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本文(国际酒店前厅管理手册前台接待23-03 前厅部火警疏散方案fire alarm.doc)为本站会员(空登山)主动上传,文库网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知文库网(发送邮件至13560552955@163.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

国际酒店前厅管理手册前台接待23-03 前厅部火警疏散方案fire alarm.doc

1、国际酒店前厅部操作手册前厅部Front Office前台服务程序LOCAL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES国际酒店管理资料手册International Hotel Management Information Manual前台是展示酒店的形象、服务的起点。对于宾客来说,酒店大堂前台是接触我们酒店的第一步,是对酒店的第一印象,是非常重要的。 制定前厅部标准运作程序手册的目的制订本手册是为了说明酒店管理前厅部标准运作的政策和程序,确保前厅部运营及管理工作的一贯性。向前厅部工作人员提供日常工作及培训的指导。使前厅部员工了解前厅的作用,了解前厅运作及管理的政策和程序。LO

2、CAL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES本地标准操作程序LSOP No.:RM-FO-GS-23-03Effective Date:Division:Rooms办公室Revised Date:Section:Front Office前厅部Prepared by : Approved by 批准人:_SUBJECT:Front Office Fire Evacuation Plan 前厅部火警疏散方案_OBJECTIVE目的:Ensure Front Office ambassador strict follow Front Office Fire Emergency

3、Plan前厅大使根据部门运作需求严格执行前厅部火警应急方案POLICY政策:Ensure hotel guest & ambassadors safety during fire case take place. 确保火灾发生时,酒店客人及大使的生命安全Ensure we comfort our guest to let them feel safe.确保安抚客人,以致使客人感觉酒店是安全的。PROCEDURES 程序: Reception前台: 1. Shift Leader print out 03 copy of the latest updated in-house guest lis

4、t. Prepare arrival list &.Disabled Guest list within 10 minutes of Evacuation Announcement. All trace folio must keep in the safe. 当班主管须立即将最新的三份客人名单打印出来,并准备好预抵客人名单,残疾客人名单。电脑系统须做好安全保护。2. Shift Leader will gather all Guests registration cards, key card making machine to be placed in the safe deposit a

5、nd locked before proceed to the Assembly Point 在疏散前,主管收集所有客人登记卡,房卡机并放到保险箱内锁好。3. All associates shall close their station and put the money and papers in safe deposit. They will shut down office equipment and proceed to the various exits to help Guests to the Assembly Points. 所有员工须将他们的电脑关闭并将钞票及文件存放到保

6、险箱里。关闭办公室设备并使用不同出口帮助客人疏散到集合点。4. Make ensure that all power is being shut down before evacuation to the Assembly Point. 在疏散至集合点前, 确保所有的电源关闭。5. Front Office前厅部 Manager / Asst FOM / Night Guest Service Manager will hand over the Master Key to the Financial Controller / Asst FC. 前厅部经理/副经理/夜班宾客服务经理将万能钥匙交

7、给财务总监/助理财务总监6. At Assembly Point the Front Office前厅部 Manager and or his Assistant shall set up Incident reporting Center for house count. 在集合点前厅经理或前厅副经理须组成事故报告中心以记录客人需求。7. The most Senior Front Office前厅部 Ambassadors (01) will proceed to assemble point with the in-house Guests list for Roll Call前台资深大

8、使疏散至集合点并带客人名单到现场点名。8. Its the responsibility of the FOM / Night GSM to ensure the count of the Guests evacuated according to the actual count 前厅经理/夜班宾客服务经理须根据实际客人名单进行点名。9. Senior Associate will collect the duty roster before proceeding to the Assembly Point.当班的高级员工将排班表或签到签退表带到集合点。10. FOM should indi

9、cates Transportation prepare the vehicles, and carry the wounded person to hospital. At the same time, also need to prepare a shuttle bus at dormitory for carry the associates who will join the rescue work to Resort. 前厅部经理应指示车队员工准备好车辆,随时运送伤员到医院。同时,在宿舍也要准备一辆班车,将需要参加救援的同事运送到酒店。Concierge礼宾部:1. On-Duty

