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本文(20220627-海通国际-川发龙蟒-002312.SZ-收购天瑞矿业获证监会核准矿化一体加速推进.pdf)为本站会员(myking)主动上传,文库网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知文库网(发送邮件至13560552955@163.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、 Table_yemei1 观点聚焦 Investment Focus Table_yejiao1 本研究报告由海通国际分销,海通国际是由海通国际研究有限公司,海通证券印度私人有限公司,海通国际株式会社和海通国际证券集团其他各成员单位的证券研究团队所组成的全球品牌,海通国际证券集团各成员分别在其许可的司法管辖区内从事证券活动。关于海通国际的分析师证明,重要披露声明和免责声明,请参阅附录。(Please see appendix for English translation of the disclaimer) 研究报告 Research Report 27 Jun 2022 川发龙蟒川发龙蟒

2、 Sichuan Development Lomon (002312 CH) 收购天瑞矿业获证监会核准,矿化一体加速推进 The acquisition of Tianrui Mining was approved by the CSRC, and the integration of mineralization is accelerating Table_Info 维持优于大市维持优于大市Maintain OUTPERFORM 评级 优于大市 OUTPERFORM 现价 Rmb17.09 目标价 Rmb20.59 市值 Rmb29.05bn / US$4.33bn 日交易额 (3 个月均值

3、) US$56.01mn 发行股票数目 1,768mn 自由流通股 (%) 64% 1 年股价最高最低值 Rmb19.51-Rmb8.12 注:现价 Rmb16.43 为 2022 年 6 月 27 日收盘价 资料来源: Factset 1mth 3mth 12mth 绝对值 46.7% 55.9% 91.7% 绝对值(美元) 45.7% 48.1% 85.2% 相对 MSCI China 62.7% 73.6% 119.8% Table_Profit (Rmb mn) Dec-21A Dec-22E Dec-23E Dec-24E 营业收入 6,645 10,202 11,334 12,47

4、4 (+/-) 28% 54% 11% 10% 净利润 1,016 1,213 1,351 1,531 (+/-) 52% 19% 11% 13% 全面摊薄 EPS (Rmb) 0.57 0.69 0.76 0.87 毛利率 20.5% 24.6% 24.9% 25.1% 净资产收益率 14.8% 15.0% 14.3% 14.0% 市盈率 30 25 22 20 资料来源:公司信息, HTI (Please see APPENDIX 1 for English summary) 收购天瑞矿业获证监会核准收购天瑞矿业获证监会核准,矿化一体加速推进,矿化一体加速推进。公司公告,2022 年 6

5、月 23 日,公司关于发行股份购买天瑞矿业 100%股权事项获得证监会核准批复。本次交易对价 9.56 亿元,股份发行定价 7.67 元/股,数量 1.25亿股。同时交易对方承诺天瑞矿业三年累计实现的合并报表范围内扣非净利润不低于 2.11 亿元,其中 2022-24 年分别不低于 4075 万元、6976 万元和 1.01 亿元。天瑞矿业拥有磷矿储量 9560 万吨,设计产能 250万吨/年,收购完成后,公司磷矿产能可达到 365 万吨/年,有助于公司进一步完善磷化工产业链,提升主要生产基地上游磷矿资源的保障能力。 受益磷化工受益磷化工行业行业高景气高景气,产品价格大幅上涨,产品价格大幅上涨

6、。受市场供应紧张影响,磷化工行业迎来强景气周期,产品价格大幅上涨。根据卓创资讯,截至 2022 年 6 月 24 日,磷矿石(兴发化工 28%)报价 870 元/吨,同比上涨 74%;磷酸一铵(中远英特尔 55%粉)报价 4600 元/吨,同比上涨 52%;复合肥(江苏 45%Cl)报价 4150 元/吨,同比上涨 51%;磷酸氢钙报价 3750 元/吨,同比上涨 47%。根据百川资讯,工业磷酸一铵报价 7450 元/吨,同比上涨 59%。公司作为国内磷化工行业龙头之一,将充分受益行业高景气。 布局新能源材料领域,开启第二增长曲线。布局新能源材料领域,开启第二增长曲线。公司现已公告披露的新能源

7、材料项目共三个,分别为(1)德阳川发龙蟒锂电新能源材料项目:预计投资 120 亿元,主要建设年产 20 万吨磷酸铁锂、20 万吨磷酸铁生产线及配套装置。项目已于三月开工,分两期实施,一期预计2024年12月建成投产,二期项目预计2026年 12 月建成投产。(2)攀枝花 20 万吨/年新材料项目:预计投资 72.5 亿元,主要建设年产 20 万吨磷酸铁锂、20 万吨磷酸铁和 30 万吨硫酸生产线及配套装置。计划分两期建设,一期预计2022 年 9 月开工建设,2024 年 9 月前竣工投产;二期项目预计2025 年 1 月开工建设,2026 年 12 月前竣工投产。(3)南漳年产 5 万吨新能

