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豪生国际酒店 食品服务标准操作程序SOP(中英)P71.doc

1、Food Service SOP食品服务标准作业程序豪生酒店Howard Johnson HotelTable of Contents (FD-S.O.P.)1. Cashier Shift Closing2. Closing and hand3. Check In Process4. Check out Process5. Computer Down6. Foreign Currency7. Hold For Arrival (HFA)8. Cash Paid Out9. Extension of Stay10. Internal Trace Report11. Lost & Found a

2、t Check In12. Pay For13. Due Back14. Cashier remittance and cash Collection of foreign currency15. Room allocation16. Room/Rate Change17. Room Discrepancies18. Sleep Out/Out of Town19. Late Charge20. No Show21. Loss and Breakages22. Rebate23. Late Check out24. Safety Box25. Safety Deposit Boxes Key

3、InventorySTANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURESSubject: Cashier Shift ClosingEffective Date: October 1, 2007Policy No: FO-FD-001Issued by: FOMPage: 1 of 3Approved by:General ManagerDistribution: Executive Committee Department Head A&B: All AssociatesObjectives目标l To ensure that each and every transaction per

4、formed by the Reception Agent is correct and accurate.确保每个发生在前台的每笔交易都正确、精确无误。l To ensure all the guest folios and document is properly audited and balanced at the end of the shift for submission to the Finance Department.确保所有客人的帐务核查准确平衡并在班次结束时交给财务部。Policy Statement政策阐述l It is the hotel policy that t

5、he cashier shift closing is performed at the end of the shift by each Reception Agent.酒店政策规定帐台每班结束时必须交班结算清楚。Procedures程序1. Print a copy of the Cashier Audit report.打印一份收银审计报表。2. Segregate all the guest folios and documents of the same type of transaction together (e.g. Cash Payment, Credit Card Sett

6、lement transactions (by type of credit card), Rebates, Mini bar Charges Voucher, etc.).分开同类交易的客人的帐单。(如:现金支付、信用卡支付交易(按照信用卡的类型)、折扣、小酒吧消费凭证等。)STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURESSubject: Cashier Shift ClosingPages : 2 of 3Policy No: FO-FD-0013. Calculate each group of transactions by calculator and print the

7、tapping with the total amount on it.用计算器计算每笔交易并打印出有交易总数的签购单。4. Check that the total amount of each group transaction is tally with the total amount on the Cashier Audit Report.检查每笔交易总数是否与收银审计报表相吻合。5. If the amounts tally, clip the calculation tapping to the Group Guest folios.如果总数吻合,则将签购单与客人帐单订在一起。6

8、. If the amounts do not tally, the Reception Agent has to check the discrepancies and rectify the discrepancies.如果总数不吻合,前台员工需要检查其差异并纠正之。7. Proceed the Cashier Audit by following each transaction code on the Cashier Audit Report.根据收银审计报表的交易代码进行收银审计。8. Perform each credit card type audit on the Credit

9、 Card machine. Check that the Total amount transacted on the credit card machine tallies with each credit card transaction on the Cashier Audit Report.在信用卡机上对各种信用卡查询核对。检查信用卡机上的交易总数是否与收银报表相一致.9. If the Amount tallies then proceed to do the Settlement of Credit Card Transaction on the Credit Card Mach

10、ine.如果总数吻合。在信用卡机上执行信用卡交易结算。10. Print the Total Settlement of Credit Card according to its host number and attach to the group guest folios, to indicate that it is tallied.根据主机数量打印信用卡总交易额并与客人帐单订在一起,以表明总数一致。11. Complete the Cashier audit by checking that all the guest check out is cleared from the sys

11、tem. 检查所有离店客人手续已在计算机系统中清除,完成收银审计。STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURESSubject: Cashier Shift ClosingPages : 3 of 3Policy No: FO-FD-00112. Next, proceed to count all the cash on hand is tally with the cash transactions of the shift by using following formula:下一步 ,数一下手头的现金,用如下的公式确定其与当班的现金交易是否吻合Cash Payment re

12、ceived +/+ 接收到的现金 +/+Cash Deposit Received +/+ 接收到的押金 +/+Cash Settlement Refund -/- 现金结算退款 -/-Foreign Currency Exchange -/- 外货币兑换 -/-Total Cash On Hand =/= 手头总现金额 =/=13. If the Cash Transaction Audit is correct, record the Total Cash On Hand amount on the Cash Float Log Book available at each cash d

