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QM 100.02焊接质量手册welding quality handbook.docx

1、文件编号.:DOC.-NO.QM100.02版本:ISSUE01页数:PAGE25/25焊接质量手册Welding Quality Handbook利勃海尔运输系统(中国)有限公司Liebherr Transportation Systems (China) Co., Ltd.编制Preparing审核Checking批准Approval生效日期Effective date目录Table of Contents0.1 政策与权限声明Statement of policy and authority50.2公司简介Company introduction60.3焊接管理人员任命书Welding

2、Coordinator Appointment90.4焊接组织架构图Welding organization structure1005. 职责分工Responsibilities111 范围scope122 引用文件 Normative references122.1 ISO3834-1金属材料熔化焊的质量要求第一部分:相应质量要求等级的选择准则122.2 ISO3834-2金属材料熔化焊的质量要求第二部分:完整质量要求122.3 ISO3834-5金属材料熔化焊的质量要求第五部分:确认符合ISO3834-2、ISO3834-3、ISO3834-4质量要求所需的文件122.4 DIN6700

3、/EN15085轨道车辆及其零部件金属材料的焊接122.5 EN287-1钢熔焊焊工考试122.6 ISO9606-2铝熔焊焊工考试;122.7 ISO14731焊接管理任务及职责;122.8 EN473从事非破坏性检验人员的培训、鉴定一般情况122.9 ISO15614-1金属材料焊接工艺规程及评定-焊接工艺评定试验-第一部分:钢的弧焊和气焊、镍及镍合金的弧焊122.10 ISO15614-2金属材料焊接工艺规程及评定-焊接工艺评定试验-第二部分:铝及铝合金的弧焊132.11ISO15609-1金属材料焊接工艺规程及评定-焊接工艺规程-第一部分:电弧焊132.12 EN10204金属产品检验

4、文件的种类133 术语和定义Term and Definition133.1总则General133.2 设计规范Design specification133.3合格人员Qualified person133.4结构Construction133.5分包商Sub-contractor133.6焊接责任人Welding Coordinator133.7焊工Welder143.8 焊接操作人员Welding operator143.9标识和追溯的人员Personnel for identification and traceability144 ISO3834本部分的使用Use of this

5、part of ISO 3834145 要求评审和技术评审145.1总则General145.2要求评审145.3技术评审156 分承包Sub-contracting167 焊接人员167.1总则167.2焊工及焊接操作工167.3焊接管理人员168 试验和检验人员178.1总则178.2无损检测人员179 设备179.1生产和试验设备179.2设施的表述179.3设备的适用性189.4新设备189.5设备维护1810 焊接及相关活动1810.1生产计划1810.2焊接工艺规程1910.3焊接工艺评定1910.4工作指令1910.5文件的编制及控制程序1911 焊接材料2011.1总则Gene

6、ral2011.2批量试验2011.3贮存及保管2012 母材的贮存2013 焊后的处理2014 试验及jianyan2114.1总则2114.2焊前试验及检验2114.3焊接过程中的试验和检验2114.4焊后试验及检验2114.5试验及检验状况2215 不符合项及纠正措施2216 测量、试验机检验设备的校准2217 标识和可追溯性2218 质量报告230.1 政策与权限声明Statement of policy and authority 本手册依据ISO3834-2金属材料熔化焊的质量要求第二部分:完整质量要求标准,结合利勃海尔运输系统(中国)有限公司所生产产品特点以及焊接质量的有关控制活

7、动,编制完成。This manual is according to the ISO3834-2 quality requirement for fusion welding of metallic materials - Part II: Comprehensive quality requirements and the combination of product features and welding quality control activities to complete the preparation.本手册是公司ISO9000质量管理体系 在焊接管理方面的细化,规定了公司在

8、焊接质量管理方面的组织机构、部门职责和权限以及相互关系,明确了焊接质量管理体系的作用,并通过监视、测量、分析并采取纠正和预防措施,提升公司在焊接质量管理的能力。This manual is the ISO9000 Quality Management System refinement in welding management, regulate welding quality management organization, departmental responsibilities and authority, defined the role of the welding qualit

9、y management system, and through monitoring, measurement, analysis and take corrective and preventive measures to enhance the capacity of the welding quality management.本手册是全公司焊接质量工作的纲领性文件,是实施焊接工作的行为规范,员工必须严格贯彻执行,以保证公司焊接质量管理体系得到有效运行,确保产品焊接质量持续满足顾客及有关法律法规的要求。This manual is a programmatic document for