8、源材料磷酸铁项目:预计投资 4.9 亿元,主要建设年产 5 万吨磷酸铁、40 万吨硫酸装置,目前项目正常推进中。我们认为上述项目为公司现有产业的有效延伸,将有利于公司充分利用上游磷矿资源,进一步提升产品附加值。 盈利预测与投资评级。盈利预测与投资评级。受益于产品价格大幅上涨,公司业绩明显提升,我们上调对公司的盈利预测。我们预计2022-2024年公司净利润分别为 12.13(+47%)、13.51(+48%)和 15.31(+50%)亿元,对应 EPS 分别为 0.69、0.76 和 0.87 元。参考同行业可比公司估值,同时考虑到公司一体化程度不断加深,未来成长性强,给予公司一定的估值溢价。

9、给予公司 22 年 30 倍PE,对应目标价 20.59 元(上期目标价 11.67 元,基于 2022 年25 倍 PE,+76.43%),维持“优于大市“评级。 风险提示:风险提示:项目投产进度不及预期,产品价格大幅波动,下游需求不及预期。 Table_Author 刘威刘威 Wei Liu 50100150200250Price ReturnMSCI ChinaJun-21Oct-21Feb-22Volume更多投研资料 公众号:mtachn 27 Jun 2022 2 Table_header2 川发龙蟒 (002312 CH) 维持优于大市维持优于大市 表表 1 川发龙蟒分业务盈利预

10、测川发龙蟒分业务盈利预测 项目项目 2021 2022E 2023E 2024E 总收入(百万元) 6645 10202 11334 12474 总成本(百万元) 5282 7696 8517 9345 毛利率 20.51% 24.56% 24.85% 25.08% 毛利(百万元) 1363 2505 2816 3129 肥料系列产品肥料系列产品 收入(百万元) 3472 5733 6045 6400 成本(百万元) 2767 4300 4534 4800 毛利率 20.31% 25.00% 25.00% 25.00% 毛利(百万元) 705 1433 1511 1600 工业级磷酸一铵工业级

11、磷酸一铵 收入(百万元) 1071 1846 2363 2800 成本(百万元) 797 1292 1654 1960 毛利率 25.56% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 毛利(百万元) 274 554 709 840 饲料级磷酸氢钙饲料级磷酸氢钙 收入(百万元) 924 1327 1496 1694 成本(百万元) 710 996 1107 1237 毛利率 23.17% 25.00% 26.00% 27.00% 毛利(百万元) 214 332 389 457 石膏建材石膏建材 收入(百万元) 50 55 66 79 成本(百万元) 27 30 36 44 毛利率 46.91%

12、45.00% 45.00% 45.00% 毛利(百万元) 23 25 30 36 贸易贸易 收入(百万元) 674 742 816 897 成本(百万元) 628 690 759 834 毛利率 6.82% 7.00% 7.00% 7.00% 毛利(百万元) 46 52 57 63 其他其他 收入(百万元) 453 499 549 603 成本(百万元) 353 389 428 471 毛利率 22.11% 22.00% 22.00% 22.00% 毛利(百万元) 100 110 121 133 资料来源: Wind,公司 2021 年年报,海通国际 表表 2 可比上市公司估值比较可比上市公司

13、估值比较 股票代码 公司名称 股价(元) EPS(元) PE(倍) 2022E 2023E 2024E 2022E 2023E 2024E 002895.SZ 川恒股份 32.75 0.43 1.61 2.43 75.50 20.39 13.48 002539.SZ 云图控股 15.9 0.90 1.59 1.92 17.67 9.99 8.29 600096.SH 云天化 30.06 1.64 2.90 3.06 18.37 10.38 9.84 均值 37.18 13.59 10.54 资料来源:Wind,海通国际,股价为 2022 年 06 月 27 日收盘价,每股收益均为 Wind 一

14、致预期 更多投研资料 公众号:mtachn 27 Jun 2022 3 Table_header2 川发龙蟒 (002312 CH) 维持优于大市维持优于大市 财务报表分析和预测财务报表分析和预测 Table_ForecastInfo 主要财务指标主要财务指标 2021 2022E 2023E 2024E 利润表(百万元)利润表(百万元) 2021 2022E 2023E 2024E 每股指标(元)每股指标(元) 营业总收入营业总收入 6,645 10,202 11,334 12,474 每股收益 0.57 0.69 0.76 0.87 营业成本 5,282 7,696 8,517 9,345

