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2010-1-20SGPLC-EMS-GP01 Identification-Evaluation of Environmental Aspects Procedure.doc

1、SGPLC- ISO14001: 2004 EMS General Procedures圣戈班管道系统(中国)ISO14001环境管理体系程序文件CENTRAL EHS Identification/Evaluation of Environmental Aspects Procedure环境因素识别与评价This document is a part of the Environmental Management System of Saint-Gobain Pipelines China and cannot be used or communicated without prior co

2、nsent form the Company.This document is considered as Uncontrolled if printedSAINT-GOBAIN PIPELINESENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEM GENERAL PROCEDUREREFERENCE: SGPLC-EMS-GP01CENTRALENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENTIdentification/Evaluation of Environmental Aspects ProcedureREVISIONDATEPAGE12005-9-14 14 of 14 0 INDEX0 目录

3、1. Document Control 1文件控制2. Objectives & Scope 2目的和范围3.Terms and Definitions3术语和定义4. Responsibilities4职责5. Flow Chart5流程6. Requirements6要求7. Reference Documents7相关文件8. Annexes8附件1DOCUMENT CONTROL1文件控制DOCUMENTATION AND FILING 文件归档This document shall be managed by the CENTRAL EHS Dept.本文件由中央EHS部负责管理.M

4、ODIFICATION SERVICE更改服务Revision of this document is the responsibility of the CENTRAL EHS dept.本文件的更改由中央EHS部负责提供变更服务。APPROVAL LIST批准列表VERSION 1VERSION 2VERSION 3VERSION 4VERSION 5Prepared by编写 Zhou Huidong XZ Director徐州基地总监Andy RosebladeMAS Director马鞍山基地总监Christian BesseTechnical Director技术总监Francoi

5、s GuenziGeneral Manager SGPL China圣戈班管道系统中国区总经理Denis MichelDISTRIBUTION发放SOFT COPIES:There is one single master soft copy with electronic signatures that is kept in the Central EHS Department Library. It is accessible by all authorized users, HARD COPIES:There is one single master hard copy with sig

6、natures that is kept in the Central EHS Department Library.A controlled copy is also to be kept by each individual Site Director of Saint-Gobain Pipeline China.All other hard copies are non-controlled copies and it is responsibility of their owners to keep their hard copy up to date.In the case of a

7、n update, the controlled hard copies are issued by the Central EHS Library Administrator and sent to the Site Directors. The administrator will archive the Master Hard Copy in the Central EHS Department.软拷贝:在中央EHS处保存的带有电子签名的电子文档为公司内唯一的原版软拷贝,以供授权范围内的人员使用。硬拷贝:中央EHS保存的公司内带有签名的硬拷贝为唯一的原版硬拷贝。圣戈班管道(中国)各基地的

8、总监处保留一份受控硬拷贝。其他硬拷贝为非受控文件。由使用者负责保存最新版本。当文件更新时,中央EHS行政人员负责中央EHS硬拷贝的更新,同时把更新过的硬拷贝的发放到各基地总监。UPDATED更新2 OBJECTIVE SCOPE2 目的和范围OBJECTIVE目的To identify and evaluate environmental aspects related to company activities/products/service, to ensure the effective monitoring and improvement of significant environ

9、mental aspects.对本公司之活动、产品和服务中能够涉及的环境因素进行识别、评价,以确保重要环因素能够得到有效监管和改进。SCOPE范围It is applicable to the environmental aspects identification and evaluation of Saint-Gobain Pipelines China.适用于圣戈班管道中国的环境因素之识别、评价。3 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS3 术语和定义3.1 Environmental Aspects:Element of an organizations activities or

10、 products or services that can interact with the environment. Remark: A significant environmental aspect has or can have a significant environmental impact.3.1 环境因素:一个组织的活动、产品或服务中能与环境发生相互作用的要素。注:重要环境因素是指具有或能够产生重大环境影响的环境因素。3.2 Environmental Impact: Any change to the environment, whether adverse or be