13、rawer.如果现金交易审计正确,在现金日志本上记录手头每个现金抽屉的现金总数。14. Record the Serial Number of the Reception Voucher used on the Log Book as well.同时也在记事本上记录用过的前台凭证的序列号。15. Attach the Cashier Report with all the relevant grouped guest folios, credit card slips, registration cards and supporting bills together and submit to

14、 Accounts Department.将收银报表和客人相关的所有帐单,信用卡联、登记卡,发票等一起并交给财务部。STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURESSubject: Closing and hand over next shiftEffective Date: October 1, 2007Policy No: FO-FD-002Issued by: FOMPage: 1 of 1Approved by:General ManagerDistribution: Executive Committee Department Head A&B: All Associate

15、sObjectives目标l To close the shift in an efficient manner according to the established cashier audit procedures.根据已有的收银审计程序以高效的方式休班。l Hand over the cash on hand to the next incoming shift in an accurate and efficient manner.以高效准确的方式将手头的现金转交给下一个班次。Policy Statement政策阐述l It is the policy of the hotel to

16、 perform the closing of the shift efficiently and hand over to the next incoming shift.酒店政策规定高效休班并交接班。Procedures程序1. Refer to the Cash Float log book and count the total cash on hand in the cash drawer.根据现金流动记事本,清点抽屉中所有现金。2. Using by mode of calculator, enter the total amount of each denomination of

17、 the cash on hand.利用计算器计算手头各种现金。3. Count and add up the amount and print the final calculation slip with the presence of the next incoming shift Front Desk Agent.清点并计算总数,然后在接班的前台员工在场的情况下打印最后的计算单据。4. The incoming shift Front Desk Agent counts and ads up the entire amount and print the final calculati

18、on slip.接班的前台员工清点和计算全部总数并打印最后的计算单据。5. The incoming shift Front Desk Agent acknowledges the receipt of the cash by signing on the Cash Float Log Book.接班的前台员工在现金流动记事本上签字以确认其接收现金。6. If there is any discrepancy perform the calculation again to ensure accuracy.如果存在任何差异,则重新计算以保障准确。7. If there is any exces

19、s or shortage the Front Desk Agent is required to write a report and inform the Guest Relations Officer immediately for investigation.如果存在任何超支或者差额,需要写报告并通知宾客关系主任立刻展开调查。STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURESSubject: Check In Process Effective Date: October 1, 2007Policy No: FO-FD-003Issued by: FOMPage: 1 of 1

20、4Approved by: GMDistribution: Executive CommitteeDepartment Head A&B: All AssociatesObjectives目标l To check in the guest with reservation in a courteous and efficiently manner either by using the arrival list during computer downtime or by using the computer system.高效、礼貌地为有预定的客人办理入住手续,电脑有问题时使用抵店表,平时使

21、用电脑系统为客人办理。l The information on the registration card is complete and valid.登记卡上的信息是完整有效的。l The Payment method is secured.付款方式是安全的。l Check in the guest to a vacant clean room.给客人入住干净的空房。Policy Statement政策阐述l It is the hotels policy to check in guest with reservation on hand in a courteous and effici

22、ent manner with appropriate pace but not more than 5 minutes.酒店政策规定要高效礼貌地为有预定的客人以适当的节奏办理入住手续,但不能超过5分钟。Procedures程序Task 1. ACKNOWLEDGE THE GUEST WITHIN 30 SECONDSa. Acknowledge the guest within 30 seconds在30秒之内问候客人b. If you are busy assisting a guest, another guest approaches reception/concierge make

23、 an eye contact, smile and say “Madame/Sir, I will be right with you” or “I will be with you right away”如果你正忙着接待客人,另外一位客人走近接待台或者礼宾台,要与客人有目光接触,微笑说到“女士/先生,我马上为您办理”或者“这就为您办理”c. Receptionist must immediately set the guest at ease and convey the sense “we are happy to see you and we have been expecting y

24、ou” even if it is very busy. 即使很忙,接待员也必须立刻让客人感觉轻松并传达给客人我们很高兴见到您的感觉,我们在期待您的到来。STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURESSubject: Check In Process Pages : 2 of 14Policy No: FO-FD-003d. Guest must be confident their personal wishes and needs have been anticipated and will be met to the extent possible. Discretion a

