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本文(牛排西式餐厅管理餐饮培训资料 豪客嘉族 艾菲尼员工手册P34.doc)为本站会员(空登山)主动上传,文库网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知文库网(发送邮件至13560552955@163.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

牛排西式餐厅管理餐饮培训资料 豪客嘉族 艾菲尼员工手册P34.doc

1、 董事长致辞 Speech of President各位亲爱的员工伙伴:Dear staff partners:您们好!我非常荣幸热忱欢迎您们加入湖北豪客嘉族管理有限公司艾菲尼分公司!You are good! I am very honored to welcome you to join the Hubei hawker Kerry Group Management Limited Raffine branch!自2001年湖北豪客嘉族餐饮管理有限公司成立,弹指一挥间,已历经十几个春秋。豪客嘉族从一家规模不足120平米的小店,发展成为跨越七省一市,品牌餐厅40余家的大型西餐连锁企业。如果要

2、问豪客嘉族实现这种跨越靠的是什么,用一句话来说就是“我们提供美味和梦想”,用十二个字来形容那就是“勤奋、敬业、诚信、合作、专业、创新”。 since the 2001 Hubei hawker Ka Group Catering Management Company Limited was established, pronto, has gone through more than ten years. hawker Jia family from a size of less than 120 square meters of shops, become across seven prov

3、inces one city, brand 40 restaurants of large western chain. If you want to ask the hawker Jia family realize this kind to span depends on what it is, with the words we provide delicious and dreams, use twelve characters to describe that is diligence, dedication, honesty, cooperation, innovation, pr

4、ofessional.“我们提供美味和梦想”是豪客嘉族的品牌口号。我们不仅仅是为顾客提供美味和梦想,也为我们的员工提供美味和梦想,因为今天的成绩离不开所有在豪客嘉族努力工作的员工,是我们共同成就了豪客嘉族品牌的今天,同时也有很多的员工在这里实现了自己的梦想。 we provide delicious and dream is a hawker Jia family brand slogan. We not only provide customers with delicious and dreams, but also for our employees to provide delicio

5、us and dreams, because today s achievements can not be separated from all in Hankow Thames hard working employee, is our common achievements of the hawker Jia family brand today, there are also many people here to realize his dream.“勤奋、敬业、诚信、合作、专业、创新”。这十二个字是豪客嘉族员工精神的一种提炼,也是豪客嘉族十年来文化建设的一种提炼,浓缩了集团发展历程

6、中的一贯信条,这也将继续支持企业迈向更高的台阶。 hard-working, dedicated, professional, integrity, cooperation, innovation. These twelve words are hawker Jia family employee spirit a kind of abstraction, and hawker Jia family ten years building a culture of extracted, concentrated group in the course of the development of

7、consistent creed, it will also continue to support enterprises to move towards a higher level.艾菲尼作为豪客嘉族餐饮管理有限公司旗下的一个最高端品牌,主要经营法式西餐,为都市里追求生活品质的人群造了消费源泉,加入艾菲尼,你将不仅拥有优厚的福利,还有为有才干的你制定了个性化的培训计划和周全的个人职业发展计划, 艾菲尼的大家庭里洋溢着温馨和睦的气氛,因为每个艾菲尼员工都有着“自豪与关怀”的精神理念,都配备完善的管理系统培训 管理、沟通、领导能力的专业课程 ,在这里有着广阔的发展空间, 稳健的职业成长道路

8、,连锁企业的工作经验,是让你终生受益的工作 。艾菲尼热烈欢迎每一个有活力,有事业心的人群加入我们的企业!实现每一次飞跃,都可谓任重道远。愿我们一同努力,共促豪客嘉族艾菲尼新品牌的美好未来! Raffine as hawker Ka Group Catering Management Company Limited under the flag of one of the most high-end brand, operates mainly in French food in the city, for the pursuit of quality of life of people mad

9、e the consumption source, add Raffine , you will not only have excellent benefits, as well as talented you individualized training plan and comprehensive personal occupation development plan, Raffine s family was permeated with a warm and harmonious atmosphere, because each Raffine employees have a

10、proud and care the spirit of philosophy, are equipped with a sound management system, training management, communication, leadership, professional courses, here has a vast development space, stable occupation development, chain enterprises work experience, is to let you benefit from the life work. R

11、affine warmly welcome every energetic, ambitious people to join our company! Realization of every leap, have great responsibilities. Is willing to join us in our efforts to promote the Jia family, hawker Raffine brand new bright future! 董事长:梁强 Chairman of the board:Qiang Liang 前 言 Before the words你好

