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1、课时训练.用动词-ing形式完成句子1.Why did you go back to the shop?I left my husband (在那里等).答案:waiting there2.The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with (剩下的20美元).答案:the remaining 20 dollars3.The headmaster caught a student (在考试中作弊) when he passed by the classroom.答案:cheating in the exam4.He was such

2、 (一个令人失望的学生) that he didnt pass the simple test.So his parents were disappointed.答案:a disappointing student5.The owner was too excited to speak,when the (丢失的钱包) was returned.答案:missing wallet6.(2015浙江高考改编题)Listening to music at home is one thing,going to hear it (现场演奏) is quite another.答案:being perf

3、ormed live来源:学优高考网gkstk7.The purpose of new teaching method is making study easier,not (让它更难).答案:making it more difficult8.The policewoman looked around and caught a young man (把手伸进)the pocket of a passenger.答案:putting his hand into.单句改错1.Dont leave the water run while you are brushing your teeth.答案

4、:runrunning 2.The flowers smelt sweet in the garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.答案:smeltsmelling 3.The teacher went into the classroom,leaving the boy to stand outside.答案:to standstanding4.It was so cold that they had the fire burnt all night long.答案:burntburning5.On hearing the exc

5、ited news that her son was admitted to Peking University,she burst into tears.答案:excitedexciting6.Tom works hard.He is often seen read English while others are playing.答案:readreading7.When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door to say “Sorry to miss you and I will call you later.” 答案:to

6、saysaying8.The words from the naughty student during class set others laugh.答案:laughlaughing来源:学优高考网gkstk9.When I caught him cheat I stopped buying things there.答案:cheatcheating10.The story that you told just now sounded interested.答案:interestedinteresting.用所给单词的适当形式填空1.When Mary got home,there was

7、a pile of mails (wait)for her.提示:考查动词-ing形式做定语。由于mail和wait之间是主动关系,所以用动词-ing形式做定语。句意:“当玛丽到家的时候,有一大摞的信件等着她呢。”答案:waiting2.The room is empty except for a bookshelf (stand)in one corner.提示:考查动词-ing形式做定语。由于a bookshelf和stand之间是主动关系,所以用动词-ing形式做定语。句意:“这个房间空荡荡的,除了在角落里立着一个书架。”答案:standing3.I looked up and noti

8、ced a snake (wind)its way up the tree to catch its breakfast.提示:考查动词-ing形式做宾语补足语。由于a snake和wind之间是主动关系,所以用动词-ing形式做宾语补足语。句意:“我抬起头来,注意到一条蛇正盘旋着往树上爬,去捕捉它的早餐。”答案:winding4.The next thing he saw was smoke (rise)from behind the house.提示:考查动词-ing形式做定语。由于smoke 和rise之间是主动关系,所以用动词-ing形式做定语。句意:“他看到的下一件事情是炊烟从屋后升

9、起。”答案:rising5.Theres a very long winding path (lead)to the village.提示:考查动词-ing形式做定语。由于path 和lead之间是主动关系,所以用动词-ing形式做定语。句意:“有一条很长的蜿蜒曲折的小路通向那个村子。”答案:leading6.The story was so (interest) that every one in the room burst into laughter.来源:gkstk.Com提示:考查动词-ing形式做表语。根据句意可知“这个故事如此有趣以至于房间里的每个人都大笑起来。”所以此处填写in

10、teresting。答案:interesting7.Germans must be (excite) to hear their team win the World Cup.提示:本句需要一个形容词做表语,而根据句意可知,这里需要一个表示主语心情的形容词做表语,所以答案为excited。句意:“听到他们队赢得世界杯的消息德国人一定很高兴。”答案:excited8.The man (swim) in the sea is my brother.提示:考查动词-ing形式做定语。因为man和swim之间是主动关系,所以用动词-ing形式做定语。句意:“在海里游泳的那个人是我的哥哥。”答案:swi

11、mming9.I was watching TV at home when I heard many people (quarrel).提示:考查动词-ing形式做宾语补足语。因为many people和quarrel之间是主动关系,所以用动词-ing形式做宾语补足语。句意:“我正在家里看电视,突然听到许多人吵架的声音。”答案:quarrelling10.When I found him (lie),I decided not to believe in him.提示:考查动词-ing形式做宾语补足语。本句需要一个形容词做宾语补足语,又因为him和lie之间是主动关系,所以用动词-ing形式做

12、宾语补足语。句意:“当我发现他撒谎后,我决定再也不相信他了。”答案:lying.完形填空Once upon a time there was a thief in the Ruby(红宝石)Palace.No one knew who he was.People only knew that he 1 in the palace,and that they should always 2 their jewels in the palace.The King decided to 3 who he was,and he asked for help from a dwarf(小矮人) who

13、was famous for his 4.The dwarf spent some days there,watching and listening,5 there was another stealing.The following morning the dwarf made all the palace people gather together in the same 6.After inspecting them for the whole morning,without 7 a word,during lunch,the dwarf started asking them wh

