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本文(【原创新课堂】浙江专用2017春八年级英语下册unit6anoldmantriedtomovethemountains第8课时selfcheck课件新版人教新目标版.ppt)为本站会员(高校张老师)主动上传,文库网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知文库网(发送邮件至13560552955@163.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、Unit 6An old man tried to move the mountains.浙江地区第八课时Self Check一、词汇运用。A)根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。1The young (夫妻) decided to start their tour.2I looked at my new teacher and she (微笑) at me.3He watched TV for the day.4The shirt you very well.5In the past,a man could have several couplesmiledwholefitswivesB)根

2、据句意,用括号中所 的适当形式填空。6Many Chinese like eating (west) food.7She (marry) to a famous engineer last year.8They couldnt help (cry) when they saw their parents.9She is not strong enough (go) climbing the mountain.10It doesnt seem very possible (move) a mountain for him.Westernmarriedcryingto goto moveC)从方框

3、中 合适的接完成句子。(每限用一次)11They didnt arrive home midnight.12Students ran to the classroom it began to rain.13I wont believe you you tell me the truth.14Lets go hiking it is sunny tomorrow.15He was so busy he even didnt have time to eat his lunch.untilas soon asunless ifthat二、单项选择。16Our teacher was very ha

4、ppy because failed the examination.AsomebodyBnobodyCanybody Deverybody17 we keep our hearts open,we can experience the happiness friendship brings us.ASince BIfCUnless DThough18Learning to write is learning to think.You will know things more clearly you write them down.Aor BunlessCif DwhetherBBC19Da

5、d,when did you come back from the farmland yesterday?Well,I didnt come back the rain stopped.Awhile BuntilCbecause Dunless20Everybody deeply after they heard the story.Amoves BmovedCis moved Dwas movedBD三、句型转换。21I think the story is very interesting(画部分提) the story?22The Monkey King is the main char

6、acter in Journey to the West(画部分提) the Monkey King?23Life of Pi is an amazing movie.(改感句) amazing movie Life of Pi is!24We all agree that we should make a better plan.(改 句)We will make a better plan.25You cant use my computer unless you get my permission (同意)(改同句)You cant use my computer you get my

7、permission.What do you think about/ofWho isWhat anagree to if dont四、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。26大点声,以便我能听清楚。Speak louder we can hear you clearly.27王子第一次到那位善良的女孩就上了她。The prince the kind girl the first time he saw her.28他听到房子里来了一个老女人的声音。They heard an old woman coming from the house.29他尽最大的努力来自救而不是等待帮助。He tried his

8、 best to save himself waiting for help.30我最好的朋友上个礼拜婚了。My best friend last thatfell in love withthe voice ofinstead ofgot married五、完形填空。Once there was a rich man in a village.He never gave 31 to help others.The 32 didnt like him.One day he said to them,“I know you dont like me.I will give eve

9、rything I have to you 33 I die.Then everyone will be happy.”But 34 believed him.The rich man couldnt 35 why they didnt believe him.One day he went for a 36 by the lake.Under a tree he happened to hear a pig and a cow 37 The pig said to the cow,“ 38 does everybody like you and nobody likes me?After I

10、 die,I 39 people with pork,ham,etc.I give three or four things to them.But you give only one thing 40 Why do people like you all the time and not me?”The cow said,“Look,I give them milk while Im 41 They see that I am generous (慷慨的) with what I 42 But you dont give them anything 43 you die.You give t

11、hem ham,pork and so on only after youre dead.People dont believe in the future,they believe in the 44 If you give while you are living,people will like you.It is quite simple.”From that moment on,the rich man did all 45 best to help the poor.( )31.A.something BanythingCeverything Dnothing( )32.A.str

12、angers BvillagersCofficers Dworkers( )33.A.when Bbecause Csince Duntil( )34.A.somebody Beverybody Cnobody Dnone( )35.A.ask BrememberCdiscover Dunderstand( )36.A.walk Bmeal Cvisit Dhelp( )37.A.fighting Bshouting Ctalking DjokingBBACDAC( )38.A.Why BWhen CWhat DWhere( )39.A.feed Bprovide Cbring Dhelp(

13、)40.A.milk Bham Cpork Dbeef( )41.A.happy Bafraid Calive Dlonely( ) Bdrink Clike Dhave( )43.A.while BafterCwhen Dbefore( )44.A.past Bpresent Crich Dpoor( )45.A.he Bhim Cher DhisABACDDBD六、阅读理解。Ah Seng was a poor farmer.Every day,he worked in the field to look after his crops.One hot afternoon,

