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1、【Title】 The Regulation of the Peoples Republic of China on Road Transport Effective 【法规标题】中华人民共和国道路运输条例 现行有效 【法宝引证码】 CLI.2.52875(EN)Date issued: 04-30-2004 发布日期: 2004-04-30 Effective date: 07-01-2004 生效日期: 2004-07-01 Issuing authority: State Council 发布部门: 国务院 Area of law: Traffic and Transport 类别: 交

2、通运输 Document Number: 发文字号: 国务院令第406号 Order of the State Council of the Peoples Republic of China(No. 406)The Regulation of the Peoples Republic of China on Road Transport was adopted at the 48th executive meeting of the State Council on April 14, 2004. It is hereby promulgated and shall be implement

3、ed as of July 1, 2000. Premier Wen JiabaoApril 30, 2004.The Regulation of the Peoples Republic of China on Road Transport中华人民共和国国务院令(第406号)(相关资料:行政法规3篇部门规章48篇其他规范性文件1篇地方法规454篇案例1篇裁判文书71篇相关论文10篇)中华人民共和国道路运输条例已经2004年4月14日国务院第48次常务会议通过,现予公布,自2004年7月1日起施行。 总理温家宝 二00四年四月三十日中华人民共和国道路运输条例Chapter I General

4、Provisions第一章总则Article 1 The present Regulation is formulated to maintain the order of road transport market, ensure the safety of road transport, protect the legitimate rights and interests of all parties involved in road transport and promote the healthy development of road transport.第一条为了维护道路运输市场

5、秩序,保障道路运输安全,保护道路运输有关各方当事人的合法权益,促进道路运输业的健康发展,制定本条例。Article 2 Anyone engaging in road transport business and other operations relating to road transport shall abide by the present Regulation.The term road transport business as mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall include business of road passeng

6、er transport and business of road freight transport. The term other operations relating to road transport shall include the business operations of stations (sites), business operations of motor vehicle maintenance and repair, and training of motor vehicle drivers.第二条从事道路运输经营以及道路运输相关业务的,应当遵守本条例。前款所称道

7、路运输经营包括道路旅客运输经营(以下简称客运经营)和道路货物运输经营(以下简称货运经营);道路运输相关业务包括站(场)经营、机动车维修经营、机动车驾驶员培训。(相关资料:地方法规3篇裁判文书2篇)Article 3 The principle of lawful operation, honesty and good faith, and fair competition shall be observed by all those engaging in the road transport business and other operations relating to road tra

8、nsport. 第三条从事道路运输经营以及道路运输相关业务,应当依法经营,诚实信用,公平竞争。Article 4 The road transport administration shall be consistent with the principle of fairness, impartiality, openness and facilitating the people.第四条道路运输管理,应当公平、公正、公开和便民。Article 5 The state shall encourage the development of rural road transport and sh

9、all take necessary measures to ensure as many towns, townships and administrative villages as possible to have buses so as to satisfy the living and production needs of the farmers.第五条国家鼓励发展乡村道路运输,并采取必要的措施提高乡镇和行政村的通班车率,满足广大农民的生活和生产需要。Article 6 The State encourages road transport enterprises to engag

10、e in large-scale but intensive business operations. No entity or individual may blockade or monopolize the road transport market. 第六条国家鼓励道路运输企业实行规模化、集约化经营。任何单位和个人不得封锁或者垄断道路运输市场。Article 7 The administrative department of communications of the State Council is in charge of the road transport administr

11、ation of the whole country. The administrative department of communications of the peoples government on the county level or above is responsible for organizing and leading the road transport administration within its own administrative area.The road transport administrative department on the county

12、 level and above is responsible for carrying out the specific administration of the road transport business. 第七条国务院交通主管部门主管全国道路运输管理工作。县级以上地方人民政府交通主管部门负责组织领导本行政区域的道路运输管理工作。县级以上道路运输管理机构负责具体实施道路运输管理工作。(相关资料:地方法规5篇裁判文书12篇相关论文1篇)Chapter II Road Transport Business Operation第二章道路运输经营Section I Passenger Tra

13、nsport第一节客运Article 8 Anyone who wishes to engage in the passenger transport business shall:a. have vehicles that can meet the demand of its business operations and that are found to be qualified upon test;b. have drivers that meet the requirements as described in Article 9 of the present Regulation;

14、 andc. have sound rules and bylaws regarding safe operations.Anyone who wishes to engage in route passenger transport business operations shall provide a plan with clear routes and stops.第八条申请从事客运经营的,应当具备下列条件:(一)有与其经营业务相适应并经检测合格的车辆;(二)有符合本条例第九条规定条件的驾驶人员;(三)有健全的安全生产管理制度。申请从事班线客运经营的,还应当有明确的线路和站点方案。(相关

15、资料:地方法规7篇裁判文书7篇)Article 9 A driver who is engaged in the passenger transport business operations shall:a. have obtained a corresponding motor vehicle driving permit;b. have not attained the age of 60 years;c. have no record of serious traffic accidents within the recent three years; andd. have passe