10、 the welding quality management, Employees must strictly implement to ensure the welding quality management system has been effective operation to ensure product quality continue to meet customer requirements and relevant laws and regulations.总经理:General manager日期:Date0.2公司简介Company introduction利勃海尔

11、运输系统(中国)有限公司是利勃海尔宇航与运输有限公司的全资子公司,成立于2019年,位于浙江省嘉兴市平湖经济技术开发区兴平4路1638号。Liebherr Transportation Systems (China) Co., Ltd., founded in 2019, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Liebherr-Aerospace & Transportation SAS located at 1638 xingping road, economic-technological development zone, Pinghu city, Zhejia

12、ng province.公司的主要设备包括:立体式物料仓库配备先进的堆垛机;一条与欧洲母公司相同的柔性组装生产线;两条控制盘组装生产线;冷媒加注设备和气动设备;空压设备以及电脑开线机及线套打印机;接线端压接设备等。The companys main equipment includes: three-dimensional material warehouse equipped with advanced stacker; One flexible assembly lines identical to the European parent; Two control panel assemb

13、ly line; Imported pipe bending equipment; Refrigerant charging equipment and pneumatic equipment; Air pressure equipment and computer wire-opening machine and wire-sleeve printer; Terminal pressing device, etc.公司的主要试验检测设备包括:空调机组性能型式试验室、二套出厂试验室、标准的淋雨试验室;氮氢检漏仪,冷媒检漏仪,耐高压测试仪、绝缘检测仪、接地电阻测试仪、电气接线端在拉力、扭力扳手等

14、。 The main testing equipment of the company includes: performance and type testing laboratory of air conditioning units, two sets of factory testing laboratories, rain testing laboratories, Nitrogen and hydrogen leak detector, refrigerant leak detector, withstand high pressure tester, insulation tes

15、ter, grounding resistance tester, electrical terminal tension, torque wrench instruments, etc.公司的空调机组型式试验室和淋雨实验室,能满足亚洲和欧洲外标准的要求。型式试验室可以进行各种工况的制冷性能试验,还可以模拟-40低温环境。Type testing laboratory and spray testing laboratories that can meet European and Asia standards. The type laboratory can carry out the re

16、frigeration performance test of various working conditions, and can also simulate the -20 environment temperature.公司未来建立ERP管理系统,可以与欧洲母公司实现数据共享;设计上也采用了与欧洲母公司相同的三维(Solidworks)软件。The company will establish an ERP management system in the future, which can share data with the European parent company. Ad

17、opting the 3 d (Solidwork), same as the parent company.外方母公司位于法国的图卢兹的利勃海尔宇航与运输有限公司,是利勃海尔集团旗下的11个子公司之一,协调运输和航空设备领域所有活动,公司拥有员工5400人。The foreign mother company is Liebherr-Aerospace & Transportation SAS in Toulouse (France), which is one of eleven divisional control companies in the Liebherr Group and

18、coordinates all activities in the fields of transportation and aviation equipment. It employs around 5,400 people worldwide.利勃海尔的运输系统为各类轨道车辆提供客室、司机室的供暖、通风和空调(HVAC)系统、各种移动和固定电子交通应用的热管理系统、液压驱动系统、阻尼器和液压负载平衡设备。利勃海尔在这些技术的开发、制造和现场服务方面有多年的经验,提供贯穿整个产品生命周期的支持。公司不断投入研发活动,为客户提供新一代多样化的运输系统解决方案。Liebherrs transpo

19、rtation systems division supplies cab and saloon heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, thermal management systems for diverse mobile and stationary e-mobility applications, hydraulic actuation systems, dampers and hydraulic load levelling equipment for rail vehicles of all kinds.

20、 Liebherr has many years of experience in the development, manufacture, and field service of these technologies, offering support throughout the entire product lifecycle. The company invests continuously in its R&D activities in order to offer its customers new generations of diverse transportation

21、systems solutions.利勃海尔运输系统公司在奥地利科尔诺伊堡、保加利亚马里卡、中国平湖和诸暨市设有四家生产厂。Liebherr-Transportation Systems has four production plants in Korneuburg (Austria), Marica (Bulgaria) and in Pinghu and Zhuji (China).除了拥有自己的销售和服务中心,各公司还可以利用利勃海尔集团广泛而独特的技术,以及遍布世界各地的开发和服务设施。这种全球性的设置意味着利勃海尔运输系统随时随地为客户服务。In addition to its o

22、wn sales and service centers, the division has access to the Liebherr Groups extensive and unique technologies as well as development and service facilities around the world. This global set-up means that Liebherr-Transportation Systems is there for its customers wherever they may be.利勃海尔运输系统(中国)有限公

