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本文(【原创新课堂】浙江专用2017春八年级英语下册期末综合水平测试新版人教新目标版.doc)为本站会员(初中学霸)主动上传,文库网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知文库网(发送邮件至13560552955@163.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、期末综合水平测试 听力部分 (25分)一、听小对话,选择正确答案。(每小题1分,共计5分)听力材料:1W:Could you turn down your radio,please?Its too noisy.M:Pardon?W:I asked you to turn down your radio a little!2W:Were late!The movie has been on for 10 minutes.M:Really?Oh,its ten past eight now.3W:Whats the weather like in Mexico?M:Its often windy

2、and rainy in winter,and sunny in summer.4W:Jenny,what does your mother do?W:She is a doctor,but she always wants to be a teacher.5W:Tom,Im hungry,but theres nothing to eat at home.M:Why not eat outside?Theres a newlyopened beef noodle restaurant across from the supermarket.W:OK.Lets have a try.(A)1.

3、What did the woman ask the man to do?ATo turn down the radio. BTo clean up the city parks.CTo sweep the floor.(A)2.When did the movie begin?AAt 8:00.BAt 8:10.CAt 8:20.(C)3.Hows the weather in summer in Mexico?AWindy. BRainy. CSunny.(C)4.What does Jennys mother do?AShes a nurse. BShes a teacher. CShe

4、s a doctor.(B)5.Where is the beef noodle restaurant?ABeside the supermarket. BAcross from the supermarket.CIn the supermarket.二、听较长对话,选择正确答案。(每小题2分,共计10分)听第一段较长对话,回答第67小题。听力材料:W:Wheres Jim,David?M:He has gone to Paris for his holiday.W:Have you ever been to Paris?M:Yes.I went there with my parents l

5、ast year.W:How did you go there?M:We went there by plane.(C)6.Where has Jim gone for his holiday?ATo Hong Kong. BTo Beijing. CTo Pairs.(B)7.Who did David go to Paris with?AHis brother. BHis parents. CHis sister.听第二段较长对话,回答第810小题。听力材料:M:Hi,Li Hua!Who are you looking for?W:Hi,Meimei! Do you know where

6、 Yang Lin is?M:I saw him in the classroom just now.W:I went there but I saw nobody in it.M:Oh,maybe he is planting trees together with his classmates behind our school.W:When will he be back?M:He will come in two hours.W:If you meet him,please tell him to come to my house at 8:00 this evening.Yang L

7、in said he wanted me to help him with his English.M:No problem.(C)8.Where is Yang Lin?AIn the classroom.BOn the playground.CBehind the school.(A)9.Yang Lin is_together with his classmates.Aplanting trees Bplaying basketballCdoing his homework(B)10.From the conversation,we know_is good at English.AYa

8、ng Lin BLi Hua CMeimei三、听独白,选择正确答案。(每小题2分,共计10分)听力材料:When I take a walk around the park,I often see many people walking with dogs.Perhaps a dog is one of the most useful animals in the world.People keep dogs for different reasons.In the past many people kept dogs mainly for their safety.But now more

9、 and more people keep dogs as their friends.For a child,a dog is a friend when he has no other children to play with.For young people,a dog is their friend when they are alone at home.For old people,a dog is their child when their own children grow up and leave home.Now you can see the reasons why p

10、eople keep dogs.(B)11.What was the main reason for people to have dogs in the past?ATo make money. BTo make them safe.CTo help them work.(C)12.What do many people walk with in a park?APigs. BGoats. CDogs.(A)13.What do young people regard a dog as?AA friend. BA teacher. CA child.(C)14.What is a dog f

11、or a child?AA smart teacher. BA helpful brother.CA playing partner.(C)15.Why do old people keep dogs?ADogs can play with them. BDogs are their friends.CThey regard dogs as their children.笔试部分 (95分)四、完形填空。(每小题1分,共计15分)The best thing to start your day is a good breakfast.There are different _16_ of br

12、eakfasts around the world.“Eat breakfast like a king,lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper (穷人)”_17_ the old saying tells us,breakfast is the _18_ meal of the day.It _19_ us with energy _20_ a long night without food.If people dont have breakfast in the morning,they will feel tired and get an

13、gry _21_Breakfast helps children stay more focused in school.A study showed that children who eat breakfast regularly score _22_ in most subjects.Breakfast is also important for weight loss.If you have a balanced breakfast,you will eat _23_ throughout the day.A healthy and _24_ breakfast should incl

14、ude some protein (蛋白质) like eggs,milk or a little meat,which makes you energetic all day.Carbohydrates (碳水化合物) like rice or bread can keep you active.Vegetables and fruit _25_ the vitamins that humans need._26_,in China,breakfast is different from region to region.Porridge with pickles (咸菜),baozi,no

