w -质量the quality level.w (2) 市场研究Marketing Research: customer needs, values, buying habits, market characteristics, growth potentials, new product acceptance, competitive products.w (3) 目标市场Target market: undifferentiated marketing, concentrated marketing, diff

35、erentiated marketing.w (4) 市场容量Sales volume:(5)市场份额 Market share:(6) 定价Pricing:(7) 分销Distribution(8) 广告Advertising(9) 促销Promotion2. 生产 Productionw (1) 地点 Location of facilitiesw (2) 更新 Newness of facilitiesw (3) 布局 Layout of facilitiesw (4) 质量控制Quality controlw -Function; Reliability, Aesthetics and

36、 Safety.w (5) 生产能力Production capacityw (6) 库存能力Inventory3. 研究与发展Research and Developmentw (1) 集中Focus: Basic and applied.w (2) 态势Posture:w -革新Innovative: offensive long-term;w -保护Protective: defensive;w Catch-up and combination.w (3) 预算 Budget: 9%-0.8%;4. 人力资源 Human Resourcesw (1) 持续规划 Succession pl

37、anningw (2) 招聘与选择 Recruitment and selectionw (3) 训练与开发Training and developmentw (4) 绩效评估Performance appraisalw (5) 补偿Compensation5. 公共事务 Public Affairsw Concepts: community affairs, community relations, external affairs, external communications, public relations.w Functions: ethics, social responsib

38、ility, crisis management.w (1) 伦理 Ethics: perceptual difference, competitive pressure and psychological disorders.w (2) 社会责任 Social responsibility: financial contribution;w (3) 危机管理 Crisis Management6. 财务Finance/Accountingw (1) 现金 Management of Cashw (2) 库存 Management of Inventoryw (3) Management of

39、 Accounts Receivablew (4) Management of Total Assets w (5) Management of Debtsw (6) Capital BudgetingIV. 信息收集方法Information-gathering Toolsw 1. 个人联络 Personal Contacts: informal interpersonal interactions.w 2. 观察 Observation: open and disguisedw 3. 访谈和调查 Interviews and Survey Questionnairesw 4. 报告 Rep

40、orts二、外部环境分析 External Analysisw 内外分析是一个硬币的正反两面, 缺一不可。Gathering and examining information on the forces.w 外部环境的变化多端, 反应缓慢带来灾难。Long-term health, short-term surprise.w 1、特定环境 Task environment: immediate or operating; in both direction; influence and are influencedw 2、一般环境 General environment: Influence

41、 but are not be influenced by the organization.1.特定环境分析The Task Environmental Analysisw (p8图)(1) 行业分析 Industry: a group of firms offering similar products(or services) .w -行业结构Industry Structure: w 增长率Growth rate+规模Size+相对利润Relative profitabilityw -战略小组Strategic Groupw (2) 竞争者 Competitorsw -Forces i

42、nfluencing competition(p12图)1、特定环境分析The Task Environmental Analysisw (3) 供应者分析 Suppliers: Raw materials, capital labor.w (4) 顾客分析 Customers: Region, Income, Education.w (5) 工会分析(其他利益相关者)Labor Unionsw (6) 政府规则 Government Regulatorsw -Regulationw -Deregulation2. 一般环境分析The General Environmentw P13图w (1

43、) 人口Demographics: birth rates, death rates, life expectancy, age distribution,marriages, divorces, income distribution level of income.w (2) 文化 Culture: collection of societal values, habits, knowledge, and ways of doing thingsw (3) 经济 Economy: Major economic factors;w (4) 政治 Politics: national and

44、internationalw (5) 技术 Technologyw (6) 压力集团 Pressure Groups 3. 外部环境总揽Scanning the External Environmentw (1) 针对竞争对手的情报w Competitor Intelligence: published materials, information brokers, potential recruits, questioning technicians, debriefing, consultants, key customer talk, labor contract;w (2) 工业间谍

45、Industrial Espionage: illegal use of information-gathering tools.w (3) 预测技巧 Forecasting-Techniquesw -定性Qualitative: Executive opinion method, Delphi,Brainstorming, Scenariosw -定量 Quantitative: Trend Analysis, time-series, regression, econometric models,cross-impact, leading indicators案例分析 底特律新任市长的战略

46、思考 背景: Detroit是美国中部Michigan州著名的“汽车城”和“动力城”,曾是许多人向往的城市。但是,在1990年前后因犯罪率居高不下而竟背上了“谋杀城”的名声。 问题:1、失业率高,平均7.1%;黑人15%; 2、财政赤字,8800万美元; 3、人口下降、经济畏缩;中产阶级纷纷迁往远郊居住; 4、犯罪率仍在上升。 改变:1994年新上任。除了日常的城市管理例如修补路面、处理环境污染、垃圾问题、路灯问题之外,市长决定:1、“重塑城市形象,让市民感到生活在这里是幸福的”;2、吸引更多的投资。从减少烦琐的行政手续入手开展改革;3、促进基础设施建设,为城市居民创造优良的环境;4、优化交通管理,吸引远郊的居民进城工作。5、减少城市犯罪率。

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