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本文(国际酒店SAP会所泉水疗养资料 SOP FOR RECEPTIONIST Receptionist Stander Service如何通过电话预约.doc)为本站会员(空登山)主动上传,文库网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知文库网(发送邮件至13560552955@163.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

国际酒店SAP会所泉水疗养资料 SOP FOR RECEPTIONIST Receptionist Stander Service如何通过电话预约.doc

1、How to schedule an appointment via phone calls如何通过电话预约STEPS步骤PHRASEOLOGY Examples例如QUALITY STANDARD质量标准Pick up phone calls接电话“Good Morning/ good afternoon/ good evening, this is Quan Spa, xxx speaking, how may I assist you?”“早上好/下午好/晚上好,泉水疗中心,请问有什么可以帮您的。”“l Pick up phone within 3 ringsl Greet warmly

2、l With a smile in your voiceIdentify guests name and source of phone call“Sir /Madam, may I have your name and room number please?Xx先生/女士,能告诉我您的姓名及房间号码吗?l Enquire guests last namel Identify guests needsl Obtain room number if is hotel guestExplain treatment detailsThank you. Mr./ Ms.xx, would you li

3、ke me to explain our treatments to you?Xx先生/女士,需要我为您推荐一些合适的护理吗?Mr. / Ms. Xx, what kind of treatment would you prefer?Xx先生/女士,请问您更喜欢哪方面的护理呢?May I know how much time do you have for your spa treatment?请问您有多长的时间来做护理呢?How would you like to feel after your treatment? Relaxed or more invigorated?您是比较喜欢放松的

4、还是喜欢受力教大的护理项目呢?May I recommend you can have a _(treatment name), _(duration), _(benefits).我建议您可以做_(护理项目名称),_(时间),_(作用)。What time would you prefer?您希望什么时间做护理呢?l Details of treatmentsl Details of Treatments packagesl Time availabilityl Room availabilityl Therapist availabilityCheck availabilityWould y

5、ou please me allow me a moment to check the availability for you?Xx先生/女士,请您稍等一下,我帮你查一下。l Check for availability in the systemBook a appointment Thank you for waiting.” 抱歉,让您久等了。The time is available, may I make a reservation for you? 这个时间可以,需要现在帮您做预定吗?Sorry, the time is not available, how about the

6、_(time), is that suitable for you.(offer earliest time available)非常抱歉,这个时间段预约已经满了,xxx时间,您觉得可以吗?(提供最早的时间给客人)l Confirm with the guest before booking appointmentl Guest full namel Contact numberl Appointment time preferred Confirm the treatmentMr. / Ms. Xx, may I confirm the treatment with you , you wo

7、uld like _(treatment), at _(treatment time), and you room number (contact number) is xxx, is that correct?Xx先生/女士,现在和你确认一下您的预订,您于xx时间,预订了xx项目,您的房间号(联系方式)是xxx, 请确认是否正确。l Guest full namel Contact number / room numberl Treatment l Treatment timeFarewell the guestThank you for your calling, looking forw

8、ard to see you, have a nice day.非常感谢您的来电,很期待与您的见面,祝您愉快。How to check in guestWelcome the guestGood morning/afternoon/evening, Mr./Ms. xx , welcome to our spa, how may I help you?早上/中午/晚上好,xxx先生/女士,欢迎来到水疗中心,请问有什么可以帮您的吗?l Warm and sincere greetingl Stand to greet guest l Speak clearly and smilel Have p

9、repare pre-fill consultation formGuide guest to seating areaPlease follow me, please take a seat, may I have your name pleas?请跟我来,请坐,方便告诉我您的姓名吗?Please enjoy some tea .请用茶。l Prepare the tea and hot/cold towel Scenario one- Guest with appointment Offer consultation formMr./Ms. Xx, may I confirm with y

10、ou about your treatment, you have made appointment for _(treatment name) at _(treatment time), is that correct?Xx先生/女士, 请允许我和您确认一下您的预订,您于xx时间,预订了xx项目,请确认是否正确?This is our consultation form, could you please help us to complete it?这是我们的健康咨询卡,麻烦您帮我们填写一下。l Offer assistance to complete consultation form