14、Ah Seng felt very tired.He went to have a rest under a tree.He sat down under the tree and enjoyed the cool breeze.Suddenly he saw a rabbit running to him quickly.It hit its head right against the tree and fell dead.Ah Seng was happy when he saw the dead rabbit.He went to pick it up and brought it h

15、ome.He ate it for dinner that evening.From that day,Ah Seng went to the field.But he didnt work.He just sat under the same tree every day.He hoped to pick up more dead rabbits.He waited and waited but there were no rabbits.Soon,all of Ah Sengs crops died and he became poorer.46He had a rest Aunder t

16、he tree Bunder the bridgeCat his home Don a farm47Why did Ah Seng sit under the same tree? AHe liked the tree very much.BThere was only one tree in his field.CHe wanted to wait for more dead rabbits.DHe wanted to save the rabbit.48The underlined word “it” refers to Athe field Bthe cropCthe rabbit Dt

17、he treeA C C49After reading the passage,we can know Ah Seng was Aclever BsillyCpoor Dhard working50Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AAh Seng became richer.BAh Sengs crops grew better.CAh Seng found more dead rabbits.DAh Seng didnt find more rabbits.BDBIt was Sunday morning.A b

18、utcher (屠夫) heard the doorbell (门铃) and thought it must be a customer.But he was surprised to see that a dog was coming into his shop.The dog had $10 and a note in its mouth.The butcher took the note and read it.It said,“10 pork chops (排骨),please.”So the butcher took the money and put a bag of chops

19、 in the dogs mouth.Then he quickly closed the shop because he decided to follow the dog.He found the dog on the street.The dog was waiting for a green light.Then the dog walked across the road.The dog went to a bus stop.When a bus arrived,the dog checked the number and then got on the bus.After a wh

20、ile,the dog stood up on his back paws (爪子) to push the “stop” button (按钮)The bus stopped and the dog got off.Then the butcher followed it to get off the bus.The dog ran to a house and dropped the bag in front of the front door.It then began to beat its head against the front door.After a while,a big

21、 man opened the door and began shouting at the dog.The butcher ran up and shouted at the man,“What are you doing?Your dog is a genius (天才)”The owner of the dog said,“Genius?No way!I always tell him to take the keys when he goes to the stores.But he never listens to me!”51Who was the customer that Su

22、nday morning?AA big man. BA butcher.CA dog. DA little boy.52How much did the dog pay for the pork chops?A$20. B$10. C$5. D$62.53How did the dog take the note?AIn the bag. BOn its back.CIn its mouth. DAround its neck.CBC54Which is NOT right according to the story?AThe dog stood up on its back paws to

23、 push the “stop” button.BThe butcher quickly closed the shop to follow the dog.CThe big man was pleased with his dog.DThe butcher thought the dog was a genius.55What is the story mainly about?AA customer. BA smart dog.CA butcher. DA big man.CB七、语法填空。Hansel and Gretel lived near a forest with their f

24、ather and stepmother.One day,Gretel heard that their stepmother planned 56. (kill) her and her brother because there wasnt enough food 57. them.Hansel didnt want to die so he had a plan to save 58. (he) and his sister.The next day,the wife 59. (send) the children to the forest.Hansel dropped some wh

25、ite stones as they walked.60. night,they were able to find the way home because of the 61. (shine) stones.However,Hansel couldnt get any stones the second time.And he had to drop 62. (piece) of bread,but the birds ate 63. So they got lost in the forest.Later,the birds song led them to a house made 6

26、4. bread,cake and candy.They were so hungry that they decided 65. (eat) part of the killforhimselfsentAtshiningpiecesthemof to eat八、任务型阅读。根据短文内容,从文后方框内出能填入空白的最佳 。Have you ever heard of the Legend of White Snake?It is a very famous traditional Chinese story.66. It has a connection (联系) to th

27、e Dragon Boat Festival.Once upon a time,there lived two snakes,White Snake and Green Snake.They had magical power and became two beautiful young ladies.At the West Lake of Hangzhou,they met a man named Xu Xian.White Snake quickly fell in love with him.67. DAThe Dragon Boat Festival came.In those day

28、s,people drink realgar wine (雄黄酒).68. If she drank the wine,she would turn into the snake again.Xu Xian didnt know this.So he asked his wife to drink realgar wine.Soon White Snake became very ill and went into her room.When Xu Xian entered the room,he couldnt find his wife.69. He was frightened to d

29、eath.Later,White Snake recovered (恢复)In order to save her husband,she went to steal a magical herb (药草) from a god.In the end,the god was moved by her true love and saved Xu Xian.ECAThey got married soon.BXu Xian ran outside to ask someone to save his wife.CHe saw a huge white snake on the bed.DIt is a love story between the White Snake and Xu Xian.EBut it was dangerous for White Snake.

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