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本文(【金版学案】高二人教版英语必修五练习:unit4第二学时learningaboutlanguage.doc)为本站会员(高校张老师)主动上传,文库网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知文库网(发送邮件至13560552955@163.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、第二学时Learning about Language一、回忆课文,写出下列短语1集中;全神贯注_2依靠_3因指责或控告_4为了(做)_5记住_6完全误解;弄错_答案: 1concentrate on2depend on3accuse.on4so as to (do sth.) mind6get the wrong end of the stick二、回忆课文,完成下列句子1周阳永远不会忘记他在一家大众英文报社上班第一天时的工作任务。_forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper

2、.2你只有提出了许多不同的问题之后才有可能获得你需要的所有信息。_you ask many different questions _ acquire all the information you need to know.3我对摄影不仅是感兴趣,在大学里我还修过业余摄影课来提升我的技术。_ am I interested in photography,_ I took an amateur course at university to update my skills.4你们有没有过这样的情况:有人控告你的记者,说他们的报道完全失实呢?Have you ever had_ someone

3、 accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick?5这事有些为难,因为如果我们错了,这名足球运动员就可以向我们索要赔偿。It was a dilemma because the footballer_damages if we were wrong.答案: 1Never will Zhou Yang 2Only if;will you3Not only;but4a case where5could have demanded1What do you imagine will be your future occupa

4、tion?(p.25)你设想的未来职业是什么?词语链接occupy v占用,占有;占领;占据occupation n工作,职业,占领occupational adj.职业的occupy oneself in/with doing sth.忙着做某事an occupational advice service 职业咨询服务occupational disease 职业病词语辨析:occupation/job/work/profession/tradeoccupation 和job 指有报酬的某种工作。occupation较正式,常用在填写表格上。job是可数名词,可指一项单独任务,也可指工作职位

5、。work是不可数名词,泛指一切工作。profession指需要受过较高深教育和专门训练才能从事的职业。trade指需要受过训练有手艺的职业。 即学即练选用上述词语完成下列句子。(1)I hope my future _ will have something to do with psychology.(2)These buildings were built when the country was under foreign militarys _(3)She is a lawyer by _(4)He is a carpenter by _(5)Whats his _?Hes a lo

6、rry driver.(6)Looking after children all day is hard_.答案: (1)occupation(2)occupation(3)profession (4)trade(5)job(6)work2His discussion with his new boss,Hu Xin(HX),was to strongly influence his life as a journalist.(p.26)他同新上司胡新的讨论对他的记者生涯必将产生强烈的影响。词语链接influence n& v影响influential adj.有影响的,有说服力的under

7、the influence of 在影响下have an influence on 对有影响have an influence over 控制,支配即学即练选用上述词语完成下列句子。(1)I dont want _(影响)you in your decision,so I wont tell you my opinion.(2)Im afraid he will change his mind _ his wife,an _ lady.(3)Parents _ a strong _ their childrens growth.(4)The United States _ this small

8、 country.答案: (1)to influence(2)under the influence of;influential(3)have;influence on(4)has an influence over3Wait till youre more experienced.(p.26)等你积累了一些经验才行。词语链接experienced adj.有经验的,熟练的(后接in 或 at)experience v经历,体验n经验(不可数名词);经历(可数名词)即学即练英汉互译。(1)你经历过真正的饥饿吗?_答案: Have you experienced real hunger?(2)

9、我们在四川的骑马旅行真是一次难忘的经历。_答案: Our journey by horse in Sichuan was quite an unforgettable experience.(3)他是一名经验丰富的数学老师。_答案: He is an experienced maths teacher.(4)Most of those people who have experienced the college lives may have this point of view that the college years are the best time in a persons lif

10、e._答案: 大多数经历过大学生活的人都认为大学生活的几年是一个人一生中最美好的时光。(5)How many years experience do you have of working as a lawyer?_答案: 你当律师有多少年(经验)了?4Later you can cover a story and submit the article yourself.(p.26)然后,你可以独自进行新闻采访,呈交你的文章。 思维拓展(1)阅读下列句子,注意画线部分的含义。She covered her face with her hands.她用手把脸遮(盖)起来。I covered ap