23、司是长春轨道客车股份有限公司、中国南车集团南京浦镇车辆厂、南车四方机车车辆股份有限公司、Sungshin RST 和HRC等大型轨道车辆生产企业的空调供应商,其产品用于轨道车辆行业。Liebherr Transportation Systems (China) Co., Ltd., is the transportation systems supplier of railway vehicle manufacturers, such as Changchun Railway Vehicles Co., Ltd., CSR Nanjing Puzhen Rolling Stock Works,

24、 CSR Sifang Locomotive and Rolling Stock Co., Ltd., Sungshin RST and HRC. Its product are applied widely in railway industry in the world.本公司旨在未世界轨道车辆行业及其顾客提供技术先进、质量可靠的产品和服务,在产品质量和服务上达到国际先进水平。The company aims to provide customer products and services with advanced technique and reliable quality for

25、railway vehicle field, reaching the international advanced levels of performance.0.3焊接管理人员任命书Welding Coordinator Appointment任命张立辉利勃海尔运输系统(中国)有限公司主管焊接负责人。It is appointed that Mr. Zhang Lihui as responsible welding supervisor of Liebherr Transportation Systems (China) Co., Ltd.任命樊剑飞利勃海尔运输系统(中国)有限公司焊接责

26、任人员代表。It is appointed that Mr. Fan Jianfei as deputy for responsible coordinator of Liebherr Transportation Systems (China) Co., Ltd.For name list, responsibilities and tasks of above mentioned responsible welding supervisor, deputy with equal rights and other welding supervisor, see Annex of this a

27、ppointment letter.任命的有效期未2021年10月22日至2025年3月22日。This appointment is valid from 2021.10.22 to 2025.3.22.总经理:General manager日期:Date0.4焊接组织架构图Welding organization structure0.5职责分工Responsibilities部门DepartmentISO14731焊接协调员Welding Coordinator销售部Sales 工程部Technical质量部QM采购部Purchase姓名Name张立辉/樊建飞Zhang Lihui孙阳S

28、un AlanWalterAndreas顾学平Peter Gu虞丹Yu DanQualificationIWE/5 Review of requirements合同评审6Technical review设计评审7 Sub-contracting分包8Welder and welding operator焊工和焊接操作工N.A9 Welding Coordinator焊接协调员/10 Inspection and testing personnel试验和检验人员N.A11 Equipment设备N.A12 Welding and related actives焊接及相关活动N.A12.1 Pro

29、duction planning生产计划N.A12.2 WPQR焊接工艺评定N.A12.3 WPS焊接工艺规程N.A13 Welding consumables 焊接材料N.A14 Storage of parent materials 母材的储存N.A15 Post weld heat treatment焊后热处理N.A16 Inspection and testing焊接试验和检验N.A16.1 Before welding焊接前试验检验N.A16.2 During welding 焊接中检验N.A16.3 After welding焊接后检验N.A17 Non-conformance a

30、nd Corrective Actions不合格品及纠正措施18 Calibration of measuring, inspection and testing equipment检验设备的校准19 Identification and traceability 标识及可追溯性20 Quality Records质量报告Note: Supervisor Be responsible for cooperate 注: 监督 主要负责 配合1 范围scope本手册描述的焊接质量管理要求,依据ISO3834标准中的完整质量要求,适用于公司焊接生产车间以及与焊接生产质量控制相关的环节,轨道车辆产品的

31、制造应符合EN15085标准的有关规定。This manual describes the welding quality management requirements, in accordance with ISO3834-2 (Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials - Part 2: Comprehensive quality requirements) for workshop welding operations. Railway vehicles shall comply with the rel

32、evant provisions of EN15085 standard.2 引用文件 Normative references2.1 ISO3834-1金属材料熔化焊的质量要求第一部分:相应质量要求等级的选择准则ISO3834-1Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials-Part 1: Criteria for the selection of the appropriate level of quality requirements;2.2 ISO3834-2金属材料熔化焊的质量要求第二部分:完整质量要求IS

33、O3834-2 Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials-Part2:comprehensive quality requirement;2.3 ISO3834-5金属材料熔化焊的质量要求第五部分:确认符合ISO3834-2、ISO3834-3、ISO3834-4质量要求所需的文件ISO3834-5 Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials Part 5: Documents with which it is necessary t

