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1、磁粉探伤标准:ISO EN 9934-3 部分3检验设备Contents 内容Foreword前言.31 Scope范围 .42 Normative references规定参考.43 Safety requirements安全要求.44 Types of devices设备的类型.44.1 Portable electromagnets (AC) 便携式的电磁体.44.2 Current generators电流发电器.64.3 Magnetic benches 磁性长条.84.4 Specialized testing systems特殊检验系统.105 UV-A sources. UV-

2、A 光源.115.1 Generals一般.115.2 Technical data技术参数.115.3 Minimum requirements最小要求.116 Detection media system检验介质系统.126.1 General一般.126.2 Technical data技术参数.126.3 Minimum requirements最小要求.127 Inspection booth 检验台.127.1 General.一般.127.2 Technical data技术参数.127.3 Minimum requirements最小要求.138 Demagnetization

3、. 去磁.138.1 General一般.138.2 Technical data技术参数.138.3 Minimum requirements最小要求.139 Measurements. 测量.139.1 General 一般.139.2 Current measurement. 电流测量.149.3 Magnetic field measurement. 磁性区域测量.149.4 Visible light measurement可视光测量.149.5 UV-A irradiance measurement . UV-A照射测量.159.6 Verification and calibra

4、tion of instruments 仪器的证明和标定.15Bibliography 术语.1 ScopeThis European Standard describes three types of equipment for magnetic particle testing : 这个标准是对三种磁粉探伤设备类型的描述 portable or transportable equipment ; 便携式或可移动的设备 fixed installations ; 固定的设施 specialized testing systems for testing components on a con

5、tinuous basis, comprising a series of processingstations placed in sequence to form a process line. 专业的检测系统来检验一个连续基准上的元件,包括一系列处理的位置区域所形成的线性裂纹。Equipment for magnetizing, demagnetizing, illumination, metering and monitoring are also described. 磁化, 除去磁性, 照明, 测量和监测设备也被描述。This standard specifies the prop

6、erties to be provided by the equipment supplier, minimum requirements for application and the method of measuring certain parameters. 这个标准规定了设备供应商提供的性能,最小的应用要求和测量特定参量的方法。Where appropriate, measuring and calibration requirements and in-service checks are also specified. 在适当的地方,测量和定标要求和在职检查也都被专门规定。2 N

7、ormative references基准参考 This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications.这个标准由发布的和未发布的由其他出版物提供的参考合并而成。 These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. 这些基准参考在家当的位置被引用和其出版物在随后被列举

8、。For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. 对出版的参考,其随后的更改和修正在有在有修改和休整合并在里面时才适用于这个欧洲标准。For undated references the latest edition of thepublication referred to applies (

9、including amendments). 对为标日期饿参考,最新的版本将是适用的(包括修订版)EN 10084 Case hardening steels - Technical delivery conditionsEN 10084 表面硬化钢交付的技术条件EN ISO 3059:2001 Non-destructive testing - Penetrant testing and magnetic particle testing - Viewing conditionsEN ISO 3059:2001 无损探伤检验渗透检验和磁粉探伤观察条件(ISO 3059:2001)EN ISO

10、 9934-1:2001 Non-destructive testing - Magnetic particle testing - Part 1 : General rules (ISO 9934-1:2001)无损检验磁粉探伤部分一:一般要求E EN ISO 9934-1:2001N 60529 Degrees of protection provides by enclosures (IP Code) (IEC 60529:1989) EN ISO 9934-1:2001N 60529由封入物提供的保护等级3 Safety requirements 技术要求The equipment d

11、esign shall take into account of all European, national and local regulations which include health, safety, electrical and environmental requirements. 设备的设计应当服从欧洲,国家和当地的规定包括:健康、安全、电力和环境要求。4 Types of devices 设备的类型4.1 Portable electromagnets (AC1) 便携式的电磁体4.1.1 General 一般Hand-held portable electromagne

12、ts (yokes) produce a magnetic field between the two poles. 手扶的便携式的电磁体(轭)在两个杆之间产生一个磁性区域。 (When testing according to EN ISO 9934-1, DC electromagnets should only be used if agreed at enquiry and order stages). (当按照EN ISO 9934-1进行试验时,DC电磁体只有在询问和定单阶段同意的情况下才可以应用。)Magnetization shall be determined by meas

13、uring the tangential field strength Ht at the centre of a line joining the centres of the pole faces of the electromagnet with pole extenders where used. 磁化应当被确定由测量带一个延长杆的电磁铁杆面的线性中心的切向应力。The electromagnet with a pole spacing s is placed on a steel plate as shown in Figure 1. 带一个杆间距的电磁铁被放置在一个钢板上如图一所示

14、。The plate shall have the dimensions 钢板尺寸(500 25) mm x(250 13) mm x (10 0.5) mm and shall be of steel conforming to C 22 (EN 10084).应当符合C 22 (EN 10084)。Periodic functional checks may be carried out either by the method described above or by a lift test. 周期性功能检查可以通过以上描述的方法或通过一个推力试验实施。The electromagne

