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凯莱酒店 保安部操作标准手册P53.doc

1、保安部操作标准手册凯莱酒店目录火灾事件处理规定和程序紧急疏散处理规定与程序 停车场事故应急措施规定和程序 精神病突发事件处理规定和程序 自杀威胁事件处理规定和程序炸弹威胁事件处理规定和程序溺水事件处理规定和程序抢劫事件应急规定和程序客人意外死亡事件处理规定和程序 剧毒化学用品操作失误处理规定和程序保卫部标准操作程序SECURITY STANDARD OF PROCEDURES题目:火灾事件处理规定和程序Topic:规定与程序编号:GIH-SE-001.1Emergency Policies and Procedures Task No.:准备:Prepare by:批准:总经理Approval

2、 by:传达致:Distribution:定义及目的保护生命。To save live.保护财产To prevent damage of properties.防止火势蔓延Prevent fire from spreading.规定火灾事件处理Fire disaster handling1.饭店紧急行动小组The H.E.A.T team页数:1/9Page:日期:Date:日期:Date:生效日期:Effective date:无论是接到总机,保安,前台还是客房部的紧急呼叫,饭店紧急行动小组都应是第一行动小组。This refers to the Hotel Emergency Action

3、 Team which will be the first action team torespond to all emergency situation when call upon either by the operator, SecurityFront Office or Housekeeping.饭店紧急行动小组成员:The H.E.A.T team members are:1.1值班经理。Duty Manager.题目:火灾事件处理规定和程序Topic:规定与程序编号:GIH-SE-001.1保卫部规定与程序页数:1/9Emergency Policies and Procedu

4、res Series NO.:准备:Prepare by:批准:总经理Approval by:传达致:Distribution:1.2值班工程师Duty Engineer1.3客房部主管Housekeeping Supervisor1.4保安领班Security Officer1.5救火组长Fire fighter leader1.6急救组长First Aid leader2.灭火小组Fire Fighting TeamPage:日期:Date:日期:Date:生效日期:Effective date:3.4.这支队伍应由通过保安经理培训并得到证书的各班次各部门人员组成。This is a te

5、am of staff which has been trained and certified by the Security Manager andshould be available in all shifts. The team should comprise of staff from variousDepartment.急救小组First Aid Team这支队伍应受过各种处理紧急情况的培训。This is a team of staff which has been trained to give first aid in any Emergency situation消防部门

6、Fire Department2题目:火灾事件处理规定和程序Topic:规定与程序编号:GIH-SE-001.1保卫部规定与程序页数:1/9Emergency Policies and Procedures Series NO.:准备:Prepare by:批准:总经理Approval by:传达致:Distribution:指当地消防机关This refers to the local fire authority5.管理层Management Team指总经理及总经理的直接下属。Page:日期:Date:日期:Date:生效日期:Effective date:6.7.程序1.This re

7、fers to the General Manager and all his direct report.红色代码Code Red这是通知某地着火,紧急行动小组需要管理层及所有部门员工的援助。This is to notify that there is fire somewhere and the HEAT team need back up from theManagement team and all other department staff.代号:555是通过群呼显示着火代号。CODE NO:555 is a code number for group paging of the

8、 HEAT team and themanagement team.当有人发现着火时,当事人应:When fire is detected the first person who detect it to call:1.1打破报警器玻璃,同时烟感探测器也将直通监控中心。Break Glass or smoke detector will alert FCC.1.2拨“0 ” 并通知值班总机。Dial 0 and inform the operator on duty. or1.3拨“8879 ”直通总机。Dial 8879 which also goes to the operator an

9、d3题目:火灾事件处理规定和程序Topic:规定与程序编号:GIH-SE-001.1保卫部规定与程序页数:1/9Emergency Policies and Procedures Series NO.:准备:Prepare by:批准:总经理Approval by:传达致:Distribution:2.如打破报警器玻璃报警,或火灾探测器报警。If break glass or fire detector.2.1警铃将直发监控中心。Alarm will trigger at FCC.Page:日期:Date:日期:Date:生效日期:Effective date:保安将通知值班经理