11、neficial, wholly or partially resulting from an organizations environmental aspects.3.2环境影响:全部或部分地由组织的活动、产品或服务给环境造成的任何有害或有益的变化。4 RESPONSBILITIES4 职责4.1Site environmental management representative shall periodically (normally once a year) establish an environmental aspects identification team consist

12、ing of internal auditors to identify environmental aspects of all company activities, products and service; each department shall cooperate this team.4.1工厂环境管理者代表定期(一般为1次年)组建由内审员组成的环境因素识别小组,对工厂所有活动、产品和服务进行环境识别,找出环境因素,各部门予以配合。 4.2 Site environmental management representative shall be responsible to o

13、rganize evaluation of identified environmental aspects to determine significant environmental aspects.4.2 工厂环境管理者代表负责组织对已识别出的环境因素进行评价,以确定重要环境因素。 4.3 Central EHS manager shall be responsible to review significant environmental aspects4.3 中央EHS经理负责对重要环境因素的审核4.4 The Site Director and Technical Director

14、 shall be responsible to approve significant environmental aspects.4.4 基地总监和技术总监负责重要环境因素之审批。5 FLOWCHART5 流程图Establish investigate teamArrange the related trainingFilling the investigation formEach departments investigation formCompany summarize formCollectingEvaluation criteria Significant environme

15、ntal aspects formOrganization evaluationNo ApprovalThe change of legal requirementsThe change of activities, product and service Yes Objectives, programs andOperational managementSend documentation6 REQUIREMENTS6 要求6.1 Time to identify environmental aspects.6.1 环境因素识别时机。6.1.1 Environmental aspects s

16、hall be identified once a year.6.1.1 环境因素识别一般为1次年。6.1.2 In following special cases, environmental management representative shall timely organize environmental aspects identification team for identification:6.1.2 如下特殊情况,环境管理者代表应即时组建环境因素识别小组,进行环境因素识别: Before New Construction, Extension Project

17、 and Rebuild Construction 新建、扩建、改建大型项目前; Before the development of new product types and categories; 增加投产新的产品品种、类别前; When required by the environmental management representative6.1.2.3 环境管理者代表认为需要时; In case of environmental complaints by interested parties;

18、 相关方就环境问题抱怨、投诉时; When laws and regulations require upgrading or increase. 法律、法规及相关要求更新、增加时;6.2 Environmental aspects identification methods include:5.2 环境因素识别方式可包括6.2.1 Material balance method;6.2.1 物料平衡法;6.2.2 Investigation by questionnaire6.2.2 问卷调查法;6.2.3 Site observation;6.2.3 现场实地

19、观察法;6.2.4 Detection and measurements;6.2.4 检测和测量法等等;6.3 Classification of environmental impacts:6.3 环境影响分类:6.3.1 Atmospheric pollution;6.3.1 大气污染;6.3.2 Water pollution;6.3.2 水体污染;6.3.3 Soil pollution;6.3.3 土壤污染;6.3.4 Noise pollution;6.3.4 噪音污染;6.3.6 Energy consumption;6.3.5 能源消耗;6.3.6 Resource consu

20、mption;6.3.6 资源消耗;6.3.7 Solid wastes;6.3.7 固体废弃物;6.3.8 Others6.3.8 其他;6.4 Three statuses of environmental aspects identification:6.4 环境因素识别三状态:6.4.1 Normal;6.4.1 正常;6.4.2 Abnormal;6.4.2 异常;6.4.3 Emergency.6.4.3 紧急。6.5 Three tenses of environmental aspects identification:6.5 环境因素识别三时态6.5.1 Past (occu

21、rred in the past and will not occur now; but with environmental impact now and in the future);6.5.1 过去(过去发生的,现在虽不会发生但环境影响一直会持续到现在和未来);6.5.2 Present (occurring now with environmental impact now and in the future)6.5.2 现在 (现在发生的, 并对现在或未来产 生环境影响) ;6.5.3 Future (possibly occurring in the future and with

