1、【Title】 Criminal Law of the Peoples Republic of China (97 Revision) Revised 【法规标题】中华人民共和国刑法(97修订) 已被修订 【法宝引证码】 CLI.1.17010(EN)Effective date: 10-01-1997 生效日期: 1997-10-01 Issuing authority: National Peoples Congress 发布部门: 全国人民代表大会 Area of law: Criminal Law 类别: 刑法 Document Number: 发文字号: 主席令第83号 *注:本篇法
2、规已先后被中华人民共和国刑法修正案(发布日期:1999年12月25日 实施日期:1999年12月25日)、中华人民共和国刑法修正案(二)(发布日期:2001年8月31日 实施日期:2001年8月31日)、中华人民共和国刑法修正案(三)(发布日期:2001年12月29日 实施日期:2001年12月29日)、中华人民共和国刑法修正案(四)(发布日期:2002年12月28日 实施日期:2002年12月28日)、中华人民共和国刑法修正案(五)(发布日期:2005年2月28日 实施日期:2005年2月28日)、中华人民共和国刑法修正案(六)(发布日期:2006年6月29日 实施日期:2006年6月29日
3、)、中华人民共和国刑法修正案(七)(发布日期:2009年2月28日 实施日期:2009年2月28日)、全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于修改部分法律的决定(发布日期:2009年8月27日 实施日期:2009年8月27日)、中华人民共和国刑法修正案(八)(发布日期:2011年2月25日 实施日期:2011年5月1日)修正或修改Criminal Law of the Peoples Republic of China(Adopted by the Second Session of the Fifth National Peoples Congress on July 1, 1979 and amen
4、ded by the Fifth Session of the Eighth National Peoples Congress on March 14, 1997)Table of Contents:Part I General ProvisionsChapter I Tasks, Basic Principles, and Scope of Application of the Criminal LawChapter II CrimesSection 1. Crime and Criminal ResponsibilitySection 2. Preparation for a Crime
5、, Criminal Attempt, and Discontinuation of a CrimeSection 3. Joint CrimesSection 4. Unit CrimesChapter III PunishmentsSection 1. Types of PunishmentsSection 2. ControlSection 3. Criminal DetentionSection 4. Fixed-Term Imprisonment and Life ImprisonmentSection 5. The Death PenaltySection 6. FinesSect
6、ion 7. Deprivation of Political RightsSection 8. Confiscation of PropertyChapter IV The Concrete Application Of PunishmentsSection 1. SentencingSection 2. RecidivistsSection 3. Voluntary Surrender and Meritorious ServiceSection 4. Combined Punishment for More Than One CrimeSection 5. Suspension of S
7、entenceSection 6. Reduction of SentenceSection 7. ParoleSection 8. LimitationChapter V Other ProvisionsPART II Special ProvisionsChapter I Crimes of Endangering National SecurityChapter II Crimes of Endangering Public SecurityChapter III Crimes of Undermining the Order of Socialist Market EconomySec
8、tion 1. Crimes of Manufacturing and Selling Fake and Shoddy GoodsSection 2. Crimes of SmugglingSection 3. Crimes of Disrupting the Order of Company and Enterprise AdministrationSection 4. Crimes of Undermining the Order of Financial ManagementSection 5. Crimes of Financial FraudSection 6. Crimes of
9、Endangering Collection and Management of TaxesSection 7. Crimes of Infringing Upon Intellectual Propert RightsSection 8. Crimes of Disrupting Market OrderChapter IV Crimes of Infringing Upon the Rights of the Person and the Democratic Rights of CitizensChapter V The Crime of Encroaching on PropertyC
10、hapter VI Crimes of Disrupting the Order of Social AdministrationSection 1. Crimes of Disrupting Public OrderSection 2. Crimes of Disrupting JusticeSection 3. Crimes of Disrupting Administration of the Territory (Border)Section 4. Crimes of Disrupting Administration of Cultural RelicsSection 5. Crim
11、es of Endangering Public HealthSection 6. Crimes of Undermining Protection of Environmental ResourcesSection 7. Crimes of Smuggling, Trafficking, Transporting, and Manufacturing Drugs.Section 8. Crimes of Organizing, Forcing, Inducing, Housing, and Introducing ProstitutesSection 9. Crimes of Manufac
