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本文(【原创新课堂】浙江专用2017春八年级英语下册unit5whatwereyoudoingwhentherainstormcame综合水平测试新版人教新目标版.doc)为本站会员(初中学霸)主动上传,文库网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知文库网(发送邮件至13560552955@163.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、Unit 5综合水平测试听力部分 (25分)一、听小对话,选择正确答案。(每小题1分,共计5分)听力材料:1W:Were you doing your homework at 9:00 last night?M:No,I was doing it from 9:30 to 10:00.2W:Were you in the living room or the bedroom at this time yesterday?M:I was taking a shower in the bathroom.3W:Were you fishing when the girl fell into the

2、river,David?M:No,I was walking by the river.4W:What were you doing when I called you last night?M:I was reading a book about the UFO.Its very interesting.5W:Hi,Ted.What did you do yesterday afternoon?M:I went swimming in the park.(C)1.What was the boy doing at 9:40 last night?ADoing housework.BWatch

3、ing TV.CDoing his homework.(A)2.Where was the man at this time yesterday?AIn the bathroom (洗浴间). BIn the bedroom.CIn the living room.(C)3.What was David doing when the girl fell into the river?AHe was fishing. BHe was jumping.CHe was walking.(B)4.Was the man reading a book about math?AYes,he was.BNo

4、,he wasnt.CWe dont know.(B)5.When did the man go swimming?AYesterday morning. BYesterday afternoon.CThis morning.二、听较长对话,选择正确答案。(每小题2分,共计10分)听第一段较长对话,回答第67小题。听力材料:W:Where were you at that moment?M:I was in the bathroom.W:Were you taking a shower?M:No.I was washing my clothes.(A)6.Where was the man a

5、t that moment?AIn the bathroom. BIn the bedroom.CIn the kitchen.(B)7.What was the man doing?AHe was taking a shower. BHe was washing his clothes.CHe was cleaning the bathroom.听第二段较长对话,回答第810小题。听力材料:W:What were you doing when Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng got out of the Shenzhou ,Mike?M:I was watching

6、 TV with my little brother.W:What about your parents?M:My father was reading newspapers and my mother was having a rest in bed.What about you,Lucy?W:I was flying to New York.I heard the news on the plane.(A)8.Who was watching TV?AMike and his brother. BMikes father.CMikes mother.(B)9.What was Mikes

7、mother doing?AReading newspapers. BHaving a rest in bed.CFlying to New York.(C)10.Where did Lucy get the news?AIn New York. BAt home.COn the plane.三、听独白,选择正确答案。(每小题2分,共计10分)听力材料:Bob was riding home at five yesterday.He saw the dark clouds.He thought it was going to rain.Then he got to the supermarke

8、t to buy some vegetables for his mother.After he got home,he helped his mother make dinner for his family.They were making dinner while his father was working on the computer.At 6:30 oclock,he had dinner with his parents.Then his parents went for a walk in the neighborhood and he got to the playgrou

9、nd to play basketball with his friends.He saw the sky was very dark,so he had to come back home quickly.When he was doing his homework,it rained heavily outside.What a lucky night!(C)11.What did Bob see on his way home?ASome clocks.BSome ducks.CSome dark clouds.(B)12.How did he go home?ABy bus. BBy

10、bike. COn foot.(A)13.Where did he go before he helped cook dinner?AA supermarket. BA playground.CThe neighborhood.(B)14.What was his father doing while his mother was making dinner?APlaying basketball. BWorking on the computer.CReading newspapers.(B)15.Did Bob get wet in the rain?AYes,he did. BNo,he

11、 didnt.CWe dont know.笔试部分 (95分)四、完形填空。(每小题1分,共计15分)Raj was born in a poor family,but his parents took good care of him.His father had a _16_,and used to work for more than 12 hours a day in his shop.Raj dreamt of becoming a _17_ to help people who were ill,but he finally got a _18_ in a company.Afte

12、r working for years,Raj got married (结婚) and made a lot of _19_He bought a new house and a new car.His father _20_ working in his shop.So the old man didnt have to _21_ his son,Raj.Several years later,Rajs father was _22_He couldnt work in the shop _23_He asked Raj to give him some money,so he could

13、 see a doctor._24_ Raj refused.He even shouted at his parents and told them that he had _25_ money.His parents left sadly (难过地)After a week,Raj met a 10yearold boy _26_ toys.Raj asked the boy _27_ to work instead of studying.The boy answered,“My father was badly hurt in an accident,so he _28_ work n

14、ow.My mother makes very little money.Im helping my parents _29_ selling these toys.I work for 3 hours a day and study at night!”The small boys words touched Raj.He realized he was _30_ wrong.He apologized (道歉) to his parents and took good care of them from then on.(B)16.A.factory Bshop Cschool Dthea

