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1、班级_ 姓名_ 小组 层次 Unit3 Celebration导学案4Lesson3 Weddings编写:李芬 审稿:高一英语组Tips:Never put off what you can do today till tomorrow. (今日事今日毕。)Learning aims:学习本课课文且对比不同国家的婚礼,培养学生的阅读能力Learning important points:分析对比两篇课文,从中获取文章中心议题且提取其重要息Learning difficulties:培养学生阅读文章的速度和提取信息的能力 Learning steps:StepI: Please keep th

2、e words & phrases in mind.(A级) (默写)1新娘_ 2 新郎_ 3 典礼,仪式 _4入口_ _ 5请柬,邀请 _ _ 6出席,参加_ _ 7捐献,贡献_8花冠,王冠_ _ 9缎带,丝带_ 10收到请柬_ _ 11应该做某事_ _12参加宴会 _ _13 不需要_ _ 14 穿传统衣服_ _ 15宴会入口_ 16捐钱_ _ StepII: Before you start reading the texts,please answer the question: (B级)1.Have you been to a wedding party ?Who got marri

3、ed?How do you think of the wedding?_2 Do the exercise on the page 40 (Before you start2)StepIII: Fast reading: (B级)Reading the text quickly and try to do the following exercises.Decide which ones are true(T) and which ones are false(F).( )1. Indonesian families only invite people they have known for

4、 a long time. ( )2. The reception is before the wedding.( )3. Guests usually give money as a present ( )4. In Greek culture , the bridegroom has to ask for the brides hand in marriage.( )5. The bride and bridegrooms wedding crowns are made of gold.( ) 6. A piece of ribbon links the wedding crowns to

5、gethStepIV Read the texts again.This time you should read them slowly and quietly,then try to do the following exercises. (C级) Indonesian Weddings:What to do:1 I can go without_.2 I can attend the reception_ the ceremony.3 I ought to put money into the box at_.What not to do:1 I oughtnt to go to the

6、 ceremony without _2 I dont have to contribute_.3 I cant drink_ at the wedding reception.4 Indonesian women dont have to_. Greek Weddings:before the wedding ceremony1The groom has to_.during the wedding ceremony 1 The best man should _.2 A long silk ribbon has to link the crowns to symbolise_.after

7、the wedding ceremony 1 The guests can_2 The party can last _3 Guests can _on the floor and put money to _for good luck.Step V Read the texts again .This time you should read the texts loudly.True or False? (B级)Indonesian Weddings( )1.If you dont get an invitation to a wedding, you cant go. ( )2.You

8、shouldnt go to the wedding ceremony if you are not a member of a close family. ( )3.Not everyone can go to attend the wedding reception. ( )4.Indonesian women have to cover their heads. ( )5.You should contribute some money if you go to the wedding party.Greek Weddings( )1.In Greece the groom cant g

9、et the brides hand without asking her father on the day of weddding ceremony. ( )2.A long silk ribbon is used to link the crowns on the couples heads, wishing them a long and happy life. ( )3.At the wedding reception, guests can enjoy themselves until mid-nightStepVI Read the texts furthur then try

10、to fill in the blanks. (C级)On a Greek Wedding ceremony, the groom has to ask_ for her daughters hand.The grooms _ goes with the couple to the church, he helps the priest to put _made of _ on the heads of the bride and groom. A long _ links the crowns to symbolise a _life for the couple. After the ce

11、remony, the guests can attend a _.Guests can smash _ on the floor and pin_ to the brides _ for good luckHomework:Talk about the Chinese wedding customs1.the preparations for the wedding2.the ceremony3.the reception, what to do & what not to do for the guests小结反思:你能用英语复述Indonesian 和Greek的婚礼中该做、不该做的事情

12、吗?Hospitality (开心一阅)Thehostessapologizedtoherunexpectedguestforservinganapple-piewithoutanycheese.Thelittleboyofthefamilylefttheroomquietlyforamomentandreturnedwithapieceofcheesewhichhelaidontheguestsplate.Thevisitorsmiled,putthecheeseintohismouthandthensaid:Youmusthavebettereyesthanyourmother,sonny.Wheredidyoufindthecheese?Intherat-trap,sir,repliedtheboy. 好客 由于客人在吃苹果馅饼时,家里没有奶酪了,于是女主人向大家表示歉意。这家的小男孩悄悄地离开了屋子。过了一会儿,他拿着一片奶酪回到房间,把奶酪放在客人的盘子里。客人微笑着把奶酪放进嘴里说:“孩子,你的眼睛就是比你妈妈的好。你在哪里找到的奶酪?”“在捕鼠夹上,先生。”那小男孩说。.精品资料。欢迎使用。学优高考网w。w-w*GkStK学优高考网w。w-w*GkStK高考试题(库

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