12、turing, Selling, and Spreading Obscene PublicationsChapter VII Crimes of Endangering the Interests of National DefenseChapter VIII Graft and BriberyChapter IX Crimes of Dereliction of DutyChapter X Crimes of Violation of Duty by Military PersonnelSupplementary ArticlesAppendix IAppendix II中华人民共和国主席令
13、(第八十三号)(相关资料:法律72篇行政法规76篇部门规章435篇司法解释302篇其他规范性文件47篇地方法规1576篇案例104篇裁判文书45096篇相关论文6471篇)中华人民共和国刑法已由中华人民共和国第八届全国人民代表大会第五次会议于年月日修订,现将修订后的中华人民共和国刑法公布,自年月日起施行。中华人民共和国主席江泽民年月日 中华人民共和国刑法(1979年7月1日第五届全国人民代表大会第二次会议通过 1997年3月14日第八届全国人民代表大会第五次会议修订)目录第一编总则第一章刑法的任务、基本原则和适用范围第二章犯罪第一节犯罪和刑事责任第二节犯罪的预备、未遂和中止第三节共同犯罪第四节
15、罪第二节妨害司法罪第三节妨害国(边)境管理罪第四节妨害文物管理罪第五节危害公共卫生罪第六节破坏环境资源保护罪第七节走私、贩卖、运输、制造毒品罪第八节组织、强迫、引诱、容留、介绍卖淫罪第九节制作、贩卖、传播淫秽物品罪第七章危害国防利益罪第八章贪污贿赂罪第九章渎职罪第十章军人违反职责罪附则Part I General Provisions第一编总则Chapter I Tasks, Basic Principles, and Scope of Application of the Criminal Law第一章刑法的任务、基本原则和适用范围Article 1. This law is formula
16、ted in accordance with the Constitution and in light of the concrete experience of China launching a struggle against crime and the realities in the country, with a view to punishing crime and protecting the people.第一条【立法目的】为了惩罚犯罪,保护人民,根据宪法,结合我国同犯罪作斗争的具体经验及实际情况,制定本法。(相关资料:法律1篇部门规章1篇案例1篇裁判文书25篇相关论文34
17、篇)Article 2. The tasks of the PRC Criminal Law are to use punishment struggle against all criminal acts to defend national security, the political power of the peoples democratic dictatorship, and the socialist system; to protect state-owned property and property collectively owned by the laboring m
18、asses; to protect citizens privately owned property; to protect citizens right of the person, democratic rights, and other rights; to maintain social and economic order; and to safeguard the smooth progress of the cause of socialist construction.第二条【任务】中华人民共和国刑法的任务,是用刑罚同一切犯罪行为作斗争,以保卫国家安全,保卫人民民主专政的政权
19、和社会主义制度,保护国有财产和劳动群众集体所有的财产,保护公民私人所有的财产,保护公民的人身权利、民主权利和其他权利,维护社会秩序、经济秩序,保障社会主义建设事业的顺利进行。(相关资料:案例2篇裁判文书29篇相关论文42篇)Article 3. Any act deemed by explicit stipulations of law as a crime is to be convicted and given punishment by law and any act that no explicit stipulations of law deems a crime is not to
20、 be convicted or given punishment.第三条【罪刑法定】法律明文规定为犯罪行为的,依照法律定罪处刑;法律没有明文规定为犯罪行为的,不得定罪处刑。(相关资料:部门规章1篇司法解释1篇案例1篇裁判文书45篇相关论文93篇)Article 4. Every one is equal before the law in committing crime. No one is permitted to have privileges to transgress the law.第四条【法律面前人人平等】对任何人犯罪,在适用法律上一律平等。不允许任何人有超越法律的特权。(相关
21、资料:裁判文书8篇相关论文18篇)Article 5. The severity of punishments must be commensurate with the crime committed by an offender and the criminal responsibility he bears.第五条【罪责刑相适应】刑罚的轻重,应当与犯罪分子所犯罪行和承担的刑事责任相适应。(相关资料:司法解释1篇裁判文书16篇相关论文50篇)Article 6. This law is applicable to all who commit crimes within the terri
22、tory of the PRC except as specially stipulated by law.This law is also applicable to all who commit crimes aboard a ship or aircraft of the PRC.When either the act or consequence of a crime takes place within PRC territory, a crime is deemed to have been committed within PRC territory.第六条【属地管辖权】凡在中华
23、人民共和国领域内犯罪的,除法律有特别规定的以外,都适用本法。凡在中华人民共和国船舶或者航空器内犯罪的,也适用本法。犯罪的行为或者结果有一项发生在中华人民共和国领域内的,就认为是在中华人民共和国领域内犯罪。(相关资料:部门规章1篇司法解释1篇案例1篇裁判文书164篇相关论文10篇)Article 7. This law is applicable to PRC citizens who commit the crimes specified in this law outside the territory of the PRC; but those who commit the crimes,
24、 provided that this law stipulates a minimum sentence of less than a three-year fixed-term imprisonment for such crimes, may not be dealt with.This law is applicable to PRC state personnel and military personnel who commit the crimes specified in this law outside PRC territory.第七条【属人管辖权】中华人民共和国公民在中华
