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本文(【金牌学案】高一英语人教版必修4课时训练:4.2_grammar.doc)为本站会员(高校张老师)主动上传,文库网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知文库网(发送邮件至13560552955@163.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、课时训练.用分词完成下列句子1.(2015天津高考改编题)(工作了两天后),Steve managed to finish his report on schedule.答案:Having worked for two days2.(由于很虚弱),he couldnt move.答案:Being very weak3.(如果把这些数字加起来),you will get a total.答案:Adding these figures up4.(虽然住在几英里以外),he attended the course in time.答案:Living several miles away5.(2015

2、湖南高考改编题)When the clerk saw a kind face wrinkled in an apologetic smile,she stood rooted to the ground,(想着是去还是留).答案:wondering whether to stay or leave6.(2015北京高考改编题)The park was full of people,(在阳光下他们玩得很尽兴).答案:enjoying themselves in the sunshine7.The hunter fired,(打死了一只鸟).答案:killing a bird8.He sent a

3、n e-mail to a friend in America,(希望得到帮助).答案:hoping to get help9.(由于不知道如何去车站),he turned to the police for help.答案:Not knowing how to get to the station10.Do you wake up every morning (感到精力充沛)?答案:feeling energetic.下列句子中有一处错误,请画出并改正1.He turned over and went to sleep again,to think it was still early.答案

4、:to thinkthinking2.Having not learned the idiom,he looked it up in the dictionary.答案:Having notNot having3.Based an important decision more on emotion than on reason,you will regret it sooner or later.答案:BasedBasing4.Though lacked natural resources,the area is well deve-loped.答案:lackedlacking5.Throw

5、n their hats into the air,the fans of the winning team let out cheers.答案:ThrownThrowing6.Judged from his appearance,he seems to be very nervous.答案:JudgedJudging7.Pressed from his parents,and realized that he has wasted too much time,the boy determined to stop playing video games.答案:realizedrealizing

6、8.Clearly and thoughtfully being written,the book inspires confidence in students who wish to seek their own answers.答案:去掉being9.Looking for the missing Malaysian airplane for several days,many people lost heart.答案:Looking forHaving looked for10.The news shocked the country,led to great concern abou

7、t students safety at school.答案:ledleading.用所给单词的适当形式填空1. (find) the course very difficult,she decided to move to a lower level.提示:考查分词做状语。主语she和find之间是主动关系,所以用现在分词做状语。句意:“她发现这门课程很难,决定转学难度小一些的课程。”答案:Finding2. (eat) at the cafeteria before,Tina did not want to eat there again.提示:考查分词做状语。主语Tina和eat之间是主

8、动关系,又因为eat这个动作发生在谓语动词之前,所以用现在分词的完成式做状语。句意:“缇娜以前在这家自助餐厅吃过饭,所以她不想再去那儿了。”答案:Having eaten3. (know) which university to attend,the girl asked her teacher for advice.来源:gkstk.Com提示:考查分词做状语。主语the girl和know之间是主动关系,根据句意可知这里是否定的意思,所以用现在分词的否定形式做状语。句意:“由于不知道上哪所大学,这个女孩向她的老师征求意见。”答案:Not knowing4.The sunlight is w

9、hite and blinding, (throw)hard-edged shadows on the ground.提示:考查分词做状语。主语sunlight和throw之间是主动关系,所以用现在分词做伴随状语。句意:“阳光明亮刺眼,在地上投下轮廓分明的影子。”答案:throwing5.When I was little,my mother used to sit by my bed, (tell) me stories till I fell asleep.提示:考查分词做状语。主语my mother和tell之间是主动关系,所以用现在分词做伴随状语。句意:“我小的时候,我的母亲经常坐在我

10、的床边,给我讲故事直到我睡着。”来源:学优高考网答案:telling6.(walk) down the street the other day,I saw a terrible accident.提示:考查分词做状语。主语I和walk之间是主动关系,所以用现在分词做伴随状语。句意:“前几天我走在大街上,看到了一场可怕的意外事故。”答案:Walking7.(tell) to stay in Beijing,the boy decided not to return to his village.提示:考查分词做状语。主语the boy和tell之间是被动关系,又因为被告知这个动作发生在谓语动词

11、之前,所以用现在分词的被动形式做状语。句意:“已被告知留在北京,那个男孩决定不再回到自己的村子里。”答案:Having been told8.While (cross) the street,you should look around.提示:考查分词做状语。主语you和cross之间是主动关系,所以用现在分词做状语。句意:“过马路的时候,你应该朝四周看看。”答案:crossing9.Health (permit),I will go and visit you.提示:考查分词做状语和独立主格结构。逻辑主语health和permit之间是主动关系,所以用现在分词做条件状语。句意:“如果健康允许