12、!豪客嘉族大家庭欢迎您的加入,愿艾菲尼的工作能成为您事业的新起点。为了使您能够在进入本公司时更快的适应公司环境,了解公司的规章制度,熟悉岗位的责任要求,请您在上岗前熟读本手册,并按照本手册的要求做好上岗前的准备工作,以便于您的工作更好地开展。 hello! Hawker Jia family welcome you to join, let Raffine s work can cause you to become a new starting point. In order to enable you to enter the company faster to adapt to the

13、environment of the company, understand the rules of the company, familiar with the post responsibility requirements, please in pre cooked in manual, and in accordance with the requirements manual well before the induction of the preparatory work, in order to facilitate your work better.同时,为了您能够有一个好的

14、发展平台和空间,请在日常工作中按照本手册制定的制度认真执行,如对本手册有任何疑问,请咨询餐厅经理或公司人力资源部。 at the same time, in order to have a good development platform and space, please in daily work according to the manual developed system implement, such as on the manual there is any doubt, please consult the restaurant manager or human resour

15、ces department of the company.在本公司工作期间,请您珍惜本手册,把它作为您工作中最好的朋友对待,它将给您带来许多的智慧和方便。如果您因故离开本公司,请您在办理离职手续时一并将手册上交,如果您有遗失,需照价30元赔偿,谢谢您的配合。 when working in our company, please cherish this manual work, make it as your best friend, it will bring you many wisdom and convenient. If you somehow left the company,

16、 please refer to the manual separation procedures over, if you have lost, need to be 30 yuan compensation, thank you for your cooperation.预祝你在艾菲尼工作愉快! wish you a happy work in Raffine!本手册的解释权归湖北豪客嘉族餐饮管理公司艾菲尼分公司人力资源部所有 manual power to interpret the Hubei hawker Ka group catering management company Ra

17、ffine branch human resources department 集团介绍 Company introduction创始于2001年,总部位于上海,是一家区域性的大型西餐连锁企业。凭借着企业全体员工高度团结、勇于开拓、拼搏创新的精神,旗下品牌餐厅与业务跨越7省1市,分布于30余个大中城市,直营品牌餐厅40余家,员工1300余人。现豪客集团成立三个事业部 西餐事业部(艾菲尼法式西餐厅)牛排事业部、牛排事业部(豪客嘉族)快餐事业部(塞味快餐)多元化的发展! was founded in 2001, is headquartered in Shanghai, is a regional

18、 large-scale food chain enterprises. By virtue of enterprises of all employees a high degree of unity, the courage to open up, hard work and innovative spirit, brands restaurant and business across 7 provinces 1 city, distributed in more than 30 large and medium-sized city, direct brand restaurants

19、more than 40, more than 1300 employees.!Hawker Group is now set up three Division Western Division (Yifei Ni French restaurant) steak Division, steak Division (Haokejiazu) Fast Food Division (plug taste fast food) a wide range of development!历年来,豪客嘉族秉承“我们提供美味与梦想”的文化理念,既为顾客提供美味餐品、优质服务、时尚典雅的餐厅环境及正宗的西餐

20、体验,也为员工和合作伙伴提供发展与梦想的舞台。为此,豪客嘉族已经建立了集采购、生产、物流、餐厅运营、销售为一体的完整产业链,这也将为保障豪客嘉族继续做大做强打好基础。 over the years, hawker Ka group adhering to the we provide delicious and dream cultural ideas, not only for customers with delicious food products, quality service, fashion and elegant dining environment and authenti

21、c western experience, but also for staff and partners to provide development and the dream stage. Therefore, hawker Ka group has established a set of procurement, production, logistics, restaurant operators, sales as one of a complete industrial chain, which will also guarantee hawker Jia family con

22、tinue to enlarge and lay a foundation.在品牌影响力逐渐扩大及企业蓬勃发展的态势下,豪客嘉族公司正朝着自己的梦想越来越靠近。 in brand influence and gradually expand enterprise vigorous development trend, hawker Ka group companies are moving towards their dreams more and more close. 艾菲尼品牌释义: RaffineBraBrand interpretationRaffine,法文含义:高雅的、高贵的 R

23、affine, French meanings: elegant, noble中文名称“艾菲尼”Chinese Name Yifei Ni我们呈现给顾客一种We presented to the customer a高贵、高雅、时尚、浪漫和个性化的氛围 Noble, elegant, stylish, romantic and personal atmosphere品牌定位:brand positioning:最具时尚创新高端浪漫的新西餐品牌 most innovative fashion high-end romantic western brand new产品特色:product char