25、人民共和国领域外犯本法规定之罪的,适用本法,但是按本法规定的最高刑为三年以下有期徒刑的,可以不予追究。中华人民共和国国家工作人员和军人在中华人民共和国领域外犯本法规定之罪的,适用本法。(相关资料:裁判文书13篇相关论文24篇)Article 8. This law may be applicable to foreigners, who outside PRC territory, commit crimes against the PRC state or against its citizens, provided that this law stipulates a minimum se
26、ntence of not less than a three-year fixed term of imprisonment for such crimes; but an exception is to be made if a crime is not punishable according the law of the place where it was committed.第八条【保护管辖权】外国人在中华人民共和国领域外对中华人民共和国国家或者公民犯罪,而按本法规定的最低刑为三年以上有期徒刑的,可以适用本法,但是按照犯罪地的法律不受处罚的除外。(相关资料:司法解释1篇裁判文书13
27、6篇相关论文13篇)Article 9. This law is applicable to the crimes specified in international treaties to which the PRC is a signatory state or with which it is a member and the PRC exercises criminal jurisdiction over such crimes within its treaty obligations.第九条【普遍管辖权】对于中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约所规定的罪行,中华人民共和国在所承担
28、条约义务的范围内行使刑事管辖权的,适用本法。(相关资料:司法解释1篇案例1篇裁判文书10篇相关论文14篇)Article 10. Any person who commits a crime outside PRC territory and according to this law bear criminal responsibility may still be dealt with according to this law even if he has been tried in a foreign country; however, a person who has already
29、 received criminal punishment in a foreign country may be exempted from punishment or given a mitigated punishment.第十条【对外国刑事判决的消极承认】凡在中华人民共和国领域外犯罪,依照本法应当负刑事责任的,虽然经过外国审判,仍然可以依照本法追究,但是在外国已经受过刑罚处罚的,可以免除或者减轻处罚。(相关资料:部门规章1篇司法解释1篇裁判文书19篇相关论文35篇)Article 11. The problem of criminal responsibility of foreign
30、ers who enjoy diplomatic privileges and immunity is to be resolved through diplomatic channels.第十一条【外交代表刑事管辖豁免】享有外交特权和豁免权的外国人的刑事责任,通过外交途径解决。(相关资料:裁判文书3篇相关论文7篇)Article 12. If an act committed after the founding of the PRC and before the implementation of this law was not deemed a crime under the laws
31、 at that time, the laws at that time are to be applicable. If the act was deemed a crime under the laws at that time, and if under the provisions of Chapter IV, Section 8 of the general provisions of this law it should be prosecuted, criminal responsibility is to be investigated according to the law
32、s at that time. However, if this law does not deem it a crime or imposes a lesser punishment, this law is to be applicable.The effective judgments that were made according to the laws at that time before the implementation of this law will continue to be in force.第十二条【溯及力】中华人民共和国成立以后本法施行以前的行为,如果当时的法
33、律不认为是犯罪的,适用当时的法律;如果当时的法律认为是犯罪的,依照本法总则第四章第八节的规定应当追诉的,按照当时的法律追究刑事责任,但是如果本法不认为是犯罪或者处刑较轻的,适用本法。本法施行以前,依照当时的法律已经作出的生效判决,继续有效。(相关资料:部门规章1篇司法解释12篇地方法规2篇案例14篇裁判文书1163篇相关论文30篇)Chapter II Crimes第二章犯罪Section 1. Crimes and Criminal Responsibility第一节犯罪和刑事责任Article 13. All acts that endanger the sovereignty, terr
34、itorial integrity, and security of the state; split the state; subvert the political power of the peoples democratic dictatorship and overthrow the socialist system; undermine social and economic order; violate property owned by the state or property collectively owned by the laboring masses; violat
35、e citizens privately owned property; infringe upon citizens rights of the person, democratic rights. and other rights; and other acts that endanger society, are crimes if according to law they should be criminally punished. However, if the circumstances are clearly minor and the harm is not great, t