15、t shall be capable of supporting a steel plate or rectangular bar conforming to C 22 (EN 10084) and having a minimum mass of 4,5 kg, with the magnet poles set at their recommended spacing.电磁铁应当可以支持一个钢板或 长方形台子符合C 22 (EN 10084)和有一个最小的质量4.5KG、用一个磁性杆设置在它们推荐的空间。The major dimensionof the plate or bar shal

16、l be greater than the pole spacing s of the electromagnet 钢板和台子的主要尺寸应当大于磁铁的杆间距。NOTE : To lift a steel plate with a mass of 4,5 kg requires a lifting force of 44 N. 重量为4.5KG的推力钢板要求一个44N的推力。Dimensions in millimetres尺寸(mm)Key 关键词MP Measuring point for the tangential field strengthMP:切向区域应力的测量点s Pole sp

17、acing S:杆间距1 Poles 1:杆Figure 1 Determination of the characteristics of portable electromagnets图1:便携式的电磁体的特征的确定 4.1.2 Technical data 技术参数The following data shall be provided by the equipment supplier:以下数据应当由设备供应商提供: recommended pole spacing (maximum and minimum pole spacing) (smax, smin); 推荐的杆间距(最大和最

18、小杆间距) cross sectional dimensions of the poles; 杆的横向截面尺寸 electrical supply (voltage, current and frequency);电力供应(电压、电流和频率) current wave forms available; 应用的电流波形 method of current control and effect on waveform (e.g. : thyristor); 电流控制方法和对信号波形的影响(例如:可控硅整流器) duty cycle at maximum output (ratio of curre

19、nt ON to Total time expressed as a percentage); 在最大输出时的规定循环(当前的开 比率; 对总 时间被表示为百分比) maximum current ON time;最大电流ON的时间 tangential field strength Ht at smax and smin (following 4.1);最大和最小的切向区域应力Ht(按照4.1) overall dimensions of the equipment;设备的综合尺寸 equipment mass, in kilograms;设备重量:单位KG specified electr

20、ical protection degree (IP) see EN 60529.规定的电力保护登记见EN 60529.4.1.3 Minimum requirements 最小要求The following requirements shall be satisfied at an ambient temperature of 30 C and at maximum output :以下要求应当在四周温度30 C和在最大输出时被满足: duty cycle 10 % 规定循环 current ON time 电流开时间 5 s surface temperature of handle 手提

21、的表面温度 40 C tangential field strength at smax (see 4.1) 最大的切向区域应力2 kA/m (RMS) lifting force (推举力)提升力 44 N4.1.4 Additional requirements 附加要求The electromagnet shall be supplied with a power ON/OFF switch preferably mounted on the handle.电磁铁应当提供一个开/关开关,明确的展示在扶手上。Generally electromagnets should be usable

22、 with one hand一般电磁铁应当是一个手可以用的。4.2 Current generators 电流发电器Current generators are used to supply current for magnetizing equipment. 电流发电器是应用于为磁化设备提供电流。A current generator is characterized by the open circuit voltage U0, the short circuit current Ik and the rated current Ir (RMS-values).一个电流发电器的特性通过开环

23、电压U0,短路电流Ik和电流频率Ir确定。The rated current Ir is defined as the maximum current for which the generator is rated at the duty cycle of 10 %and for a current ON time of 5 s if not otherwise specified.如果没有特殊的确定,电流频率Ir被定义为最大电流对发电器频率在10%的规定循环和一个电流开5S的时间。The open circuit voltage U0 and the short circuit curre

24、nt Ik are derived from the load-characteristic of the generatorat maximum power (with any feed back controls disconnected). 开环电压U0和短路电流Ik 是从发电器的负载特性在最大动力(与任何反馈控制分开)时获得。The load line of the generator may be derived byconnecting two widely different loads, such as different lengths of cable, in turn t

25、o the generator. 发电器的线性载荷可以被获得通过联系两个宽广的不同载荷,例如不同长度的缆绳,反过来作用于发电器。For the first cable, the current I1 through the cable and voltage U1 across the output terminals are measured and plotted, to give pointP1 on Figure 2. 对第一个缆绳,通过其的电流I1和电压U1穿过输出终端被测量和收集,在表2上给出点P1。The process is repeated with a second loa

26、d to give point P2. 过程被重复通过给出点P2用一个第二个载荷。The load line is constructed by drawing a straight line between P1 and P2. The open circuit voltage U0 and short circuit current Ik are then given bythe intercepts on the axes, as shown in Figure 2.装载线由得出修建一条直线在P1 和P2 之间。开放电路电压U0 和短路当前的Ik 然后被给截住在轴, 依照被显示在上图2

27、。 Key 关键词P1, P2 Measuring points for determination of the load characteristicsP1,P2 对特性载荷的确定的测量点Figure 2 Load characteristics of the current generator图2电流发电器的特性载荷4.2.1 Technical data 技术参数The following data shall be provided by the equipment supplier:以下数据应当由设备供应商提供: open circuit voltage U0 (RMS); 开环电