15、odles,soybean milk and youtiao are common throughout the _27_ country.Although _28_ culture has influenced China a lot,most people still _29_ traditional Chinese breakfast.They think that porridge and noodles are not only easily digested (消化),but also can provide enough energy _30_(B)16.A.waysBtypes

16、CrulesDmethods(C)17.A.So BThough CAs DWhen(C)18.A.important Bmore importantCmost important Dmuch important(A)19.A.provides Bgives Coffers Dhas(B)20.A.before Bafter Cabove Dunder(D)21.A.easy Bmore easy Ceasier Deasily(C)22.A.lower Bless Chigher Dmore(A)23.A.less Bfewer Cmore Dmuch(B)24.A.experienced

17、BbalancedCexcited Ddifferent(B)25.A.has Bhave Cis Dare(D)26.A.Therefore BThus CBecause DHowever(C)27.A.all Bone Cwhole Dtotal(B)28.A.west Bwestern Ceast Deastern(D)29.A.dislike Bknow Cwant Dprefer(A) the morning Bin the afternoonCin the evening Dat night五、阅读理解。(每小题2分,共计30分)AMost students in E

18、ngland usually wear their school uniforms to school.However,the students at LVS Ascot Junior School wore something quite different.They wore pajamas (睡衣) to go to school.They did this not only for fun,but also for a local charity (慈善团体) called Christophers Smile.Christophers Smile was set up in 2008

19、 by Karen and Kevin Capeltheir only son Christopher died of cancer at a young age.They hope their charity will help pay for more research into childrens cancers.Every year,thousands of people take part in different activities such as charity walk or run to show their support for Christophers Smile.T

20、he students of Grade 6 at LVS Ascot Junior School also wanted to do something for the sick children.They organized the event “Pajama Day” to support Christophers Smile.We wanted to raise money for the charity in a way that the whole school could join in it,so each student paid 1 to wear his or her p

21、ajamas to school on “Pajama Day,” said the young organizers.Both the students and their teachers took part in the event with great interest.Together they not only raised some money,but also had a good time.Since then,the charity has raised a lot of money and gotten more and more volunteers.(D)31.Chr

22、istophers Smile was set up to_.Atell people some knowledge about childrens cancersBhave fun for the students in LVS Ascot Junior SchoolChelp the local government do more things for studentsDraise money for more research into childrens cancers(C)32.What is NOT mentioned in the passage?ACharity walk.

23、BCharity run.CCharity concert. DPajama Day.(A)33.Which of the following is TRUE?AIt is eight years since Christophers Smile was set up.BFew students wear school uniforms to school in England.CIn LVS Ascot Junior School,only students joined in the event “Pajama Day”DAll students in England need to we

24、ar pajamas to school on Pajama Day.BMy name is Liam Wong,and I work in a video game company.To make games more interesting and more enjoyable,I travel a lot.I have traveled to lots of places around the world since I got the job two years ago.And of all the cities I have visited,I love Tokyo best.I f

25、ell in love with Tokyo when I first visited it in 2014.And during my second trip there,I bought my first DSLR and used it to take many photos of different parts of Tokyo.Then one night it rained and the city seemed more beautiful.I enjoyed the beauty of Tokyo that night,and kept taking pictures.Afte

26、r putting the pictures online,many people asked me,“How could you take such wonderful photos?Do you have great shooting (摄影) skills?Did you wait hours to take the photos?” I said no.I just walked around and captured what was in front of me.Im looking forward to my third time in Tokyo.Would you like

27、to go with me?(C)34.Liam Wong travels a lot because _.Ahe loves traveling Bhe loves taking photosCits part of his work Dhe doesnt have a job(A)35.DSLR is probably _.Aa kind of camera Ba kind of crayonCa plane ticket Da photo book(B)36.Liam Wong took beautiful photos in Tokyo because _.Ahe had great

28、shooting skillsBthe view in Tokyo was beautifulChe waited long to take themDhe had a good camera(D)37.What do we learn about Liam Wong from the passage?AHe is a tour guide. BHe doesnt like Tokyo.CHe wont go to Japan again. DMany people like his photos.CEveryone knows that theres not enough land in H

29、ong Kong.If you go there by air,you will land at Kai Tak Airport.It was built out into the sea.It is in the part of Hong Kong called Kowloon.Kowloon is one of the two big islands in Hong Kong.The other island is Hong Kong itself.You can get there by ship or through a tunnel (隧道) under the sea.The po

30、pulation of Hong Kong is more than six million.Chinese and English are spoken by many people there.Clothes,computers,radios,televisions are made in Hong Kong.It is a shopping center.You can buy all kinds of things there.Hong Kong is also a beautiful city.Its a good place for traveling.People from al

31、l over the world visit Hong Kong every year.You can watch dogracing and motorracing there.When you are hot and tired,you may rest in the small cool gardens.There are also a lot of tall buildings with comfortable rooms to live in.If you enjoy eating out,you can easily find a good place for delicious

