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1、小学英语四年级下册教案(多篇下册,四年级,教案)第1篇第2篇第3篇第4篇第5篇更多顶部目录第一篇:pep小学英语四年级下册教案第二篇:外研社小学英语四年级下册教案第三篇:小学四年级下册英语教案第四篇:牛津小学英语四年级下册全册教案_5第五篇:牛津小学英语四年级下册全册教案更多相关范文正文第一篇:pep小学英语四年级下册教案unit 2 what time is it? (period 2)teaching emphasis: breakfast, lunch, dinner, english class, p.e. class, music class.teaching difficultie

2、s: to understand and use “what time is it?” “its nine oclock.” “its time for”teaching aids: 1. a tape and pictures related with teaching materials.2. a teaching clock.3. six word cards.teaching process:一warming up:1. play the tape of the story in unit one and ask one group to act out the story.2. af

3、ter that, ask questions like following:t: where is zoom?s: he is in the canteen.t: why?s: he is hungry.t: why is he hungry? what time is it?s: its time for lunch. (with the help of the teacher)ask the students what can tell us the time, such as the sun, the moon, the tree.二presentation1. t: (show th

4、e prepared clock)look! whats this?s: its a clock.t: (point at twelve) what time is it?s: its twelve oclock. (remind ss of oclock)t: are you (更多请你搜索e for lunch.write “lunch” on the blackboard. teach the other new words or phrases in same way. write “breakfast, dinner, english class, p.e. class and mu

5、sic class” on the blackboard , too .2. play the tape of these new words or phrases, get the ss to read after the tape. the teacher read again as a model. correct their pronunciation where necessary.3. divide the students into groups of six. read the words one by one. the group which can read well an

6、d with non-stop wins the competition.三practice1. show the clock, make the short hand point at different times, then ask “what time is it?” one group of four make responses at each time. the one who can answer the question most quickly and correctly wins the game.2. take out the word cards, show them

7、 step by step. get the students to watch whats in the pictures carefully and say it in english.四presentation1.(make the short hand of the clock point at 7:00、9:00、12:00、2:00、3:00、6:00)te for breakfast. drink some milk. (repeat several times. teach “time for lunch. have some chicken. time for dinner.

8、 have some rice” in the same way.t: what do you do in english class?s: read and write.t: look! its 9:00 oclock. its time for english. read and write. (repeat again. teach “time for p.e. jump and rn .time for music. sing and dance.” in the same way)2. play the tape of “lets do”, make them get familia

9、r with this part.3. have a role play. the teacher says the time. girls say “time for breakfast”. boys say “drink some milk.” with action. repeat with different contents and then change roles.五assignments1. listen to the tape of the new materials.2. read and recite “lets do” to parents.3. tell the ti

10、me in english when they look at the watch.第二篇:外研社小学英语四年级下册教案小学英语第三册module5 unit1教学设计一、教材分析1、教学内容本课是外研版小学英语第三册unit 3 lesson 1,单元主题是do you want some rice? 主要教学内容是介绍食物的名词,进餐时如何询问对方是否需要某种食物的基本日常用语。2、教学重点(1) 学习、理解、运用单词:fast food, some, make, nice,chopsticks, difficult(2) 学习运用句型:do you want some.?yes,plea

11、se./no, thank you.have you got .in england?(即进餐时如何询问对方是否需要某种食物的日常用语。)3、教学难点运用句型do you want some .?将进餐时的基本礼貌用于实际生活情景中。二、教学目标1、知识目标(1)学习、理解、运用单词:fast food, some, make, nice,chopsticks, difficult(2)学习运用句型:do you want some.?yes,please./no, thank you.have you got .in england?(即进餐时如何询问对方是否需要某种食物的日常用语。)2、能

12、力目标(1) 进餐时的基本用语。(2)训练学生良好的听说读写习惯,引导学生积极参与,交流合作。3、情感态度目标(1) 整节课以“食物”为主题,促进师生、生生沟通感情,增进友谊,相互尊重,改善人际关系。(2) 通过游戏和有节奏感的歌谣以及动听的歌曲,激发学生浓厚的英语学习兴趣,培养了学生敢于开口、积极参与的学习态度。三、教学方法本着以学生为主体,面向全体学生的原则,并且力求做到尊重学生的个体差异,选择合适的教学方法。(1) 任务型教学:本课根据一定的情境,设计了多种任务:look and say; guessing; discussing in pairs or groups.通过有意义的活动,

13、自主学习,合作为主。(2) 情境教学:针对小学生的心理特点,我运用卡片、小宠物、小鼓、多媒体激趣,并通过合适的歌曲让学生身心愉悦。四、学生分析本课是小学英语四上的内容,很多孩子刚刚学了一年的英语,知识积累还不够丰富,还是要将学习习惯、学习兴趣放在首位,因此力求课堂语言精炼,肢体语言丰富。我还在合适位置设置了songs和朗朗上口的chants来抓住学生,培养学生听说能力。五、教具准备多媒体辅助教学,教学卡片、磁带、小宠物、小鼓,画好的部分食物及文具的图片,巧克力,糖果和果冻等少量的零食。六、教学过程step i. warm-up 热身,自然过渡1、greeting: hello, everyon