34、o conform to claim conformity to the quality requirements of ISO 3834-2, ISO 3834-3 or ISO 3834-4; 2.4 DIN6700/EN15085轨道车辆及其零部件金属材料的焊接Railway applications - Welding of railway vehicles and components2.5 ISO9606-1钢熔焊焊工考试ISO9606-1 Qualification test of welders-fusion welding;2.6 ISO9606-2铝熔焊焊工考试;ISO96

35、06-2 Qualification test of welders - Fusion welding - Part 2: Aluminium and aluminium alloys2.7 ISO14731焊接管理任务及职责;ISO14731 Welding coordination Tasks and responsibilities2.8 ISO9712从事非破坏性检验人员的培训、鉴定一般情况Non-destructive testing qualification and certification of NDT personnel;2.9 ISO15614-1金属材料焊接工艺规程及评

36、定-焊接工艺评定试验-第一部分:钢的弧焊和气焊、镍及镍合金的弧焊Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials- Welding procedure test Part 1: Arc and gas welding of steels and arc welding of nickel and nickel alloys;2.10 ISO15614-2金属材料焊接工艺规程及评定-焊接工艺评定试验-第二部分:铝及铝合金的弧焊Specification and qualification of

37、 welding procedures for metallic materials- Welding procedure test Part 2:Arc welding and of aluminium and its alloys; 2.11ISO15609-1金属材料焊接工艺规程及评定-焊接工艺规程-第一部分:电弧焊Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials- Welding procedure specification Part 1:Arc welding; 2.12 EN1

38、0204金属产品检验文件的种类EN10204 Metallic product-Type of inspection document;如果本手册规定的引用标准有冲突时,以有效的引用标准为准,并及时更新本手册。In case of any conflict between the quoted standards specified in this handbook, subject to the valid quoted standards and updater this handbood.3 术语和定义Term and Definition3.1总则General本手册采用ISO3834

39、-1金属材料熔化焊的质量要求第一部分:相应质量要求等级的选择准则中的术语和定义。This manual uses the terms and definitions in the ISO 3834-1 Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials - Part 1: Selection criteria for the relevant quality level .3.2 设计规范Design specification由客户或预估客户需求的组织或规章规定的产品要求。Requirements for product

40、 specified by customer or by the organization in anticipation of customer requirements, or by regulation.3.3合格人员Qualified person通过教育、培训和/或相关实践经验而取得相应能力和知识的人员。Person whose competence and knowledge have been obtained by education, training and /or relevant practical experience.3.4结构Construction产品、结构或其

41、他任何焊接的零件。Product, structure or any other welded item.3.5分包商Sub-contractor以契约形式为生产商提供产品服务和/或相关业务活动的供应商。Supplier of products, services and/or activities to the manufacturer in a contractual situation.3.6焊接责任人Welding Coordinator负责焊接协调以及有能力执行焊接协调的人员。具体细节件ISO 14731 附录B。Person who are responsible for weld

42、ing coordination and competent to perform welding coordination for details see ISO 14731 Annex B.3.7焊工Welder在车间中执行手动焊接的人员。Person who performs manual welding in the workshop.3.8 焊接操作人员Welding operator执行全机械化或自动熔焊工艺的人员 Persons who performs fully mechanized or automatic fusion welding processes.3.9标识和追溯

43、的人员Personnel for identification and traceability负责材料压印和存储的人员。Person who are responsible for re stamping and storage of material.4 ISO3834本部分的使用Use of this part of ISO 3834依据EN15085-2标准要求,公司采用ISO3834-2金属材料熔化焊的质量要求第二部分:综合质量要求。 According to the requirement of EN15085-2, this manual uses the ISO3834-2 (

44、Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials - Part 2: Comprehensive quality requirements)5 要求评审和技术评审5.1总则General总则公司应针对顾客提出的招标书、询价书、合同、技术草案等要求,在做出承诺前组织相关部门及焊接责任人员进行要求评审;以确保在接受订单、合同前,有足够的资源(包括设备、人员等)保证产品能按期交货,所有要求是清晰明确的,不一致的方面应与顾客沟通,并取得书面认可。当合同与先前的投标书、报价书、合同、技术草案所规定的内容存在差异或变化,应确保差异或

45、变化部分易于识别,同时应让顾客清楚地了解由此所带来的控制、成本、进度的所有变化。Before signing a contract, for customer drawings, technical specifications, organize relevant departments and welding responsibility personnel to requirements assessment to ensure there are sufficient resources (including equipment, personnel, etc.) to ensure product quality and timely delivery. All requirements are clear, inconsistent aspects should communicate with customers, and obtain written memos and recognition. When the contents of the contract with the drawings, technical agreement stipulates the existence of

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