32、food.Foods of different flavors(风味) are served in Hong Kong.(C)38.Whats the population of Hong Kong?ANearly 6 million. BLess than 6 million.COver 6 million. DOnly 6 million.(D)39.How many products of Hong Kong are mentioned in this passage?A7. B6.C5. D4.(B)40.Which of the following sentences is NOT

33、true according to the passage?AKai Tak Airport is in Kowloon.BTheres a lot of land in Hong Kong.CMany people in Hong Kong speak Chinese and English.DHong Kong is a beautiful city for traveling.(D)41.According to the passage,we know that _.AHong Kong is a big city with a large populationBthere are al

34、most no factories in Hong KongCFew people visit Hong Kong every yearDvisitors can enjoy the comfortable living rooms and delicious food in Hong KongDBe honest.Thats all you have to do on Honesty Day.It would be great if we were all honest every day of the year.Its good that there is a day to encoura

35、ge honesty.M.Hirsh Goldberg started Honesty Day.He chose the last day of April because the first day is April Fools Day,which celebrates lies.On Honesty Day,anyone may ask you any question and you should give a true and honest answer.MHirsh Goldberg wrote a book on telling lies.He said in his book t

36、hat almost all people lie about 200 times a day.In our daily life,a typical lie for a man is “I did not drink that much” and for a woman is “Nothing is wrong.Im fine.” It is found that nurses are the most honest people,while sales people and politicians (政客) are the biggest liarsEvery Honesty Day,M.

37、Hirsh Goldberg hands out prizes to honest people.(B)42.M.Hirsh Goldberg started Honesty Day to _.Acelebrate lies Bencourage honestyCask questions Dhand out prizes(D)43.Honesty Day is on _.AApril 1st BApril 10thCApril 20th DApril 30th(B)44.The underlined word “liars” probably means “_”A获利者 B说谎者C发明者 D

38、领导者(C)45.What do we learn from the passage?AWe should be honest all the time.BMen lie more often than women.CAlmost all people lie in daily life.DIts not good to be a sales person.六、词汇运用。(15分)A)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次(每空一词)。46Dont throw these crayons away.You can give them away to Millie.47They offer

39、ed to take me to school by car.48Jane is a brave girl.She saved the boy in the river.49The success of the film depends largely on the director.50The door seemed to open by itselfB)根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式(每空一词)。A few months ago,I read a book.It made me feel its a 51.shame (惭愧) to always buy more

40、things than I need.I started cleaning out my house and got lots of unnecessary things.Its a 52.waste (浪费) and 53.trouble (苦恼) for me.And then I thought about what to do with them.This question made me think of Garage Sale for Orphans.It helps people clean out their houses and 54.turn (把变成) things in

41、to money that can help homeless kids all over the world.It 55.reminded (提醒) me.So I asked my boys for help,and they loved the idea of helping others.They walked from door to door to ask the 56.neighbors (邻居) for the things they dont need.At first,I wondered if we were able to fill a box or two.Final

42、ly,however,we had ten boxes full of different things.Then it was time for the 57.yard (院子) sale.Even though we had ads in the newspapers and online,I was still not sure 58.whether (是否) anyone would come.To our 59.surprise (惊讶),so many people came to our yard sale.I planned to get $400 to $500 that d

43、ay.At last,we got $743.23!We sent the money to the 60.poor (贫穷的) children in Haiti.Thanks for all the people who have helped us.七、语法填空。(10分)阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Dear Aunt Rhonda and Uncle John,As you prepare for the cold weather and Christmas Day celebrations,I hope you and your fami

44、ly are 61.enjoying (enjoy) a beautiful holiday season!Thank you so much for 62.inviting (invite) us over to your house for a wonderful Thanksgiving meal.We truly appreciated (感激) your hospitality (款待) and the time being with many family members.We felt excited to be able to not 63.only enjoy the del

45、icious meal,but also share the experience with so many loved ones.I have to say,your dinners are always amazing,64.but this one blew the rose of 65.them (they) out of the water (完全胜出)Your 66.decision (decide) to give a different one from traditional favorites was really good.I really enjoyed the swe

46、et 67.potatoes (potato) with turkey and mapo tofu.The beef soup was my sisters favorite.It was 68.unbelievable (believe) that I was eating this meal at your dining table 69.instead of fivestar Chinese restaurant.Thank you again for all your hard work you put in such a fantastic Thanksgiving party.We

47、 love you and hope to hear 70.from you soon!八、任务型阅读。(5分)从文后所给的AE 五个选项中选择正确的选项,将其序号填入7175题。Most people know how to fly a kite in a strong spring wind.However,not so many people know that flying kites began in China thousands of years ago.In old times,Chinese children made and flew kites even before they learned to write.In the E

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