15、 每股净资产 3.89 4.58 5.34 6.21 毛利率% 20.5% 24.6% 24.9% 25.1% 每股经营现金流 0.12 0.94 1.05 1.17 营业税金及附加 22 102 113 97 每股股利 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 营业税金率% 0.3% 1.0% 1.0% 0.8% 价值评估(倍)价值评估(倍) 营业费用 71 251 283 312 P/E 29.74 24.90 22.36 19.73 营业费用率% 1.1% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% P/B 4.39 3.73 3.20 2.75 管理费用 339 523 680 675 P/S 4.5

16、3 2.95 2.66 2.42 管理费用率% 5.1% 5.1% 6.0% 5.4% EV/EBITDA 19.82 15.67 13.29 11.28 EBIT 835 1,475 1,626 1,880 股息率% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 财务费用 23 6 8 8 盈利能力指标(盈利能力指标(%) 财务费用率% 0.3% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 毛利率 20.5% 24.6% 24.9% 25.1% 资产减值损失 -7 0 0 0 净利润率 15.3% 11.9% 11.9% 12.3% 投资收益 4 0 0 3 净资产收益率 14.8% 15.0% 14.3% 1

17、4.0% 营业利润营业利润 1,206 1,495 1,649 1,903 资产回报率 10.7% 13.4% 13.0% 12.8% 营业外收支 91 0 0 0 投资回报率 8.8% 13.7% 13.2% 13.0% 利润总额利润总额 1,297 1,495 1,649 1,903 盈利增长(盈利增长(%) EBITDA 1,148 1,852 2,131 2,417 营业收入增长率 28.3% 53.5% 11.1% 10.1% 所得税 281 284 299 373 EBIT 增长率 57.1% 76.8% 10.2% 15.6% 有效所得税率% 21.6% 19.0% 18.1%

18、19.6% 净利润增长率 51.9% 19.4% 11.4% 13.3% 少数股东损益 0 -3 -1 -2 偿债能力指标偿债能力指标 归属母公司所有者净利润归属母公司所有者净利润 1,016 1,213 1,351 1,531 资产负债率 27.7% 11.0% 9.5% 8.3% 流动比率 1.22 2.75 3.74 5.24 速动比率 0.59 2.75 3.74 5.24 资产负债表(百万元)资产负债表(百万元) 2021 2022E 2023E 2024E 现金比率 0.37 2.52 3.51 5.01 货币资金 879 1,788 2,491 3,553 经营效率指标经营效率指

19、标 应收账款及应收票据 225 0 0 0 应收账款周转天数 12.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 存货 1,074 0 0 0 存货周转天数 74.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 其它流动资产 679 161 161 161 总资产周转率 0.70 1.12 1.09 1.04 流动资产合计 2,857 1,950 2,653 3,714 固定资产周转率 2.23 3.14 3.10 3.14 长期股权投资 41 -181 -298 -468 固定资产 2,978 3,250 3,661 3,966 在建工程 181 613 1,001 1,351 无形资产 462 447 427

20、410 现金流量表(百万元)现金流量表(百万元) 2021 2022E 2023E 2024E 非流动资产合计 6,637 7,119 7,767 8,235 净利润 1,016 1,213 1,351 1,531 资产总计资产总计 9,494 9,069 10,419 11,949 少数股东损益 0 -3 -1 -2 短期借款 105 200 200 200 非现金支出 327 377 504 537 应付票据及应付账款 708 0 0 0 非经营收益 -163 -9 0 -3 预收账款 0 0 0 0 营运资金变动 -974 86 0 0 其它流动负债 1,532 509 509 509

21、经营活动现金流经营活动现金流 206 1,665 1,854 2,064 流动负债合计 2,344 709 709 709 资产 -401 -995 -1,219 -1,110 长期借款 0 0 0 0 投资 -752 151 75 113 其它长期负债 286 286 286 286 其他 295 0 0 3 非流动负债合计 286 286 286 286 投资活动现金流投资活动现金流 -858 -845 -1,144 -994 负债总计负债总计 2,630 995 995 995 债权募资 -730 95 0 0 实收资本 1,763 1,763 1,763 1,763 股权募资 1,97