11、proximately twenty miles a day.我大约一天走(过)20英里。Weve covered a wide range of subjects today.我们今天讨论(涉及)了许多的话题。Whenever an event happens,reporters may be sent to cover it.无论什么时候发生了事情,记者都会被派去采访报道这件事。(2)阅读下列句子,注意画线部分的含义。You must submit your application for the job before Friday. 你必须在周五前递交(呈交)求职申请。He submit

12、ted himself to a search by the guards.他只好让卫兵搜查。词语辨析:cover/interviewcover 意为“采访”、“报道”,宾语往往为事。interview 意为“采访”,宾语往往为人。即学即练用cover,interview填空。(1)I want to _ him about his research work.(2)The best reporters were sent to _ the war.答案: (1)interview(2)cover5Youll have a professional photographer with you

13、to take photographs.(p.26)你将带上一名专业摄影师去拍照。professional adj.职业的,专业的;内行的,专家的;专业人士的思维拓展阅读下列句子,注意画线部分的含义。(1)I am not sure about your legal position in this matter.I think you should take professional advice from a lawyer.我不能确定你在这个问题上的法律地位。我想你应该咨询一位专业律师。(2)You made a good job of painting my bedroomvery pr

14、ofessional你把我的卧室油漆得十分出色非常内行啊!(3)Young couples would like to get a professional photographer for their wedding shoot.年轻的夫妇们都喜欢请专业摄影师帮他们在婚礼时照相。6Youll find your colleagues very eager to assist you,so.(p.26)你会发现同事们很乐意帮助你词语链接eager adj.热切的,渴望的be eager to do sth.渴望做某事be eager for sth.渴望/期待某事即学即练完成下列句子。(1)T

15、he students here _(渴望获取知识)(2)The children _(热切期待着)tonights puppet (木偶)performance.(3)I _(非常希望)the National Team should win.(4)Jack and Jill are _to announce their engagement and upcoming wedding to their friends.答案: (1)are eager to acquire knowledge(2)are eager for(3)am eager that(4) you ma

16、y be able to concentrate on photography later if youre interested.(p.26)所以,如果你有兴趣,你以后可以集中精力去搞摄影。词语链接concentrate v集中思想、精力、注意力等concentrate on 集中精力/注意力于某事concentrated adj.浓缩的;专心致志的,全力以赴的concentration n专心,专注;集中,汇集concentration camp 集中营即学即练完成下列句子。(1)With the noise going on outside,I found it hard _(集中注意力

17、到我的工作上)(2)The country will _(把主要精力放在)rural development(农村发展)next year.(3)I bought some _(浓缩橙汁)for my daughter.(4)Learning takes _(专心),attention,and observation.答案: (1)to concentrate on my job(2)concentrate their effort on (3)concentrated orange juice(4)concentration8Only if you ask many different qu

18、estions will you acquire all the information you need to know.(p.26)你只有提出了许多不同的问题之后才有可能获取你所需要知道的信息。词语链接acquire v获得acquisition n获取,取得;习得Most people hold the view that children acquire language quickly,easily,and without effort or formal teaching.大多数人认为小孩能够不需要努力、不需要正规教育就可以很快很容易地习得语言。I managed to acqui

19、re two tickets for the concert.我想尽办法弄到了两张音乐会的票。The acquisition of a second language is different from learning it.语言的习得不等同于语言的学习。He is a valuable acquisition to the firm.他是公司不可多得(宝贵)的人才。9.dont miss your deadline.(p.26)别忘了最后日期deadline 最后期限,截止日期I prefer to work to a deadline.我喜欢按规定的期限完成工作。The deadline