14、at they knew about the 8 jewels one by one.Once again,it seemed that no one had been the thief.But then,suddenly one of the 9 began coughing,rolling with pain,and finally he 10 the floor.The dwarf,with a smile,explained that the food they had just eaten was 11,and the only antidote(解毒药) for this poi

15、son was hidden inside the ruby that had been stolen the previous 12 before yesterday.And he explained that he himself had exchanged some 13 rubies for the genuine ones.He expected that only the thief would be able to 14 his life since the poison was particularly quick-working.The coughs and groans(呻

16、吟声) spread around the room,and terror took hold of all people 15 except one servant.He quickly ran to the place where he had hidden the 16 and from where he took the ruby.17,he was able to open it and drink the strange liquid inside to save his life.In fact,the gardener was one of the dwarfs assista

17、nts,and the poison could do 18 cause a few strong pains for a short while.And the servant then was found out and 19 by the guards and taken immediately to 20.He was soon given a heavy punishment there.1.A.livedB.studiedC.traveledD.played提示:人们不知道他是谁,只知道他住在宫中。根据语境可知,此处选A项。答案:A2.A.makeB.dig来源:gkstk.Com

18、C.hideD.sell提示:根据语境可知,宫中有贼,人们就要把珠宝藏好,故选C项,hide“隐藏”。答案:C3.A.find outB.pick outD.take out提示:国王决定弄清楚这个贼是谁。find out“查清,弄清”,符合语境。pick out“挑选”;work out“制定出”;take out“带出去”。第19空所在的句中的“was found out”也是提示。答案:A4.A.patienceB.differenceC.confidenceD.intelligence提示:根据语境可知,此处表示国王向一个以才智著称的小矮人求助。patience“耐

19、心”;difference“差异”;confidence“信心”;intelligence“智慧,才智”。答案:D5.A.sinceB.whileC.afterD.until提示:小矮人在宫中花了几天时间观察和倾听直到又有一起失窃案。故选D项,until“直到为止”。答案:D6.A.palaceB.woodsC.roomD.street提示:第二天早上小矮人把宫中所有的人召集到一间屋子里。下文第15空所在句中的“around the room”是提示。答案:C7.A.tellingB.sayingC.writingD.reading提示:审视了人们一上午,小矮人一句话也没说。故选B项。答案:B

20、8.A.forgottenB.valuedC.stolenD.left提示:午饭时小矮人开始逐个问他们对失窃的(stolen)珠宝都知道什么。答案:C9.A.gardenersB.driversC.guardsD.secretaries提示:突然其中的一个园丁开始咳嗽,痛苦地打滚,最后躺在了地板上。最后一段第一句中的“the gardener”是提示。答案:A10.A.fell toB.sat onC.stood onD.jumped onto提示:参见上题解析。答案:A11.A.preparedB.endangered 来源:学优高考网C.cookedD.poisoned提示:小矮人微笑着解

21、释说他们刚刚吃的食物被下毒了。prepare“使做好准备”;endanger“危及”;cook“烹饪”;poison“下毒”。本句后面的“for this poison”是提示。答案:D12.A.dayB.weekC.monthD.year提示:这种毒药唯一的解药就藏在前天被偷走的红宝石中。答案:A13.A.trueB.falseC.valuableD.expensive提示:小矮人解释说他已经用一些假的红宝石把真正的红宝石换下来了。此题解题的关键是理解句中的genuine“真正的”的含义,不然就会误选A项。短语exchange.for.“把换成”。答案:B14.A.protectB.surv

22、iveC.saveD.keep提示:毒药很快就要起作用了,只有那个贼能够救(save)他自己的命。答案:C15.A.nearbyB.presentC.dangerousD.faraway提示:咳嗽声和呻吟声在屋子里传播开来,恐惧抓住了在场所有的人,除了一个仆人。present“在场的”,符合语境。答案:B16.A.foodB.jewelsC.propertiesD.belongings提示:这位仆人立即跑到他藏珠宝(jewels)的地方,拿出那颗红宝石。答案:B17.A.Especially B.Particularly C.DeliberatelyD.Fortunately提示:对于这个贼来

23、说,他能打开红宝石并喝里面奇怪的液体救他自己的命是幸运的,所以选D项。fortunately“幸运地”。especially“尤其”;particularly“特别”;deliberately“故意地”。答案:D18.A.anything butB.nothing butC.everything butD.all but提示:实际上那位咳嗽的园丁是小矮人的一个助手,毒药只是能引起短时间的剧痛。nothing but“只是”。答案:B19.A.blamedB.watchedC.beatenD.arrested提示:那个仆人被查出来然后被卫兵逮捕了,并迅速被送往法庭(court),在那儿他将受到严惩。根据语境可知选D项。arrest“逮捕”;blame“责怪”;watch“注视”;beat“打败”。答案:D20.A.templeB.marketC.courtD.hospital提示:参见上题解析。答案:C

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