22、1 0 0 0 归属于母公司所有者权益 6,858 8,072 9,423 10,955 其他 -42 -6 -8 -8 少数股东权益 5 2 1 -1 融资活动现金流融资活动现金流 1,198 89 -8 -8 负债和所有者权益合计负债和所有者权益合计 9,494 9,069 10,419 11,949 现金净流量现金净流量 546 910 703 1,061 备注:(1)表中计算估值指标的收盘价日期为 06 月 27 日;(2)以上各表均为简表 资料来源:公司年报(2021A),海通国际 更多投研资料 公众号:mtachn 27 Jun 2022 4 Table_header2 川发龙蟒

23、(002312 CH) 维持优于大市维持优于大市 APPENDIX 1 Summary The acquisition of Tianrui Mining was approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, and the integration of mineralization is accelerating. The company announced that on June 23, 2022, the companys issue of shares to purchase 100% equity of Tianru

24、i Mining was approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission. The transaction consideration is Rmb956mn, the share issuance price is Rmb7.67 per share, and the number of shares is 125 million. At the same time, the counterparty of the transaction promised that the non-net profit deducted with

25、in the scope of the consolidated statement of Tianrui Mining in three years shall not be less than Rmb211mn, of which, in 2022-24, it shall not be less than Rmb40.75mn, Rmb69.76mn and Rmb101mn respectively. Tianrui Mining owns 95.6 million tons of phosphate rock reserves and a designed production ca

26、pacity of 2.5 million tons per year. After the acquisition, the companys phosphate rock capacity can reach 3.65 million tons per year, which will help the company to further improve the phosphorus chemical industry chain and upgrade the main production base. Guarantee capacity of upstream phosphate

27、rock resources. Benefiting from the high prosperity of the phosphorus chemical industry, product prices rose sharply. Affected by the tight market supply, the phosphorus chemical industry has ushered in a strong economic cycle, and product prices have risen sharply. According to Zhuochuang Informati

28、on, as of June 24, 2022, the price of phosphate rock (28% of Xingfa Chemical) was Rmb870/ ton, a year-on-year increase of 74%; the price of monoammonium phosphate (55% powder of COSCO Intel) was Rmb4,600/ ton, The price of compound fertilizer (Jiangsu 45% Cl) was Rmb4,150/ton, up 51% year-on-year; t

29、he price of calcium hydrogen phosphate was Rmb3,750/ton, up 47% year-on-year. According to Baichuan Information, the price of industrial monoammonium phosphate was Rmb7450/ ton, a year-on-year increase of 59%. As one of the leaders in the domestic phosphorus chemical industry, the company will fully

30、 benefit from the high prosperity of the industry. Deploy the field of new energy materials and start the second growth curve. The company has announced a total of three new energy material projects, namely (1) Deyang Chuanfa Lomon lithium battery new energy material project: the estimated investmen

31、t is Rmb12bn, and the main construction projects have an annual output of 200,000 tons of lithium iron phosphate and 200,000 tons of lithium iron phosphate. Ferric phosphate production line and supporting equipment. The project started in March and will be implemented in two phases. The first phase

32、is expected to be completed and put into operation in December 2024, and the second phase is expected to be completed and put into operation in December 2026. (2) Panzhihua 200,000 tons/year new material project: It is expected to invest Rmb7.25bn, mainly to build 200,000 tons of lithium iron phosph

33、ate, 200,000 tons of iron phosphate and 300,000 tons of sulfuric acid production lines and supporting equipment. It is planned to be constructed in two phases. The first phase is expected to start construction in September 2022 and be completed and put into operation before September 2024; the secon

34、d phase project is expected to start construction in January 2025 and be completed and put into operation before December 2026. (3) Nanzhang iron phosphate project with an annual output of 50,000 tons of new energy materials: It is expected to invest Rmb490mn, mainly to build 50,000 tons of iron pho

35、sphate and 400,000 tons of sulfuric acid plants. We believe that the above projects are an effective extension of the companys existing industries, which will help the company make full use of upstream phosphate rock resources and further enhance the added value of products. Earnings forecast and in

36、vestment rating. Benefiting from the sharp rise in product prices, the companys performance has improved significantly, and we have raised our profit forecast for the company. We estimate that the companys NAPtS in 2022-2024 will be Rm1.213bn (+47%), Rmb1.351bn (+48%), and Rmb1.531bn (+50%), and the

37、 corresponding EPS will be Rmb0.69, Rmb0.76 and Rmb0.87 per share. With reference to the valuations of comparable companies, and considering the deepening integration of the company and its strong future growth, we give the company a certain valuation premium. We value the company at FY22E PER of 30

38、 x with a target price of Rmb20.59 (the previous TP was Rmb11.67, based on 25xPE in 2022, +76.43%). We maintain an OUTPERFORM rating. Risks: Project production progress is less than expected, product prices fluctuate greatly, and downstream demand is less than expected 更多投研资料 公众号:mtachn 5 Table_APPE