24、acteristics:以传统法式西餐为主导,佐以中西餐品精华。 French traditional Western-oriented, combined with the essence of Western goods.品牌承诺: brand promise:我们为您提供美味与梦想! we provide you with delicious dream! 艾菲尼的服务宣言 Raffine service declaration 爱、非你不遇 浪漫因你而生! Love, romantic non-event because you do not you born!我们为您提供的不仅仅是美

25、食,更是愉悦的经历。We offer you not only food, more enjoyable experience.菲,香也。广雅:香飘四溢带来不寻常的美食享受Philippines, Hong also.- Guang Ya: Xiangpiao bring unusual food lovers to enjoy芳菲菲兮满堂。楚辞东皇太一:春神带来的春的气息与倾心的 服务氛围Fang Fei-fei Xi house.- Songs of the South East Huangtai a: Chunshen brought the breath of spring with

26、the cordial atmosphere of the service 目 录 员工精神员工基本要求员工总则员工沟通渠道人事管理制度员工薪资与福利员工奖励制度安全守则员工住宿守则附则 员 工 精 神 Spirit of employee 敬业 Be dedicated 责任 Liability 进取Be enterprising 合作Cooperation 忠诚 Loyalty 创新Innovation 高效 High performance 服从Obey敬业:热爱本职工作,认同就职企业Dedication: love your job, agree with company责任:履行岗位

27、职能,不找任何借口Responsibilities: perform their functions, do not look for any excuse进取:自信乐观主动,挑战工作压力Enterprising: optimistic and active, challenge work pressure合作:友爱团结互动,协作共同进步Cooperation: cooperation interaction, cooperation and common progress忠诚:忠诚自己职业,维护企业利益Loyalty: loyal own occupation, safeguard the

28、interests of enterprises创新:打破常规意识,敢于创造革新Innovation: break the normal procedure consciousness, dare to create innovation高效:以业绩为导向,获取最大利益High performance : the performance oriented, to maximize the benefits服从:遵守组织纪律,坚决执行命令Subject: abide by discipline, firmly implement the command 员工基本要求 Employee basic

29、 requirements一、基本要求:One, the basic requirements:年满16周岁以上的男女公民,普通员工需初中以上文化程度,中层以上管理人员高中以上文化程度,身体健康,道德品质良好,遵纪守法。 over 16 years old female citizens, employees need to junior high school or above degree, middle-level management staff more than high school education, good health, good moral character, ab

30、ide by the law.二、对餐厅工作的认识和态度:In two, the restaurant job perceptions and attitudes:1、有良好的服务意识和敬业精神。 have good service consciousness and the professional dedication.2、 严格要求自己,努力做好本职工作。 strict demands on themselves, and strive to do their work.3、 有强烈的责任感,严格按照工作流程,规范和标准执行。there is a strong sense of resp

31、onsibility, in strict accordance with the work flow, norms and standards.三、素质要求:Three, quality requirements:1、具备较强的综合工作能力。 with strong comprehensive ability.2、敬业乐业的精神。 a dedicated spirit.3、自觉的纪律观念 conscious discipline.4、良好的形象。 a good image.5、熟练运用专业操作技能 skilled professional skills.6、讲究礼仪礼貌。pay attent

32、ion to the etiquette and manners.7、健康的体魄。 a healthy body. 员 工 总 则 Employees General一、 总则General principles1.遵纪守法,讲究社会公德和职业道德。Abide by the law, pay attention to social ethics and occupation moral.2.关心企业,热爱本职工作,文明服务,努力维护公司声誉。About business, love their work, civilized service, strive to maintain the re

33、putation of the company.3.按时上下班,不迟到不早退,工作时间内不擅离工作岗位,下班后不在餐厅逗留。如有事,按有关规定请假。Go to work on time, not too late to leave early, work time away from work, after work do not stay in the restaurant. If something, according to the relevant provisions.4.上班时间不准打私人电话,谢绝亲友探访,不得处理私人事务。Time going to work is not al

34、lowed to make personal phone calls and visits, declined, not private affairs.5.除指定人员外,其他员工不得使用客用设施。In addition to designated persons, other employees are not allowed to use the guest-using.6不准用粗言秽语,讥讽客人或同事;不准与宾客争辩或者在公共场合与同事争论。Do not use foul language, sarcastic customers or colleagues and guests; no