10、及值班工程师赶赴现场。Security will notify Duty Manager and Duty Engineer and proceed to location.2.3如是误报,则将报警系统恢复正常。If false alarm reset the system.2.4如真发生火灾,通知饭店紧急行动小组的其他人员。If real fire then notify the rest of the HEAT team will follow the fire procedure.如有人发现火情,总机应询问。If the fire detected by people operator

11、to ask caller the .3.1着火位置Location of fire3.2火情Fire condition总机将通知The OPERATOR will inform4.1群呼代号555通知饭店紧急行动小组。The H.E.A.T team by group paging CODE NO:555.4.2消防员等候命令。4题目:火灾事件处理规定和程序Topic:规定与程序编号:GIH-SE-001.1保卫部规定与程序页数:1/9Emergency Policies and Procedures Series NO.:准备:Prepare by:批准:总经理Approval by:传

12、达致:Distribution:The Fire Fighter to stand by.4.3急救小组等候命令。The First Aid team to stand by.Page:日期:Date:日期:Date:生效日期:Effective date:5.6.饭店紧急行动小组应携带灭火器立即赶赴现场,根据火势作出决定是否能将火扑灭,还是需要救援或疏散客人。The H.E.A.T team will proceed to the scene with fire extinguisher immediately assetsthe situation and make decision wh

13、ether the fire can be put out or to call for back upor evacuation is necessary.火势不严重。Small Fire6.1急救小组将火扑灭。The heat team will put out the fire.6.2保安将控制该区域。The Security will control the area6.3值班经理来安排处理所有客人。Duty Manager to handle all guests.6.4客房部协助值班经理将灭火后的地区清扫干净。Housekeeping to assist Duty Manager

14、and clear the mess after fire being put out.6.5火灭后,工程部将切断的电源恢复正常。Engineering to isolate power supply and renormalise after fire being put out.6.6值班经理通知总经理。Duty Manager will then inform G.M .5题目:火灾事件处理规定和程序Topic:规定与程序编号:GIH-SE-001.1保卫部规定与程序页数:1/9Emergency Policies and Procedures Series NO.:准备:Prepare

15、 by:批准:总经理Approval by:传达致:Distribution:7.火势严重或迅速蔓延。Big Fire or Fire That Spread Fast.Page:日期:Date:日期:Date:生效日期:Effective date:7.1饭店紧急行动小组将通知下列人员,同时监控中心拉响第一次警铃。The H.E.A.T team will notify the following people, FCC to raise 1st audiblealarm.消防队The fire fighting team饭店管理层The Management team急救小组The fir

16、st aid team消防部门The Fire Department7.2当给出红色代号后,饭店管理层应做以下行动:Once CODE RED message given, the Management team will take the followingaction:7.2.1所有部门总监All Division heads拿起对讲机To take respective walkie-talkie通知所有当班的员工在指定部门或指定区域等候指示。Call all available staff to stand by for further instruction at respectiv

17、edeparment or designated area.6题目:火灾事件处理规定和程序Topic:规定与程序编号:GIH-SE-001.1保卫部规定与程序页数:1/9Emergency Policies and Procedures Series NO.:准备:Prepare by:批准:总经理Approval by:传达致:Distribution:Page:日期:Date:日期:Date:生效日期:Effective date:7.2.2总经理将在监控中心指挥灭火行动,决定是否需要疏散客人。The General Manager will be the Commander of the

18、 fire rescue operation and willstation at the FCC. And will decide whether evacuation is necessary.7.2.3总工程师Chief Engineer赶赴现场,根据火情给指挥者建议。To proceed to scene and advise the Commander base on his assessment of the firesituation.如需要将着火地区的电源切断,立即指挥工程部员工切断,保证消防水管有水,应急发电机启动, 停止供气,所有空调及通风设备关闭,使用增压舱扇及喷洒窗帘。

19、To instruct engineering staff if power shut down of certain area is necessary. Toensure that all fire pumps are running and emergency generator started. To shutoff gas supply. All air condition and ventilation are off and pressurization fan andspray curtain running.7.2.4保安经理Security Manager动员所有消防员控制

20、火势蔓延。To mobilize all fire fighter to restrict the fire from spreading to other areas.消除南门及北门的通道。To clear passage way for fire engine at North gate and South gate.同工程部一起协助客房部援救客人,查看楼层,查完一间房,在房门上标记X,证明此房已查过。To assist housekeeping in rescuing people and floor sweeping with the help fromengineering and

