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1、由 扫描全能王 扫描创建2018年安徽省初中毕业学业考试模拟试卷,英语试 题卷;。;,;,注意事项:1你现在拿到的这份试卷满分为150分。你将有12o分钟的答题时间。2这份试卷共有试题巻8页,答题卷2页。请你将答案填写在答题卷上。3答题前,请你认真审题。卷井交回。第丁部分听力(共五大题,满分30分jI关键词语选择(共5小题每小题1戴满分5分)你将听到五个句子。请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出个你所听到的单词或短语。每个句子读两遍Alectur e Bpicture Cculture2Apatie nt BT pol ite Cpleas ant3Agbt Bwh ite Cl ight

2、4Apush Bpul l Cput5Agive of Bgo off Cget of 短对话理解(共10小题每小题1系满分10分)你将听到十段对话,每段对话后有个小题请在每小题所给的A.B、C三个选项中选出个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍亭亭亭iia模拟英语试题卷第1瓦共8页考试结束后,请你将试题卷和答由 扫描全能王 扫描创建2How much shoul d e h student take?204 poundsB2 14 poundsC240pounLt22W at srould the students w ear whenthey ive?ARed sliirtsBB lue sh irt

3、s: iiY. now shirts23Wihat is als o very importat forevwy student to take?A4picturesBT i school let terC Red sh irts24Wnats phone nuniber of the schooi ofi ice? 3174265:25- d d16 d. . i B i f they. . P. BJi n LOndon?据短文内容,写出下面表格中新绛的笋词,An In t r o d l Ct i o n to Mis Br own/ Personality l iskindh. Art

4、. D n d h i. gods . . s e of遮二二邕 國一 一fr.。Job she is a 28 n c aAHobby She likes 29around the woTime Last 30 she w e on a trip to TibetvI单项羞于黻英语知识运用(共两大题,满分45分).)5,小题每小题,1分,满分15分)的最躂盃翹旂给的A、B、c、D四个透顶中地面个可以填入空白处。32Y. . Ha t is an i. . x. i p people t k j i, nd.,shar e模拟英语试题卷第2瓦共8页F由 扫描全能王 扫描创建photos, id

5、eas and feelings fr eelyLI think its ve ry useful in our life,Awhich Bwhoni Cwhe r e iwhoe33Do you know chinasfamous s cientist pan i a n w e i ? Tof our counw(量子之父)。?Yes,尔飞the eariB= Cpr oud Dpri de349d you watch 2018 TV Spring Festival Evening Ga in Hefei?certainlythat night the sky over hefeiwas

6、as asthat in the day with the l ightAbright Bbrightly Cbrighter Dm orebrigitly357e fir st airliner m ade in Ch ina took of fthe anemoon of May5, 20 17【s gr eat and it call f ly at a speed of 248km/hAin Bat Con DfortiowW ch of the f i lm s do you l i ke best?I li ke of themThey are both boring and st

7、upi d. :Aneither Beither Cboth Dnone37Do you know who this pen belongs to?Let m e seeOh i sAmine Bme CI Dmy38 How m uch work have they f inished for the w elcom e party?39APrepared interestihg,portnews r epcirt we are te. g Xb x par edYes, our team has won the footbal! matchAHow BHow an Cw nat DwHat

8、 anal iakou, we ar e pr oud of itUb+iI aKe car e!1he red caryo u!Thanks fo r w a r n i n g ! i4 2i lish teacher b. . . . h İ ayk. H .aid nteresting Blovelyb. h.ShewenttoNanjinfwodays ago.Bmay C : gei r v t DneednptiIs s aid that the T V program Readerswas quite popular my par ents my little sister c

9、 h w tANeitler nor ;BBoth and.【.how we should p r e v e t, .Dwh therwe shouid prevent:?vn完形填空(共20生趣美刀题1S分,满分30合)下河短无从每小题所给的A、B、c、D四个选项中选出个最: y M On ofL k= y o u w e r eYo u. ant g o t q b e d x yo I can t help youT hen the doctor let the ma n write to Ms brother and h is m oneyAs s oonas theletter w

10、as put into the post box, the man sud denly criedThank you, ! he模拟英语试题卷第3页,共8页由 扫描全能王 扫描创建s aid h. H. . Broken relationship b. JSO Hake it P%H cneed D.47 Amistaks Bpeple Cw ays Dtim es4 8As ory Bweak CsadDw rong4 9Aquestion BmatterCilie s s Dtrolibİe50A Befoic BAftet Til l DS ince51Awel Bwrong, Cgoo

11、d D bad52Aclev er Bsil ly Cgood i i l53Akeep Bgive Cr e t u r n Dpay54Abetter BWel l Csi k DWors e 55Agive n Breceived Cknow n DforgottenBOymyakon is the coldest vi llage on Earth It is in Rus siaIt lies betuieentwo high m ountainsCol d air gets trapped (拦住)Betw een the & a1 yearlongT his keeps Oymy