22、 environmental impact in the future )6.5.3 未来 (现在尚未发生,但未来可能发生的,并对未来产生环境影响)。6.6 Environmental aspects identification and evaluation flow6.6 环境因素识别、评价流程6.6.1 Environmental management representative shall be responsible to organize environmental aspects identification team to prepare the identification

23、. And give the proper training.6.6.1 工厂环境管理者代表负责组建环境因素识别小组,以准备进行环境因素识别。并进行适当的培训。6.6.2 Team members shall identify environmental aspects and fill in “Identification/Evaluation of Environmental Aspects Record”(ERCT-EHS-0101) (ANNEX A)according to departments environmental situation.6.6.2 以部门为单位,环境因素识别

24、小组成员负责识别环境因素并填制环境因素识别/评价表(ERCT-EHS-0101)(附录A)。6.6.3 After identification, the site EHS department shall collect and summarize “Identification/Evaluation of Environmental Aspects Record”(ERCT-EHS-0101) (ANNEX A)6.6.3 识别完毕,基地EHS部门负责收集、汇总环境因素识别/评价表(ERCT-EHS-0101) (附录A)。6.6.4 According to summarized “Id

25、entification/Evaluation of Environmental Aspects Record” (ERCT-EHS-0101) (ANNEX A), the Site Environmental Management Representative shall organize relevant personnel in evaluation by grading method to find out significant environmental aspects. And arrange relevant people modify and perfect the eva

26、luation criteria. 6.6.4 工厂环境管理者代表依据汇总的环境因素识别/评价表(ERCT-EHS-0101) (附录A)组织相关人员采用打分法进行以找出重要环境因素。并组织有关人员对评价准则进行修订和完善。6.6.5 The Central EHS department shall prepare “Registration Record of Significant Environmental Aspects” (ERCT-EHS-0102) (ANNEX B)according to results of evaluation which done by each pla

27、nt/ site.6.6.5 中央EHS部门负责将评价重要环境因素填制重要环境因素登记表(ERCT-EHS-0102)(附录B)。6.6.6 Submit “Registration Record of Significant Environmental Aspects” (ERCT-EHS-0102) (ANNEX B)to Site Director and Technical Director for approval. Central EHS distributes the evaluation result to each site/ plant.6.6.6重要环境因素登记表(ERC

28、T-EHS-0102) (附录B)呈送基地总监和中国区技术总监审批后,中央EHS向各分公司发放评价结果。6.6.7 According to SGPLC-EMS-GP03 “Registration Record of Significant Environmental Aspects” (ERCT-EHS-0102) (ANNEX B), environmental management representative shall plan objectives, targets and programs for each significant environmental aspect in

29、 the “Objectives, Targets and Programs Management Procedure” (SGPLC-EMS-GP03), and control their performance.6.6.7 各工厂环境管理者代表针对重要环境因素登记表(ERCT-EHS-0102) (附录B)每一重要环境因素,应依据目标、指标管理方案(SGPLC-EMS-GP03)进行目标、指标、方案策划,并控制其执行。6.7 Grading evaluation of significant environmental aspects6.7 重要环境因素打分法评价方式。6.7.1 Any

30、 environmental aspect, which hasnt complied with relevant laws, regulations or industrial codes shall be evaluated as significant environmental aspect. The rest of environmental aspects are evaluated as per resource grading and emission grading 6.7.1 对不符合有关法律、法规的环境因素均评价为重要环境因素。其余打分分为资源类打分和排放类打分。6.7.