15、ter(D)17.A.driver Bworker Cwriter Ddoctor(A)18.A.job Bplan Cmeal Dservice(D)19.A.friends Bfood Cdrinks Dmoney(B)20.A.finished Bcontinued Cstarted Dstopped(A)21.A.depend on Blook after Ccut up Dwork out(A)22.A.ill Bhealthy Cold Dlonely(C)23.A.anyway Binstead Canymore Drecently(A)24.A.But BThough CAnd

16、 DSince(C)25.A.any Bmore Cno Dmuch(B)26.A.buying Bselling Cmaking Dsending(A)27.A.why Bwhen Cwhere Dhow(D)28.A.should Bhas to Cmust Dcannot(C) Bwithout Cby Dat(B)30.A.suddenly Bcompletely Ceasily Dprobably五、阅读理解。(每小题2分,共计30分)AThere was a car accident at 3:30 yesterday afternoon.Some policemen

17、 arrived there.They found some witnesses (目击者) in the street when the accident happened.The policemen asked them some questions.Here are their answers.WitnessDescription (描述)Mr GreenI was walking along the street when the car accident happened.The white car hit the black car and the white car ran aw

18、ay quickly.Mrs JamesWhen the car accident happened,I was shopping in the store.I remembered the car number of the white car.AliceI was calling my parents when the car accident happened.I was so nervous and I forgot to write down the car number.GeorgeI was walking my dog along the street.When I saw i

19、t,I called the police at once.There were lots of people around them.(C)31.The underlined word “them” refers to _.Athe drivers Bthe policemenCthe witnesses Dthe students(B)32.Who was shopping when the accident happened?AMr Green. BMrs James. CAlice. DGeorge.(D)33.What was George doing when the accide

20、nt happened?AHe was driving a car. BHe was shopping.CHe was calling his parents. DHe was walking his dog.BBen Jones was walking home from school one day when he saw a black cat.It was walking across the street in front of him.Ben stopped,turned around,and walked down a different street to go home.Wh

21、y did he do that?“Its unlucky when a black cat crosses the street in front of you,”says Ben,“I did not want to walk down that street!”Many people think that some things bring bad luck or good luck.For example,some people think that 13 is an unlucky number.They never invite 13 people to a party.“I ne

22、ver walk under a ladder (梯子),”says Ben.“And I never open an umbrella inside the house.They both bring bad luck.”And what brings good luck?“We have a horseshoe over the front door of our house for good luck,”says Ben.“And when I find a penny on the ground,I always pick it up.That brings me good luck

23、all day!”(A)34.Why did Ben turn around when he saw the black cat crossing the street?ABecause he thought it was unlucky.BBecause he disliked a black cat.CBecause he was afraid of the cat.DBecause he was kind to the cat.(C)35.In western countries,which number do some people think is unlucky?A4. B10.

24、C13. D12.(C)36.Which of the following things can bring people good luck?AOpening an umbrella inside the house.BWalking under a ladder.CPicking up a penny on the ground.DHaving a horse over the front door of the house.(A)37.Where does Bens family have a horseshoe?AOver the front door. BInside the hou

25、se.CUnder a ladder. DOn the ground.COne day a poor farmer was taking a bag of rice to town.Suddenly the bag fell from his horse on the road.He didnt know how to do about it because it was too heavy for him to lift by himself.He only hoped that somebody would soon pass by and help him.Just at this mo

26、ment a man riding a horse came up to him.But the farmer was very disappointed (失望) when he saw who he was.It was the great man living nearby.The farmer had hoped to ask another farmer or a poor man like him.But to his surprise,the great man got off his horse as soon as he came nearer.He said to the

27、farmer,“I see you need help,friend.How good it is that Im here just at the right time.” Then he took one end of the bag,the farmer took the other,they together lifted and put it on the horse.“Sir,” asked the farmer,“how can I pay you?”“Its quite easy,” the great man answered with a smile,“wherever y

28、ou see anyone else in trouble,do the same for him.”(B)38.What happened when the farmer went to town?AHis horses leg hurt.BThe bag fell from his horse.CThe farmer lost his bag.DThe horse was ill.(C)39.The farmer didnt lift the bag onto the horse by himself because _.Athe bag was brokenBthe horse went

29、 awayCthe bag was too heavy for him to liftDthe farmer was very angry(A)40.Why was the farmer very disappointed when he saw the great man?ABecause he thought the great man couldnt help him.BBecause he thought the great man could take away his bag.CBecause he thought the great man could take away his

30、 horse.DBecause he thought the great man couldnt see him.(A)41.Who helped the farmer?AA great man. BAnother farmer.CA poor man like him. DA friend of the farmers.DWhenever theres a terrible storm,there are plenty of sad stories.Many people lost their houses,their cars and their pets.But sometimes th

31、ese stories have happy endings too.A family in New Jersey,the US,had a cat named Vivien.She is very smart.She could even draw with her wet paws on the floor.They all love her very much.When hurricane (飓风) Sandy hit America in October,they moved to a safer place 13km away from home.Sadly Vivien went