21、mark X on the door to the room that has been checked and report7题目:火灾事件处理规定和程序Topic:规定与程序编号:GIH-SE-001.1保卫部规定与程序页数:1/9Emergency Policies and Procedures Series NO.:准备:Prepare by:批准:总经理Approval by:传达致:Distribution:to FCC Commander.7.2.5房务运作经理应保证:Room Operation Manager to ensure:打印客人登记名单。To make availa

22、ble a list of all guests registered.如需要疏散客人,请求客房部帮助。Page:日期:Date:日期:Date:生效日期:Effective date:To handle all guests with the help from housekeeping if evacuation is necessary.7.2.6财务总监Finance Controller.如需要疏散撤离,确保携带一些重要的文件及备用磁盘。To ensure that only very important documents and back up tape are taken al

23、ong ifevacuation is necessary.7.2.7行政管家及其员工。Executive Housekeeper and team.协助房务运作经理疏散客人。To assist room operation manager in handling the guests.查看楼层, 在所查看的房门的上标记X。To carry out floor sweeping and put an X the doors that has been checked.7.2.8餐饮部及其员工。F&B Manager and team.确保煤气炉关闭。To ensure that all coo

24、king gas stove turned off.8题目:火灾事件处理规定和程序Topic:规定与程序编号:GIH-SE-001.1保卫部规定与程序页数:1/9Emergency Policies and Procedures Series NO.:准备:Prepare by:批准:总经理Approval by:传达致:Distribution:确保煤气炉关闭。To ensure that all cooking gas stove turned off.待命To assist as required7.2.9人力资源部H.R Department待命To assist as require

25、d.Page:日期:Date:日期:Date:生效日期:Effective date:9题目:火灾事件处理规定和程序Topic:规定与程序编号:GIH-SE-002保卫部规定与程序页数:1/9Emergency Policies and Procedures Series NO.:准备:Prepare by:批准:总经理Approval by:传达致:Distribution:定义及目的保护生命。To save live.规定紧急疏散Evacuation1.第二便铃声2ND Audible Alarm1.1只有总经理有权发出紧急疏散的命令。Page:日期:Date:日期:Date:生效日期:E

26、ffective date:Only General Manager will give instruction if evacuation is accessory.1.2得到总经理的指示后,消防中心的员工应立即拉响第二遍警铃同时通知总机启动紧急广播。Upon receiving instruction from G.M., the security officer in FCC shall raisethe 2nd Audible Alarm and inform operator to activate the EmergencyBroadcasting System.1.3这铃声便是紧

27、急疏散的信号,这时一种不间断的铃声,同时播出下列通知。This is the Hotels evacuation signal and it will be a long continuous ringingalarm, inter-mingled with the following evacuation announcement.“ 先生们,女士们: 现在饭店发生紧急情况。请使用离您最近的出口迅速离开饭店。饭店的员工将会协助您。请勿惊慌,请勿使用电梯,谢谢! ”“ Ladies and Gentlemen, there is an emergency in the hotel. Pleas

28、e leave thehotel immediately using the nearest exit staircase. Our staff will be round toassist you. Do not panic and do not use the elevators. Thank you.”10保卫部规定与程序题目:紧急疏散处理规定与程序规定与程序编号:GIH-SE-002.1准备:保卫部经理批准:总经理传达致:各部门页数:2/9日期:2003-11-1日期:2003-11-1生效日期: 2003-11-12.3.此广播将使用3种语言广播,英文,中文和日文。The annou

29、ncement will be in 3 languages-English, Chinese, Japanese.紧急疏散路线。Routes of evacuation2.1所有客人和员工疏散时使用楼梯,疏散后立即到指定地点报道。All guests and staff shall evacuate the Hotel using the various exit staircases andproceed immediately to the Assembly Point .2.2请按下列路线疏散。(附图)Please refer ro the following route.2.3人力资

30、源部应在集合地点反复招呼员工,并确保各部门分开集合并保持安静。1.1The H.R. Department should take roll call the employees at the assembly point .Make sure the individual department assemble separately and quietly.保卫部Security3.1保安员应在各个出口把守,以防外人进入饭店。Security guards to cordon off various exits to prevent unauthorized persons fromente