12、akon nice and col d共8页r a i9 *k模拟英语试题卷第4页,由 扫描全能王 扫描创建A : Sure, I wi l l52,B Id ike to be a reporte rJlA I hope your ?ea m wil l cbm tr ueB : 7 1 M U ? tooAWnat a re you going to do?Bl o w about yu, Mar cus7CHow a r e you doing these days?DYou need to try your best to mak yopr dr eam come trueI like

13、 to meet and talk to people3 L i Bo, wi?our dream?6 6 6 67 7 7 76 6 6 68 8 8 866669999=3W 蔺读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B.c歹画不透顶中选茁阜最佳选项。岬。74 W ich of the fol lowing ca n be put in ? . t # i y h g i j u p l a ?DHow ha s golf inf luened you?模拟英语试题卷第5页,共8页由 扫描全能王 扫描创建BlyThey were sti l lPull mor e quickly7 9The rac

14、e took 1 gr day fo, J. Ii, a, Put that they hadAon a cold m o r n i n g-Bon a cold aftemo模拟英语试题卷第6页,共 8页onel. L由 扫描全能王 扫描创建由 扫描全能王 扫描创建care of everything, no mr how sm al i i W f , i ? ihardwor thestite be cane much stronger than beforeAt that time, the state of Wei w as an enemy (敌人) of SbuZhu L ia

15、ngled the anTry to fight Wcimany timesBefor ehe le8. Zhuge Liang mote aleite r to the emperor of S htlAt the nd of the letter,he said, I wii giwi tl Ui e people and tmr ourw*wti l the last day of my l i feThe war betweenSht a nd Wei lasted for a long timeFinally, Zhuge Ling becam e sick and d iedZhu

16、ge Liang spent all his time working for h ls people and countryA great H : :, j , j , e d(不 紹ii寸 m n =89How many times di d Liu Bei visit Zhuge L iangT j E )90Wnodi d Zhu Liangwrite tobefor ehedied ? (不超过 10 个词)第四部分写(共两大题,满分30分)X单词拼写(共5小题每小题1分,满分5分)根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。91 Judy alw ays hep

17、s me i t h EnglishIm s ot 箩激的) to her92These k inds of plants g (生长 in the n o r t h i part of ourcountry93Tom, ook at the sign!.R e not a(允许) to park our car h e e94 It is true that people learn better when they ar e r (放松的)95As the s aying goes, health is w (财富)So w e shoud takeexercise to keep he

18、althy: rx书面表达(共1小题满分25分)新的暑假即将到来,鉴于以往假期中各种事故频发,辜校英语社团的英语报请您以How to keep s和为主题,写篇英语短文,以便提醒同学们提高安全意识。要求1根据表格中图片的提示,写出相应的预防措施,并 自存增加种情况,并书写相应的预防措施2词数90左右,开头已给出不歹入总词数3不得出现真实的校名和人者门:Sihlations(情沉 下三H.wsxk i x $ 3.,9raff ic g8Every summer vacation, quite a few studepts are Jeported o haveaccidentsIt8 impo

19、rtant to know how to kqep safe由 扫描全能王 扫描创建2018年安徽省初中毕业学业考试模拟试卷二英语试题参考答案及评分标准1V听力部分(共3o小题每小题分,满分3o分)I 5CCA AB 6- OABCACI 15CCBAC 16-20C 8 CBC 2 1-25CABCA26Humor 27 Am erica 28Teacher 29Traveling 30MonthVI单项填空(共15小题每小题1分,满分15分)31-35 B A DAC 36-40 DA B DC41 4 5 B ACD CVU完形填空(共20小题每小题15分,满分30分)46-50 CD

20、ADB 5 1-55 B ACB A56-60 DAC C B 6 1-65 B D C B DWU蔚全对话(共5小题每小题1分,满分5分)6 6-70 FGA BE阅读理解(共20小题每小题2分,满分4 0分)7174 D CDA7578 DAB C7982 ACD B83-87 BAA D C8 8His taient and loyalty/He is famous for his talent and loyaty8 9Three tim es90Tbe emper or of S hu/He w rote to the emperor of ShuX单词拼写(共5小题每小题1戴满分5

21、分)9 92Grow 93Allowed 94Relaxed 95wealthxI书面表达(共小题满分25分)Emi s ummer yacatiom qutefew students are reDorted to m i i i d e n I si o r t a n t t g n m i how m. First, when you go s wimming, you shouldnt go aloneDont swim in the rive r or in the s ea Second, if the house is on fire, you must keep aw ayfrom the freYou miy cafl 119 at onceThird, its importa nt for you to follow the traff icrules when you cros s the roadfourth, you ought to e at healthy foodIn a word, if everyone can realize the importance of safety, e can spend a healthy andsafe holi day

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