32、missing.The whole family were worried about her.They put up posters on the Internet to look for her.All the nine family members searched wherever they thought she could stay,but they didnt find it.The family thought Vivien was gone forever.But six months later,Vivien showed up at their house,accordi

33、ng to Yahoo News.They considered her return as a wonder.No one can be sure where Vivien was for all that time.Many animals are good at finding their way home.People usually say that dogs and cats find their way home through using their sense of smell.But that doesnt explain how Vivien found her way

34、back.Hurricane Sandy blew away the normal smells of home.“I wish she could talk,”said her owner.(B)42.From the passage we know Sandy is a _.AcatBhurricaneCgirl Ddog(A)43.The cat was missing for _.A6 months B9 monthsC13 months D6 weeks(C)44.Which of the following is NOT true?AVivien could even draw.B

35、The family tried hard to look for the pet.CThe owner knew how the cat found her way home.DVivien found her way home by herself.(C)45.Animals can find their way home because they have sensitive (灵敏的) _.Aeyes BearsCnoses Dpaws六、词汇运用。(15分)A)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次(每空一词)。46I didnt realize my mistake unti

36、l my teacher explained to me.47The Smith moved to their new house recently48Frank was so sad that he walked to school in silence this morning.49Could you please tell me the truth? Im so worried.50The weather is very hot.Its too difficult for me to fall asleepB)根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式(每空一词)。Mr. B

37、lack was 51.once (曾经) a policeman.He was a kind person.He liked to have a walk in the park after breakfast.It was very cold on a winter morning.Mr. Black was walking along the street.52.Suddenly (突然),he heard a cry for help.He turned around but could see 53.nobody (没有人)It was 54.strange (奇怪的)At that

38、 moment,a boy ran up to him.The boy was in a hurry and he ran towards to the river.Mr. Black 55.realized (认识到) what had happened and ran to the river as soon as possible.They saw a girl in the water.She was 56.against (倚) a piece of wood.It was carrying her way 57.heavily (很大程度地)It was too 58.danger

39、ous (危险的)59Without (没有) a word,Mr. Black took off his clothes and jumped into the river.The boy helped him get out of the water.Then they stopped a car and took the girl to the hospital.At last,the girls life was saved,and she 60.thanked (感谢) them very much.七、语法填空。(10分)阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单

40、词的正确形式。A nineyearold boy is 61.sitting (sit) at his desk.Suddenly,there is a puddle (小水坑) 62.between his feet and the front part of his pants is wet.He thinks his heart is going to stop because it has never happened before.He knows that when his classmates find out they will laugh him.The boy

41、puts his head down and prays (祈祷) to God,“Dear God,I need help now!” He looks up and sees the teacher 64.walking (walk) toward him.It seems that the teacher has already found his problem.A classmate named Susie is carrying a gold fish bowl that is filled with water.Susie falls in front of the teache

42、r and throws 65.the bowl of water on the boys pants.The teacher 66.quickly (quick) takes him downstairs and gives him a pair of dry pants to put 67.onAll the other children are busy (clean) up around the boys desk.They all blame (责怪) Susie for it.She tries to help,69.but her classmates t

43、ell her to get out.At the end of the day,as they are waiting for the bus,the boy walks over to Susie and says,“You did that 70.to_help (help) me,didnt you?”Susie says,“I wet my pants once,too.”八、任务型阅读。(5分)阅读下面五个语段,重新排列顺序,使其成为一篇意思连贯的短文,并将其编号(A、B、C、D和E)填入文后各题的相应位置。AThat afternoon Robbie came to visit

44、me.“Mr.Banks says you can do the test at home instead,” he said,but I knew he was joking.I didnt think it was very funny,but he did.BAs my dad couldnt drive me to the first yoga lesson,I decided to go to the gym by bike.The lesson was great and I felt really relaxed.However,it started raining on the

45、 way home and I got very wet.CLast Sunday,I decided to take yoga.Yoga is a kind of sport which helps you to relax and keep fit.DThe next day,I woke up with a bad cold.I could not go to school.We were having a math test that day,so it was great that I could stay at home.EOn Tuesday,I was still a bit

46、weak,but I was feeling better.When Wednesday came,I was able to go back to school.71_C_72._B_73._D_74._A_75._E_九、书面表达。(20分)昨天是周六,Lisa在家帮妈妈做了很多家务活。请根据下面表格提示,描述在各个时间段,Lisa正在进行的活动。可适当发挥,70词左右。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。7:40整理床铺make the bed8:00摆餐具set the table8:30洗餐具do the dishes14:30洗衣服wash the clothes17:30收拾好衣服put away the clothesOne possible version:It was Saturday yesterday.Lisa had a busy day.At_7:40_am.she_was_making_the_bed_by_herself.At_8:00_am.she_was_helping_her_mother_setting_the_table.They_were_going_to_have_breakfast.She_was_doi

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