25、nd sensitivity are important if other guest area present. 预见并达到客人的需求,并且使之尽可能地延伸。判断力和敏感力很重要。 Task 2. ACTIVELY GREET, WELCOME GUEST (IF KNOWN BY USING GUEST NAME AND WELCOME BACK FOR RETURN GUEST) WITH APPROPRIATE SALUTATION AND OFFER ASSISTANCE 积极主动,以适当的问候语欢迎客人,并且为客人提供帮助(称呼回头客的姓名,如果认识客人也要称呼客人姓名)a. St

26、aff will actively greet guests, smile, make eye contact and speak clearly in a friendly manner 员工要主动问候客人,微笑,保持目光的接触。表达清晰,礼貌友善。b. When a guest approaches the front desk, the receptionist should initiate service, using the guests name if know, with a warm welcome, a smile, eye contact and friendly gre

27、eting: “Good morning/afternoon/evening. How May I assist you?”当客人走近前台,接待员便要开始服务,如果知道的话请称呼客人的姓名,微笑,与客人保持目光的接触并给以友好热烈的欢迎:“早上好/下午好/晚上好,有什么我可以为您效劳的吗?”c. We never use casual language with the guest. It is inappropriate to say “Hi.” As certain the guest needs and provide appropriate service.禁止对客人使用随便的语言,对

28、客人说“HI”是不恰当的。特定的客人需要提供适当的服务。d. For guest Who Are Checking-In :对于那些正在办理入住手续的客人 First time guests with a reservation, “Welcome to Howard Johnson All Suites Suzhou.”有预定但是初次入住,“欢迎光临苏州豪生全套房酒店。” Walk-in guest without reservation, “Welcome to Howard Johnson All Suites Suzhou.”没有预定的散客,“欢迎光临苏州豪生全套房酒店。” And l

29、et me check to see what we have available.”让我来看一下我们还有什么房型 Guest returning, “Welcome back to Howard Johnson All Suites Suzhou.”回头客人,“欢迎光临苏州豪生全套房酒店。”STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURESSubject: Check In Process Pages : 3 of 14Policy No: FO-FD-003d. No guest will wait longer than 30 seconds in line reception

30、desk before acknowledgement.在致意前,没有客人会在总台排队等候超过30秒。e. All guest contact staff will be able to answer basic questions about the property, will take ownership of simple request, and not simply refer guests elsewhere.所有接触客人的员工都应该能回答一些基本问题,把这些要求当作自己的事,而不是简单地让客人去其它地方解决。f. If you are on the telephone, ack

31、nowledge the guest presence with their body language or by placing the caller on hold for a moment.如果你正在接听电话,要先用肢体语言知会在场的客人或者先请致电方稍侯。Task 3. ASCERTAIN GUEST NAME 确认客人的姓名a. Once it is established that the guest is checking in, the receptionist needs to ascertain the guest name if they have not provid

32、ed it by asking; “May I have your name, please?”一旦已经确定客人要办理入住手续而客人尚未告知姓名,接待员可以问:“我可以知道您的名字吗?”b. Staff will create a sense of recognition by using the guest name, when known, in a natural and discreet manner.员工应该通过称呼客人姓名来创造一种尊重客人的意识,在知道的情况下,应该很自然礼貌地称呼客人的姓名。c. Once the guest name is known, you should

33、use the name two to three times during the check-in or check-out interaction.如果你知道客人的姓名,在客人办理入住或离店手续时候,与客人交流时应该称呼客人姓名2到3次。Task 4.RETRIEVE GUEST RESERVATION IN COMPUTER 在电脑里找到客人的预定a. If the guest name does not appear in the computer, you may want to ask the guest for correct spelling of their name to

34、 assist you, “Mr. Lim, I am spelling that L.I.M. Is that correct? “如果电脑里找不到客人的姓名,你需要问客人他们姓名的正确拼写以协助你,如“LIM 先生,L I M 这样拼写你的姓名正确吗?”b. A second alternative will be to ask the guest for a confirmation number, in case you are still unable to locate the reservation另外一种可供参考的方法就是通过询问客人预定的确认号,以防预定尚未输入电脑。STAN

