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本文(英语口语:“爆料报料”用英语怎么说.doc)为本站会员(up710)主动上传,文库网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知文库网(发送邮件至13560552955@163.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。英语口语:“爆料,报料”用英语怎么说我们对英语“新知”的获得,我喜欢主张的学习方式,是应该基于首先有英语体验的基础上。我们不赞成那种总是在没有任何英语体验为先的前提下直接用中文某某英语怎么说告诉你英语答案,有的人直接从中文里得到答案还算好,但一到英语体验中去读英语心里就发怵。我们不反对适当用绕开英语体验的“某某某用英语怎么说?”的方式“学”英语。这样做一开始你没有错。有错的是你永远都是这么做。我们先看英语,再解决“爆料用英语怎么说?”问题:1. An unidentified assailant attacked

2、 the two men in their 20s before fleeing on foot in the direction of the Keller Street parking garage, leaving a trail of blood, Lt. Tim Lyons said. Police tracked the blood drops up Telephone Alley to Washington Street and into the garage, where the trail stopped, Lyons said.A tipster reported hear

3、ing a car drive away at a “high rate of speed” around the time of the incident, Lyons said. Descriptions of the suspect and a potentially associated vehicle were not available.读到A tipster reported hearing a car时,你从英语体验中知道了:哦,原来tipster就是我们中文的“爆料,报料”的意思。这样一来,According a tipster.A tipster told us thst就

4、可以说了。下文中的tipster同理:2. Geskin had tweeted the expected prices of the Apple iPhone 8, citing sources in the company. Before him, another famous tipster John Grubber had said that the price of the 10th anniversary iPhone could cross $1200.再来一段:3. Later that day, his press secretary Jess McIntosh steppe

5、d into his office to say a tipster had passed the comment along to a reporter.James Hohmann, Washington Post, “The Daily 202: How Al Franken learned to stop being funny and love the Senate,” 3 July 20xxThe FBI was offering a $15,000 for information leading to Burns whereabouts, and media outlets are

6、 reporting the tipster came from an unlikely place: Romania.4. According to the National Enquirer, the mother!director has put “the big chill” on his “once sizzling romance” with Lawrence, and the actress is reportedly “freaking out” over the “space between them.” In the magazines story, a so-called

7、 “source” is quoted as saying, “Darrens insisting its not one thing Jennifer has done to turn him off. Hes just tired of her.” The publications dubious “insider” goes on to contend, “The more he pulls away, the more she panics.”在本段中,读到 In the magazines story, a so-called “source” is quoted as saying时,你又“恍然大悟”:哦,a source也可以表示“爆料”,不过这种由source的爆料,又不同于tipster的爆料,source多指“内部人员消息灵通者”的爆料,所以,soutce又有“消息灵通人士”的翻译。2

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