35、 argument or in public with his colleagues argue.7.在工作场所要礼貌待客,站立服务,不得依偎墙壁或者家具,不可高声谈话或者闲聊。In the workplace should be polite to the guests, standing service, not on walls or furniture, do not talk loudly or gossip.8.各管理人员,不得利用职权给亲友以优惠照顾。The management personnel shall not use the terms to family and fr

36、iends, with preferential.9.各员工应服从领导的工作安排和调动,按时完成任务,拒绝或者终止工作。All employees should obey the leadership work arrangements and mobility, finish the task on time, or refuse to stop work.二、 全员准则Full guidelines1、企业宗旨:让顾客满意。艾菲尼提供给客人最优质、最新鲜的食品。每位员工以活泼友好的服务态度,热情饱满的情绪为顾客服务。Enterprise tenet: customer satisfacti

37、on. Raffine offers guests the best quality, the most fresh food. Each employee with a lively and friendly service attitude, full of enthusiasm for customer service and emotion.2、最佳员工:艾菲尼注重吸取高素质的人才。艾菲尼是否成功,关键取决于每位员工,要求每位员工与公司精诚合作,公司将努力发掘和奖励那些我们大家庭中杰出的人物,鼓励他们一如既往的工作,同时我们也将尽力为员工创造舒适的工作、生活环境。The best em

38、ployee: Raffine to draw attention to the talent of high quality. AI fini is successful, the key depends on each employee, each employee with the company sincere cooperation, the company will strive to explore and reward those of us in the big family of outstanding people, encourage them to work as i

39、n the past, and we will try our best to work, for the staff to create a comfortable living environment.3、意见建议:艾菲尼会不断改进服务质量,工作环境,为员工提供良好的生活环境。艾菲尼衷心欢迎各位员工提出具有建设性的意见和建议。Suggestion:Raffine will continue to improve the quality of service, work environment, to provide staff with a good living environment.

40、Raffine sincerely welcome all staff to put forward to have constructive opinion and proposal. 写出你的意见和建议。 write your comments and suggestions. 写明你认为如何做有利于艾菲尼法式西餐厅。Bwhat you think how to do to Raffine French restaurant. 哪些方面阻止你的工作效率。 what aspects you stop working efficiency. 哪些方面应尽快改进。 what aspects sh

41、ould be improved as soon as possible.4、复查:复查是艾菲尼的一项重要工作,艾菲尼每一位员工的成功,复查时必不可少的要求,每个员工都要记住工作的每个细节。让客人了解艾菲尼无微不至的关心着每位客人,满足他们一切合理要求。Review : the review is an important work in Raffine, Raffine the success of each and every staff, review of essential requirements, each employee must remember every detail

42、of the work. Let the guests know Raffinemeticulous care of every guest, they meet all reasonable requirements.5、员工中出现矛盾和问题的解决方法:员工与员工之间,员工与管理人员之间,提倡畅所欲言的交流方式。产生矛盾难免,我们希望每位员工都要从对方的立场考虑问题,尽量内部解决。否则由上一级进行调节,如果不满意,事报经理,共同协商解决。Employees in contradiction and problem solving methods: staff and employees, b

43、etween an employee and manager, advocate speak ones mind freely exchange way. Conflict is inevitable, we hope that each employee must from each others position to consider the issue, to minimize the internal solution. Otherwise, a level adjustment, if not satisfied, do report manager, common resolve

44、.6、仪容仪表:客人对餐厅的第一印象是员工的仪容仪表,端庄大方会使客人感到亲切、自然。具体要求如下:Appearance: guests of the restaurant the first impression is grooming of the staff, dignified and generous will make guests feel warm, natural. Specific requirements are as follows: 员工应保持服装整洁,按指定位置佩戴工作牌,实习员工需佩戴实习证方可上岗实习。 Employees should keep clean c

45、lothing, according to the specified location wear work card, practice staff need wearing a practice certificate before induction practice. 男员工应留寸头,刮净胡须。Male staff should be cut, clean shaven. 女员工化淡妆,头发梳理整齐,不允许披发。Female employees of makeup, hair neatly combed hair, not allowed. 保持双手和指甲的整洁。Keep your hands and nails clean and tidy. 防止体臭和口臭。Prevent odor and halitosis. 同客人谈话时要垂直站立,精神饱满。Talk with a guest to stand vertically, full of spirit. 注意面部表情,保持微笑。Attention to facial expressions, keep smiling.7、考勤Check work attendance 员工须提前更换好制服并做好工作前的准备,提前十分钟参加班会,以便按时到达工作岗位。 Employees must advance the replac

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