31、ring the hotel.3.2与地区交警联系,请他们控制饭店周边的交通。Contact the Traffic Police requesting them to provide crowed and traffic controlin and around the hotel premises.3.3待客人和员工全部撤离饭店后,保安员应要把守饭店出口防止外人进入。After all guests and staff have evacuated, security guards shall continue to guardthe hotel to prevent unauthoriz

32、ed personnel, plunders and saboteurs from11保卫部规定与程序题目:紧急疏散处理规定与程序规定与程序编号:GIH-SE-002.1准备:保卫部经理批准:总经理传达致:各部门entering the hotel.3.4火灾扑灭后,保卫部将协助调查失火原因。页数:3/9日期:2003-11-1日期:2003-11-1生效日期: 2003-11-14.客房部After the fire is over, the Security manager shall assist in the investigation intothe cause of the fir

33、e.Housekeeping4.1楼层领班和客房服务员检查所有房间,公共区域服务员检查所有宴会厅和公共厕所确保无客人遗漏。Floor supervisors and room attendants to check all guest rooms, PA supervisorsand PA attendants to check all function rooms, public toilets to ensure nobody isleft behind.4.2将房间的电源总开关关闭。Cut off power supply to each guest room by switching

34、off the master switch.4.3检查完所有区域后,楼层主管和服务员应到大堂向行政管家汇报, 并将客人情况汇总。After finished checking all areas, the floor supervisors and attendants shallreport to the Executive housekeeper at the lobby. They will reconcile theguest status with the Executive housekeeper.4.4行政管家将向总经理汇报各区域情况。Executive housekeeping

35、 must report status of all areas to G.M. st the FCC.4.5客房部员工必须协助客人尽快撤离饭店。Housekeeping staff must help the direct guests to leave the hotel as quickly aspossible.4.6客人离开饭店后,行政管家需携带客人名单同客务部经理一起前往集合地点。12保卫部规定与程序题目:紧急疏散处理规定与程序规定与程序编号:GIH-SE-002.1准备:保卫部经理批准:总经理传达致:各部门页数:4/9日期:2003-11-1日期:2003-11-1生效日期: 2

36、003-11-15.After the guest have left, the Executive housekeeper shall proceed to the Assm-bly point to carry out roll call of the guest with the Director of Rooms.4.7客房部员工带上尽可能多的毛巾和毛毯前往集合地点。同时带上急救箱给客人提供必要的急救。Housekeeping office staff must bring along towels and blankets as many aspossible to the asse

37、mbly point. They should also bring along all availablefirst-aid kits to provide first-aid treatment for guests and staff.4.8健康中心Fitness center4.8.1要求客人立即停止各种运动。请他们保持镇静,立即护送他们从最近的楼梯撤离饭店。Request the guest to stop all recreational activities. Ask them to keepcalm and escort them to leave the hotel imme

38、diately using he nearestexit staircase.4.8.2切断所有电源,包括桑拿房的电源。Turn off power supply to all equipment including sauna.8.4.3检查所有按摩房和卫生间以确保无客人遗漏。Check all message rooms, changing rooms and toilets to ensure nobodyis left behind.8.4.4在所有客人离开后方可到集合地点集合。After all guests have left proceed to the guest assemb

39、ly point.工程部Engineering5.1分配技工紧急任务。13保卫部规定与程序题目:紧急疏散处理规定与程序规定与程序编号:GIH-SE-002.1准备:保卫部经理批准:总经理传达致:各部门页数:5/9日期:2003-11-1日期:2003-11-1生效日期: 2003-11-16.Deploy technicians to emergency assignments.5.1.1分管电和水的技工必须留在岗位上, 只有当总工程师发出撤离命令时才能离开。Taking charge of electricity supply (including emergency generator),

40、plumbing and water supply pumps. These people shall remain in theirwork stations to ensure the proper working of these essential services.They shall only evacuate from their work stations when instruction isreceived from the Chief Engineer.5.1.2关闭煤气。Switch off LP gas (main storage area)5.1.3切断空调。Switch off steam supply air-condition system.5.1.4切断其他不太需要电源的区域供电,以保证消防系统正常运转。Cut off progressively electricity supply to non-essential services so as to

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