39、NDIX Table_disclaimer 附录附录APPENDIX 重要信息披露重要信息披露 本研究报告由海通国际分销,海通国际是由海通国际研究有限公司(HTIRL),Haitong Securities India Private Limited (HSIPL),Haitong International Japan K.K. (HTIJKK)和海通国际证券有限公司(HTISCL)的证券研究团队所组成的全球品牌,海通国际证券集团(HTISG)各成员分别在其许可的司法管辖区内从事证券活动。 IMPORTANT DISCLOSURES This research report is distr

40、ibuted by Haitong International, a global brand name for the equity research teams of Haitong International Research Limited (“HTIRL”), Haitong Securities India Private Limited (“HSIPL”), Haitong International Japan K.K. (“HTIJKK”), Haitong International Securities Company Limited (“HTISCL”), and an

41、y other members within the Haitong International Securities Group of Companies (“HTISG”), each authorized to engage in securities activities in its respective jurisdiction. HTIRL分析师认证分析师认证Analyst Certification: 我, 刘威,在此保证(i)本研究报告中的意见准确反映了我们对本研究中提及的任何或所有目标公司或上市公司的个人观点,并且(ii)我的报酬中没有任何部分与本研究报告中表达的具体建议或

42、观点直接或间接相关;及就此报告中所讨论目标公司的证券,我们(包括我们的家属)在其中均不持有任何财务利益。I, Wei Liu, certify that (i) the views expressed in this research report accurately reflect my personal views about any or all of the subject companies or issuers referred to in this research and (ii) no part of my compensation was, is or will be d

43、irectly or indirectly related to the specific recommendations or views expressed in this research report; and that I (including members of my household) have no financial interest in the security or securities of the subject companies discussed. 利益冲突披露利益冲突披露Conflict of Interest Disclosures 海通国际及其某些关

44、联公司可从事投资银行业务和/或对本研究中的特定股票或公司进行做市或持有自营头寸。就本研究报告而言,以下是有关该等关系的披露事项(以下披露不能保证及时无遗漏,如需了解及时全面信息,请发邮件至ERD-D) HTI and some of its affiliates may engage in investment banking and / or serve as a market maker or hold proprietary trading positions of certain stocks or companies in this research report. As far a

45、s this research report is concerned, the following are the disclosure matters related to such relationship (As the following disclosure does not ensure timeliness and completeness, please send an email to ERD-D if timely and comprehensive information is needed). 评级定义评级定义(从(从2020年年7月月1日开始执行)日开始执行): 海

46、通国际(以下简称“HTI”)采用相对评级系统来为投资者推荐我们覆盖的公司:优于大市、中性或弱于大市。投资者应仔细阅读HTI的评级定义。并且HTI发布分析师观点的完整信息,投资者应仔细阅读全文而非仅看评级。在任何情况下,分析师的评级和研究都不能作为投资建议。投资者的买卖股票的决策应基于各自情况(比如投资者的现有持仓)以及其他因素。 分析师股票评级分析师股票评级 优于大市优于大市,未来12-18个月内预期相对基准指数涨幅在10%以上,基准定义如下 中性中性,未来12-18个月内预期相对基准指数变化不大,基准定义如下。根据FINRA/NYSE的评级分布规则,我们会将中性评级划入持有这一类别。 弱于大

47、市弱于大市,未来12-18个月内预期相对基准指数跌幅在10%以上,基准定义如下 各地股票基准指数:日本 TOPIX, 韩国 KOSPI, 台湾 TAIEX, 印度 Nifty100, 美国 SP500; 其他所有中国概念股 MSCI China. Ratings Definitions (from 1 Jul 2020): Haitong International uses a relative rating system using Outperform, Neutral, or Underperform for recommending the stocks we cover to in

48、vestors. Investors should carefully read the definitions of all ratings used in Haitong International Research. In addition, since Haitong International Research contains more complete information concerning the analysts views, investors should carefully read Haitong International Research, in its e

49、ntirety, and not infer the contents from the rating alone. In any case, ratings (or research) should not be used or relied upon as investment advice. An investors decision to buy or sell a stock should depend on individual circumstances (such as the investors existing holdings) and other considerations. Analyst Stock Ratings Outperform: The stocks total return over the next 12-18 months is expected to exceed the return of its relevant broad market benchmark, as indicated below. 评级分布评级分布Rating Distribution 更多投研资料 公众号:mtachn 6 Neutral: The stocks total return over the next 12-18 months is expec

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