31、2 Emission grading6.7.2 排放类打分6.7.2.1 Grading items include: 打分项目包括:a) Frequency of occurrence;a)发生频次;b) Extent of environmental pollution;b) 环境影响污染程度;c) Scope of environmental impact;c) 环境影响区域范围;d) Extent of environmental impact on interested parties (including: client, employee, owner, gover

32、nment, managing committee of economic and technical development zone, surrounding factories etc.)d) 相关方影响程度(相关方包括:客户、职员、所有者、政府、经济技术开发区管委会、周边工厂等)。 Emission grading criteria6.7.2.2 排放类打分标准分值GradeABCD发生频次Frequency of occurrence环境影响污染程度Extent of environmental pollution环境影响区域范围Scope of environment

33、al impact相关方影响程度Effect on Interested Party1偶发/发生可能性小Sporadic/ little probability基本不产生环境影响;Basically no environmental impact只影响局部小范围地区Only small local area affected内部员工关心SG employees care2每月12次Every one month: 12 times对厂区环境造成一定程度可逆性污染Certain reversible pollution to plant area对厂区造成影响;Plant area affect

34、ed单一相关方口头抱怨Oral complaint by one interested party3每周12次Every one week: 12 times对水体、大气、土壤、动植物某一界面造成不可逆污染Irreversible pollution to one interface of water, atmosphere, soil and animals/plants造成市级影响City level impact多个相关方口头抱怨Oral complaints by several interested parties4每天1多次Every one day: 1several times

35、对水体、大气、土壤、动植物多界面造成不可逆污染Irreversible pollution to more than one interface of water, atmosphere, soil and animals/plants对全球、全国、生态系统造成影响。Global, national, ecological impact相关方书面投诉Written complaints from interested party6.7.2.3 Determination of significant environmental aspects6.7.2.3 确定重要环境因素If B or C

36、or D 3, this is a significant environmental aspect.当B, C, D单项分数大于等于3,即可确定为重要环境因素。If R= A*B *C *D 24, this is a significant environmental aspect.当A, B, C, D四项分数乘积24即可确定为重要环境因素。If emission value legal standard, this is a significant environmental aspect检测值超出法规标准要求的定为重要环境因素;If the status is emergency,

37、this is a significant environmental aspect紧急情况下的产生的环境影响定为重要环境因素;6.7.3 The resource grading criteria 6.7.3 资源类打分准则6.7.3.1 Grade items include: 打分项目包括:a) Recycleda)可循环性;b) Scarceb) 贫乏性;c) Quantityc) 使用量; Grade Items Standard and Mark6.7.3.2 打分项目标准及分数。分值Grade ABC可循环性Recycled贫乏性Scarce使用量Qu

38、antity demanded1可循环Recycled不贫乏Not Scarce对全厂而言可以忽略can be ignored compare with the whole plant/ site2不可循环Not Recycled未来可能贫乏Possible Scarce in future处于平均水平以下below average3已经贫乏Scarce处于平均水平be average4高于平均水平above average5公司主要消耗部门main consumption department within the plant6.7.3.3 Determination of signific

39、ant environmental aspects6.7.3.3 确定重要环境因素If R=A*B*C 16, this is a significant environmental aspectR=A*B*C当R=16分或大于时,则评定为重要环境因素/7 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS7 相关程序和文件Procedures:程序:“Applicable Environmental Legal and Other Requirements Management Procedure “(SGPLC-EMS-O2)法律信息管理程序 (SGPLC-EMS-O2)“Objectives, T

40、argets and Programs Management Procedure” (SGPLC-EMS-O3)目标、指标管理方案(SGPLC-EMS-O3)“Environmental Communication Management Procedure” (SGPLC-EMS-O5)环境信息管理程(SGPLC-EMS-O5)Documentation:文件:Environmental impact assessment report环境影响评价报告书Environmental monitoring report监测报告Environmental audit report环境审核报告8 ANNEXES8 附件“Identification/Evaluation of Environmental Aspects Record”(ERCT-EHS-0101)附录A 环境因素识别/评价表(ERCT-EHS-0101) “Registration Record of Significant Environmental Aspects” (ERCT-EHS-0102)附录B 重要环境因素登记表(ERCT-EHS-0102)

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