36、hey are not to be deemed crimes.第十三条【犯罪概念】一切危害国家主权、领土完整和安全,分裂国家、颠覆人民民主专政的政权和推翻社会主义制度,破坏社会秩序和经济秩序,侵犯国有财产或者劳动群众集体所有的财产,侵犯公民私人所有的财产,侵犯公民的人身权利、民主权利和其他权利,以及其他危害社会的行为,依照法律应当受刑罚处罚的,都是犯罪,但是情节显著轻微危害不大的,不认为是犯罪。(相关资料:部门规章1篇司法解释3篇地方法规1篇案例4篇裁判文书105篇相关论文114篇)Article 14. An intentional crime is a crime constituted
37、 as a result of clear knowledge that ones own act will cause socially dangerous consequences, and of hope for or indifference to the occurrence of those consequences.Criminal responsibility shall be borne for intentional crimes.第十四条【故意犯罪】明知自己的行为会发生危害社会的结果,并且希望或者放任这种结果发生,因而构成犯罪的,是故意犯罪。故意犯罪,应当负刑事责任。(相
38、关资料:地方法规3篇案例3篇裁判文书47篇相关论文55篇)Article 15. A negligent crime occurs when one should foresee that ones act may cause socially dangerous consequences but fails to do so because of carelessness or, having foreseen the consequences, readily assumes he canprevent them, with the result that these consequenc
39、es occur.Criminal responsibility is to be borne for negligent crimes only when the law so stipulates.第十五条【过失犯罪】应当预见自己的行为可能发生危害社会的结果,因为疏忽大意而没有预见,或者已经预见而轻信能够避免,以致发生这种结果的,是过失犯罪。过失犯罪,法律有规定的才负刑事责任。(相关资料:案例1篇裁判文书27篇相关论文33篇)Article 16. Although an act objectively creates harmful consequences, if it does no
40、t result from intent or negligence but rather stems from irresistible or unforeseeable causes, it is not a crime.第十六条【不可抗力和意外事件】行为在客观上虽然造成了损害结果,但是不是出于故意或者过失,而是由于不能抗拒或者不能预见的原因所引起的,不是犯罪。(相关资料:裁判文书19篇相关论文17篇)Article 17. A person who has reached the age of sixteen who commits a crime shall bear criminal
41、 responsibility.A person who has reached the age of fourteen but not the age of sixteen who commits the crimes of intentionally killing another or intentionally injuring another, even causing serious injury or death, and the crimes of rape, robbery, drug trafficking, arson, explosion, and poisoning
42、shall bear criminal responsibility.A person who has reached the age of fourteen but not the age of eighteen who commits a crime shall be given a lesser punishment or a mitigated punishment.When a person is not criminally punished because he has not reached the age of sixteen, the head of his family
43、or guardian is to be ordered to subject him to discipline. When necessary, he may also be given shelter and rehabilitation by the government.第十七条【刑事责任年龄】已满十六周岁的人犯罪,应当负刑事责任。已满十四周岁不满十六周岁的人,犯故意杀人、故意伤害致人重伤或者死亡、强奸、抢劫、贩卖毒品、放火、爆炸、投毒罪的,应当负刑事责任。已满十四周岁不满十八周岁的人犯罪,应当从轻或者减轻处罚。因不满十六周岁不予刑事处罚的,责令他的家长或者监护人加以管教;在必要的时
44、候,也可以由政府收容教养。(相关资料:法律4篇部门规章2篇司法解释7篇地方法规6篇案例1篇裁判文书1489篇相关论文71篇)Article 18. A mentally ill person who causes dangerous consequences at a time when he is unable to recognize or unable to control his own conduct is not to bear criminal responsibility after being established through accreditation of lega
45、l procedures; but his family or guardian shall be ordered to subject him to strict surveillance and arrange for his medical treatment. When necessary, he will be given compulsory medical treatment by the government.A person whose mental illness is of an intermittent nature shall bear criminal respon
46、sibility if he commits a crime during a period of mental normality.A mentally ill person who commits a crime at a time when he has not yet completely lost his ability to recognize or control his own conduct shall bear criminal responsibility but he may be given a lesser or a mitigated punishment.An intoxicated person who commits a crime shall bear criminal responsibility.第十八条【特殊人员的刑事责任能力】精神病人在不能辨认或者不能控制自己行为的时候造成危害结果,经法定程序鉴定确认的,不负刑事责任,但是应当责令他的家属或者监护