20、 for the application is May 20.交申请的截止日期是5月20 日。10Well,you have to listen for detailed facts.Meanwhile you have to prepare the next question depending on what the person says.(p.26)你得听清楚事实的细节。同时,你还要根据被采访人说的话准备提出下一个问题。词语链接meanwhile adv.与此同时;对比之下in the meanwhile 在此期间;与此同时 in the meantime在此期间;与此同时词语辨析:m

21、eanwhile/during/whilemeanwhile(at the same time)是副词,在句中单独作状语意为“同时”。during 意为“在期间”,是介词,后接名词、代词。while 意为“在期间”,是连词,引导时间状语从句/分词短语/介词短语。即学即练翻译下列句子。 (1)列车要过一小时才会发车。在这段时间里,我想去小睡一会儿。_答案: (1)The train isnt away for an hour;meanwhile,I am going to take a nap. (2)杰克跑去找医生,同时我们和病人待在一起。_答案: Jack ran for a doctor;

22、meanwhile we stayed with the patient. (3)压力对你的健康会是非常有害的。而锻炼会减少这种害处。_答案: Stress can be extremely damaging to your health.Exercises,meanwhile,can reduce its effect.(4)战争期间他曾做过记者。_答案: He used to work as a reporter during the war.11Have you ever had a case where someone accused your journalists of getti

23、ng the wrong end of the stick?(p.26)你有没有过这样的情况:别人控告你的记者,说他的报道失实了呢?思维拓展阅读下列句子,注意画线部分的含义。Two students have been accused_of hacking into a professors computer,giving grades to nearly 300 students.两名学生被控告非法侵入一位教授的电脑系统,给将近300名学生打分。The boy accused his parents of having spoiled him.那男孩指责他父母宠坏了他。词语辨析:accuse

24、/charge/blameaccuse (指控,指责)sb.of (doing)sth.charge (指控,指责)sb.with (doing)sth.blame (责备)sb.for (doing)sth.They charged him with robbery.He was charged with robbery.他们指控他犯有抢劫罪。They accused him of killing 6 people.He was accused of killing 6 people.他们指控他杀害了六个人。His boss accused him of his carelessness.H

25、is boss blamed him for his carelessness.老板责怪他太粗心了。词语链接含有of的动词短语: remind sb.of sth.提醒某人关于某事inform sb.of sth.通知某人关于某事rob sb.of sth.抢劫某人的某物rid sb. of sth.使某人摆脱某物warn sb.of sth.警告某人有关某事cure sb.of sth.治愈某人的某种疾病tell sb.of sth.把某事告诉某人即学即练选用上述短语完成句子。(1)The young lady _ all her money with her.(2)I think you

26、should _ your son _ that bad habit.(3)Have you _ her _ the date for the meeting?(4)The doctor successfully _ the patient _ this strange disease.答案: (1)was robbed of(2)rid;of(3)informed;of(4)cured;of12A footballer was accused of taking money for deliberately not scoring goals so as to let the other t

27、eam win.一位足球运动员被控受贿,故意不进球,好让别的队赢球。so as toin order to 以便;为了 (1)The company provides training so as to help customers make the best possible use of its products.那家公司给顾客提供培训以便他们可以尽可能充分利用他们的产品。(2)He kept silent about the accident so as not to get fired.为了不被解雇,他对那次事故只字不提。温馨提示:so as to 一般不放在句首;in order t

28、o则可以放句首或句中。In order to catch the early train,he got up very early that morning.为了赶上早班车,他那天起了个大早。13.because the footballer could have demanded damages if we were wrong.(p.26) 因为如果是我们搞错了,那个足球队员就可以要求我们支付赔偿金。词语链接damage n损害damages n赔偿金即学即练选用damage,damages填空。 (1)Lets take a look at the _(2)They intend to

29、sue(起诉)for _答案: (1)damage(2)damages14The law allows people to defend themselves against a charge.(p.28)法律允许对指控进行辩护。词语链接defend.against保护/保卫 ;防御(免受)伤害、损害defend.from.保护免受伤害 思维拓展阅读下列句子,注意画线部分的含义。(1)A group of American aerospace engineers have written a book on how to defend_the_earth_against alien invas