11、if needs l Reconfirm the name of the treatment and duration bookedScenario two- walk in guestMay I have your name pleas, sir/madam?方便告诉我您的名字吗?Would you like to see or e guided through our spa menu?您需要看一下菜单吗或您需要由我们来给您推荐吗?How much time do you have to spend with us?您现在有多长时间可以用来享受护理呢?How would you like

12、to feel after your treatment? Relaxed or more invigorated?您喜欢比较放松的护理还是比较受力的护理呢?What kind of treatment do you prefer? Body massage facial or body treatment?您喜欢什么样的护理呢?身体按摩,面部护理还是身体护理?l Prepare the spa menul Explain the sections of the menul Give detail of the treatment benefits in response to the exp

13、ressed needs of the guestl Pre-fill the consultation form l Therapist reconfirms all detailsIntroduce the therapistThis is xx, your therapist for your treatment today.这是xx, 今天有她为您提供护理。Please let (therapist name)know if there is anything she can do to make you more comfortable.如果您有任何需要理疗师注意的地方以便能够更好的

14、为您服务,请立即告诉她。Enjoy your treatment and I will see you afterwards.祝您护理愉快,稍后见。l Introduce the therapistl Invite the guest to enjoy their treatment and let them know they are in good handsl Invite guest to let us know their needsHow to check out a guestCheck the satisfaction Mr./Ms. Xx, how was your trea

15、tment today?Xx先生/女士,您对护理感觉怎么样?Mr./Ms. Xx, I am glad to hear that. (If is positive feedback)Xx先生/女士,很高兴您满意我们的服务。(如果是正面意见)Mr./Ms. Xx, I am sorry to hear about that. Is there anything I can do for you ? (If is negative feedback)Xx先生/女士,很遗憾此次的服务未能令您满意,我还能为您做些什么吗?(如果是负面意见)。l Greet warmlyl Show your carel

16、 Maintain eye contactPresent the billMr./Ms. Xx, here is your bill, today you had a , the totally price is _, how would you like to settle your bill with?Xx先生/女士,这是您的账单,此次消费的金额是xxx, 您想以什么方式结帐呢?l Present the bill on a bill folderl Reconfirm the treatment detailsProcess paymentCharge to roomMr./Ms. Xx

17、, may I reconfirm your full name is xx, room number is xx, your total charge will be xx RMB, may I have your signature here please. Xx先生/女士, 再次确认您的姓名是xx, 房号是xx。此次消费的金额是xx元,请您再次签名确认,谢谢。Credit cardMr./Ms. Xx, your total charge will be xx RMB, may I have your credit card please.Xx先生/女士,次消费的金额是xx元,将计入您的

18、信用卡消费。Thank you very much, could you please sign the invoice and credit card slip? This is your copy. Thank you.非常感谢,请麻烦您在信用卡账单和收据上签字,并保留好您的消费存单。CashMr./Ms. Xx, I have received xx RMB, your charge is xx RMB, this is your copy, thank you.Xx先生/女士,共受到您现金xx元,找您xx元,这是您此次的消费记录,谢谢您。l Reconfirm guests full

19、namel Reconfirm guests room numberl Reconfirm guests total service chargel Reconfirm the service payment.Schedule next appointmentMr./Ms. Xx, would you like me to schedule the next appointment for you ? (if yes, proceed to the appointment booking)Xx先生/女士,您想现在安排下次护理疗程的预约吗?(如果肯定回答,则进行下次预约)certainly, M

20、r./Ms. Xx, please do contact us if you need assistance in booking you next appointment.若为否定答案Xx先生/女士,若您需要再次预约理疗服务,欢迎您与我们联系。l Take ownership of guests requestFinish check outMr./Ms. Xx, is there anything else I can do for you?Xx先生/女士, 还有什么可以帮您的吗?l Offer other assistanceFarewellMr./Ms. Xx, thank you very much for choosing our spa, we look forward to seeing you again.Xx先生/女士, 非常感谢您选择我们的水疗,期待您再次光临。l Thanks the guestl Escort the guest to the spa entrancel Invite the guest for the next spa visit

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