16、d the basic knowledge examination of relevant passenger transport laws and regulations, motor vehicle repair and maintenance, and first aid to passengers, as held by the road transport administrative organ on the districted municipality level. 第九条从事客运经营的驾驶人员,应当符合下列条件:(一)取得相应的机动车驾驶证;(二)年龄不超过60周岁;(三)3

17、年内无重大以上交通责任事故记录;(四)经设区的市级道路运输管理机构对有关客运法律法规、机动车维修和旅客急救基本知识考试合格。(相关资料:地方法规12篇)Article 10 Anyone who applies for engaging in passenger transport business operations shall submit the relevant materials provided as follows that meet the requirements as provided for in Article 7 of the present Regulation:

18、a. Anyone who wishes to engage in the passenger transport business operations within the administrative area of county shall file an application with the county-level road transport administrative organ; b. Anyone who wishes to engage in the passenger transport business operations across two or more

19、 county-level administrative areas within a province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government shall file an application with their common superior road transport administrative organ; c. Anyone who wishes to engage in the passenger transport business operations acros

20、s different provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall file an application with the road transport administrative organ of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government of the place where it is situated. The

21、road transport administrative organ that receives an application as provided for in the preceding paragraph shall complete the examination within 20 days as of the day when the application is received, and make a decision whether to approve or disapprove. Where it is approved, a road transport busin

22、ess operation license shall be issued to the applicant and a vehicle operation certificate shall be issued to the applicant for the vehicle that is to be used for transport. Where it is disapproved, a written notice shall be given to the applicant to explain the reason. With regard to an application

23、 for engaging in the road transport business operations across different provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, the relevant road transport administrative organ of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Gover

24、nment concerned shall, prior to issuing a road transport business operation license according to Paragraph 2 of the present Article, discuss with the road transport administrative organ of the destination provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government. If no

25、agreement is reached after discussion, it shall be reported to the administrative department of communications of the State Council to decide.A passenger transport business operator shall go through relevant registration procedures with the competent administrative department for industry and commer

26、ce upon the strength of its road transport business operation license. 第十条申请从事客运经营的,应当按照下列规定提出申请并提交符合本条例第八条规定条件的相关材料:(一)从事县级行政区域内客运经营的,向县级道路运输管理机构提出申请;(二)从事省、自治区、直辖市行政区域内跨2个县级以上行政区域客运经营的,向其共同的上一级道路运输管理机构提出申请;(三)从事跨省、自治区、直辖市行政区域客运经营的,向所在地的省、自治区、直辖市道路运输管理机构提出申请。依照前款规定收到申请的道路运输管理机构,应当自受理申请之日起20日内审查完毕,作

27、出许可或者不予许可的决定。予以许可的,向申请人颁发道路运输经营许可证,并向申请人投入运输的车辆配发车辆营运证;不予许可的,应当书面通知申请人并说明理由。对从事跨省、自治区、直辖市行政区域客运经营的申请,有关省、自治区、直辖市道路运输管理机构依照本条第二款规定颁发道路运输经营许可证前,应当与运输线路目的地的省、自治区、直辖市道路运输管理机构协商;协商不成的,应当报国务院交通主管部门决定。客运经营者应当持道路运输经营许可证依法向工商行政管理机关办理有关登记手续。(相关资料:地方法规17篇裁判文书8篇)Article 11 If it is necessary for a passenger tra

28、nsport operator who has obtained a road transport business operation license to increase passenger transport business operation routes, it shall go through the relevant procedures in accordance with Article 10 of the present Regulation. 第十一条取得道路运输经营许可证的客运经营者,需要增加客运班线的,应当依照本条例第十条的规定办理有关手续。(相关资料:地方法规8

29、篇裁判文书1篇)Article 12 When the road transport administrative organ on the county level examines the passenger business operation applications, it shall take into consideration the status of demand and supply in the passenger transport market, universal services, facilitating the public, and other facto

30、rs.When there are 3 or more applicants applying for one route, a decision of approval may be made by way of bidding. 第十二条县级以上道路运输管理机构在审查客运申请时,应当考虑客运市场的供求状况、普遍服务和方便群众等因素。同一线路有3个以上申请人时,可以通过招标的形式作出许可决定。(相关资料:地方法规2篇)Article 13 The road transport administrative organs on the county level shall regularly

31、announce the status quo of demand and supply in the passenger business operation market.第十三条县级以上道路运输管理机构应当定期公布客运市场供求状况。Article 14 The route passenger transport business operation period shall be 4 8 years. If it is necessary to extend the route passenger transport business operation period when it e

32、xpires, a new application shall be filed.第十四条客运班线的经营期限为4年到8年。经营期限届满需要延续客运班线经营许可的,应当重新提出申请。Article 15 When a passenger transport business operator wishes to terminate the passenger transport business, it shall inform the original approval organ within 30 days prior to the termination.第十五条客运经营者需要终止客运经

33、营的,应当在终止前30日内告知原许可机关。Article 16 A road passenger business operator shall provide passengers with a good environment, shall keep the vehicles clean and tidy, and shall take necessary measures to prevent the occurrence of any illegal act that would trespass the passengers personal or property safety.