35、DARD OPERATING PROCEDURESSubject: Check In Process Pages : 4 of 14Policy No: FO-FD-003c. Receptionist will personalize the arrival experience by immediately assuring guests that “we do have your reservation”.接待员马上向客人确认“我们有你的预定”以给到店客人个性化服务的感觉。Task 5. OBTAIN AND PRESENT REGISTRATION CARD TO GUEST 拿到并呈

36、上入住登记卡给客人a. Registration card will be completed prior to check-in for all guests who have a reservation. You may locate the registration cards in the arrival bucket, filed alphabetically by the guest last name.入住登记卡应该在客人办理入住手续前为已有预约的客人制作完成,你可在预抵客人的篮子里查找到客人登记卡,是按客人姓名的字母顺序排列的。b. The registration card

37、is fully completed in advance, with all details provided during the reservation process.登记卡应事先按照预定过程中提供的信息全部填写完整。c. If registration card is coded as a return guest, welcome the guest back to the hotel and ask for signature provided valid credit information. The receptionist should register the guest

38、 in the computer.如果登记卡上显示该客人为回头客,应该欢迎客人再次光临酒店,请客人提供有效的信用卡信息和签名。接待员在电脑中作客人信息的登记。d. If the reservation is for the first time guest, present him or her with the registration card and ask him or her to fill out the mailing address if different on the card. While the guest is filling out the registration

39、 card, the Receptionist should assign the correct type of room requested. Ensure a signature on the bottom of registration card.如果是客人的第一次预订,交给客人登记卡并让客人填写通讯地址。在客人填写登记卡事,接待员应该按照客人的要求正确的分配房型。最后确保客人在登记表底端的签字。e. Signatures are significant for more than just check-in and credit card usage. They are usage

40、for cross-reference with food and beverage bill in order of disputed charges. Signatures also allow us to process late charge on the guests credit card. 签字的重要性不仅仅在于客人办理入住和信用卡的使用方面。为避免有争议的收费,在餐饮消费后也可有参考的作用。客人的签名同样对我们在对客人信用卡做补充收费也有用。 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURESSubject: Check In Process Pages : 5 of

41、14Policy No: FO-FD-003f. Return guest Verify the address by asking, “Mr. Lim, is this address correct?”回头客通过询问“LIM 先生,这个地址对吗?”核实地址。g. If the guest is traveling with a second person and reservation does not indicate this, verify if that person needs to be registered for phone calls and or key access.

42、 Request the name of the second guest and immediately add them to the reservation information into the computer during the check-in process. Provide any necessary items the second person may need.如果有两位客人同行,而预订上没有显示出这点,与另外一位客人核实是否需要登记以便有电话找,询问客人是否需要钥匙。得知第二位客人的姓名后,立即加入预订信息,并在电脑中办理入住手续,给第二位客人提供所需要的物品。T

43、ask 6. CONFIRM WITH GUEST THE NUMBER OF NIGHTS, DEPARTURE DATE, ROOM TYPE AND SMOKING/NON SMOKING PREFERENCE 和客人确认住几晚,离店日期,房型 是喜欢吸烟楼层还是非吸烟楼层。a. Present the guest with the registration card, confirming the length of stay by verbalizing number of night with a departure date/time and then indicate the

44、rate by pointing to the appropriate line on the registration card. We do not mention the rate verbally for privacy purposes, especially since other guest may be standing nearby. 呈上客人的登记卡,确认客人入住天数,离店日期。在登记卡上标明房价那一拦指出房价。应注意口头上不说出房价,因为涉及客人隐私问题,特别是其他客人站在周围的时候。b. If there is a rate change during the stay

45、, note it on the registration card and confirm it with the guest.如果客人居住期间房费有任何变动,要在登记表上注明并和客人确认。c. Verify the room type, give a brief description of the room and reconfirm any special requests.核实房型,简单介绍房间情况并且再次确认客人的特殊要求。d. Obtain passport and or have a copy of passport as mandated by local law (PSB).根据当地法律的要求向客人获取护照或护照的复印件。e. All occupants of the room should be registered for safety and security reasons and to ensure the phone calls/messages are received.为了安全,所有住客都必须登记,也为了确保电话信息及时的传递。f. Up sell whenever appropriate according to ho

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