12、,我会去看你的。”答案:permitting来源:学优高考网gkstk10. (know) where to go,the little boy asked a policeman for help.提示:考查分词做状语。逻辑主语the little boy和know之间是主动关系,根据句意可知这里是否定的意思,所以用现在分词的否定形式做状语。句意:“由于不知道该去哪里,那个小男孩向警察求助。”答案:Not knowing.完形填空On a bright and cold November morning,Killy Kilford stood on a street corner in do

13、wntown Manhattan,watching pedestrians(行人)cross the street quickly.As a woman reached his side of the street,Kilford stopped her 1 and asked,“What do you think of that street 2?”She 3 and smiled.“I like it.Its really nice,” she said.The sign,which at first 4 looks like any other city street sign,bear

14、s an 5 message:“Listen to your heart.”A few weeks earlier,Kilford and a group of nearly fifty 6 installed 200 “happy street signs” in high-traffic areas around New York City.Kilford 7 the signs to look like official street signs but each 8 an inspiring message.After posting the signs,the group began

15、 surveying pedestrians for their 9.“The goal is to 10 peoples days through little moments of joy,” Kilford 11.“In our daily lives,we are looking at our mobile phones or going to meetings,but I think sometimes people just need a little sign here and there to 12 them that they are great,that they can

16、have a great day and that they are loved.Thats what the message is.”But in some way,signs are ways governments 13 with citizens,and today,much of that communication is prohibitive(禁止性的):“No Parking.” “No Standing.” Kilford believes 14 the tone of that conversation to include some positive informatio

17、n could make a 15.“If you see a sign that says something different or unexpected,16 Rubbish less,love more,that will be better,” he explains.So far,Kilford is very encouraged by the feedback(反馈)he has 17.Not everyone likes the idea,of course.One man who was 18 unaware that these signs were completel

18、y created by Kilford and his volunteers,called the signs “a waste of taxpayers money”.But Kilford said they had surveyed more than 600 pedestrians,and that the majority were completely 19.Whats more,the project catches the 20 of celebrities like Perez Hilton,who is an American blogger and television

19、 personality.1.A.nervouslyB.suddenlyC.amazinglyD.politely提示:依据语境可知Killy Kilford在街头随机找人做调查,故应礼貌地(politely)拦住行人。答案:D2.A.signB.treeC.lightD.traffic提示:依据下文多次出现的“sign”可知,他询问行人对路牌的看法。答案:A3.A.looked aroundB.looked outC.looked upD.looked back提示:一般来说路牌高于行人,故她应先抬头看一看再回答。look up意为“抬头往上看”。答案:C4.A.thoughtB.glanc

20、eC.attemptD.arrival提示:at first glance是固定词组,表示“乍一看”。答案:B5.A.unwantedB.unconveyedC.unpreparedD.unexpected提示:Killy Kilford精心设计的路牌包含着行人意想不到的(unexpected)信息。答案:D6.A.volunteersB.citizensC.taxpayersD.cleaners提示:依据倒数第二段中的“these signs were completely created by Kilford and his volunteers”可知答案。答案:A7.A.produced


22、tenD.improve提示:Kilford解释道,这样做的目的是让人们看到路牌会开心些。brighten“(使)快活起来”。答案:C11.A.explainsB.admitsC.respondsD.recalls提示:参见上题解析。explain“解释”。答案:A12.A.informB.remindC.adviseD.persuade提示:结合语境,此处指人们需要这些路牌来提醒(remind)他们自己很棒。答案:B13.A.agreeB.competeC.communicateD.argue提示:根据下文中的“much of that communication is prohibitiv

23、e(禁止性的)”可知,这里指路牌是政府与民众交流(communication)的方式。答案:C14.A.cancellingB.changingC.adoptingD.advocating提示:Kilford认为改变(changing)路牌生硬的语气以包含积极乐观的内容会有作用。答案:B15.A.discoveryB.decisionC.predictionD.difference提示:参见上题解释。make a difference是固定词组,意为“起作用”。答案:D16.A.for a resultD.or rather提示:“Rubbish le

24、ss,love more”是其中一个例子。for example“例如”;in fact“事实上”;as a result“结果”;or rather“确切地说”。答案:A17.A.acceptedB.receivedC.sentD.offered提示:Kilford收到(received)的反馈信息让他倍受鼓舞。答案:B18.A.apparentlyB.doubtfullyC.disappointedlyD.luckily提示:一个显然(apparently)不明真相的人认为这样做是在“浪费纳税人的钱”。答案:A19.A.indifferentB.negativeC.supportiveD.doubtful提示:调查表明多数人对这些路牌持支持的(supportive)态度。答案:C20.A.targetB.curiosity来源:学优高考网gkstkC.signatureD.attention提示:Kilford及志愿者们的做法甚至引起名人的关注(attention)。答案:D

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