34、第十六条客运经营者应当为旅客提供良好的乘车环境,保持车辆清洁、卫生,并采取必要的措施防止在运输过程中发生侵害旅客人身、财产安全的违法行为。Article 17 A passenger shall have a valid ticket to take a vehicle, observe the order, be polite and clean, shall not carry any dangerous articles or other prohibitive articles as provided for by the state.第十七条旅客应当持有效客票乘车,遵守乘车秩序,讲究

35、文明卫生,不得携带国家规定的危险物品及其他禁止携带的物品乘车。Article 18 After a route passenger transport business operator has acquired a road transport business operation license, it shall continuously provide transport services to the general public, shall not suspend, terminate or transfer the route passenger transport busin

36、ess without approval.第十八条班线客运经营者取得道路运输经营许可证后,应当向公众连续提供运输服务,不得擅自暂停、终止或者转让班线运输。(相关资料:裁判文书1篇)Article 19 Anyone engaged in chartered passenger transport business, it shall operate according to the stipulated places of departure, destinations and routes. Anyone engaged in tourist transport business shall

37、 operate within the tourist areas according to the routes for tourism.第十九条从事包车客运的,应当按照约定的起始地、目的地和线路运输。从事旅游客运的,应当在旅游区域按照旅游线路运输。(相关资料:裁判文书1篇)Article 20 No passenger transport business operator may force any passenger to take its vehicle, deny or extort any passenger, change the transport vehicles with

38、out permission.第二十条客运经营者不得强迫旅客乘车,不得甩客、敲诈旅客;不得擅自更换运输车辆。Article 21 If a passenger transport business operator causes, during the journey, the death or injury to any passenger, or any damage to or loss of luggage, and if the parties concerned have stipulated the amount of compensation, a compensation s

39、hall be made according to the stipulated amount. If they havent stipulated the amount of compensation, a compensation shall be made with reference to the provisions of the state on limited-amount compensation liability for inter-port maritime passenger transport and railway passenger transport. 第二十一

40、条客运经营者在运输过程中造成旅客人身伤亡,行李毁损、灭失,当事人对赔偿数额有约定的,依照其约定;没有约定的,参照国家有关港口间海上旅客运输和铁路旅客运输赔偿责任限额的规定办理。(相关资料:裁判文书3篇)Section II Freight Transport第二节货运Article 22 Anyone who wishes to engage in freight transport business shall:a. have vehicles that can meet the demand of its business operations and that are found to

41、be qualified upon test;b. have drivers that meet the requirements as described in Article 23 of the present Regulation; andc. have sound rules and bylaws regarding safe operations.第二十二条申请从事货运经营的,应当具备下列条件:(一)有与其经营业务相适应并经检测合格的车辆;(二)有符合本条例第二十三条规定条件的驾驶人员;(三)有健全的安全生产管理制度。(相关资料:地方法规3篇裁判文书1篇)Article 23 A d

42、river who is engaged in freight transport business operations shall:a. have obtained a corresponding motor vehicle driving permit;b. have not attained the age of 60 years;c. have passed the basic knowledge examination of relevant freight transport laws and regulations, motor vehicle repair and maint

43、enance, and loading and preservation of goods, as held by the road transport administrative organ on the districted municipality level.第二十三条从事货运经营的驾驶人员,应当符合下列条件:(一)取得相应的机动车驾驶证;(二)年龄不超过60周岁;(三)经设区的市级道路运输管理机构对有关货运法律法规、机动车维修和货物装载保管基本知识考试合格。(相关资料:地方法规10篇)Article 24 Apart from the above mentioned conditi

44、ons, anyone who applies for engaging in freight transport business operations involving dangerous cargoes shall:a. have 5 or more vehicles and equipment exclusively destined to dangerous cargo transport that can meet the demand of its business operations and that are found to be qualified upon test;

45、b. have drivers, managerial personnel for loading and unloading goods and transport escorts who have passed the examination held by the local road transport administrative organ on the districted municipality level and have obtained corresponding post license;c. equip the vehicles exclusively destin

46、ed to dangerous cargo transport with necessary telecommunication tools; and d. have sound rules and bylaws regarding safe operations.第二十四条申请从事危险货物运输经营的,还应当具备下列条件:(一)有5辆以上经检测合格的危险货物运输专用车辆、设备;(二)有经所在地设区的市级人民政府交通主管部门考试合格,取得上岗资格证的驾驶人员、装卸管理人员、押运人员;(三)危险货物运输专用车辆配有必要的通讯工具;(四)有健全的安全生产管理制度。(相关资料:地方法规11篇裁判文书1

47、篇)Article 25 Anyone who applies for engaging in freight transport business operations shall submit the relevant materials provided as follows that meet the requirements as provided for in Article 22 or Article 24 of the present Regulation:a. Anyone who wishes to engage in the freight transport business operations other than those involving dangerous cargoes shall file an application with the county-level road transport administrative organ; b. Anyone who

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