30、ion.一组美国航天工程师写了一本关于如何保护地球不被外星人入侵的书。(2)He felt ashamed that he wasnt able to defend_his_wife_from_harm不能保护妻子免受伤害,他感到非常羞愧。15长难句结构分析(1)Have ever a where someone,主语(从句) accused your,谓语(从句) journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick,where引导的定语从句)分析:先行词为case,point,stage,situation,circumstance等时,后面的

31、定语从句常用where来引导。你有没有遇到过这种情况:别人控告你的记者,说他报道失实呢?(2)When we saw them together,状语从句) from the footballers body language that he was not telling the truth,宾语从句)当我们看见他们在一起时,从足球运动员的身体语言猜出他没有说出真相。(3) because the footballer,) could have demanded damages,原因状语从句) if we were wrong,条件状语从句)分析:because引导原因状语从句,该从句中又包

32、含一个由“if”引导条件状语从句。其实我们这样做有点冒险,因为一旦我们错了,足球运动员就可以向我们索赔。(4)That,主) means,谓) you must be able to assess,宾语从句) when,)people are not telling the whole truth,状语从句) and then,) try to discover it),sdo5(宾语从句)分析:means后跟的是宾语从句;其中when引导时间状语从句,and连接并列谓语must be able to assess和try to discover。那就是说,在人们还没有说出全部真相之前,记者就

33、要能够作出判断,并力求发现真相。即学即练模仿造句,并分析句子结构。(1)这是不是一种知道事实比不知道还更糟糕的情形呢?_答案: (1)Is(谓语)this(主语)a case where knowing the facts actually would be worse than not knowing(定语从句)?(2)当我看到他们脸上的表情时,我就知道一切努力都是徒劳的。_答案: (2)When I saw the facial expressions on their faces(状语从句), I(主语)knew(谓语)all the efforts were in vain.一、根据括

34、号中的解释,用课文中短语的适当形式完成句子1I set the alarm for seven _ (in order not to)oversleep.2He_(took a note of)my email address and said he would send me the file the moment he got home.3I_(desired to)know the truth concerning the animal found on the beach.4_(In the meantime),some agreements are being signed betw

35、een European countries and Iran on various fields,such as gas.答案: 1so as not to2.noted down3.was eager to4In the meanwhile二、词语活用1完成下列小片段。As a journalist you should learn to (1)_(独立采访)In most cases,you must (2)_(依靠自己)and dont depend on people to tell you the truth at the very beginning. You must (3)_

36、(获得技能)needed when interviewing different people (4)_(为了获得真相)答案: (1)cover a story on your own(2)depend on yourself(3)acquire the skills(4)so as to get the true story2用warn sb.of sth.,rob sb.of sth.,remind sb.of sth.,rid some place of sth.,accuse sb.of sth.等词语自编一个小段落。_答案: My mother often warned me of

37、the robbery in the street,but I turned a deaf ear to her warning.Last month,I was robbed of my purses twice in front of our school.The police caught the robber and he was accused of robbery.However,the man had spent all the money in my purse and so the police could only bring me broken purses,which

38、often reminded me of the terrible experiences.How I wish the world could be rid of all kinds of crimes.三、动词专练1I think what you have said _(influence)me greatly in the future.2He wished he _ (go)on the story the day before.3I remember I _(submit)my application.It cant be in the drawer.4He found it ha

39、rd _(concentrate)on his homework with his parents quarreling loudly.5_(assess)the condition of the house,he offered 500,000 yuan to buy it.6Reading newspapers may keep you _(inform)of the latest news.7The footballer _(accuse)the reporter of getting the wrong end of the stick,_(demand)damages totalling $50,000.8No one can prevent me _(publish)this book.答案: 1is to influence2.had gone3.have submitted4to concentrate5.Having assessed6.informed7accused;demanding8.publishing四、翻译下列句子1许多公司正在集中精力开拓它们的海外市场。_

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