14、e. how are you today?2、t: enjoy a song. are you ready?(多媒体播放歌曲“row,row,row your boat”)设计思路:话语亲切,语言精炼,营造轻松氛围,歌曲内容的选择主要为自然过渡到后面介绍朋友做准备。step ii. presentation1、单词(1) t: amy and daming want to have a meal.what do they eat? (多媒体出示各种食物单词,既有三年级学的米饭,鱼等单词,又有本课新授单词fast food.画面精美,孩子本身内心对食物喜爱,可以迅速抓住孩子的注意力。)(2)操练

15、,巩固单词。 read boys & girls. “high and low” voice t: who likes rice?stand up!chant: rice, rice, i like rice.rice, rice, yummy, yummy. &w1024&h727&t6733&s194&tpjpg (pass the chant)t: please choose a kind of food you like best.设计思路:听说读写是学生终身发展必备的基本语言技能,对于初始阶段学习英语的孩子,更加要求听说领先. 因此面向全体学生,多层次,多角度的操练单词在课堂教学中必

16、不可少。我在操练过程中设计了两个亮点:一是与学生来个高低音的互换,目的是让学生集中注意力听老师的单词;二是学生用小鼓打节拍,用chant表达自己所喜欢的食物,用特殊、有趣的方式巩固了单词,并且在此环节中也复习到了第一册中的食物单词,避免了单词学习的单一和枯燥,做到了前后知识的联系和整合。多媒体出示fast food图片。&w1024&h683&t6956&s182&tpjpgstep iii. practice演示cd-rom,让学生跟读。小组操练。分角色展示。step iv.productionab unit 1, ex.1第三篇:小学四年级下册英语教案教学目标:1知识目标:(1)能够听、说

17、、认读单词 sheephencowhorsegoatlamb 。(2)了解单词 sheephencowhorsegoatlamb的复数形式。2能力目标:把所学新单词灵活运用到句型 whatarethey?theyare。3情感目标:掌握本节课新单词的单复数并能进行语言交际,激发学生说英语的兴趣。教学重点:学习并掌握单词:sheephencowhorsegoatlamb 教学难点:1.引导学生牢固掌握单词sheephencowhorsegoatlamb的复数形式。2.运用句型 whatarethey?theyare教学准备:图片、课件、单词卡、教学过程:一、导入1教师提问:doyoulovean

18、imals?出示狗的图片问; do you love it ?引出chant部分,what is it? it is a dog.what is it? it is a cat.what is it? it is a monkey.what is it? it is a rabbit.二、新授1再根据chant,引出与本课的课题,出示课题:unit 6atafarm2learnnewwords(1) sheephencowhorsegoatlamb(出示课件,学读单词和其复数,齐读单词, readafterme)5认图巩固单词,教师领读。6readbyyourselfnewwords.三、巩固

19、复习1小游戏:猜单词2大.小声3教师指图片学生说单词。4引出句型what are they? they are5应用whatarethey?theyare句型6分组读句子7学唱句子歌曲8用句子猜动物9. lets chant四、布置作业:利用所学的动物编写与老师编写的chant相似的chant.六、板书设计:unit 6atafarm what are they? they aresheep图片sheep图片 hens图片hen图片 cows图片cow图片 horses图片horse图片 goats图片goat图片 lambs图片lamb图片第四篇:牛津小学英语四年级下册全册教案_52、 能听

20、、说、读、写句型whos that_? hes / shes _. hes/shes a_.三、 教学重点词汇和句型的听、说、读、写。四、教学难点能正确地听、说、读、写词汇五、 课前准备1、 人物教学图片及单词卡片:a student, a teacher, a doctor, a nurse, a boy. a girl,a man, a woman2 录音机和磁带六、 教学过程(一 )sing a song an, woman 的拼读2、教单词 doctor 和student, teacher, doctor, nurse的拼读(1)出示doctor,teacher, student, n

21、urse 图片,让学生找出老师所说单词的图。 老师首先报:doctor. 这个单词没学过,学生通过排除的方法找出医生。老师拿着图领读 doctor, 抽读。(2)出示单词卡片:doctor, teacher, nurse, student,让学生把卡片贴在相应的图下面,并拼读单词,正确的给一红花。(四 )play a game (巩固所学单词)第五篇:牛津小学英语四年级下册全册教案b: which one?a: the one in theb: yes, he / she, he / she and act听录音模仿,并分角色朗读。listen and repe

22、at出示四个单词black, clock, jacket, sock及相应插图,学生听录音并跟读。在读的过程中体会字母组合ck在单词中发/k/。look and read1)要求学生仔细看图、读句,理解故事的幽默之处。2)请学生分角色朗读故事。第四教时free talkt: whos thewith?is that boy / girl ?say a rhyme: my brotherexercises (exercise-book)unit 3 whats your job?本单元教学内容和教学目标:(一). 知识目标:词汇: a policeman, a policewoman , a w

23、aiter, a waitress, a driver, a worker, an engineer, a farmer, a postman, a cook. (听、说、读、写 四会掌握 )句子:a. whats your / his / her job ?im / hes / shes a / an .what are their jobs ?theyre .您是不是还要阅读以下相关范文:牛津小学英语四年级下册全册教案_3牛津小学英语四年级下册全册教案_2牛津小学英语四年级下册全册教案6牛津小学英语四年级下册全册教案牛津小学英语四年级下册全册教案此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。

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