28、压 short circuit current Ik (RMS);短路电流 rated current Ir (RMS);电流频率 duty cycle at maximum output (if other than as specified in 4.2);在最大输出时的规定循环(如果不同于4.2的规定) maximum current ON time (if other than specified in 4.2);最大电流开的时间(如果不同于4.2的规定) current wave forms available;应用的电流波形 method of current regulation

29、 and effect on waveform;电流章程的方法和对信号波形的影响 working range and incremental setting steps;工作范围和增加的设置步骤 method of constant current control if available;可应用的恒定电流的控制方法 type of meter (digital, analog); 类型(数字式, 模式) resolution and accuracy of current output meter;电流输出的精密度和决议 electrical supply requirements at m

30、aximum current output (voltage, phases, frequency and current);在最大电流输出时的电力供应要求(电压、阶段、频率和电流) specified electrical protection degree (IP) see EN 60529;规定电力的保护等级(见EN 60529) overall dimensions of equipment; 设备的综合尺寸 equipment mass, in kilograms; 设备重量 type of demagnetization if available (see clause 8) .可

31、应用的去磁的类型(见语句8)4.2.2 Minimum requirements 最小要求The following minimum requirements shall be satisfied at an ambient temperature of 30C and at the rated current Ir :以下要求应当在四周温度30 C和在最大输出时被满足: duty cycle: 10 % 规定循环 current ON time: 5 s 电流“开”的时间NOTE : High testing rates will require a higher duty cycle.注意

32、:高的试验频率需要一个高的固定循环4.3 Magnetic benches 磁化长条4.3.1 General 一般Fixed installation benches may include facilities for current flow and magnetic flow techniques. 混合安装长条可以包括对电流流程和磁性流程技术的设施。Magnetic flow may be achieved either by an electromagnetic yoke or a fixed coil (see EN ISO 9934-1). 磁性流动可以通过电磁式轭或固定的线圈

33、(见EN ISO 9934-1)来获得。 The characteristics of the current generator are defined in 4.2.电流发电器的特性在4.2中被定义。When facilities for multidirectional magnetization are included, each circuit shall be independently controlled.当包括多向磁化的设施时,每个环都应当被单独控制。Magnetization shall be sufficient to achieve the required dete

34、ction capability in all directions. 磁化应当是在所有方向上都获得充足的要求保护能力。The characteristic of the electromagnetic yoke is the tangential field strength Ht measured, in kiloamperes per metre, at the midpoint of the length of a cylindrical bar conforming to C22 (EN 10084) of specified dimensions(length and diamet

35、er) appropriate to the acceptance range of the equipment. 电磁式轭的特性是被测量的切向应力,单位是KM/M,在圆柱台子的长度的中间点上,符合C22 (EN 10084)规定的尺寸(长度和直径),恰当的对应设备的接受范围。If the bench is to be used for magnetic flow testing of components longer than 1 m, or segments of the length are magnetized individually, the supplier shall def

36、ine how magnetizing capability is determined. 如果被应用的长条作为磁性流动试验的元件长度超过1米,或长度上的段被单独的磁化,供应商应当定义确定磁化能力的多少。This shall include a specification of the tangential field strength for a bar of suitable length and diameter.这将包括一个专门的切向区域应力对一个适合长度和直径的台子。4.3.2 Technical data 技术参数The following data shall be provid

37、ed by the equipment supplier:以下设备应当由设备供应商提供: types of magnetization available; 应用的磁化类型 current wave forms available; 应用的电流波形 method of current control and effect on waveform;电流控制的方法和对波形的影响。 working range and incremental setting steps;作用范围和增加的设置步骤 method of constant current control if available;可应用的恒

38、定电流的控制方法。 monitoring of magnetizing current(s);磁性电流的监控。 magnetizing duration range; 磁化期间的范围 automated features; 自动化的特征 duty cycle at maximum output; 在最大输出时的规定循环。 maximum current ON time (if other than specified in 4.2);最大电流开的时间(如果不同与4.2的规定) tangential field strength Ht (see 4.3); 切向区域应力 open circuit

39、 voltage U0 (RMS); 开环电压 short circuit current Ik (RMS);短路电流 rated current Ir (RMS);电流频率 cross sectional dimensions of poles; 杆子的横截面尺寸 maximum clamping length; 最大的夹紧长度 method of clamping; 夹紧的方法 compressed air pressure; 压缩的空气压力 maximum dimension between headstocks and bed;头部和床体部分的最大尺寸 maximum test piece diameter;最大试验片的直径 maximum mass of test piece (supported and unsupported);最大的试验片的重量(支持和非支持的) type of usable detection media (water-/ oil-based);应用检验介质的类型(水或油) schematic lay out of the equipment (current generator, control panel, location of the detection mediumreservoir);设备的概要计划(

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