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本文(happy暑假我的作业君2017版-高二英语人教版专题10完形智慧训练---逻辑推理训练word版含解析.doc)为本站会员(初中学霸)主动上传,文库网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知文库网(发送邮件至13560552955@163.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、专题10完形智慧训练-逻辑推理训练 【理论回顾】逻辑语气解题法:这类题主要是通过分了解全文的人物、时间、地点等信息之后,再分析句子与句子之间的关系,段落与段落之间的关系来解题。这种逻辑语气主要包含并列、递进、因果、转折和委婉语气等等。这类题的选项多为连词、副词或具有连词意义的各类短语。1. All went well that first week. When Saturday night came, I was luckily given the tables not far from the kitchen. _40_, I still felt it a little hard to c

2、arry the heavy trays.40. A.Therefore B. However C. Otherwise D. Finally【40. B项。从整篇文章来看,在这儿只是一个转折语气,表示在前一个星期的顺利,在这一天却遇到了一些麻烦。Therefore是递进语气,finally也属递进语气,但表示是最后一步的语气,多指结论性的行为,不符合题意;otherwise虽属转折语气,但多为推断或假设否定语气,而本文所叙述的是真实事例的呈现,所以,惟有however符合题意。】2.He had spent those years well, graduating from college,

3、 completing two internships(实习) in Washington, D.C, and _31_, becoming a technical assistant in Sacramento.31. A. hopefully B. finally C. particularly D. certainly【31. B项。有上文及全句的意思可知,在这儿是作者六年求学和工作的最后一个环节,表示毕业之后找到了一份工作,从预期上讲,应该是结论性的,所以,惟有finally符合题意。】在进行有关逻辑语气题时,必须要符合原文的意思,要瞻前顾后,审慎分析,细心推断,密切注意相关连词的连用

4、,注意语气的变化,应从细节着手。【想一想】你能说出几个在英语中表示并列、递进、因果、转折的词?【练一练】I went to a group activity,“Sensitivity Sunday”,which was to make us more 1 the problems faced by disabled people.We were asked to “2 a disability”for several hours one Sunday.Some members,3,chose to use wheelchairs.Others wore sound-blocking earpl

5、ugs(耳塞)or blindfolds(眼罩).Just sitting in the wheelchair was a 4 experience.I had never considered before how 5 it would be to use one.As soon as I sat down,my 6 made the chair begin to roll.Its wheels were not 7.Then I wondered where to put my 8.It took me quite a while to get the metal footrest int

6、o 9.I took my first uneasy look at what was to be my only means of 10 for several hours.For disabled people,“adopting a wheelchair”is not a temporary(临时的) 11.I tried to find a 12 position and thought it might be restful,13 kind of nice,to be 14 around for a while.Looking around,I 15 I would have to

7、handle the thing myself!My hands started to ache as I 16 the heavy metal wheels.I came to know that controlling the 17 of the wheelchair was not going to be a(n) 18 task.My wheelchair experiment was soon 19.It made a deep impression on me.A few hours of “disability” gave me only a taste of the 20,bo

8、th physical and mental,that disabled people must overcome.?1.A.curious aboutB.aware of C.interested inD.careful with2.A.cureB.adopt C.preventD.analyze3.A.insteadB.strangely usual me4.A.learningB.working C.satisfyingD.relaxing5.A.convenientB.awkward C.boringD.exciting6.A.heightB.force C.s

9、killD.weight7.A.lockedB.repaired C.poweredD.grasped8.A.handsB.feet C.keysD.handles9.A.placeB.action C.playD.effect10.A.operationB.communication C.startingD.comfortable13.A.yetB.just C.stillD.even14

10、.A.shownB.pushed C.drivenD.guided15.A.realizedB.suggested C.agreedD.admitted16.A.liftedB.turned C.pressed D.seized17.A.pathB.position C.directionD.way18.A.easyB.heavy C.majorD.extra19.A.forgottenB.repeated C.conductedD.finished20.A.weaknessesB.anxieties C.challengesD.illnesses【乐一乐】The Fish NetCan you tell me what fish net is made, Ann?A lot of little holes tied together with strings. replied the little girl.鱼网你能告诉我鱼网是什么做的吗,安? 老师发问道。把许多小孔用绳子栓在一起就成了鱼网了。 小女孩回答道。

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