10、concierge supervisor should check all lifts that stop on the first floor, and make sure nobody trapped inside. 值班行李主管要及时检查所有的电梯停在一层并且没有人被困在里面。2. Send a bellboy to fire lifts area to operate it and wait for the security personnel or the fire brigades. 派一名行李员到消防电梯处操作电梯和等候公安人员或消防队人员。3. When the fire br

11、igades arrival, the concerned Senior Management and Emergency response teams can take the fire lifts up to the fire floor, bellboy must dropped lifts to the bottom later, and opens the lift door for fire brigades.当消防队人员到达后,相关高级管理层人员和紧急反应小组可乘消防电梯上火灾楼层,过后行李员必须立即把电梯降到底层,帮消防队人员把电梯门打开。4. Arrange 3 duty b

12、ellboys at day and 2 duty bellboy at night use stretcher carry for the wound personnel. 白天安排3 名晚上安排2名当班行李生用担架抬伤员。5. To assist Security Department ensure all the vehicles leaving from driveway.帮助保安部确保所有的车辆从车道离开。6. Wait for the Fire Department arrival, and inform them where the fire is.等待消防部门的到来并告知火灾发

13、生的地点。7. Fire elevator will only be used for emergency response teams and fire brigade to transport fire tools and other equipments to relevant floors.消防电梯只限用于紧急应变小组和消防队用来运输消防工具和其它设备到相关楼层。Delight To Serve 为您服务中心1. Keep in good communication with Fire Control Center.保持与消防控制中心通讯畅通 2. Use mobile phones

14、inform each department manager when received the evacuation information from Fire Control Center.接到消防控制中心疏散信息后立即用手机通知各部门经理。3. When the fire should keep the external communications smoothly.火警时必须确保对外通讯畅通。4. Received the instructions from GM/RM or authorized personnel can make the fire calls 119. 接到总经

15、理/驻店经理或授权人员的指令方可拨打“119”消防电话。5. Make the records for inquire while received the fire calls.接到火警电话时,要做好记录以备查询。Guest Service Manager宾客服务经理:GSM/Night GSM received evacuation instructions, should indicated Front Office前厅部 on duty associates according the Day Emergency Procedures to operate.宾客服务经理/夜班宾客服务经

16、理接到疏散指令时,应立即指示前厅当班员工按照“白天”的应急程序进行操作。When FOM received the evacuation instructions should get to Resort in time for rescue work. 前厅部经理接到疏散指示时,应立即赶到酒店参加救援工作。GSM/Night GSM work well for guests at lobby, comfort guests mood, and orderly organize them approach the designated Assembly Points. Also do tran

17、slations work well.宾客服务经理/夜班宾客服务经理在大堂做好接待客人工作,安抚客人情绪,并有秩序的组织客人疏散至指定的集合点,同时做好翻译工作。Front Desk Shift Leader or associate print out all in-house guest name list.前台主管或员工打印所有住店客人名单。Reception ambassadors cooperate with GSM/Night GSM evacuation guest at lobby. 前台大使在大堂门口配合宾客服务经理/夜班宾客服务经理组织客人疏散。Bellboy should

18、 approach the fire area immediately to control the lifts on the first floor. 礼宾部的值班员应立即到达着火区域一楼控制好电梯。Transportation gets ready for the vehicles and carries the wounded persons to hospital.车队随时准备好车辆,随时运送伤员到达医院。After the evacuation, GSM/Night GSM should report guest evacuation condition to Commend Center. 疏散结束后,宾客服务经理/夜班宾客服务经理应向指挥中心报告客人疏散情况。Complete the other tasks assigned by General Manager总经理.完成总经理赋予的其它工作任务。Reviewed by 审核人: Approved by 批准人: _ Division Head部门主管 General Manager总经理酒店管理手册前厅、客房、餐厅、人事、保安、工程、营销、行政、总经办开业、入职、招聘、设计、程序、标准、SOP酒店管理之家

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